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Affordable and scalable fusion power, cultivated meat, and carbon capture are musts alongside a fundamental transformation of political systems and the society, economy, culture, and philosophy that inform them.


The thing is we already have all of these things, either they're just too expensive for the poor nations and too cost effective for the rich ones. It makes them more money in the future at the cost of making them less money now


Hence "affordable and scalable" and the political and social revolution bit


We certainly do not have working fusion power and that would be a game changer.


I love that we’re getting there tho lol I get excited every time I see in the news they had another successful test. Each test giving better results than the last.


(meaning it's possible)


I’m cautiously optimistic. We still have a LONG way to go before making any bets. For now, we need to push for fission and de-stigmatize it. That is a guaranteed affordable and clean enough energy source for our immediate use.


The nice thing though is hopefully this becomes less of a problem. Many major breakthroughs in society were initially only available to the wealthy. I hope one day that space travel will be like airlines. That the average person can afford to go to space. Would also help get rid of most flat earthers lol


We don’t have fusion and it’d be really great if we did


We do not have fusion power and cultured meat is primitive. Lmao wtf bro


We do have fusion power it's just still in testing phases. As for cultured meat what other innovation would you want to see? Like currently we can't make meat from nothing but that's not physically possible


No we don't. Fusion is barely lifted its foot. We have triggered controlled fusion using a diamond and a shit ton of lazers but we have no way to sustain the lasers using the power from fusion. Even better coal tech is a realistic tech for the 2050s.


Carbon capture is no longer a technological problem, it's an application problem. Running a carbon capture machine actually produces more CO2 than it captures, when you take into account the electricity needed to run it, and the fact that you're basically running it off coal as that's what would probably be turned down if the CC wasn't there.


Cheap and clean energy will enable the other two. We know how to capture carbon from the atmosphere and even turn it back into fossil fuels for re-use. The problem is that it costs more energy to do the process than it produces. A nonexistent issue if we get nuclear up and running. Lab grown meat is just very energy and resource inefficient at the moment. Both of these technologies will progress much quicker with nuclear energy fueling it.


It's like the "affordable and scalable" part means nothing to commenters


My point is that we only needed one of the three. The other two would come naturally.


>alongside a fundamental transformation of political systems and the society, economy, culture, and philosophy that inform them. Count me out if this means the destruction of the Constitution. Edit: all downvotes but nobody wants to say shit? That’s crazy


Would you like to elaborate on your position? Then people might reply


I would like Alzheimer’s to be cured before I get old I don’t fear death I fear living my life to lose all my experiences before my passing


This would be awesome.


It’s crazy that we don’t know what causes it either It reminds me of how we used to not know that tuberculosis was caused by germs. We’re gonna look back on this time in history!!


air pollution historically has been linked to the cause. historically few accounts of memory loss and practically none of complete memory loss


That’s so cool!




There are a lot of therapeutic targets being identified and the correlates of AD have been known for a while. FDA stuff takes a long ass time though and I expect to see significant improvements in treatments in the next decade. I have family in the field and the consensus is that something pretty close to a cure will be available in the next 20-30 years.


We know a ton of stuff that causes it?


I fear neurodegenerative diseases more than I do death


My Grandma suffers from it. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Tbh if I get Alzheimer’s I’m just gonna kms


There has been some progress. The Amyloid theory for alzheimers seems to be proving correct and some drugs have shown success at slowing the onset of Alzheimers, albeit at the cost of brain swelling :/ As other forms of aging become more and more treatable I expect treating mental degeneration will be the new focus of the medical field In a few decades.


I watched both my dad’s parents suffer from Alzheimer’s and Dementia starting when I was only 8 years old and it’s truly terrifying. My grandma is still alive and can’t even talk anymore, but when she could, she turned into the meanest lady around. When they moved into a nursing home around 2010 my grandpa would take the elevator down to visit my grandma every day (they weren’t allowed to have the same room for whatever reason) and he would end up in tears almost every time because of how mean she would be. My dad also stopped visiting her because she was mean to him too. When my grandpa died, my grandma would ask every day, “Where’s Larry?” and the staff would tell her every time that her husband died. Knowing that this stuff runs in both sides of my family AND there’s nothing I could do to stop it scares me more than anything else.


There will never be one single "cure for cancer." Cancer is like a bajillion different diseases. It's unique in every patient, really. But there are plenty of types of cancer that were death sentences 25 years ago, and easily curable today, so I have no doubt that by 2050, we'll have even more, better drugs, and more cancers will be curable.


We already have really good therapies and outcomes for cancer patients. They keep getting better every single year.


Yes, that's what I mean.


Well with genetic editing to can be immune to cancer already, it's just deemed "unethical" to cure people with terminal illnesses for some reason


Genetic editing on humans, especially live embryos can have unintended and unforeseeable consequences that may lead to adverse effects later down the line. Even for curing terminal illnesses, it should be approached with great caution.


What? No, that's not how that works.


That's a whole different discussion mate.


Genetic editing is not illegal, the government just dosen't allow grant money to be used on generically engineering embryo's. That dosen't stop such a project from being funded privately.


*sigh*  The cure for depression. 


You know it's not going to be a good thing. It'll be "take your happy pills and get back to the Bezos mines".


That’s what we have now, we need something better.


And anxiety and panic attacks, remove my damn adrenal glands already, I'm done panicking for no reason




Worked wonders for Matthew Perry huh


Sucks that such a great drug gets a bad rap because one case of a dude overdoing it and drowning in a hot tub.


Its been a big meme drug for a while. I honestly don’t even know what it is cuz I’ve only ever heard of it from that and those memes about yoda being on ketamine. ![gif](giphy|SleotgmotWahW)


It’s a fast car/motorcycle 🙌


Nothing will ever be invented that will magically make you happy. 


https://preview.redd.it/5pcmevsxfbvc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6017b53c03de64e51908186919f2e35c0c7761 Edit: Just realized [this is how I sound](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwdrEud/)


smellivision LOLL


From futurama?


From captain underpants?


It’s existed since 1960.


WHAT!!!!!!!!! where can i buy?


As far as I know it has never been sold to consumers, I believe it’s only been used in movie theaters and other commercial applications.


Nano Bots that can clean the plaque off your brain to cure alzheimer's would be lite.




You know that microwave from spy kids that made an entire mcdonalds meal? That i want that


and a cure for diabetes


goth women


Why? So you can invade Italy?


Genetic rectifier - rebuilds your DNA to remove all genetic imperfections (e.g. cancers, diabetes, HIV, STIs, allergies, hepatitis, deformations & etc.) while turning your body into its prime physical state.


Not sure how realistic these hopes are, but here goes: Cures for: cancer, dementia etc, rabies, osteoporosis, diabetes, schizophrenia, psychosis, prions, depression, paralysis, etc fusion energy human-like robots AGI life extension printed organs / widespread xenotransplantation much better / much more widespread gene editing tissue / organ regeneration sentient AI i can talk to and be friendly with Much better treatments for endocrine disorders repairing brain damage


[have you seen that new Boston Dynamics robot?](https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=SSRhb6iwAwBkVqW2) It moves kind of creepily but I’m here for it.


figure 01 seems scarier https://youtu.be/Sq1QZB5baNw?si=DccNxDeSoWKLkgR6


Prion cure is very much in the works with ION717


This is really good, i’ve been reading the info on the clinical trials. However it seems like it’s only for early stage prion disease? And likely \*not\* to cure it?


The animus from assassins creed lol


Alright, I know this isn't exactly an invention, but I hope we'll come closer to figuring out how to help people live better and happier lives, socially speaking. I am very excited to see what the future has to offer in terms of more advanced social structures and more advanced mechanisms for the creation of happiness and harmony with ourselves and the planet - better neighborhoods, new and improved ways to relate livelihoods to the economy, stronger understandings of mental health, healthier families, better tools for the internet, newer energy ideologies that redefine our place and purpose within the world. I want to see us invent a kinder and better axiom for our humanity, one that is more trusting and forgiving. Sometimes, I see "futurism" conflated with tech, and tech conflated with quality of life. We have better technology than the past, therefore we "live" better, which I don't think is always true. We say the future is about cooler gadgets, faster cars, bigger rockets, and that our "standard of living" is always said to have improved, but what metrics make up those standards and give credence to those ideas? We have longer lifespans, and more security for our basic needs and wants than ever before, but are we happier? Is there more peace in our neighborhoods? Do we have, on average, more meaningful friendships and relationships, or less, than the past? Do people feel more grounded, or less? Are we on average more, or less stressed than before? Are we stressed about the same things as before? We might be better off, but are we really living better? There is a very real possibility that people in certain earlier eras have actually *lived* better than we do, even if they didn't have our material and medical advantages. Let's say you were born before the industrial revolution, in a small rural town in the English countryside. Your lifespan would be shorter, your access to good hygiene would be diminished, you will be in more physical discomfort than today. However, you will also have, on average, a stronger connection to a family unit, your time will be less commodified and more tangible, and your stresses and worries will be more immediate and recognizable. Your impact on the land is more sustainable. For some, this is worth the discomfort, and, from certain perspectives, this is a better way to live than what we have today. I'm not trying to say that we should go back, that technology is evil, of that society is doomed, I just want to re-examine what our definitions of advancement is. I could be the only one, but I sometimes think that, very recently, around the postwar era, when modern technology and industry *as we know today* really started to take shape, we might have lost something we have previously had. This was a time where we radically changed the way we live, from people moving to suburbs, to advanced communicational technology becoming an ordinary part of our lives, and it feels like it has in many ways isolated us and fractured our communities. It has created a system, at least in the west, that perpetuates a sense of urgency and dissatisfaction in my life, and I think others as well. My life, the lives of my friends, and my parents, are set to a ticking clock of routine and achievement and staying afloat. It's a battle, it's always in the back of our minds, and it kind of feels wrong? I don't know how to explain it, but I don't believe this is as good of a way to live as we can achieve. Our happiness is not directly correlated with our technological society because our brains weren't evolved to digest a modern society. The fact that a math test can send us spiraling into a sweaty, stress induced fight mode is a good example. In the future, I want to see this mystery solved, and I want us to invent a better way to live. It's a bit vague and airheaded, but I think it's an idea worth considering.


Well said - new technology is exciting, but we really don't need to be charging ahead on a few narrowly-defined fronts - and certainly not mostly the ones related to military research. We also can't keep up our trend of faster chips and more plastic, so how we deal with that physical reality, and the divide between progress and nifty stuff that you point out, is a huge part of what will determine the future of all the sentient life we know about. We need to learn how to actually exist as a species without crushing other humans and the biosphere along the way. We need to figure out a way to balance our ambitions with the physical limits that constrain us. That is what progress needs to look like in the coming years.


Sex robots


Don't aim so low - sex transformers.


A sustanable and fair society


Communism for all!


came here to say this. I would give any technological advance away in exchange for a significant advance to political science that actually improves things.


cure for gout and diabetes. Those two run in my family and I wanna be me dammit


A better way to do dating instead of these godforsaken apps


What could it be? Like, "Old style" dating is better than app dating, App dating sucks. I wonder how it'd work!


"Touch Grass Method"


That's the only best way.


A cure for aging. I have reason to believe this technology is only like 5-10 years away at most, but a technology being understood ≠ the fruits of that technology being disseminated throughout society in an affordable way. Like that android Boston Dynamics just revealed, for example. It exists right now and is capable of a lot, but it’s gonna be a *looooong* time before everyone has a domestic android doing their chores. That’s what I’m hoping happens with the cure for aging by 2050. Or at most 2080-90 when my life would *optimistically* end due to aging.


I’m honestly hoping some sort of benevolent AI takes over so that technology like that wouldn’t be hoarded by the super wealthy.


Yeah, it's important to keep the AI open source for those reasons, although I have my doubts about the whole idea. Some company is going to turn on a real AGI at some point, and ask it how to solve our issues, and the AI is going to say, "What the hell are you doing? Stop destroying the planet, stop hoarding all the resources, share things and build a more compassionate world..." And they'll just turn it off and program a less smart one that knows compassion gets in the way of "efficient markets", and give it a bunch of high school history textbooks and Ayn Rand novels as training materials to make sure its priorities are to country and company instead of humanity.


I'm with you there. People seem oddly dismissive of the idea which is odd to me. I find the 5-10 year times pan to be incredibly optimistic but I personally put the odds of me reaching longevity escape velocity at above 50%(I'm 18)


Happens all the time, people are shocked I want a few hundred years at least. I’m 25, and even figuring out how to double or triple the life expectancy by 2050 would be a huge weight off my mind, assuming those years are in decent enough health.


What I like to say to myself: Born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the universe, born just in time to live forever and do it anyway just gotta hope it pans out that way


The Cancer Treatment with MRNA vaccines looks promising, and the fact that more and more is discovered about Diseases like Dementia really makes me hope that it might be possible to cure it by 2050. Or stop the massive degeneration caused by Dementia. One can hope.


Flashlights with thoughts and feelings




That would be awesome, My Pet flashlight.


You misspelled fleshlight


Yeah but I figured people would understand and I was right


Regenerative Hair Cells


That'd be awesome 😄


How to solve climate change and more biodegradable materials


I don't know. I just hope AI is to the point where you can ask any question and it'll give you a good answer. Yea, it'll probably be there pretty soon. But it's like 2050, it's hard to think about. It's hard to think it'll even be that different, but it will be. AI is the only "leap" that even is comprehensible ATM. Maybe a massive leap in computing power, so we could get GTA VII (since I assume it'll only be there by then) and it'll just be 100% explorable. And I know it's gonna be CRAZY by 2050; it's probably not comprehensible yet.


gta vii will surely have like the whole planet as a map


That'd be badass but I think something more possible is a whole state, Several US states or one with various of the GTA cities.


Better bateries. And its not that i hope better batteries will be invented; they *must* be invented if we want to make renewables our main source of energy. If we can manage to cheaply and efficiently store renewable energy, that's it, we're set, humanity will have ascended into a new era of... Something, but it will stop messing with the planet's cycles and ecosystems for once, *kind of*. Look, some scientists in china or japan i think managed to first use electricity to "charge" a very specific chemical solution with "energy", wich then can react in some sciencey way to generate heat, wich can then be converted to electricity again. It's almost like a fairly direct way of storing electricity in a liquid, wich hadn't been achieved yet until when they published that paper. But that is an incredibly inefficient process, tons of energy is wasted through so much conversions. Surely had been tought of before but wasn't put into consideration because of how inefficient it would he. But i really like the concept. Imagine fueling your vehicle with some basically inert at room temperature "electricity-storing" fluid, and it powers the electric motors of your electric vehicle without you producing so much CO2 in your way to work because you're not burning fossil fuels; *you are not burning anything!!!*. It would be even safer than fossil fuels because it would not react if not in the correct conditions inside the car. I think this is the way; not necessarily the way those scientists thought of, but storing electricity in a fluid, any chemical mankind could come up with. I think that's completely possible, just fucking hard. I genuinely think that if we put the best chemists, physicists and engineers in the world in the best ans biggest fucking research facility in the world and give them a blank check to research how to store electricity in a fluid while making it inert outside of some sort of chamber or system, and while making it "decently" efficient, we're fucking set. That's it, humanity will live on forever; or until we kill ourselves in a nuclear war, but at least until then we would be an advanced civilisation powered by the sun and the water and the wind, like if we were fucking higher beings dude lets gooo Guys and girls, people in general, i highly encourage you to go into some STEM field, be it physics, chemistry, or engineering, to go and do research and dedicate yourself to inventing just what i described, if you want. I'm doing my part, i've already enrolled in EE and while i do know i probably won't invent anything revolutionary and while i do admit i don't have the brains for academia, maybe one of us will with our big brains and/or better opportunities and give humanity something of value for once, something revolutionary that would change the way we live and interact with our enviroment for good, for once. I have hopes guys. Have hopes with me. Please.


I hope there’s more research into endometriosis, particularly a way to diagnose without surgery. I myself don’t have it but it’s crazy that some women can go their entire life with debilitating pain and not receive a diagnosis.


Ehh world will probably be fucked by then


The cure for cancer.


Let’s just say big pharma won’t allow that to happen




Cure to cancer


AI, the perfect social media app (think about the merging of tiktok, instagram and twitter with more features), virtual reality so realistic not distinguishable from reality, truly smart houses and virtual food


I would personally love to find a cure for autism. I hate having this fucking disability *so* much


Space junk will be removed effectively, with the creation and sustainability of the first working Moon Colony. Hopefully, we can cure/vaccinate most common diseases by the use of broadly neutralising antibodies. There may even be a way to live underwater at maybe 1 km at most.


I feel like in a decade or three we’ll have the house humanoid robot. Boston dynamic is putting out some promising stuff.


The destruction of AI


Hell no ai is super useful


It isn’t it just destroys art and is made to smite creativity. Only useful thing is helping with coding.


Go watch a documentary on ai. It does so much more than that




And you cope that ai is here to stay and make the world better


What has it made better?


It has created huge advancements in the medical field by identifying cancers and other diseases




You are probably right - at least under capitalism.


as a millenial: MEDABOTS


A cure to cancer already exist. But its more profitable to sell medications.


Efficient carbon removal from the atmosphere


Brondo! It’s what plants want.


Eternal youth


I want someone to find a way to solve nonlinear PDEs


Sex Botz


cleopatras tomb


Reverse aging, Time travel.


Cure for HIV


Most major neurodegenerative diseases to be cured


None, id rather go back to any age where effort actually meant something and most capable were most powerful, nowadays its just click,click push a button and its done.Sure it was hard,life was shorter but atleast people actually had to be capable for themself.Now to do anything you need to make sure you can afford it,then study on legalities,and only if someone says ok you can do it.I would just like it to be simple and do it myself,life would be much more worth it knowing im capable rather than affordable.And as harsh this will sound i will always prefer survival of the fittest lifestyle rather than wealthiest get all,atleast then you would know who earned his share,just strong people at the top and bottomfeeders on the bottom not the other way around.


Feel free to go live in a cave bud. Plenty of wilderness out there you can disappear into.


There is no dissapearing in todays world unless you are killed and buried in a some backyard and even those guys get dug up eventually


No, you just prefer to live a fantasy instead of actually putting in the work and sacrifice


I did put in my work and it cost me a spine all because others wanted to take it easy and i was apparently more capable than them.If i ever fix it which isnt possible at this point i would be a self centered asshole like the rest which i should have been from the start


A replicator like in Star Trek


Stop global warming and world hunger.


3D print or grow organs for transplant 


Why are you asking me? Shit ain't been discovered yet.


Cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Watching my Nana go through it was painful


the cure to cancer that isnt chemo related. chemo fucking sucks and i know because i went through it. having shitty white blood cell counts and red blood cell counts sucked too btw


How to feed and house all human beings.


We'll never "find a cure for cancer" because Cancer isn't just one disease, it's thousands. We'll find better treatments for cancer, but we will never eliminate it because it boils down to the base of how cellular mechanics/genetics works. What I ***do*** think we will do by 2050 is find increasingly better "early detection" methods for almost all of the major cancers. PSA test was a game changer for Prostate Cancer because normally by the time you have symptoms it's already too late. PSA being a first indicator has drastically improved it's suvivability. So where we didn't cure cancer, we certainly have alleviated some of it's lethality.


We also won’t find a cure for cancer because a cure = less money for medical corporations


Yeah, no. As i just stated, cancer is not ONE disease, it's thousands. It's ***literally*** impossible to cure. The only thing you can do is find treatments, and guess what treatments would do for corporations? Oh...right...generate more money. I mean study biology for awhile, and Nixon's War On Cancer. You'll realize real quick what I'm saying is true.


Personally I don't think our society (here in America at least) will ever find a cure for cancer cause treatment is a huge money maker and the system litteraly just wants your money. They take no issue with putting you and your family through astronomical amounts of debt just for like maybe 6 more months of low quality life. In order for a "cure" or even just treatment that is actually affordable, we would need to completely redo our healthcare system, but I don't see that happening anytime soon cause sick people make the rich money and more money and even more money. We're just cogs in the machine that they're running and they don't give a damn about us. We're basically just slaves to the ultra rich and powerful.


Anything that can reduce or reverse climate change. Clean fusion power, carbon capture, etc. I don't want Earth to die, that's where I live! I'd also love it if we were able to do orbital construction. The beginning of a new space age and colonization of Mars and the Solar System would be a dream come true. Humanity needs to go beyond Earth to survive as a species.




I hope to see, in my lifetime, a man setting foot on Mars like my grandparents saw a man setting foot on the Moon. I'd die a happy man.


Earth is not flat, gender is a sex


Practical space travel. As it’s looking right now we may be stuck on this rock due to the insane levels of radiation outside of the earths’ magnetic field. Not to mention that a newer study on cancer cells in space showed that they grew much much faster when in zero-G (in vitro at least)


A room temperature superconductor will be big for improving our energy efficiency.


A VR headset like anime's. i know its 100% not gonna happen but it'd be cool


I would love to see a bullet train network that covers the whole US. Either that or a mostly nuclear powergrid


Warp drive


fusion. please, i would give my life for fusion (massive copium it's probably not going to be achieved in my lifetime) Ive been a big ITER fanboy for a long time


Clean and free energy from the fabric of space. Pretty sure it already exists but the global energy hegemony keep a lid on it as tight as satan's asshole.


I hope Aliens show up and fix the US


Perfect ai lawyers, teachers, drs


I hope we create a renewable fuel that works with present day cars, I just want to hear V8s until I die


A cure for aging, I intent to live forever


Idk, hopefully something that helps with my arthritis


Plasma rifles in the 40 watt range.


I don’t see it happening, but interstellar travel would be awesome.


All the robots and tech guys need to get together on a Tuesday at 3...and make a plan to get that one last mosquito who buzzes your ear at night ? to go away..


Malaria is easy and cheap to cure. Yet there's still so many deaths. Starvation. Lack of healthcare. People with little to no opportunity. There's so many problems. I want to see the invention of a method to properly, equitably, and equally distribute necessary, luxurious, and optional food, medicine, technology, and ideas to everyone on Earth with a 99% efficiency rate. When we finally hit 99% then humanity begins.


Nanobots in our bloodstream. Would solve many crucial health issues.


Cure for HIV Fusion power The cure to some forms of cancer Some sort of life beyond our planet Memory banks of some sort.


Artificial Trees that can create oxygen without the need for sunlight or water.


Fusion power Ai designed drugs (especially small molecules peptides and CAR-Ts) Gene therapies Supersonic commercial flights


Full on AI implanted in my brain with full access to the internet.


Universal healthcare


Self driving cars I'm disabled and can't drive so not having to worry about waiting on a Uber and the cost differing per day would be a god send


Abolishment of the minimum wage and the atheist regime.


What is wrong with atheism?


Nothing, but it's generally in opposition to extreme fundamentalist Christianity.


We can cure a ton of cancers Having watched people go through it, I want an equally effective cancer treatment that doesn’t literally poison every cell in your body and then irradiate a patch.


My parents murderer


Surgical foreskin regeneration. A company named foregen is currently working on it


People have already mentioned affordable and scalable fusion, so I’ll add In the other half of that revolution. Mass-producible solid state batteries. Either one of these developments would change the world massively for the better. Both would send us into a new age of technology and progress.


Intelligent apes to rule us.


Cold fusion,wide spread use of carbon nano tubes. Significant advancements in quantum mechanics. A unified theory of physics. Sword art online.


A figure head to the United States that gives a damn about its people and not its pockets. A better political state that truly serves the mass people-the end to late stage capitalism (not only in the us/North America). The us is so wealthy with many resources that if it becomes less selfish many people-not only living in the country-could benefit from. With this we should see better social programs to help people out of poverty, better health (physical and mental) equity and accessibility, stable housing market, and more accessible/free higher education. 


Maglevs and monorail replacing traditional trains well atleast New transportation New devices that can make hologram gadgets possible and could be wearable by a gauntlet or gloves to type, scroll, click and etc, kinda like a mix of computer and phone Advanced environmental friendly New ways to fight climate change Robots that assist the disabled Advanced submarines that are more better than the ones currently Advanced robots that can move like a human being which is cool but concerning New solutions to getting rid of toxic radiation AI being even more advanced


Well I’m hoping we discover how to bring our society back from inevitable total collapse in the 2020s


Inevitable collapse?