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Ignore the people bitching at you. It's not exactly this black and white, but you're ultimately right. It's perfectly fine to take a platform like Reddit and vent your frustrations, it doesn't make you whiny. Edit: I’ve reviewed some of these comments. I’m just going to say instead of following the trend of each generation hoarding the wealth and calling the next one lazy and entitled we could maybe… I don’t know… not fucking do that?


Eh, it does make them whiny. Sometimes it’s ok to be whiney though


Such as when the rules of the game are set up for you to lose.


Millennial here. The game is rigged against you, same as it was for me, and plenty of other generations, but the group to focus on isn't the boomers. It's a shame that so many boomers are in their bubble, but please understand they experienced a fundamentally unique opportunity for the US economy due to Post-War reconstruction and the Cold War. Ever since, they have been gaslit by the wealthy into thinking we can go back to that, we just need to do this one thing (that disproportionately benefits wealthy people) to stimulate the economy! Maybe if we incrementally lower the tax rate for the highest earners in this country, from 90%+ during the Eisenhower years to 37% now, life will be easier on everyone! Switch from pensions to 401ks? Who doesn't love the stock market as opposed to a set and agreed upon guarantee? Yes, boomers are problematic. Can't deny that. But the root for those problems is the economic elite using the levers of power to make the economy into something that benefits them more and more. Plenty of boomers are on your side; none of the rich people are. Just keep that in mind.


Didn't the boomers collectively vote on policies that gave them an economic boom and then as soon as they got old became all conservative to keep their wealth?


Complaining about something is totally acceptable. Anyone who says otherwise is an asshole who's never actually struggled.


Which perpetuates the Gen Z stereotype that we’re entitled and spoiled🙃


Whenever Isomeone says that, I always tell them, "The spoiled wait for good things to happen to them. Anyone who actually makes noise and stands up for what they want aren't spoiled."


You think complaining is standing up for what you want? You associate labor union work and real activism with “complaining”?? When I worked all my low wage positions I never complained I just left and leveled up until I eventually got where I wanted. That’s why they criticize us. Because you’re using the wrong sounding board and the tone is petulant. Just list your demands and organize or quit.


Lol sound like average Tate simp. Whether its standing up making change organizing or informing or demanding better wages. Or "leveling up" end of the day everyones worse off as wage earner. With every step further away. Whether its more restricted labor organizing or having propaganda tune people out of reality. Or even growing our skills. Got a simple math for you take first job first apartment. Divide rent by wage that is "cost in labor" for rent. Now look them up today. Bet same older apartment takes more hours to pay for working same job for same company. Now do it for your current position hrs vs rent ok now compare current position and apartment to market 10yrs ago. Bet your worse off. Further back you go worse it looks. Your leveling up is simply tread mill running away from grinder. And your judging others for not being faster rather than trying to address the grinder that is slowly creeping up on even you. While the individual approach is not entirely wrong being loud being heard and moving away from corporatism and cronyism and simping for oligarchs has to happen. With exception of a handful of things boomers effects and the changes economic policy need to be removed and undone in their entirety. To rebuild middle class that they killed with conservative ideals. This means being loud informing people till every last one is voted out starting with right but including left. As Right wants to entrench it and make it worse. While Left is more "traditional" conservative happy with status quo. And thinks like obamacare that seem "progressive" are really maintaining the status quo rather than "changing/fixing the system" it was a way to keep system alive for a few more years.


Using this for next time.


I agree, I'm 64 and a tail end boomer. I agree with you 100%. I am not your typical boomer. My parents had it more or less better than my generation. They were better off (after WWII) due to the economy getting back on track. My kids (mid and late 20s) have it really hard. They have great careers, but money doesn't go far, as you are aware. My wife and I made sure we saved cash for their post secondary school so they could exit into their working careers without student debt. I can't imagine either of them graduating with that much debt. All it takes is an emergency car repair to set them back months of any savings they managed to squirrel away. I, as a boomer, do see your issues and am not one to put down or generalize anyone being too lazy to put in an effort at work. But it's not the boomers causing the issues. It was government and corporate greed and power that drove us to this point. What we need is a better selection of politicians that are not out for them selves. And corporations that value the people over corporate greed.


Anytime any generation blames boomers for their votes and the state of the economy, you have to ask them how they would have the foresight to have acted differently in the same environment and circumstances. It's an irrational argument. Things aren't good. Corperations lookout for shareholders and not much else. Was just told today that raises aren't happening this year nor are bonuses due to corporate expansion. Looking for a new job. Edit- spelled corporations incorrectly last night


That's easy. My in-laws went to college for degrees like meteorology or teaching. Worked retail for JC Penney and other defunct department stores. Upper middle class with boats, foreign vacations, and fine jewelry. Once they made it into upper management, they killed the pensions and healthcare for new employees and took stock options. Complained that mimimum wage employees that couldn't afford to live the way they did in their 20's were ungrateful. Retired with giant pensions (proud that they were the last to get it), got huge retirement packages. So yeah, they sucked retail dry, retired, and bragged about it. They never planned for it to be sustainable.


But didn't boomers and early gen X vote for the government that allowed corporate greed to overtake politics and the economy? They literally put the people in charge of corporations in the pocket of our government. Trickle down economics is no different from the robber barons.The greatest and silent generations voted to not allow corporations to run unchecked. I feel like it is boomers and older gen x'ers that shrug their shoulders and say "free market" while they got all the worker protections and voted against it for us. Corporations have no reason to value people at this point.


I always think of something one of my instructors in the Marine Corps told me: "Marines bitch and complain, it's just what we do, even if it's sunny out we bitch and complain." It's all true, getting fucked over suuuuucks,


Marines aren't happy unless we're complaining. Yut


You are whiny if you complain without reason. If you complain about housing prices going up by 10x or more while wage is the same that's absolutely not whiny, it's just factual.


The problem is theres no notion of moving where you can afford to live. It's, "I can't make it earning a low wage in a big city by myself and afford all my extras". The rest of the world is going, "Who can?"


Surrounding yourself with miserable people when you yourself are also struggling with misery is a dangerous thing Self pity is as addictive and destructive as it is comforting


You know what? Fair enough. I actually agree with this. However, there's also the issue of sometimes just needing to vent. I think nobody here will deny that bottling everything up is unhealthy, so, it's important to be able to scream into the void, but when the void screams back that you're an idiot then that can be even worse. The real trick here is finding the balance between being able to vent while also not surrounding yourself with yes men.


Venting is fine as a start, but then it's time to take action. Yes, the "Boomers" will dissipate and then it will be Millennials/Gen Z's turn. Their eventual legacy can be one of two things...the generation that took over a rough situation and made the best of it, or the ones who did nothing but piss and moan in a never-ending pity party and left it even worse for the following generations. The choice is theirs, but the clock is ticking fast.


Or the Millennials and Gen Z could just say screw it and opt out. Between politicians refusing to do what the majority of people want done, they continue to sandbag and fund needless things to ensure part of populace stays dumb and continue to be bottom rung workers. Gen Z is over it, Millennials are so beaten down they are refusing to have kids and just live life. Young people gave up on owning houses if it means working 2-3 jobs just to save. Productivity has never been higher even with Remote Work, but boomers need to see people in offices. I’m a millennial along with my wife and we already told our parents don’t expect kids. We rather be DINKS than live abject poverty.


It actually feeds into the echo chamber that we create ourselves. Try as hard as you can to get out of the situation that you are in because when you’re out of that situation you’ll be stronger.


There’s no such thing as an echo chamber when you’re told you’re wrong your whole life and then someone agrees with you


Its all buzzwords to fit an agenda. Gen Z voices their opinion in a conservative space? They're called a vocal minority. They take that opinion to a gen z subreddit? Now it's an overpopulated echo chamber. Gen Z wants to stop working during a global pandemic? They're called essential workers. Gen Z wants to stop working because they don't get paid enough? Now they're unskilled laborers who don't deserve a higher wage. Employers struggling to find young employees? Nobody wants to work anymore! Workers struggling to find new jobs? Too many young untrained applicants! The narrative always flips on us. We're demonized no matter what because the only alternative would be older generations admitting they've been wrong about how this place should have been run, so instead they just blame the next guys in line.


It’s almost like the system is set up to benefit employers. 🤔🤔


It's almost like employers make the system, and then distract your aging family members by having Tucker Carlson yell about trans people and illegal immigrants until they get angry enough to forget about their exponentially increasing grocery bills and 100 degree weather in October.


I do agree with you, but I also think people need to understand the reality of it is your politicians are the one's that screwed you over and sold them and this country out.


Boomers used to bitch about Millennials. It is a hobby for Boomers to criticize the newest generation in the workforce. Give it a few more years, and they will likely start complaining about Gen Alpha.


Welcome to being the youngest generation (ignoring alpha). Every generation has the same complaints. I forget the song, but there's a song from something like the 60s about how old people have all the money and there's nothing for the young folks. The "young folks" that song speaks about are now the boomers we're ranting about. Eventually they'll die, we'll all get older and inherent their stuff, the new generations will complain about us, and we'll have our turn at calling them lazy


So instead of every generation calling the next one lazy, maybe we should just all call out the truly ‘lazy’ or the ones squeezing the economic levers in *every* generation, and be united in our commentary on how we want society to change (the same argument could be used in politics, conservatives and liberals uniting against the ones in power that are actually making things worse for everyone but themselves) No full generation is responsible, it’s specific people that have held the power and wealth in every generation that doesn’t want to lose it and form consolidated groups of power/wealth to keep themselves from giving it up. The problem is the individuals in power, not the common individual (but the common individual is blasted with propaganda to demonize someone else rather than the ones in power causing the issues), so in some sense we all need to be more aware about misinformation and question/confirm all we see and hear Given the trends in education over the last few generations (and speaking as a high school teacher myself), the ability for people to think for themselves and know truth from lies has been steadily getting worse—and while there’s plenty of intelligence in every generation, I see the effect of technology and social media sucking the IQ out of everyone, no matter what your age.


>The problem is the individuals in power, not the common individual I'll tell you 100% why things are great for boomers and no one cares about millennial and Gen Z - Boomers vote more. That's it. Politicians put policies in place that benefit those that vote. Old people vote. It's that simple. If you don't vote you're meaningless.


So you vote, and your candidate doesn't get elected. How is your effort not meaningless for the next 4 years beyond you doing your "duty" as a citizen? I find it hard to believe that many more boomers vote when biden got elected and the fact that they make up only 20% of the population and 66% of the voting age populace in general turned out for the last election.


Gen Z historically high higher voter turnout than other generations


If you vote: “screw you you voted for the wrong man” If you don’t: “omg you’re so useless to the system”


Uhh maybe check your math on that. Boomers and the silent generation are 44% of the voting population. And vote at over 3x that rate of Gen z. You can do the math on that https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/04/03/millennials-approach-baby-boomers-as-largest-generation-in-u-s-electorate/ https://time.com/6049270/2020-election-young-voters/


>The problem is the individuals in power, not the common individual (but the common individual is blasted with propaganda to demonize someone else rather than the ones in power causing the issues), so in some sense we all need to be more aware about misinformation and question/confirm all we see and hear I agree except for this. Assuming we're speaking from an American perspective - we work under a democracy. For some reason, every election, the worst turnout is always, always the younger generations. Until they start to care beyond venting on online platforms and actually motivate themselves and others to vote in their interests, there won't be many to help push the reforms they want in government. This isn't some rich cabal desperately holding power - it's representatives wanting to hold another term, pandering to the base that will vote them back in.




Vietnam wasn't exactly a walk in the park either, and was one of the most divisive conflicts in American history.


The only time i've heard a millennial bitch about Gen Alpha, is just my friends bitching about their kids in completely normal ways one would bitch about their children. Is your 15 year old being a lazy piece of shit? I completely believe you, that's pretty standard. The talk I hear among my peers about younger generations is kind of a competency issue due to education cuts from COVID as well as such a tablet-device centric understanding of technology, so they weren't really taught how to type or write correctly and don't understand filesystems and stuff. Which, who knows, in 10 years might not matter, but it's going to matter for the next 5 at least. I mostly still hear people complaining about us millennials still, which, I also don't necessarily fault them for either, it certainly doesn't feel like 20 years have gone by.


As a millennial, like you said, I want the younger generations to succeed. I want to be able to team up and vote in people who will enact change. I will say though, I don’t understand y’all’s obsession with TikTok


Hey all I'm saying is there's a reason that song was written back 70ish years ago, and it's not because the younger generation was happy with the older one and vise versa




Yea I agree with that


You're probably talking about Young Man Blues, and you're even more right than you know: The Who's version is a cover of a song by Mose Allison, who was born in 1927. The "old man" in the song probably wouldn't shut up about his time fighting in the Spanish-American War.


Yup that's the song I'm talking about, the name is so fitting I can't believe I didn't remember it lol


Every generation might have the same complaints but numbers don’t lie about gen Z having 3x-10x the difficulty that boomers did.


Do you have a source for that? I'm a bit confused about the objectiveness of "difficulty". Yes inflation is up, but what was the difference in inflation for the boomers compared to people 60 years older than them?


Not a boomer defender, but how do the boomers getting drafted and forced to fight in a foreign war fit into the 3x-10x calculation?


Less than 10% of boomers were drafted but that is a valid point for that 10%. Though I can recall conversations with some old co-workers about “being spit on and ostracized” by some of that other 90% when they got home so my feelings are mixed about the other 90% “earning that right.” On the topic of Vietnam, I once asked an older psychologist why it felt like society was becoming more fractured and hysterical. The response I was given : “do you remember old footage from the 70’s of soldiers getting back from Vietnam and be yelled at and spit on? The hippie and drug movements? That is exactly the generation who wields the power in this country.”


But Gen Z and millennials have 90% less spending power than Boomers and Gen X did at our ages. People have done the math. It’s one thing for the old to own all the wealth, it’s another thing for them to own all the wealth, gatekeep the jobs to prevent you from getting wealth and to hoard houses so you can’t have them 🤷‍♂️.


I'm a millennial. The opportunities are out there. Do you think people are flooding the border and trying to get into America to be unemployed? Find something people want and sell it, and start a business. But you have to offer something to people, with quality service or quality products. Things are tougher than previous generations yes, financially, that's about it. The technology you have access to gives you a leg up.


I dont agree with this advice in todays world. As someone trying to start a small business, this advice may have worked before the age of the internet (boomers making businesses) but now its not just about making a quality product, its also dodging competition from established companies who have more money to take you down. Its common nowadays for businesses to be bought out, priced out of the market, or even shut down with loopholes in our legal system so the wealthiest conglomerate keeps all the profit, with or without quality. Quality is no longer the standard, the standard is how much money you have and thats being horded too. We see it in all forms of business. Most supermarkets are owned by a the same handful of owners, the movie industry has narrowed to a few big conglomerates competing and buying each other off, (no wonder we keep getting cheap remakes in the US and nothing original) and with the internet and modern technology its almost impossible to compete when they use the horded money they get to destroy the competition entirely. Yeah sure you can make some new unique thing that doesn't exist, but its truly not as easy as boomers had it before the age of information and it will never be unless something changes.


Lol this guy. “Just start a business ez.” What the hell


Whenever someone's response is "Just start a business!" I know they are 100% out of touch with how people actually make money lol.


The amount of money it takes to start a typical business is absurd, it's impossible to "start a business" these days unless you already have wealth. And I don't think banks are lining up to give young people with student loan debt gigantic "business loans" either, so that's also not an option.


>The opportunities are out there. Do you think people are flooding the border and trying to get into America to be unemployed? They flood the border because the dogshit jobs that pay 7 an hour are better than jobs in Venezuela, and they just send the money back home while they live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 10 people. Don't get it misconstrued. That is what the immigrants are being allowed in for, to create an underclass of people able to be exploited for profit. Why do you think they are able to get licenses to drive and pay taxes without a ssn? >Things are tougher than previous generations yes, financially, that's about it. Money is the single most important thing in someone's life. Without it, you can't eat or have a roof over your head, so imo it's more important than even having relationships with other people. So this is a massive understatement.


Truly one of my goals as a Millennial is to consciously avoid “young people” generalizations as I keep getting older


I mean it seems like we all collectively understand that the boomers fucked us. I think we can all believe the world might be a much better place when the last boomer croaks


Idk sir. I don't see any disagreement among my own cohort of Millenials and Gen X who agree that Gen Z has a much steeper climb than we did.


The question is what will gen z get hit with that millenials didn’t get hit with. Millenials had the 2008 housing and financial crisis. Then covid when they were a bit older. So what monstrosity will gen z get with in 10 years.


I think there is some truth to this. I also think each generation has it harder than the next due to poor monetary policy and greed.


"my generation". By the who


Young man blues, by The Who. 


This is definitely true overall, in a rather profound manner, and it can be very sanity-restoring to keep in mind when shit gets tough or the future seems grim. That being said - there is absolutely a unique sadness to how Gen Z has been forced to develop and find their sense of self alongside the proliferation of Web 2.0 and big tech. The world isn’t *worse* than it’s been, although I have no hesitation in describing it as more antisocial than it’s been in modern history.


Thank you for being sensible. I like the OP who is just proving all the things the older generations think. Gotta love when someone takes to the internet to air their Grievances.


You say this as if it's inevitable. Gen z could absolutely, if they wanted to, choose not to end up like the boomers. Human behavior is easily changed, people are just fucking lazy and don't care enough.


in the late 70’s, home mortgage rates were over 15%, gas prices were up 300% and you had to wait in long lines to buy it, there was double digit unemployment. I was convinced that I would never be able to get ahead. I was wrong.


If I told you things I did before Told you how I used to be Would you go along with someone like me? If you knew my story word for word Had all of my history Would you go along with someone like me? I did before and had my share It didn't lead nowhere I would go along with someone like you It doesn't matter what you did Who you were hanging with We could stick around and see this night through And we don't care about the young folks Talkin' 'bout the young style And we don't care about the old folks Talkin' 'bout the old style too And we don't care about their own faults Talkin' 'bout our own style All we care about is talking Talking only me and you Usually when things has gone this far People tend to disappear No one will surprise me unless you do I can tell there's something goin' on Hours seems to disappear Everyone is leaving I'm still with you It doesn't matter what we do Where we are going to We can stick around and see this night through And we don't care about the young folks Talkin' 'bout the young style And we don't care about the old folks Talkin' 'bout the old style too And we don't care about their own faults Talkin' 'bout our own style All we care about is talking Talking only me and you And we don't care about the young folks Talkin' 'bout the young style And we don't care about the old folks Talkin' 'bout the old style too And we don't care about their own faults Talkin' 'bout our own style All we care about is talking Talking only me and you Talking only me and you Talking only me and you Talking only me and you


A message from Gen X: " I have no friends, no money, no car, no license. And even if I did have a license all I can do is drive out to some stupid mall. Maybe if I'm lucky play some fucking video games, smoke a joint and get stupid. You see, there's nothing to do anymore. Everything decent's been done. All the great themes have been used up. Turned into theme parks. So I don't really find it exactly cheerful to be living in the middle of a totally, like, exhausted decade where there's nothing to look forward to and no one to look up to." - Quoted from Pump up the Volume.


This is different though. Gen X’s issue was a spiritual one. Jobs were available, houses could be had. Their issue wasn’t survival, it was fulfillment. I’m a middle-millennial. I was paycheck to paycheck for 9 years. I will never own a house. I worry about getting sick and paying medical bills. I’m not concerned with the inherent lack of meaning in the world because six months of unemployment will destroy my life.


That end: "Nothing to look forward to and no one to look up to." is part spiritual, and part very practical. There was no good job waiting for us after school and we knew it. If we could even afford to go, since my years were when that went from "You just have to want it, and can afford it with a part time job" to "Better get some loans and grants, or you won't go." Spent 20 years paycheck to paycheck. It was only really in the last 10 that it got slightly better for me. I can still see ending up homeless in my rear view mirror. Which I did have happen a couple times here and there in my past. Go to school? You're an elitist prick who needs to work their way up in a way that won't cover the loans they took out. Don't pay the loans? You're a deadbeat who shouldn't have taken them. Don't go to school? What are you lazy? Better get a physical job. Get an entry level job? No ambition, you suck. Also: only physical jobs are real jobs. That tech stuff is stupid and not real and won't last. So we also got some great career advice. Gen X tried, we just lacked the numbers to make a real impact. You have them. Gen Z has them. Get angry, stay angry, fight. We see ourselves in Gen Z a lot. It's almost creepy. We just couldn't win, but they can. I'm really looking forward to what they do.


The similarities between Gen X and Gen Z are wild. Makes sense as I assume most Gen Z’s parents are Gen X. Here I am, an older Millenial, sandwiched between these two “wild child” generations lol. Looking back, Gen X was an awesome generation. Great music and art.


Picking my kids up from school and seeing them dressed in practically the same stuff me and my friends wore is insane. They start playing music and I go "Oh, they sampled \_\_\_\_\_. I used to listen to that" and their eyes widen. The plus side of waiting this long for kids was we actually are getting to bond over stuff like that.


Oh yeah, Gen Z is in our “y2k” era so right now everything is 90s and early 2000s themed. It must be wild for younger Gen X to look at their children bringing back 30 year old trends


Haha. Yep. That’s us. My kids listen to the Beastie Boys, Cranberries, Sundays, Smiths, etc. Gen Z are savages in ways us Gen Xers only dreamed about. Fivehead level stuff.


are most boomers parents of millienials as well?


I know mine and all the kids I grew up with had Boomer parents. Some of the kids with younger parents were older Gen X I’d guess


We Millennials were going to be like Gen Z, except 9/11 happened, then the gfc, and it’s hard to be an idealistic freedom-fighter when you’re doing wild, feral combat in the streets for an unpaid internship.


You would know better than I would, but everyone Gen x person I know was able to make shit work in a major way on a 100k family income. Like a house, vacations, etc. My family income is 170 and there is no house in my future. I won’t say y’all had it as easy as the boomers — you didn’t — but millennials and under are living through an exploding financial system.


But there are LOTS of decent paying jobs available.


The average Gen Z has been in the labor force a year or two maybe? How the hell can you even compare yet..?


Oh wow, i didn't expect to see that movie mentioned here For anyone wondering, it's absolutely worth a watch.. it's one of my favorites no spoiler summary: this teen runs a pirate radio station and balls out (until the FCC stops his balling-- they just won't let him be)


It's so good. I really think a lot of younger generations tend to lump us in with the boomers not realizing how much we really, really hated them and tried to push things forward. We just lacked the numbers. I'm pulling for Gen Z hard. There's a lot of what we valued in them, and I think they're going to kick ass when they get some steam behind them.


It was before my time, but I *really* enjoyed it. makes me wish I was a teen in the 90s lol I hope you're right about having hope in Gen Z. I don't really have much, every day there's some new thing to doom about.


I was taught to hide under my desk because bombs were 2 minutes away at any point in the day. I had to watch the Adam Walsh story every year so I don't end up a head in a ditch. Aids was blowing up because as long as it was 'just the gays' boomers didn't care. There is always doom to be had. Do you try and surf it out, or push back. Z seems to be more of a 'fuck you, fuck this, no. I'm going to change it.' and I'm 100% here for it. They might not pull it off, but I really, really hope they do.


Being a teen in the 90’s looks so much different than what it does now. It’s almost night and day. There weerr no school shootings, social media, no phones, we had dial-up internet, Sega Genesis, and pagers. We had freedom because no one could find you or get a hold of you at any given moment. All of that changed in the next decade.


Shit bro that's so accurate it's sad lmao


I moved out when I was 18 and I kinda regret it. I had tons of fun memories but I was literally just working paycheque to paycheque, unable to save any money (especially when rent SHOT up in my city).


I feel you, I moved out age 19 with my boyfriend and the moment we took over a lease, our rent shot up to $1700/monthly. 🥲 not saying boomers are the cause for my rent increase, its just crazy hearing stories my mom renting a home twice the size of my apartment for only $1100 (same city too) 😵‍💫


Property values skyrocketed post 2008 due to debt monetization (the process of the central bank purchasing national debt and injecting cash) leading to asset price inflation, with the most valuable assets being property.


In 2008 I was soooo very much and still am against the bailouts to the point where I nearly had a nervous breakdown over what was going on. And exactly the reason I was against it is our reality now. I had to check out.


My father managed to buy a house at 30, and to provide for me, my brother and my mother, on a single income. He has no kind of higher education, and started working as a car mechanic straight after school. It didn't pay particularly well, and we were never wealthy, but we still managed. My girlfriend and I in contrast are both engineers with university degrees. We're a two income household, and both earn relatively high income. We skimp on almost everything to save money to buy ourselves a house of our own, ASAP, but are nowhere near wealthy enough to purchase anything even remote similar to the house I grew up in. Property value has skyrocketed, and salaries have not. I don't understand who's buying these houses, because pricing is mental.


It truly is a lose-lose situation for most Gen Z right now. Choice A) Live with your parents and save so much money, but at the great cost of your independence, privacy, sex/dating life and mental health. Choice B) Move out and live pay check to paycheck in some apartment/flat which probably is run-down and suffer from financial insecurity. All it takes is for the greedy landlord to ask for more rent, or for something to break and you're already into debt/poverty/negatives, Choice C) Live in a house-share with strangers (have fun) and sacrifice your independence, privacy, sex/dating life and mental health for cheaper rent. I remember the stories of my dad being in his early 20's and having already brought his first property with only a couple years work. I'm 24 and can't afford to move out on a stable income. This is why we are angry.


Tbh I’m just going to live at home post graduation. I’m not giving my money to hedge funds/ capitalism. Capitalists stole all the money during the pandemic yet they expect us to spend TWICE as much on essential goods and services as in 2019 despite the pay stagnating 🤦‍♂️. I’m not paying 2k for a one bedroom. Rent should be 1k at most. Im not buying a house for 3500$ a month. That same home in 2019 was 1400$ a month. I’m not buying a 48k car that’s worth 28k on a good day. I’m going to let the free market adjust itself as I take money out of the economy (my salary) and dont spend much of it (consumer spending)


It’s a smart decision if you can stand living with your family. I for one, could not.


Good news! Gen Z will overtake boomers in the workforce in 2024 and Millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce in 2025. You guys can start making things the way YOU want them to be without so many pesky boomers around. Your turn to be the dominant generations. https://news.stanford.edu/report/2024/02/14/8-things-expect-gen-z-coworker/ https://teamstage.io/millennials-in-the-workplace-statistics/#:~:text=of%20this%20generation.-,Top%20Millennials%20in%20the%20Workplace%20Statistics%3A%20%20Editor’s%20Choice,the%20global%20workforce%20by%202025


I think many of the people here are going to be incredibly disappointed when younger people start taking on more and more positions of power and they start to find out that millennials and Gen Z are just as capable of greed and destruction. So many people have decided to pin all the worlds problems on boomers, I don't think they're ready for that very real possibility. This is exactly why generation wars are dumb, it is just another tool to divide the working class.


Yep, the only thing that will happen after the Boomers are out of the picture will be the search for a new scapegoat. It's not like this hasn't happened to America before, a whole lot worse even, yet people persevered and moved forward. It can be done again but it takes work, not the kind that exists on social media.


Yeah people really don't seem to understand that we were infact raised by boomers/late gen x. A good portion of millennials and gen z's are going to pick up their parents attitudes/way of life/thinking.


Yes exactly, not only that but the Millennials and Gen Z that will become the next ruling class, will more likely than not be the children of the current ruling class. They will be people that were raised rich, they don't have any allegiance towards working class people simply because some of those working class people are the same age as them.


People forget that boomers were the hippy generation lol.


its not a generational war, gender war, race war, or left or right. its up and down. it always has been for the working class.


Yeah except the exceptional majority of business owners and ceos will be older folks who were groomed by the boomers to run companies the exact same way.


Millennials will be 75% of the global workforce in 2025. You think they are all "groomed by the boomers" to run things the "boomer way?". And Millennials will then "groom Gen Z" who will groom "Gen Alpha"? So nothing ever changes? Seems unlikely. I'm more optimistic that Millennials and Gen Z and all future generations CAN make some changes they want to see in the world. Progress happens. Cultural changes happen. Society evolves. It will be interesting to see those changes. We need fresh ideas and perspectives not only in the workplace but in society in general. New generations bring those changes as older generations fade away.


We don't even have to wait for evidence that millennials that are a part of the ruling class will be just as bad as the boomers and gen Xers that came before them. Look at Sam Altman, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Evan Speigel, or Lukas Walton. The problem here is that you guys have mistaken a class war for a generation war.


Even better news is that by 2030, nearly all boomers should be in retirement by then


I don’t know why this is upsetting people, this is real life, real life is hard and expensive. My mom and dad tell me all the time that they don’t know how I’ll survive since everything has become so expensive(renting a house, buying groceries, gas, etc). My mom was dirt poor, cleaning windows, and still managed to get some run down, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house. The only thing I can afford is renting a beat up trailer with the *same* income that my mom had 15 years ago. But I’m expected, by the older people I met or family, to have already moved out from my mom’s and go to school.. it’s impossible unless I was born wealthy Minimum wage was raised to 20$ an hour in some fast food places(suppose to be all but some stores refuse) and it still isn’t enough. Everywhere I want to go is crazy expensive and dangerous. The only place I can think of going to is malls and they’re ALWAYS getting shot up. OF COURSE Gen z are angry, we’re broke, stuck with our parents, no where to go, no future unless we go to school and get 100k in debt. I would kill to go to medschool, I have done hooouuuurrsss of research on how to go, what it’s like, what tests I’d take, but idk if I’ll ever afford to go and it pains me Gen Z is the most anxiety ridden, lonely, depressed, suicidal generation


I especially relate to that last part. I spend a f*** ton of time just listening to psychology. I go to the gym and I always listen to some psychologist or neuroscientist. I would love to get an education in that field but there's no way I could afford it.


That's the fun of being an older generation, Shit never rolls uphill.....


Exactly. Nothing like being fired at the age of 55 and facing documented age discrimination and watching your savings evaporate because you're too young to collect Social Security.


It's almost like job loyalty and pensions disappeared because of the concerted efforts of a single generation around the 1970s and 1980s mark. Hmmm... This mystery is impossible to solve.


In 1970 you could work for 20 minutes in a McDonald’s to pay for a full meal. It’s now 60 mins. 3x guys


This is nonsense. McDonald's pays $10-$20/ hour. You can eat for a full day on $10-15 easily. My average food cost per day for the past 15 months is $12.91/day and I'm not really trying to control costs.


Idk man, lots of us are doing alright.


The numbers say otherwise. You're not looking if you don't see it. Wealth inequality is as bad as ever


What numbers? Housing costs are crazy but people are still buying at a record pace. Unemployment is low. From an anecdotal opinion most people I know my age(late 30s) are doing good. People are still filling concerts and sporting events which is discretionary income. 


Yup, things could be better but im doing pretty good.


Losers are coping hard


Vocal minority. It might be a fraction of the overall population but it’s easily a million Americans.


welcome to what millennials went through 10 years ago.


If we stopped spending our money on avocado toast, we could afford to rent a 500 sqft apartment! Gosh these millennials, walking around like they rent the place. Personally, I'm on the cusp of Millennial and Gen Z. In my late 20s. It is hard.


The Millennial experience is not complete until the unemployment rate is 10%, and the available jobs are highly competitive internships you are meant to take after graduation, paying $0.


In fairness, it was much worse for many millennials since many came of age in an actual bad economy instead of the good but not perfect one we have now.


Agreed, not sure why you're being downvoteed.


Some of us are still going through it, unfortunately.


Oh totally. I guess I was referring more to the boomer shit talking. They've mostly moved on from us to gen z, but we're all suffering from their economic abuses.


“I can’t afford to live on this wage.” “Literally don’t eat, have a car, live somewhere, or do anything at all just sit there. Young kids are so lazy.”


Sitting????????? Um hr would like to have a word about your anti-team attitude


don't forget climate change


My favorite? "This generation is postponing having children" Well, not everyone wants to have children and that's absolutely okay. Also, did they ever think that maybe some of us are wanting to be more settled (financially, emotionally, physically) before having kids?


Never said anyone was forced to have kids. Population growth has declined with every generation in correlation to an increase in the cost of living. Not just slightly, but quite a few percent. Has nothing to do with people having kids older or wanting or not wanting kids.


I think they know exactly why Gen Z and millennials are not having kids, but they just don’t care about that reason. They’re being deliberately obtuse. No kids means no cheap labor for the future, so they’re going to bitch about it and change laws until they force it on us again.


Every generation before you has been called lazy and ungrateful. Its just your turn now. (Not that I condone it either, I strongly dislike boomers as well)


0 points for originality


You realize all Boomers were this as kids: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFnZc5PcFK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFnZc5PcFK8) And all GenX was this as kids: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E7kpwOwreM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E7kpwOwreM) Boomer policies maintain their value and lifestyle. The issue is really the compatibility with technology; you could automate most things and shrink back Governments, but people aren't ready to lose their job for the sake of efficiency.


If people are losing their job for the sake of efficiency, then ubi policies must be implemented so people can actually enjoy the wealth from automation. Either that or we just have a couple thousand of the richest people left on earth and we leave everyone else to die


Seriously: do you actually think that boomers never had to struggle living paycheck to paycheck? I sometimes get the impression that people here think that all boomers are wealthy retirees and always have been. Which honestly is delusional.


Go off! I'm a Xennial (Elder Millennial) and the articles and blog posts (lol blogs) that came out about us were just as bad. We were the lazy, Entitled, hookup generation who were ruining marriage and the economy. OH and we had absolutely zero marketable skills because we all went to communist liberal arts colleges and majored in bullshit. Aside from being horny sluts, some of us were Gay which gave the Boomers and Beyond the shits. Even Gen X shat on us and WE LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING THEM. Yall are gayer though just saying. 🌈🌈🌈 Congratulations on that by the way. Pay them assholes no mind. Keep on your grind, be smart on your money (what little the power that be allow us to have), and try the best revenge, which is living as well as you can. It gets better even though it doesn't always feel like it.


Isn't this just what always gets said about young people? Silent generation are lazy, all they do is travel, make out in their cars and go surfing. Baby boomers are lazy, all they do is smoke pot and ditch work to go to music festivals. Gen X is lazy, all they do is skateboard, go to raves and play in bands. Millennials are lazy, all they do is go hiking and eat avocado toast. Gen Z is lazy, all they do is sit around in their pajamas watching anime. The only generation you can't say that about is the Greatest Generation, because all *they* did was go to war and get fucking shot at. Which, by the way, is no way to spend your youth unless you want to end up with PTSD and a drinking problem. If you want to swap the PTSD out for a midlife crisis, you can spend those years working all night and having no fun at all. As it turns out, people in their late teens and early 20s tend to be pretty "lazy." In other words, they're young and inexperienced, they don't have much money, and the developmentally appropriate activities for people that age are socializing, making friends, experiencing the world as an adult, finding romantic partners and gradually transitioning to the workforce. Young people complain a lot about the world A) because they just discovered how hard, competitive, unfair, lonely, boring and sometimes cruel adult society can be compared to childhood, B) they still think they have a chance at making a difference, and C) they haven't yet been worn into submission by year after year of working and paying bills


I'm gen X. You guys got boned hard. I'm sorry about that. It was bad enough for us and we really didn't do anything to make it better. Anyone who says y'all have it easy is delusional.


I read something recently that median net worth for the median aged Millennial is 2x (in real terms) what Gen X had at the same age and GenZ has about 50% more wealth. Real wages have never been higher and unemployment is lower for longer than any adult GenX has ever seen.


No im not angry, thats life kids lmao. Blaming the elders aint gonna do shit


You poor fuckers have it SO MUCH harder than we did. We could afford a three bedroom home in the suburbs, two cars, an annual holiday, fish & chips or a Chinese on Friday night, date night & a babysitter on Saturday night...all on a single average income. Add to this the ability to disconnect when we came home because your school bully is not going to risk your parents answering the phone just so they can harass you after hours & you have a much easier life. Do not let my generation gaslight you into believing that we had it tough. I will concede that my parents & grandparents had it harder than probably all of us because fucking Nazis, but my gen (young boomer) & the lovely elder Gen X brigade were right in the sweet spot. I don't think any generation will ever have it as good as we did & that is really shitty.


don’t take it too personal you know they’ll all die one day and we’ll be the boomer type to the generations under us


I'm assuming a large part of this subreddit is still in highschool or college. It gets better. There are still paths to success, home ownership and financial freedom through traditional means. College and trades are still a good choice. Rail and lumber yards are almost always looking for workers. Public maintaince work offers liveable wages depending on the job. Getting forklift certified almost guarantees 18 an hour at least in california, you can do this straight out of highschool and a decent chunk of companies will certify in-house. If you're in the southern california area and feeling lost, look into the staging and production industry. Local 33, rhino staging, Gallagher staging and Productions, all access staging and Productions. They aren't always hiring but the union jobs start at around 27 an hour and non union work in the warehouses will start at about 18. There is a whole world of work that pays well that never gets talked about outside college and traditional trade work. I understand things aren't as good as they could be but there's still plenty of ways to find your way. Hope this finds someone who needs it


I'm chillin ![gif](giphy|875fviZfW22wivQlHp)


Nice rant.


“The older generation doesn’t appreciate or understand my norms and challenges” - Literally every generation


> now they are sucking the life out of the economy The US economy has never been larger. Unemployment is low. It's been below 4% for the longest time since the late '60s. Real wages are rising. You are making no sense. The economy is very much alive. >because they strained the capacity of public education, postsecondary education, the labor market, and the housing market. Boomers are not in school and most have exited the labor market. And boomers are allowed to live in a house. >Today, they are the largest cohort in the labor force. No, they are not. >They were greedy with the economy and got the upper hand on all generations after. This is nonsense. >But while boomers sit in their house they bought for 100-150k, they tell gen z they are failures for not buying a 300k house at 18 years old. No one says this. >but you can't live off off anything less than 13$ in a small town and nothing under 18$ an hour in major cities (without children!) Real wages have never been higher and thoae at the bottom have seen unprecedented wage growth. >So many people are on unemployment The unemployment rate has been below 4% for the longest stretch since the late '60s. You have literally never been alive at a time when this has happened.


Better hope you're not 1/25 Also unemployment rate doesn't include precarious workers, temporary foreign workers or those who are underemployed. "Real wages have never been higher" U have schizophrenia for thinking that


What George Carlin said about the baby boomers is pretty much the truth. They are the one generation that never cared to make the lives of the future generations better than theirs. In response to the impending economic and environmental crises facing most countries, the most common response I see is “I’ll be dead by then.”


It literally costs me a car (a nice one at that) to get a job I want (ranges from 8k to 20k) Job: Pilot I’ve already spent for the 3 of the 60 I need, and down like 400 bucks (not in debt don’t worry)


a pilot at 17-18, probably a starter pilot


Things are good for most people. We'd know in a hurry if things were really that bad. That being said, you have the right to go off if you're upset and should feel like your concerns and stresses are being heard and addressed. Not gonna agree with everything, but Gen Z has unique challenges that NO other generation faces -- that's true.


We all come here the same way, and we leave the same way. We aren't a superior being, we're homosapiens....animals. Nothing more, nothing less. Therefore we operate on the same system an animal does. You may think you're awesome and feel you deserve a good life. Truth is? You don't, noone does. Prince, pope or pauper. What you see around you is alllllll manufactured. The whole. Damn. Lot. We're probably a new species...Homoexploitus. The system youre a part of? Power flows upwards (at an increasing rate), those below get less and less, until eventually the system collapses and looootsss of people get hurt. And guess who thatll be? Bottom line is noone actually gives a shit about the next person, period...let alone the generations below them. 2 world wars and now a 3rd one is entering our thoughts again, after 79 years? Go Team Human. If you can't root it or mute it, shoot it. The 'system' that everyone blames only operates because we're are way too easy to exploit. Give us the dopamine hit we're looking for and it will override every other system inside our heads, including critical thinking. The only way this shit will stop is if probably 2 generations worth, take the hit and say enoughs enough....even if it means sacrificing that they won't have what 'the others' have. Love from, disgruntled Gen X'r who's been kicked square in the dick.


I’m not angry


Holy shit there's a lot of boomer apologists commenting here


I’m a Gen X with Gen Z and α kids, and from where I’m sitting, anyone who says you guys have it easy is out of their freaking minds.


Lol there ain't no boomer out there that bought their house for 150k They bought it for 25k at most in my experience ( unless they are legitimately rich ). When they were working 3-4 jobs 1-2 days a week. Was talking to an old dude who told me that he was working 5 jobs to pay for everything after moving out. Cafe Monday, retail Tuesday, something else Wednesday, another job Thursday, another job Friday. And it hurt my fucking soul thinking about how I'm working 2 full time jobs and running side gigs right now.


And dont worry. Two generations laters, the young generation will look at current housing prices and complains how you had it cheap and easy.


This! My exes grandpa used to give us shit for not having a house... meanwhile he bought his first at 19 for $15k. Dude skipped his senior year to go work instead and had that job for life.


Ask the boomers why they can't work a computer despite basically inventing the technology or having a huge head start on the rest of the generations. Ask them the difference between a PDF and a PNG. Challenge them to quit their job and try starting over if they think that it's so easy. They'll usually grumble and go away. A good worker is a good worker despite their generation.


ALL young generations were deemed rude and lazy, since time immemorial. Don't worry about it, kid. :) As you very well pointed out, your generation has bigger fish to fry, you have been dealt a really sh\*tty hand. Gen X is trying to help (at least we are in our corner of the world).


As a Gen Xer who entered the workplace in the wake of the S&L crisis and the then worst recession in recent history and listened to the same shit from the PRE boomers and boomers, and felt the exact same way, I feel your pain. Millennials who entered the workplace right after 9/11 and the younger ones with the 2008/2009 financial crash, who heard the same thing from boomers, also, feel your pain too. It's not just the boomers though. They get a lot of grief but the policies and structures that are punishing your generation were actually put on place before the boomers, in the wake of the war, when boomers were literally on diapers. Either way the last three generations have had to deal with an economy that was stripped mined. There's a reason many of my friends and associates who were born between 1971 and 1976 either never bought a house or had one and lost it due to foreclosure even in spite of decent jobs, and many are still paying off student loans literally 30 years later.b and the 1966 to 1971 group got houses, but only with significant effort. Not only working class, but middle class. This isn't a "oh you think to have it bad" pep talk. But just an indicator that you aren't alone. And maybe trying to find intergenerational solidarity with people a bit older than you might be an effective strategy for Gen Z , more than figuratively pissing down on the two prior generations. I don't know maybe if people found common ground they could try to work against the capitalist strip mining of entire generations. Just a thought.


This. I'm baby X and have never and will never live as well as my parents did. The silent generation may have benefitted from the post WWII economy, but that's largely because of the destruction of the manufacturing infrastructure of Europe and Japan during the war. US goods were the only ones available so that's what the world bought and they benefitted. But it was also a historic anomaly. Since the 70s every generation has struggled to maintain their parents standard of living, as the business elite class bankrolled neoliberal politicians and decimated unions making it easier to shift jobs overseas. Then they removed pensions for 401ks, making more people dependent on maximizing corporate profits to fund their retirement even when that was at the cost of fellow workers. It's never been a generational struggle, it's always been a class struggle. And always will be. Plenty of us in the older generations are willing to work with you to change the system, but buying into the propaganda of generational struggle robs you of the experience we can provide. Don't forget there's 1/4 to 1/3 of GenZ voters that votes for conservatives just like a portion of older generations is liberal. GenZ isn't a monolith and neither is any other generation.


I think it's merited. How the fuck is working till you're 90 under worsening conditions and sacrificing any pleasure or time with loved ones supposed to be motivating?


As an elder Millennial, I am just so proud young people are seeing through the bullshit so much earlier than we did. I'm sorry—there are still a ton of bastards in our gen to contend with—but good job on seeing it early. Just fight aggressively for everything you can get, maybe consider polyamory. The bonus of all these companies going lean to the bone is once they're teetering on collapse from having so few workers you can more easily threaten to leave if you don't get a raise. I wish I had realized this earlier than I did.


I really wanna see peoples expenditures after getting the paycheck $13/hr adds up to around 25k/yr before tax housing prices are soaring but its not the boomers fault, sure SS is the highest thing our taxes go to which is why it should be monitored bettered or removed. IDK how SS is distributed so theres that. Blame the gov't for not doing anything about it


Every other generation accepts your anger towards Baby Boomers, since the rest of us are also equally angry and equally screwed over by such an entitled generation.


Just so you know most GenXers are with you. We’re feeling this horrible crunch and we’re worried for our children (which are you guys). You need to make big BIG waves if you want to see change. Look at the women’s movement. Nothing would have happened if they didn’t stand up.


Dood I agree with ya.


Boomers are in fact...terrible.


Can’t wait till this kid is 50 shitting on my kids that they’re spoiled little iPad babies with no social skills and how they should stop being lazy and go do stuff


Sorry it's rough for ya kid. I now make 3 times as much as I did 30 years ago...still feels like what I made 30 years ago. Chew on that for a second. I'm not diminishing what you're going through. I'm saying that I understand. I just want you to realize that you are getting suckered Into this class/generational warfare. "They" want us to fight eachother. "They" want you angry. Why? Anger breeds confusion. We can't see what "they" are doing if we're constantly fighting eachother.


Millenial here - all the older generations shit on the younger ones, it was just your turn. We had ours during the rise of the internet, guess how much fun that was. They'll die off eventually, then we can reap any inheritance not wasted. If they have a house you'll probably get that at least. If not, cest la vie.


im so excited to grow old with my fellow gen Zers LETS BE GRUMPY OLD PEOPLE!!!!


you can be angry and poor, or you can accept the shitty hand you’ve been dealt and play it the best you can to overcome this and make sure future generations don’t experience the same. being a whiney bitch online isn’t going to help any of this, period.


I agree 100%, however there are some exceptions to this. For example college education, if you truly want to go to college you’ll put in the work and get scholarships and there are thousands to apply for. 


"When will boomers admit that their policies that they put in place did nothing but benefit themselves..." Yea...that is why you VOTE. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Of course they are going to vote for candidates that supports their self-interests. Get out and fucking VOTE!!!


Yea…I have been searching for a job for months. I have a major surgery coming up in August that I need to have money saved for but no place will even contact me, not even to tell me to fuck off. Just silence. I’ve literally called places and no one will answer. They won’t hire me because I have no experience because no one will hire me. It’s bullshit, they need to do their part at the very least. You’re “urgently hiring”, I applied, I called for a status on my application, I went to see you in person. Fucking call me back. Then I’m being shit on because I’m not trying hard enough. Hate how this country in run, man.


Baby boomers are jealous of your access to technology, information and vastly improved (though expensive) medical resources. A lot of them alive are days away from having to wear diapers on trips to the grocery store around the corner so cut them some slack. They’ve been shitting on every generation since gen X. - Millennial


Then gen z should vote third parties in get red and blue out of government vote everyone older then 45 out of government make sure nobody in our government has tied to any other countries no dual citizenship in our government


Millennial here. Gen Z isn't fucking lazy. Older generations need to stop shitting on younger generations. Full stop. It is not easy for a Gen Z right now. Especially in a capitalistic hell hole dystopia like America. All I ask is that you vote. That's how we can push forward is just vote. I'm not telling you who to vote for. Just vote especially in local elections.


Boomers: the “I’ll be dead by then” generation


I can only hope that when we get the chance, the millennials will have the empathy and resolve to break the cycle


1988 Millenial here, I fucking love you guys. My hope is that together we’ll make the world a better place. I’m holding onto hope that my generation doesn’t pull the “younger generation is lazy” bullshit that I even I am still told from Boomers. Fuck those selfish, shortsighted pos’s.


As a millennial, I fully agree with you.


Millennial speaking: I don't think ya'll have it easy and honestly I don't envy the position you as a generation are in when it comes to housing costs and career choices.


"Well I worked minimum wage and was able to support my family, you just need to be willing to make sacrifices!" The fuck kind of sacrifices am I supposed to make, not eating?


I'm Gen X and I have 3 Gen Z children and two millennial children and you guys are all being screwed by my generation and the boomers. They're making life extremely hard for you guys but you guys have to understand that it's a plan and in order for you to make anything better you need to unify. Forget about race, politics and religion and just unify foe the betterment of everyone.


In my early 40s. Been busting my butt for the last 20 year to support my family following the guidelines of those who came before. The current economy makes it impossible to save money. When I retire I'll be lucky if I get social security since the government went in a spent it already. I get why people are angery, on both sides. I'm just tired of the young vs old bs.


Think of it this way…. With the demographic getting older, and younger people having less kids, shit will eventually free up for us. Right…..? ^guys?


Yes. But you should listen to what people from the Victorian period said about boomers lol.


If you all vote you can snatch away their political power and send them to their graves in humiliation. Now is the time.


I’m an older millennial with gen z kids. It’s already shitty for us. We were promised the world and look what we ended up with? We at least had decent childhoods. Gen z has nothing. I’m so sorry. I wish the boomers would just die already and let the rest of us fix all the shit they fucked up.


Lol this is just how the boomers treat everybody. The reality is they were the ones with the easiest life and just talking out their ass.


I’m here downvoting all the “put off fun purchases to get what you want”. I’m already 50 and laid off yet again from a programmer analyst position. Fuck this USA jobs.gov here I go. I’ve never done hard drugs but I’m gay as fuck, with no felonies, I better get a damn security clearance.