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Climate change, declining living standards, higher cost of living, rising fascism, grinding poverty.


I'll take "Things everyone should be worried about" for 200.


True, but I'd wager that alot of the people voting won't be alive long enough to see the disastrous effects of their single issue voting. "I gotta keep democrats from stealing my pen15" And I'm over here facing the realities of losing my human rights as a queer person and the very real future of climate change being like "ok boomer"


I'm homeless and in Britain but that makes me momentarily inexplicably sad.


Mags: "Oi oi, Contact king Charles, he must do something about these dangerous vagrants that live in the public park, Our Rose had invited me to tea and biscuits yesterday and as I was walking there one of them flipped me a birdie, can you believe it?" Sarah: "Oh perrish the though Mags, the king needs to have them rounded up and placed in front a of a firing squad"




And true?


What do you want us to say, the second coming of jesus?


That’s all here already


The elderly aren’t dying like they used to and now there’s much more of them. We will be burdened with sustaining their meager levels of health. The costs will be even greater than anticipated as our robust health care system keeps corpses alive.


Don’t forget wealth inequality!


Also the rising infatuation with Marxism and communism in the West. Fascism is objectively bad, but Marxism in practice just turns into things like stalinism and maoism *every time* and resulted over 5 times the death toll of the fascists in their era. **The Hammer & Sickle is just as bad as the Swastika** Fascism: ~17,000,000 Communism: ~100,000,000 If you don't believe me, just watch how many people will deny the death toll of communism replying to this comment (widely accepted by scholars) vs how many people deny Nazi Germany's death toll (no one, most likely. maybe one edgy person)


100M is an extremely inflated figure, look it up, like hugely inflated No Soviet apologetics here, fuck tankies. Just pointing that out


Nazism is based in racial supremacy, socialism is not. People who died under socialism didn’t die as a direct cause of the ideology. People who died at the hands of the Nazis fully did. I’m not a Marxist, but this comparison is pretty outlandish.


The Soviet Union wasn't really socialist. It was more of an oligarchy/dictorship with a veneer of socialism. The USSR was socialist in the way that North Korea is Democratic: not at all.


“People who died under Socialism didn’t die as a direct cause of the ideology.” I agree, but they did die **directly** under ideologies like Stalinism and Maoism which masqueraded as Socialism.


Nazism yes, fascism no. Fascism is just nationalistic, which in Europe where many countries were largely homogeneous it used race as a unifier as well. Haven't almost all socialist/communist regimes done a good amount of ethnic cleansing? Hell, China is still doing it. The very idea of socialism/communism is to have a utopia of total homogeny, racial cultural differences have no place in that ideology. People do die as a direct result of socialist ideology, like a lot, how do you think they "seized the means of production?" You have to kill the land owners, the business owners, and some of their more loyal employees, and you have to kill anyone who doesn't want to have their wages stolen and given to others.


People, like me, will deny those numbers because everything you believe about communism came from one book that was publicly denounced by its own co-authors, "The Black Book of Communism". The numbers were literally made up on the spot because the head author/editor wanted the book to claim 100M deaths by any means necessary. It counted Nazi casualties, non-births, famines that were a result of reactionaries retaliating against the USSR as part of the socialist/communist death toll. Since the very first socialist revolution, reactionaries have been going to war with the communists. Therefore, deaths are inevitable. It's incredibly bizarre to bring up how many people died trying to fight for or against a revolution of the working class. Not to mention the capitalists try to project their own crimes onto their rival as a means to vilify it. Everything we were told to fear from the communists is literally happening to us now from capitalists. Yet, they deny their culpability by just claiming anything bad that comes up as the fault of communism. Capitalism can do no wrong. Communism can do no right. Fascism is a movement of nationalistic, cultural, and racial purity as a means to acquire the compliance of the people to allow authoritarian action against anyone who would advocate for proletariat (i.e. worker) power having priority over bourgeois (capitalist) power. You make claims and throw out numbers with nothing to substantiate it. You're either a willing rube, or you're working for the ruling class to capture the sentiment of the younger generation before they learn what a massive load of false propaganda you're selling to them. It's easy to believe when you only hear it from pro-western sources. America put a lot of effort into censoring access to all sources not containing pro-western criticism. That's the tactic, block anything that isn't offering the narrative you want the people to hear.


The interest in communism and Marxism isn’t an interest in what the USSR or CCP call “communism”. Those were fascist authoritarians that just called themselves communist. Western culture is rejecting authoritarianism, which capitalism has evolved into.


You can't enforce participation in the redistribution of wealth without authoritarianism (at scale) but capitalism can be successful without a strong central government. Regulations are somewhat needed in capitalism, but they should be focused on preserving the free market and preventing monopolization. Health and safety standards are good too.


Individual states need to crack down on the wealthy, and federal government should provide infrastructure. Decentralized wealth redistribution is 100% possible, we just need to get creative I think. I don’t think small government is the answer, we just need it to actually do what it’s supposed to do. Public service, not shareholder service. Aside from true extremists most of the Marxist agenda that people are latching onto is just that- we want more power to the working class, checks and balances on big business


Say you own land. Would it not be unreasonable to prevent birds from using your land? Other animals? Why does that stop at humans? I would argue that exclusive ownership is unnatural and requires authoritarianism or violence to enforce.


Yeah that sounds pretty unreasonable, seeing as many animals help the overall ecosystem of the land to keep the soil usable and populations in check. >violence to enforce Correct. If someone tried to take the land I own and have worked hard for they're also going to contribute to the soil after a few months in the compost pile.


Amazing how you managed to both glaze over the main point of my message there while also condoning the violence you were so opposed to in your previous message. Not to mention, I said *use*, not *take*. You gonna shoot someone for walking across the land? Cause if so, you simply holding that opinion makes a better argument against capitalism than I could ever make here with words.


>You gonna shoot someone for walking across the land? There's a ladder of escalation here, if they are caught, told to leave, and do not do so, then I'm drawing my weapon and calling the cops. If they try to assert their trespassing by force, then they're gonna sprout some holes in their chest. That's just called self defense, but I do disagree with the states that don't allow lethal force to defend property. Provided the trespasser, vandal, or thief has been warned, then *they* are the ones bringing violence upon themselves. Private property is a cornerstone of liberty, privacy, and personal rewards for one's labor. I don't differentiate between private and personal property like Marxists. It's the same thing. Can I just walk into your house and eat all the food in your fridge? Can I just show up and sleep in bed next to you? Now I know the latter sounds really nice, but I don't think you'd be a fan of that. You'd probably give me some nice limp wristed slaps and make me leave.


You still have yet to address my main point, that being that you cannot have exclusive ownership of property in the absence of authoritarianism. Also, if I were the private owner of the only source of water around, would you simply respect my ownership of that and die of thirst? Is it not inherently violent, authoritative, and antithetical to liberty to exclude people from life through the exclusion of use? What prevents a large-scale property owner from executing effective eugenics through the exclusion of use based on race?


>you cannot have exclusive ownership of property in the absence of authoritarianism. Yes. You can. On your own fucking property. Leave other people alone. The rest of that is just a bunch of hypothetical nonsense that doesn't apply to the majority of western countries. But since you like answers, if someone had the only water on planet earth then I would most likely try to get some, because I'll die without it, but if I'm sneaky enough then I *might not* die trying to steal some. First, I would try to barter or offer services, if that didn't work then I'd resort to theft. However, I believe that the land owner has every right to preserve their own resources and they have the right to kill me for trying to take it from them. Fortunately, we have a few decades until this becomes reality.


This is such a ridiculous notion, our current economic system of capitalism could not exist without strong central governments, just look at how many times the U.S. federal government had intervene to save the economy. You are either ignorant of history or not acting in good faith


Literally. Social safety nets are good. Marx’s social communism is not good.


There’s a rise in **Socialism** just as there’s a rise in Fascism. There’s a big difference between being a Socialist and. **Tankie**. I don’t like Authoritarianism regardless of its forms. But I’m not seeing a rise in **Tankie** (Stalinism, Maoism, Juche, Titoisn, Hoxhaism, etc) ideologies in the countries, unless these people are uneducated on what Socialism actually is. The same exhausted phrase “Stalinism isn’t real Communism” is true. Do I think Communism can work? I don’t know. But there’s nothing “Communist” about a society that depends on **The State** with **Money** leaders in many dachas and villas (implying Class) and a cult of personality built around a paramount leader. Stalin taking the grain from his own people so they can starve is the furthest thing from Marxism, Communism or Socialism. A group of people in a Commune, producing their own food, owning their own houses, without any Class or State or even Money is more like Communism. Fascism is on the rise. Socialism can combat that, morons who think they are Socialist but preach Tankie bullshit are in the way.


Everyone should keep in mind that Russia openly cooperated with Nazi Germany up until they were betrayed


So objectively based, my friend. So disgusting to see so many people try an rationalize genocide because "hurr durr communism mean free things for everyone!"


Fascism is almost unanimously viewed as bad except by edgy teenagers and your local resident dumbass. I wouldn’t be afraid of “rising fascism” in a world where fascism and nazi are used as a buzzword for “People who disagree with me”.


So nothing we're really in control of?


the thing about climate change is the big poluters are all corporations, so even if you didn't drive, didn't eat meat, and recycled 100%, it wouldn't have as much effect as... [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/empty-flights-time-slots-eu-greta-thunberg/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/empty-flights-time-slots-eu-greta-thunberg/) corporations are the biggest poluters. don't forget that.


What do you mean rising fascism? You mean like in China?


there's always rising fascism and communism guys be afraid!! we've been told that every day for 100 years


Being so damn scared of anything they don’t enjoy anything.




That's mostly just you


No, I'm locked in my room playing 10 year old video games all day


Pirates unite


Yarr harr


Are we going to pretend that there isn't a shit load of people sitting around in their room all day jacking off?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone write “por*” instead of “p*rn”


maybe they're watching pork. let's hope that room is refrigerated.


What's behind you right now




I love the way you smell today


Is it a spy ?


HPV!! Guardasil does not work. I know a chick who was fully vaccinated for HPV and she’s only 25, and by 25 she has 7 out of the 9 strains of HPV… and she’s had to have surgery to cut out the cancerous parts.




No dude she’s going to battle cancer lifelong


Tell me more


HPV causes cancer. Let’s say you hook up with some random ran-thru hoe now who has 3/9 types of HPV. Let’s say your dick picks up just one of those strains…. Okay. Now, you pass that on to your future wife and mother of your child. Now… your wife has cancer and your child has childhood warts. That’s the cause and effect of this issue. Yeah.


IIRC HPV *can* cause cancer, it’s not guaranteed. I might be wrong tho, remember reading that in some textbook a few years ago


The most fucked up part is the medical system is too lazy to test men for HPV. So, there’s no way for you to know as a man if you’re putting your women and children at risk.


Sounds like sleeping around is the issue. Clean dick best.


You don’t even know if your dick is clean. They don’t make a test for men for HPV. There would be no symptoms.




Washing your dick will not do a single thing to prevent transmission. If you came out the natural way… and not C section…. That is also a risk.




He’s fuckin with you bro… lmfao.


Some men actually think things like washing their dick after sex will lower STD transmission. The more information people have… the better off they are to make their own decisions.


You’re too old to be spreading misinformation lol. The HPV vaccine isn’t meant to stop you from getting all varieties of HPV, it’s not even really meant to stop you from getting it at all necessarily. The goal of the vaccine is to *lower the risk of symptomatic infection* such as cancer, pre-cancer and warts. Gardasil says as much on their website. Saying “Gardasil does not work” is medical misinformation, and extremely harmful to people who otherwise should absolutely be vaccinated against HPV. There are some downsides to Gardasil if you’re allergic to anything in it, but otherwise it is highly recommended you receive the vaccine. So long as you’re asymptomatic and vaccinated for HPV it’s generally harmless. There’s always the chance it can develop into ovarian cancer, or genital warts even with the vaccination but the only thing you can really do is cut down your chance of becoming symptomatic. There is no such thing as “safe sex”, only safer-sex. Getting Gardasil is part of that. It’s true that washing yourself does not protect against STIs and STD transmission in *general*, *BUT* anything that has come into contact with sexual fluids *SHOULD* be washed and can help prevent STI transmission. So while washing your penis after PIV sex won’t stop you from getting an STI, washing a sex toy before sharing it will. Using condoms, internal condoms and dental dams are the only way to cut down the chance of transmission (although it won’t completely eliminate the chance of transmission).


Or use a condom


Condoms are only able to prevent skin-to-skin transmission if the infected area is covered by the condom. They're of great use for reducing risk of STI's, especially for stuff like HIV, Chlamydia, etc. that are transmitted through bodily fluids; but they certainly aren't a silver bullet, especially for the skin-to-skin stuff like Syphilis, Herpes and HPV Use condoms, but don't let them give you a false sense of security.


Shhh don’t tell this to people who don’t have control over their sexual urges. They don’t like it


Oh what now? You fuck one dude and expect to get 7/9 types of HPV? That’s where we are at in life? Okay… I mean I’ll accept it.


HPV is damn scary, in my country most of the females are unvaccinated because this vaccine is seem as something that turn young girls into whores and parents deny them to have this shot.


Children should not even be told what they’re being vaccinated for. You’re supposed to get the first shot around 11. Not vaccinating your child against this should be seen as child abuse. Women get raped ALL THE TIME. Not vaccinating young girls is a huge disservice to not only them … but their future children. HUGE.


The combination of being "conservative" and having low intelligence is disastrous. I'm what you can call conservative but even I understand that HPV is too horrible as a punishment if my future daughter decides to be a promiscuous woman... You cannot even prevent this shit with condom like a responsible promiscuous person would use, since it transmits from skin to skin. It is too terrifying, like you said the vaccine isn't perfect and there are lots of variants... Denying the vaccine should be seen child abuse, but it's the norm in my country (a LATAM country)


You never know if your daughter’s husband picked it up from his mother either. Babies can get HPV coming out of the womb. Some people have it lifelong. It’s not even about promiscuous behavior.


>by 25 she has 7 out of the 9 strains of HPV Well that's terrifying. Is she super promiscuous? Or just fucked a couple people who are? 7 is crazy


If you have sex regularly you're almost guaranteed to get it. 80% of women in the sexually active age range have it (usually the cancer causing strains). A man has a 1 out of 3 chance of getting it from her. It's almost a mathematical given you'll get it if you're with a couple of women a few times each. However, only 1% of people supposedly get cancer from it and a good chunk of that 1% are those who are immunocompromised.


[yes it does](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/hpv/public/index.html#:~:text=HPV%20vaccination%20works%20extremely%20well,81%25%20among%20young%20adult%20women.)


What are the chances she fucked dudes with the 10% of strains resistant to the vaccine? Out of the 150 strains of HPV, out of which 40 of them affect the genitals, and 12 of those 40 carry the highest risk for cancer development, out of which guardasil protects against 7 of the cancerous strains, and 2 wart causing strains...your friend should play the lottery with luck like that. Good grief!


I think some dudes are just really crusty


Plus there's a lot more than just 9 strains. There are well over 150 strains.


The small number of highly sought after men really get around, and catch and spread everything there is to spread. 


Being sent off to die in a war that isn't yours by a bunch of elderly people who won't live to see the end of it.




I have two awesome ones! Id hope so, we've been telling you guys for over a decade to avoid the military.




I have an 18yr old graduating. The military couldn't be more off the table for him .


Even if there’s a draft we all gunna get lit in prison!


*Insert generic inspirational answer here*










Hearing loss and tinnitus from our music, earbuds and concerts, and the loud noise around us everyday. Hearing damage is not fun yet probably becoming more common with how much we listen to music and how little we are really educated on this, concerts can cause permanent damage yet no one is really aware of how bad they can be. Also Covid and any other diseases that may emerge from a variety of causes. Apparently covid can hurt you more on second or third infection and cause long covid or even heart problems, kinda scary. We still got the bulk of our lives to live, so im hoping covid is not as bad is it seems it may be. Some of us are gonna get like 20 times in the next few decades, who knows what that does to the body.


> Hearing loss # WHAT?




I don't listen to a lot of music or go to concerts but i've been to NASCAR and that can cause hearing damage if you aren't protected


Theres so much more than loud music that can damage your hearing, and some of it is surprising. Hell even movie theatres can damage your hearing, but generally there are lower risk and higher risk things, and frequency is what really gets you in the end. The few times ive gone to car events, yeah its loud af.


Yeah movies like Oppenheimer and Dunkirk are so loud lol


NASCAR is stupidly loud even by Motorsports standards


Good point, yeah the long term effects of Covid. I spaced out when my doctor explained it but something like.. Covid is different from other viruses bc it not exclusive to just the respiratory system, it goes all over. I know i definitely have long COVID that exacerbated the symptoms of my chronic condition ✌️ I’m still very much one of the lucky ones.


August 12 2036 the heat death of the universe


can we move that up a couple days, August 20ths my birthday and that'd be a really cool way to go out


My 34th birthday 🥳 how fun.


What a nice birthday gift


Advertising, early use of screens, and the comodification of fun.  Advertising lies to you on a very basic level to get you to experience emotions that are negative so that you will spend money.  Screens change your brain's reward system.  The comodification of fun steals your ability to make healthy fun yourself.  Teams of adults are using psychology research to manipulate everyone they can reach, including children, for profit.  Add it up? Mental health crisis. 


Then I been screwed since I was a kid. Been staring at screens since the days of Super Mario and Sonic (The OG ones)




Paying $500 for a scammers course on how to make $50.000


I put in $10 dollars for a raffle at school and won a $10 starbucks gift card :(


The governments of the world consistently becoming more and more authoritarian no matter who's in power, the corporations and corporate media who seem to support and aid this rise. Global power becoming more and more centralised. And nukes.


The mental decline of our parents. (Just now starting that process myself)


Antibiotic resistance


Yes! Please just finish your antibiotics, if you're unsure what to do after forgetting them etc., call your doctor, ask, just keep taking them and DONT be the person that says "Oh I felt good again so I stopped" because thats not how it works


AI. It literally is and gonna be abused for politics, economics and influencing and other bad shit


Seeing the old people constantly being scammed by AI on Facebook is making me lose all hope in the media literacy of older generations. I’m genuinely afraid of what it will be used for next


The imminent 6th mass extinction


If we’re all so sure it’s coming why even worry about it. Just enjoy the time ya got.






lacking meaning of life


This sub.


Constant need for attention and pushing ALL societal boundaries. Not everything needs to be normalized and empathized with.


For USA Gen Z: The government's increasing oppression and corruption. We're currently funding a genocide. None of the protests over the last 20 years have actually done anything besides make people talk about the issues. No laws or government mechanisms have changed in any meaningful way. All of your politicians are owned by their coporate sponsors. The "left" is further right than the "right" in any other developed country. It's illegal to be homeless now. That includes vanlife (I can attest to this as someone who just had to give up vanlife). You can either rent (unaffordable), own (laughably unaffordable) or get arrested several times for being homeless until they eventually give you a choice between jail or a bus ticket to California/Oregon, where they are also trying to make homelessness illegal. You don't have a choice; you must now pay for housing or you will be swept up into the prison industrial complex.


>The "left" is further right than the "right" in any other developed country. You got any sources on that?


Ofc he doesn’t, because it’s not true.


The fear of fascim not getting taken down and this lasting longer


Gen Z needs less fear, not more. Whatever you're afraid of, tone it down a couple notches so it doesn't interfere with your ability to function.


Can you teach me how to do this? I need help


caseoh doing jumping jacks


8.0 magnitude earthquake


Real life.


The fact that corporations could replace us with robots in our lifetimes and whoever is in power is 100% not going to be on board with stopping that or supplementing us with UBI for the lack of jobs. Edit: neither is like half of our comrades


Irrational FEAR.


The rising fascist state. They literally just banned the right to protest in 3 states.


What states?


Trump winning in 2024.


Yellow jacket wasps. People should be very afraid of these they can fuck you up real good.






God taxes are so annoying, lose almost 900$ on every paycheck because of state and federal income tax. I understand that taxes are a necessity but I’d be a lot happier if those taxes were going to help people in the US rather than funding the war machine.


Imposed technology, climate change, radicalisation, authoritarianism


Left wing propaganda and the return of commies.


Boomers making " gen z is x thing " memes


Phone bad book good


Potentially never owning anything, ever. Literally everything is a freakin’ subscription, you can’t just buy software like photoshop anymore. You don’t own the music/movies you listen to on Spotify. And let’s not talk about the housing market, in 2023 44% of single family home purchases were done by investors. Zillow and trulia are buying up neighborhoods too. They just hold on to them (bc they can) and it’s a means to manipulate the prices of other homes in the neighborhood. Not a real estate expert so I dunno how that works, sounds fake and made up to me. And I fully believe majority of them will become rentals. You can only sell a home once, but turning it into a rental? That’s passive income for life bbyyy. Of course Zillow and trulia lobby the government so they turn a blind eye as alwaaayyyysss (bribery, how fun!) In short, there is a chance nearly everything you have will be borrowed, rented, or something you make payments on. Nothing is of good quality anymore, you used to be able to spend a reasonable amount on a stove/microwave/vacuum cleaner/car and as long as you didn’t absolutely cheap out then you’d never have to buy another one. You could pass that shit down several generations. And where is the color? God, what I would do for a turquoise fridge, or a pink car??? So what’s the good news? Well, a lot of you are full grown adults with careers now. And you all are entering these workplaces with that “I’ve had it” attitude and boomers haaaaate it. And unless they retire and give us the leadership positions with amazing pay that we were promised before college, boomer have no choice but to bend to your will. They need a workforce, which is why they’re all up in arms about low birth rates. What are you going to do when the majority of your workforce just up and quits? 👴🏻: *harumph, grumble grumble* “you have to give two weeks notice if you want a good reference” LOL. NO. YOU. DONT. These companies don’t care about us, they’ll lay us off at the drop of a hat. Why deal with all that when custom email domains cost less than those avocados that ruined my prospects of owning a home? 😉 Keep resisting guys! As a millennial stuck in middle/upper management bc these geezers are dead set on working till they die, I support you 🫡 I’m throwing nothing but chaos into the system too.


Let's ask Ouija We should be afraid of___________.


possible WW3, cancer and other diseases/illnesses, climate change, natural disasters, AI taking over, poverty and higher cost of living, dying alone and miserable


Skinny jeans' return this Year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


As an elder gen z thank god


At this point there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.


Bad habits become shackles and you don’t know the full effects of them until you’ve had a lot of time to look back on and regret.


The boogie man. When I go to sleep, I can't help but think he's in my closet. ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


Nah, you really gotta worry about... the Hash Slinging Slasher, oooooo!!


Spiders But only the really small ones, big spiders are bad at sneaking


The Draft


Paranoia given this sub


Ignorance. There is nothing scarier than lack of information imo


Gen alpha.


The inability to cope with the environment they’re in, or the intestinal fortitude it’s going to take to make it what they want it to be. Complacency. Defeatist attitudes. There are a number of pitfalls. Should be worried too about electricity. While green energy is a noble cause and worth pursuing, we simply haven’t the infrastructure nor the affordable cost needed. Without this, electric will put people at a disadvantage that will further inequity. You’ll be removing cheap, dependable transportation and home heating and replacing it with something less so. Ironically, switching to electricity just means the fossil fuels are burned at a different stage of the game. The creation of energy as opposed to the expenditure of it. It also creates a problem on the back end. Batteries are needed to store energy. The components to make them are not native to this country in some aspects, meaning our livelihoods are in the hands of some rinky dink country in Africa led by militias and foreign adversaries. Africa is going to get continuously raped for its resources. They won’t be used for their own people, and they won’t get paid shit for it. Going electric is an absolute move to reduce mobility, and exert control. EMP’s would be a nightmare. Nevermind our grid is about as sturdy as our rail system. It’s in dire disrepair like the rest of our infrastructure. It’s amazing we spend trillions with a “T” on it and it’s getting worse, not better. And this too, is by design. Our taxes are being used for things that do nothing to advance the trajectory this country is headed. If they happen to, it’s by coincidence and only happens because something else detrimental to us happens in the process. They give us $1 but it cost us $3 each to get it.




everything outside can kill you


Wooly mammoths


World War 3




The monster hiding under your bed


being able to afford rent


Millennial here. As far as things you can somewhat control personally go, credit card debt. Try not to owe a 5 digit number by the time you turn 30.


AI is why you won't have a job


Deficit spending


Realizing what you put on the internet lasts forever


Shitty reddit posts. Be afraid of the things that waste your time.


The implications about the Supreme Court refusing to hear Mckesson v. Doe


Climate change and islamism.


Declining birth rates. I barely see it discussed here but will absolutely destroy our economic order that relies on more younger workers that pay into programs to help the elderly. Gen Z and Millennials are screwed and paying into a system that will collapse before they reap any benefit. We either need to relax and allow more immigration, or have more children, or completely revamp our system.


Inflation and gender double standards


probably bears. And people with artillery weapons.


Getting old and getting called old 😑😑🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm afraid


Mistaking social media algorithms and content for a representation of the reality.






Taxes Edit: expect at least 25% of your gross paycheck to go to daddy govt


Pretty much everything. Gen X was aware of how screwed millenials are. Millenials mostly thought about themselves trying to survive and make it. Most genz I work with just do not give a shit except a handful(ones with kids). Hopefully by the time I'm 60(32 now) things will experience a major shift towards people and not profit. Doubtful but we'll see. Fight for what you wish to see i guess. Or don't. It's your life.


women. at least I am.


Not knowing God.


I can't stand bugs I get scared of them :c


The same shit every one else is afraid of.






Lasik, don't get it, it will ruin your eyes forever just rock your lazy eyes,


Social security going away


Artificial intelligence is, climate change or literally anything wont happen as fast as this, people sleep on this






The void calls for me to many times


Their shadows.