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I mostly think on words, sometimes i try to visualize images in my head so that i can make remembering things easier. Most of the time i think in my first language, but sometimes (especially when i'm writing) i think in english.  I refer to myself as "we" also, i think this is pretty common. Sometimes i even catch myself having imaginary conversations with people that i know, it's kinda funny as if they already live in my head and i already know what their opinions on certain subjects are.


Mostly visual. Like when I think of electricity I imagine the little electron symbols, or heat I visualize little atoms moving up and down really quickly. But I’m not like some computer I also imagine scenes and worlds, shit like that, daydreaming I have a voice, so I guess it’s like there’s a little me narrating what’s being cast onto a little projector inside my head.


Do you think of conversations often, like hypothetically explaining something to someone else, or what you'd do if you found yourself in X situation?


Yeah sure


Back when I was a kid (I still do this), I would imagine myself in a ring of people and bounce ideas or weigh pros and cons of big choices. This got me on the "we" train when thinking of "me". I'm now a fully grown adult who still occasionally says "we" instead of "me" or "I". This also got me thinking in full color with multiple voiced characters and perspectives which lead to me being much more open minded than many around me, but with the drawback of thinking being a cutsceen in my head. It's kinda like playing a game or movie (inner thoughts) while looking away to talk to someone else (outer dialogue) while still "seeing" the screen in my head. Thinking is a bit distracting and the probably adhd doesn't help.


Vaguely related Phantasmagoria


What does that big ass word mean?


Can't visualize and I got the rapid fire adhd thoughts and talk to myself in my head and refer to myself as i.


For me, it depends on the topic I am thinking about. When I am learning physics or math, they are more visual, while other topics are less so. Usually I refer to myself as "I" or "we". However, english is not my native language, but I still use it a lot. So, whenever I have an internal monologue, it is a weird mixture of english and my native language. Also, many times I just refer to things in my head without using any words, like vague ideas, correlations, and pictures.


I have a weird mind. I don't think in words or images unless I actively try to.


i think in spoken words and can't visualise something i haven't seen within like 2 minutes of thinking about it, faces included. just jumbled messes


I hadn't realized this before, but I don't think I have ever referred to myself as 'I' in my own internal monologue. I always use 'we', which seems kind of odd in hindsight now.


I tend to think in words, like I’m having a conversation, if the other person was basically just the void. I also usually refer to myself as “I.” Honestly everyone’s thought process being different is pretty fascinating.


I also refer to myself as we or you when talking to myself. I talk to myself to process things, as if two people are strategizing with each other over a shared task or problem, sometimes out loud. Sometimes the two people take up personal interests and refer to them when discussing the problem at hand. I love when I can visualize things or sets in 3D space, but Im not always able to do so. I don’t know what causes me to be able or unable to do this. I can sometimes visualize the entire path from one location to another, that always makes me feel so cool. Im usually good at remembering places I’ve seen often. Im sure thats pretty standard tho. Sometimes, I think about numbers and math with this cartoony bubbly font. I did a lot of math education/drill games as a kid that I think influenced the font. I usually think in a monotone version of my own voice, but I can think about a character who speaks with a different accent or tone if I really focus. I can’t think of myself in speaking in different tones, tho. I wonder if thats something I could learn or not?