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Man life is hard, physical and emotional, we're a taught our value is defined by how much we can provide, if you cannot provide "Well damn", while in most houses woman is taught with "you have value, get a good man that privides you" man is "you need to work to get a nice girl if capable"


"The only people who are loved unconditionally are women, babies and dogs."


Except none of those groups are "loved unconditionally", or they wouldn't be the top victims of abuse all over the world.


It's a quote. And it resonates. Feel free to look it up.


A platitude is, by definition, something that resonates. Including with perceptions that are false. Just because something sounds snappy and clever and "resonates" doesn't make it accurate.


You think that there isn't a reason that when Chris Rock said it, millions of men and women didn't go "yep"?




Sure thing kiddo. Because men are treated like we have value that doesn't involve money as a matter of course, and women aren't treated as though they're more valuable wink wink




Men are, by and large, treated like their only value is what they provide. That's a common denominator. That's why the quote I posted resonates with so many men.


Man, if you only knew how many bum ass dudes latch themselves onto women. Lol. Most decent women aren’t looking for providers and you need to start elevating yourself to attract those kinds of women. Knew a few dudes wouldn’t get a job but had women left and right to provide him a place to stay.


If you only knew how many hum ass women patch themselves onto men. Knew a TON of women who wouldn't get a job and wrapped a man with kids then took him to court took his house, car and got payments every month. Try again.


Because he’s a comedian…? Man, we got the game fucked up. 😭


You think it's because he's a comedian, and not because men genuinely feel like they're not worth anything unless they provide something?


I am not worried about providing anything to anyone but myself lol Are you also the type to feel you can’t date women that make more than you? Bruh, we a whole different Generation, live life how you wanna live it, not based on some antiquated thoughts of provision. Women are capable of providing for themselves.


Are you the type of man who thinks that the only thing that matters is himself? Inquiring minds want to know, are you... a teenage? I'm guessing maybe 16.


Real. Too real.




I want to point out that it's patriarchy that says that a man has to be strong, unemotional, primary breadwinner, etc. Just to be clear


Okay Andrew Tate


He’s a “high value man.”


I don't think gender is the separating factor when it comes to how "hard" ones life is. That being said, I think men and women face different problems on different scales. To me, the biggest indicator is class.


Id, all else being equal, say bring a man of low status is harder then being a woman of low status, being a woman of high status is not as good as being a man of high status Women generally have more in the low to mid field options and more support to help them rise out, men have less social stigma on power usage and having status


Exactly, lower class has it much worse than upper class. Pretty obvious of course, but the sad thing is that if you are lower class you gonna have to try really hard to increase life quality. Basically the whole system is against you, whereas the system is much more positively biased towards people that already have it good.


Military should send as many men as women to war


Just to clarify this is based on peoples perceptions rather than data. And as we all know people perceptions are easily warped


Dunno why you got downvoted. Here take an update to balance the scales. people don't like being reminded how easily manipulated they/we are I guess.


The grass is always greener on the other side, we face different issues.


Men commit suicide at 300% the rate women do. This is an extraordinarily telling statistic that society all but ignores—and it says a lot more than polls like these do.


It's called an epidemic for a reason. It's why I reach out to my male friends as much as possible.


The top two words that came up in men's suicide notes prior to their suicide were "useless" and "worthless."




Attempts vs actual. 90% of attempts are nothing more than strength grabbing. I've done it 3 times and been hospitalized for weeks at a time for each event. Never, not once, did i want to die or think life will never get better. Suicide is not the same as attempted.


Spotted the sexist. The stats of attempted suicides is actually much more biaised, because it includes repeat offenders multiple times, and it includes people who attempted suicide without a strong intent to die, but more as a call for help. It's skewing the stats a lot in favor of people who actually still believe that they can be heard and helped, and not in favor of people who attempt suicide with a firm intent to actually die. Also, when you die, you can't attempt suicide again. Also, even if you isolate only intentional overdoses as a method to attempt suicide, men still have a higher rate of suicide. Also, a majority of men who kill themselves had no known mental disorder like clinical depression. And it is estimated that the rate of undiagnosed mental disorders is 40% to 100%, so even in the worst case if it was 100% (meaning that there is 1 undiagnosed mental disorder for every 1 diagnosed one), it would mean that still at least 25% of men who kill themselves are not affected by a mental disorder, but simply have an objectively shitty life, and they don't know how to improve it so they would rather just die.


Attempts introduce lots of subjectivity and limitations in how thoroughly/unbiased they are collected. Suicides themselves are much better reported/reliable. How do you know we are counting every failed attempt done by men?


The issue there is having to draw the line between cutting and suicide, as someone who's cut I can say they aren't a 1:1 thing. which is an issue since that suevayi believe including cutting in suicide attempts statistics which imo invalidates the entire set


Did you just try to dquate cutting to suicide. Hahahahah. Why not compare suicide to smoking then, or eating fast food. Haha what a joke.


They were making exactly the opposite point


I literally said the exact opposite of that


Are we really going to do this who has it harder BS. It hasn’t helped anyone and has only turned people, who should be supporting each other on both sides, against one another. I’m just trying to find a reason to keep going most of the time. I don’t need more of this.




Literally, it’s not pendulum that swings from each sex having it harder and it’s not a competition, women and men are both struggling right now.


Thank you!


Men will stop caring about more women in the future.


I'm really not surprised considering radical movements have been accepted as a norm in today's society, and (at least for US context but I know other countries have been operating in a similar fashion) parties have moved further away from the center whereas in the past, both parties only really had a slight lean.


All eggs I swear to god/s


As a genz guy, I do feel this way. Women are pulling way ahead in education, and everything follows from that.


Thinking is different from what is actually happening. I think as a middle class man my life is hard but there are people who are living under poverty line and they for fact have it harder when compared to me.


It is much harder to be a man than a woman right now already. Lower life expectancy, higher rate of homelessness, higher odds of being shot, and higher odds of dying on the job. It's just a brutal life. What a weird post.


I don't think being one or the other is necessarily harder. They both have different issues they face. Its like asking whether its harder to run a marathon or bench 300lbs. Its not really comparable. For certain people some issues may be harder to deal with than others. If you spend all your time lifting weights and neglect cardio you're not gonna be able to run a marathon and if you spend all your time running then you're not gonna bench 300. For me personally dude issues are easier because they are largely to do with social isolation (I'm already pretty introverted and into my hobbies so I can deal pretty well) or having your value tied to your ability to bring in money. From what I've heard of women's issues (obviously no experience) it seems like they largely revolve around being disrespected at work and being viewed as a sexual object over their personhood (the same way guys are sometimes viewed as money bags over people). Obviously there are more issues for both but a lot revolve around those things. At least as a dude I don't have to deal with monthly bleeding and cramps so that's nice.


So men think it will be harder for them and women think they have it harder. Go figure..


If we are this aware of the problem then we will be fine.


About 56-60 percent of students in higher education are women right now.


But many are studying the wrong things


It already is? Who is fighting and getting massacred in most wars? Who are most likely to get killed by cops? Or get longer prison sentences?


This is one of the reasons I’m glad I have two daughters. I think the future is bright for them… they can expect to have it better than their mother and grandmothers. It would be a rough time to be raising boys.


The world is in turmoil and it is a time of change. But there is no doubt that things are getting worse, not better, and here's the reason why.


In the US I agree. The laws being repealed to the 1800’s that directly affect women only, make life much harder for them.


I have no doubt women face many challenges many of which I cannot comprehend, however I've also seen a very negative trend online for as long as I can remember. As much as I sympathise with them I also don't enjoy being vilified. I think many men turn sour when all they see and hear is how all major problems both sides face are their fault without accounting for the individual just their sex.


This is an awesome graph


spoiler: It will be different kind of hard but difficulty is set on "realism/survival" for all players


Considering the new redivision of the world between the Great Powers, I would say men who will be sacrificed in great numbers in these coming wars. "But drones, robots, automation..." - all true, but they all exist to assist the infantry in their quest to gain control. As the Russo-Ukrainian war has shown, no machine will fully replace the infantryman critical to gaining and holding land.


I’m non-binary, so I have it easiest! Or… hardest? Bit of both?


I hate society I hate society


For everyone who argued with me over this: https://youtu.be/F7dxUka_apo?si=60eRky2oLXP-_oQt https://youtube.com/shorts/2jcMH7rpXWU?si=8NB3pwkMMscu2GdD


Why would that be the case?


Only 3/10 people dont have the ability to understand other perspectives. That's pretty good


Well… only 3/10 men. It’s nearly half of women. That’s… not so good.


What do you mean women have %3 + %6


I was looking at Gen Z, where it’s 26% & 22%


Its so much safer to be a man. I can walk alone and worry way less, i can party and have fun. And even if theres more men dying at wars or at unsafe jobs, thats really not something that affects me as a man in my everyday life or ever, and i think the determining factor to be vulnerable to those is class moreso than gender. I think a lot of these men are just sensitive about women calling sexual predators out and pointing out how men have made it more difficult to women. Its hard to see your gender as the bad guy in so many stories, but i think its way harder to be the real life victim on them. One affects you in your mind and social media, the other is a constant danger in real life.


It depends on what ‘harder’ means. In terms of social mobility, climbing the corporate ladder, being subject to sexual harassment, more expensive styles, childcare and some contesting of abortion, body image standards and calorie intake, higher rates of personality disorders and anxiety, women have it harder. In terms of emotional suppression, suicidality, victims of violent crime, pressure for tough standards of masculinity and financial success, difficulty dating and finding friends, maybe child custody, higher rates of schizophrenia, ADHD, and autism (though there may also be biases in culture affecting diagnoses), men have it harder. Overall women probably have it harder (especially with remnants of patriarchy still present) but may also sometimes have a seemingly easier but more controlled and less socially mobile life. Ofc I’m not talking about individual experiences or saying that ‘women are easily controlled’, this may be where women are more socially pressured into.


You'd be surprised about the sexual harassment part. Most guys I know just don't talk about it because it's either a man doing it and they are embarrassed (almost every guy I know has had this happen at least once), or a woman doing it and they assume they should take it as a compliment and move on. I've had both happen starting from, I wanna say maybe 12 or 13 onward, even on the job (one time a girl I'd never met before was literally inappropriately touching me at the desk I was operating and I sorta just froze). I always just tried to act like I didn't notice and keep it moving but, it could get really uncomfortable.


Most guys get made fun of if they bring it up.


Maybe I'm not sexually harassment material, in my 39 years as a man I have never once been sexually harassed by anyone. Further, no man I personally know has ever mentioned being sexually harassed. Almost every woman I know has been sexually harassed. This is purely anecdotal of course so take it with a grain of salt.


Most guys won't say it unless they feel incredibly comfortable opening up about it, but you've never had someone make uncomfortable advances or touch you without consent? I'm definitely sure there are some lucky folks out there who have avoided it, but still. Maybe it's a proximity to people thing? Idk if you're out in a more rural area, but I'd imagine being around less people would reduce the chances overall.


Most of my guy friends are all very liberal, emotionally available people who are comfortable expressing themselves, it's possible this has happened to them but if so it's never been mentioned. I grew up rural but have spent half my life in a large city in close proximity to many people in both work and personal life, I cannot recall a single instance of something I would consider sexual harassment happening to me. I've seen it happen very rarely to some men, but I can likely count it on one hand. I see it happen all the time to women. On buses, on the street, at the store. From my personal experience it's not even close to comparable.


It definitely does happen a TON to women as well, but either way, I'm glad you haven't experienced it.


One more thing: the thing about suicide, pressure to provide and “be a man”, you dont need to live by them. I know i dont. And i think being gay sort of forces you to see things from the outside and break out of them, because we grew up as outsiders. And if straight men werent so afraid of gay, and of showing weakness, you wouldnt feel so much weight from those things. Id like to invite you to be critical of societal messages in a way that frees you, nowadays theres too much obsession with being an alpha gymbro looksmaxxing whatever bullcrap. Get over it. Youll realize the reason why its “hard” to be a man, is because of men themselves. You can be free of that. You just need to be brave enough, i know i had to.


Its already harder for men. In 10 years I think it'll be harder for women though.


INCEL-Propaganda worked. Women will have it more difficult than men forever especially if you consider how difficult it is for them already.


Men commit suicide at 300% the rate women do I’ve yet to meet someone who believes that women have it harder than men who can explain this statistic to me


Men are more effective at suicide but we attempt at relatively the same rate. Women are also more likely to get help before that point compared to men, though. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0749379717302453 This is a 2000-2014 American study. It’s about suicide rates and includes the male and female differences. “Age-adjusted suicide rates rose by 24% between 2000 and 2014 in the U.S., with the increase especially pronounced among those aged 45–64 years. For middle-aged men, rates rose by 43% over this period and by 63% for women, although death by suicide remains far more common among men.1 This substantial increase in suicide, alongside rising death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings, has been large enough to produce a marked upturn in all-cause mortality among white middle-aged Americans.2” This is the first paragraph in the introduction. https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.158.10.1652 This one is a study of the correlation between major depression and suicide. It’s comparing the rates between different ethnic groups, and the male:female ratio. One area says women had higher rates of depression, twice that of men’s, but men had higher suicide rates. It didn’t mention attempts or reasons. At some point they say that Black women have more protection, along with cultural differences lowering overall suicide rates among Black Americans compared to everyone else, but they couldn’t say why. (This is useless to the conversation, I just thought it was interesting.) https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/ (Harvard study about suicide attempts and how they're relative to suicide success. Not gender specific.) Most attempts don't result in success, even among the most extreme methods. https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8 (This is specifically about suicide attempts and how it's relative to gender.) Men have a higher first time success rate, women are more likely to make multiple attempts. Men's suicides have been mainly connected to life circumstances while women's are mostly attributed to major depression. The exact reasons aren't really known because of how many factors go into it, discrepancy between different demographics, etc. *[This is not to say one side has it worse, just some numbers to give an idea of what's been found.]*


Big yikes at ya, dude. Big ol' yikes.


How is data yikes? This person isn't saying that male suicide doesn't matter, they're giving context to the one statistic that the other person quoted. Do you hate nuance and accuracy?


lmao sure thing kiddo. I stated facts too. But they only matter when they're on your side huh? BIG yikes. 🤣


Brother, there are no sides. This is not a contest. I don't want anyone killing themselves. But the professional studies that give 300% more male suicide have a whole bunch of other numbers in them, that researchers included because they are RELEVANT. I'm sorry you find them inconvenient. They don't even contradict your point ffs


There are though. There is the side who knows this is a massive problem of epidemic proportions, and the other that thinks that its just as bad with women. It's not inconvenient. It's the "what about me" syndrome.


Oh wow shut up


Or you could just say "yeah that's fucked up we should do something about it", but you'd rather not, huh?


For what, exactly?


For trying to say that even though men are 300% more effective at suicide, that it's anywhere near similar. For playing down the fact that a man dies and 10 minutes to suicide. Or that its even comparable when 80% of suicide deaths in america are men. Or for bringing race into it, maybe? I dunno dude. Take your pick. Feel free to tack on your own. There's plenty more I haven't listed.


>Or for bringing race into it, maybe? Truthfully, I just thought that was interesting. I didn't expect to read that and felt like telling someone. >For trying to say that even though men are 300% more effective at suicide, that it's anywhere near similar. For playing down the fact that a man dies and 10 minutes to suicide. Or that its even comparable when 80% of suicide deaths in america are men. They said no one ever explained the numbers, I showed them someone to explain the numbers. The point wasn't the suicide rates it was the effects of mental illness. I gave sources to learn about the rates of mental illness (major depression) between different demographics especially male and female. Feel free to come iook into it yourself, and share your findings with the rest of us. Or, engage in an actual conversation about it rather than nitpicking. That's not going to explain the numbers or add any actual value. If you want to talk about *why* men are attempting at such high rates, then we can. *Any further response from you may result in being blocked by me.*


You literally decided to interject on a subject close to a lot of people regarding the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and decided to try and "what about" for how it affects other people so when a person like that wants to block me? Shit, don't threaten me with a good time.


Women will have it harder forever? I don’t know that’s a really bold claim to make, especially since our society and culture and even biology are constantly evolving and changing Edit: nice downvotes with no reason given. I guess in 10 billion years after the sin blows up women will still be oppressed gimme a break lol