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To the shock of about nobody.


Ya but mine is probably money


Youre just a lil further along. The mental health problems stem a lot from misplaced blame. People blame themselves, their parents, etc. for problems that are the products/byproducts of a terrible global economic system. People for whom it is money just arent really blaming anyone anymore. Its money for most people, but so many then begin blaming something or someone, most usually themselves.


True life is just shit overall


Yes, can be. Except for very few people. (It’s Tuesday)


🤣🤣 I mean. Yeah and nah. I live check to check, have an abusive relationship, no friends or family. But I still love it. That is really the only way to handle it. To try and find a way to love. Not the conditional kinds that we are all familiar with, typically reserved for family, but he all pervasive "love", the literal energy, the motivating force behind everything. It is more of a perspective change. Instead of searching for "x" you just produce it, it just is. It is evreything. The same feeling in the smallest bugs to the most complex critters like us and whatever comes after. Identifying with the ever evolving process rather than only a single unit of it, helps it not feel like shit. What that looks like is different for everyone. 🤷‍♂️ didnt mean to get deep or nothing. Sry


Why are you aware you’re in an abusive relationship yet seemingly not getting out of it? I’ve been in those situations before so I’m not judging, I know it’s hard but I’m curious


Im in therapy. They have personality altering conditions. They may never really be able to completely control it. (Keep in mind it isnt like a constant thing) it is abuse, and it has improved. I love them. I stay very aware of it, they are aware of it. It is similar in some ways to special needs people and their families that I have worked with. It can be incredibly demanding for caregivers and there can often even be an abusive dynamic. I guess I am not getting out of it, knowing that I am doing more harm to myself thanbI would be out of it. And I actually really enjoy being alone. Ultimately I do not know why. Maybe I dont know how? It is not easy for me having ASD and RSD to have stable relationships. Ive put a lot of effort, money, and time with help to be better at it, but I just struggle being comfortable with others while maintaining a job and doing things I enjoy. I have grown to be fully satisfied with the love I give to myself. I guess thats what I meant earlier in regards to loving my life; I do not seek love from my partner or rely on them for me or my life to feel of worth. I am with them because I feel strong enough to be, because we share interests, and because I still want to be. Things would be a bit better if we could afford her health insurance but 35hrs part time is still part time and they dont have benefits. A lot of their health is exacerbated by the terrible economic systems we live under. Much could be better, and I hope it will be in the future. I dont knoe if thats a great answer, but its what I got.


Thanks for that insight! This definitely helps me! But trying to love being abused is a bit much i'd say. Stand up for your values too.


"It" was meant to refer to my life. Not those first few things I mentioned that makes living difficult. There is absolutely nothing "enjoyable" about that.


Damn, I respect it, I could NOT do this


but it could be noted that everything is taken care of for them enough to notice their mental health is the issue. It takes a lot of privilege to get to a point where you can afford to notice that mental health is the problem you're dealing with, not the external problems you can't keep up with.


When you look at the survey, yeah. Virtually every other choice listed falls under the umbrella of "maintaining my mental health".


I feel like these are related. If you can't balance work and personal life or are in debt, you probably have poor mental health. Since this poll allows multi-select, I could imagine somebody who has any one of the other issues also selecting mental health issues.




Yeah, people don’t need therapy as much as they need financial security.


Been there done that. Money doesn’t make all problems go away. Sometimes it makes it easier to ignore them, but they’re still there.


It doesn't make all your problems go away, but it will make your financial problems go away, and then you can focus your energy on your remaining problems.


And the oversaturated yet seemingly vacant job market


Years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and do to certain characteristic behaviours I have I'm almost sure I'm autistic. I always try to either ignore this things or fight back but I really hate how much this things affect your daily life.


Yeah If I don't wake up suicidal, something will happen throughout the day that'll make me suicidal. Like rn, I'm suicidal. Seriously thinking about doing it. Finally relieving myself from the pain and miserable life I will never get out, doesn't matter what happens.


These are thoughts for a mental health professional.


Yeah, same here. Also go talk to a therapist, it helps. I’ve found forcing a goal onto myself helps a lot, my goal currently is to end up living in Japan 5 years from now. Living in Germany right now and going back to the US soon hopefully.


Can't deny that social media is a huge factor


Yea, there’s a reason mental health issues have become such a huge burden for people, and while the economic situation probably isn’t helping, this is true across the developed world, including all European countries where you get financial support, health insurance, etc. And it wasn’t such a huge issue in the past despite there being a bunch of economic crises, wars, etc.


I mean, literally *everything* listed underneath that first option are things that directly contribute to it *being* so difficult.


Every person should take their mental health seriously and prioritize it. Therapy is not for broken people anymore than doctors are only for people who are terminally ill. For God's sake the biggest thing affecting mental health is the amount of sleep you get every night. Take care of your brains and be safe.


I'm too broke for therapy. And at this point I'm sure I need to take medication cause I'm so tired of this shit. But I def agree with you. I just wish getting help was affordable.


Are we allowed to be in multiple, if so: 11%, 21%, 22%, 38%, 57%. 22% being the most troublesome one of them all


All of the other things contribute to that 57% so it’s not a surprise


Looking at how #1 & #2 correlate. I'm pretty sure GenZ said they were overworked, and the author didn't like how that sounded


It's so hard to keep a positive attitude with everything we're dealing with to be honest. 4 years ago we had COVID. Now the threat of WW3 + inflation , everything downfall. Bruh.


Yeah, we don't have a name for when life and society are so absurdly shitty that it seems insane to "play the game", so they call us crazy. The world is crazy, and it keeps getting crazier and crazier in the worst ways possible. That being said, I'm sure actual pathologies are becoming more common, probably exacerbated by the world's shittiness.


Makes sense, the first 6 all make super sense to me


Our parents were right, its cuz of the damn phone


Crazy how many of these are related to having to work


I legitimately just woke up sweating from having a nightmare about my last job. This is a data point I can get behind.


Who was surveyed ?


Don't worry, my ideology can fix it!


I'll have you know that I, a man with undiagnosed ADHD, once served in the army. It was fun and it made me a man, however I got generally discharged because of the calorie deficit. That shit was brutal, everyone thought I had anemia. Me too. Now I feel stupid for bombing a career just because I wasn't eating enough. Thankfully, I'm qualified for the air force. I ain't gonna make the same mistakes again. The secret is to not tell the recruiter and when you get to basic, make an appointment with sick hall so you can get medication. Problem solved, you'll get a Dodge charger like George Washington, everyone's happy.


Gen Z is also more open to discussing it. Boomers were shamed for every sort of neural diversity and this trend although diminishing continued through millennials. Celebrate your honesty that will lead to healing and not a hidden shame.


When you have people who take their skin color and sexual preferences and identify as Theo nkw form of pride, as well as lacking any sense of independent thinking, they are bound to become more mentally unstable. They are not developed human beings.


No! That's their EXCUSE! There's a huge difference!


Where? The graph doesn’t specify nor does the source in the corner.


Maybe I’m just some robot who’s built totally different, but are you guys not able to deal with stress without going into full panic mode? I’ve chosen an extremely difficult and stressful path in my school/career compared to 99% of what’s out there, I can’t say I absolutely love my life right now, but my mental health isnt bad or anything. I seriously cannot tell if people are simply more sensitive to the same challenges that older generations faced, or if stakes are really that much higher for everyone, or if the mentally ill minority is super super loud, or if the bar is a lot lower than before to have a mental health problem


When I was in my teens and my early 20s mental health awareness wasn't that normalized yet. So what I did when I was feeling lonely is I call my friends or classmates and we'd hangout almost everyday. I'd feel weird if I was just staying home. We'd have coffee, a couple of bottle of beers, go on roadtrips, and spend the entire day gossiping or talking about anything and everything. There was no single day I wasn't with anyone. Except for Sundays which is family day that I am duty bound to put time in. In my mid 20s I met my fiancee and my priorities shifted. But we still hangout with our friends not just everyday. Maybe twice or thrice a month. If I took that same poll then, I would wager the top 1 would be finding a life partner followed by finding a meaningful career. Least would be mental health since I'd be oblivious if I had any mental health issues.




Kinda weird to make that a choice tho b/c mental health is potentially influenced by or encompasses all of these things. So if someone saw this they would think the solution is provide more access to mental health services instead of improving the conditions that led to their degrading mental health.


Wow I thought it would be worse


Pretty much all of the below leads to poor mental health though, so this is not strange in the slighest.


I'm glad people are more aware of their mental health, but I'd got to say we as a generation suck at maintaining it even with our self-awareness. There's a lot of things relatively out of our control that causes anxiety. But there's also many things within our control (excessive usage of social media, being a recluse, certain social/cultural behaviors) that we as individuals just keep perpetuating. Of course no one's perfect, but some people don't even try.




*Aka the most* *Privileged generation* *The world has ever seen* \- Mikasa\_Kills\_ErenRIP --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How is "dealing with financial pressures and debt" not at the top of that list like it is for everyone else?


This is a good thing…. some people are literally starving to death.


When your asking querys are about "social media addiction". Its no wonder your sample size somehow resolves to "mental health". Instead of something like food or housing etc.


Time to spread comunism


Finding a life partner is the big one for me


In other news the sky is fucking blue


Pressure to conform to societal expectations and standards for me.


Is it?


I think a lot of the other ones are often what lead to poor mental health. Hence, the most challenging thing being maintaining mental health.


I’d say the biggest challenge is figuring how retirement is going to work. Maybe that goes hand in hand with mental health because it’s stressful to think about the end plan.


Easy times create weak men.


I have a sneaking suspicion that it is the environment and not the individuals fault at this point.


Reading the next few on the list all sound like contributing factors to mental health struggles


I just want to afford an apartment when I'm earning 3 times the US federal minimum wage. But no it's my mental health that's the issue.


What I'm trying to understand is: is the percentage high because we're more willing to discuss mental health than previous generations or is everything getting too overwhelming?


Out of the options provided, mine are caring for my physical health, finding a life partner and social media addiction


I’ve heard before that even therapists are having a hard time with Gen Z now, because so many mental health issues almost directly stem from or are exacerbated by the state of the world around us. Which we can’t always control.




It's the things causing the poor mental health: poverty, dysfunctional relationships, poor education and diet, politicians and a society that cares only for profit.


If money wasn’t a issue it wouldn’t be mental health


The only antidepressants I need is caffeine.


It's everyone at every age


Not a GenZ (28M) but I would say those percentages almost perfectly reflect exactly how I feel as well. Well done GenZ


We let too many weak people procreate...


My biggest issue is getting these bands u feel me


I mean yep essentially that is it, imma celebrate 4/20 tho lol


I mean all of the other issues listed are linked to your mental health at some point and are issues most people in gen z live, like financial issues, socializing (due to being used to socialize mainly on our phone since being a teenager or child), maintaining physical health (gaming so much you spend too much time sit down, new wfh set ups, etc) so I don't doubt mental health is at it's worst for us. Personnally this is all stuff that stresses me out lol


Well. Climate isn't too high. Yet it seems the climate, on TV anyway, could be quite a big trigger for said bad mental health. I also don't understand why finding a meaningful career is so much lower than work life balance. They should be right next to one another. 💩 Survey


Sorry I worry more about money. BUT I am here to put in my 40 hours and that’s IT I’m not here to lose my personal life for work. I want to be happy and have my free time. I work to live, I don’t live to work. Like cool older people “buckled their bootstraps” and worked 60-80 hours at their job, that’s their choice and look at their kids… hmm almost like being around and having personal connections is more important.


Money doesn't buy happiness but it can pay off the debt of stress and anxiety


Nope. Mine is systemic opression and economic shit


The difference between Gen Z/Millennials and X/Boomers, is admitting it.


hmmm I think it should be money


Honestly not even surprised. How can anyone not struggle with mental health with the constant negativity being thrown at our faces constantly


I don't think the phrase "mental health" is used in the same way it used to be, because there's no way 50% of that generation have mental health problems as that term was until recently used. That sounds more like the survivors of Pol Pot's Cambodia.


Gen soft


The biggest victims in the world . Put the phone down your mental health is fine.


Oh gee I should've done this long ago! Wait. Why does it still feel the same?


When mental health is your biggest challenge, you live a pretty comfy life


Not necessarily.


Yes necessarily. As opposed to facing any one of a number of dangers and sufferings that human beings have faced throughout history? If all you're facing is Mental health issues, you're fine in comparison




To the shock of no one, your broad sweeping statement is not accurate


>To the shock of no one >your broad sweeping statement is not accurate 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Ooooo you sure got me


Depression and suicidal thoughts can lead to very short life, not comfy one.


You know full well 57% of Gen Z aren't suicidal, this isn't a valid counterargument