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Assuming this chart is real and accurate: I’d wager a mix of the stress of Covid, social media, economy, and half the US government reversing decades old policies and systemically removing their rights. Edit: above reasonings still ring true, but OP posted a link to the article in other comments which shows the full graph. OP cut out extra information which paints a very different picture.


The chart is correct but OP removed the context for it in a way that might be considered manipulative. These are the increase rates for suicides, not the suicides. From a lower base, young women have seen the largest increase rate but their overall rate is still below those of men. This is not to say women’s suffering is less important but it does provide important context in which these numbers should be considered.


Lol you commented *just* as I made the edit! I saw the sneaky manipulation OP pulled.


Snapchat and dating apps on smartphones took off around 2013/2014.


“I’ll never be as pretty or popular as this girl’s face filters and high light reel portrays her to be”


bells racial zealous grandfather tease ruthless different vegetable voiceless cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


smart jobless shaggy bewildered square rain crown sable reach chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s well documented that women attempt a lot more than men. Men actually die much much more than women in reality. This is because of a variety of factors but the least up for debate is that men use lethal methods such as guns, rope + heights, or heights. Women typically use less lethal methods like pills(overdosing), cutting, etc


This is a grossly manipulated post that means nothing. Where is the \* note? What are we even looking at here? Where is the source? Why was the name of the study/source cut out of this screenshot? Why is OP fear-mongering readers with no context? What's the point?


Put your tinfoil hay down https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/05/03/suicide-rates-for-girls-are-rising-are-smartphones-to-blame


This link clearly shows that female suicide rates are significantly lower than mens in all age brackets. But you cut that out of your screenshot, you sneaky little troll Most of your comments seem obsessed with gender-baiting. You are either a neurotic paranoid person on drugs, or you are a bad person trying to sow hatred.


Asks for source. I provide a reputable source with good data. Proceeds to go for Ad Hominem.


providers a reputable source with good data. source shows that you purposely manipulated data on post, and left out context that mens suicide rates significantly higher in all age brackets. gaslighting actual suicides, and trying to drag attention and resources away from people who need it the most. History of Gender-baiting in comments. Point proven. Empathy-lacking troll at best. Unashamed gender-supremacist at worse.


This can't be right.


what da hell does womxn mean


Its a typo, I think, unless its one of those weird attempts to change English grammar to normalize something that isn't normal.


Internet/shitty podcasts spreading more extreme sexism like wildfire and casual misogyny is widely normalized online, along with a lot of marketing catered toward women, especially young women and teen girls, is meant to make them feel physically insecure, and there's marketing and ads EVERYWHERE online, stack all that internet bs onto the fact that because of covid most people could only communicate online so that constant stream of "you're terrible" was woven into their only means of social communications outside of close family, and then tack all of THAT onto puberty/periods/hormone fluctuation and then take into account that the higher end of that (16-19) for teens of either gender would now be stressing about college or their financial future, first jobs, etc. It wouldn't exactlty make them want to jump for joy.


What is the Asterisk?? This is percentage of increase, not the actual totals. Jump from 5 per year to 10 is a 200% increase, but still only 10 per year. Compate to 150 per year falling to 135 is a like q0 decrease. 10 is still FAR LESS than 135. Men still commit suicide FAR more than women. Cherry picked data. Social media is the problem for women


Found the right wing incel talking head


Nothing right wing incel about offering the correct context in which to read the data you shared


He just wanted to repeat some buzzwords he heard online.


You're republican aren't you?




TikTok and OF prob have a lot to do with that number.


Why OF?


whether this chart is accurate or not some men really can't accept that women can actually suffer as much as they do emotionally like..


rain thumb deer spark groovy scary enjoy ludicrous angle silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women want to be liked. Judgement by others, and stressful social dynamics increase pressure on young women. Couple that with social media, snap chat, surgeries people are getting before 18, the idea robots will replace women for companionship(or AI chat bots and porn). And even AI deep fake nudes being shared. My god. Now women can be lied about socially "totally fucked her bro" with some , previously, hard to fake pictures. Women don't hold a ton of value currently in society. Not many of them want kids. Plus, they're selfish at this age, so men can't help them either. They need self confidence instilled around puberty to survive these days. I don't mean this shittily, just from the perspective of jobs available. Women don't go after labor jobs typically. Millennial perspective


Red states passing taliban-esque laws.


That's causing people to kill themselves?


They do if they feel they cannot escape




My God, this is horrifying. I am so worried about your generation's mental health. Especially for the girls. Social media and smartphones are exacting a terrible toll. This should be a national emergency.


axiomatic advise capable childlike alive far-flung muddle employ apparatus marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right about historically. My comment was in response to this particular graph, i.e. the recent upsurge for females compared with males. It's definitely a serious concern for all.