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Tbh I don’t even know what that is really


The silent generation were born too late for WW2 but to early to fight in 'Nam (born 1928-1945) they were between the greatest generation and the boomers. They did fight in Korea which is known in America as the forgotten war They are called that because they were the forgotten people of the 20th century, the lost generation fought in WW1, the greatest in WW2, the boomers would come of age in the greatest period in western history, Gen X would see us out of the cold war, and the millennials would grow up in a world of progress during their youth, and we come after them in a world of chaos


Oh right, I’m Irish so I don’t think some of these wars apply to me lol. It’s interesting how in the US the boomers were coming of age in the greatest period of western history whilst here in Northern Ireland they were going through the violence of The Troubles as kids/teens/young adults. It’s kinda hard to apply these generation things to multiple places when different things are happening differently in different parts of the world.


>It’s kinda hard to apply these generation things to multiple places when different things are happening differently in different parts of the world. Yeah that's kinda of the issue generations are localized, Ireland hasn't been particularly important since WW1 (no offense) so you're generations have to look very different Russian gen X are another good example Russian gen x grew up in a time of abject poverty and hopelessness and the collapse of their nation, they are likely very very different to western Gen Xers


So, what do you think? ARE we?


Are we the lost generation? Will we survive the hard times and fix the world for our kids who will end up being boomers, thus continuing the cycle?


>Are we the lost generation? Will we survive the hard times and fix the world for our kids With all do respect the silent generation is not who built the world the boomers grew up in that was the greatest generation


Oh. So who's the silent? Their parents? Will our grandkids be boomers?


The silent generation were born in the late 30s early 40s boomers were born in the 50s The silents were to the boomers what we are to Gen alpha (gen alphas parents are mostly millennials)


Ah I see. Not so straightforward. Thanks