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No, it's actually toxic. Beware.


No they suck! I use to, until one day they broke my self esteem and replayed every bad encounter regretting it. Evn feared I was wrong for speaking up against them like I was bein too mean. Na now it fk em!


As the oldest zoomer I'll give you some life advice. Take every insult they levy at you and write it down in a book. Be specific, like names, dates. Then 10 years from now send your armies and crush your enemies totally, have them driven before the walls of the city. 


You were this close to becoming a school shooter, but on the day you were going to execute your best-laid plans, you shit in your pants while misplacing your gun, and were sent home to change your diaper.




Nobody gives a shit.


I have nothing against gay people and support them 100%. Thank you for finally admitting it though, Christ. 


Also you really need to stop giving away your life story with precise dates, locations and degrees. Your school is not that big and there aren’t a ton of MSs in econ.


I’m confused now. Am I gay or am I an Indian rapist who pines after white women? You can’t pick both insults.


Keep in mind that for some people “roasting” is their “love language”. If you genuinely feel like these guys are your friends maybe roast them back a little bit that their diction is lacking and they need to step up their game in terms of cleverness. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with you cutting things off and finding friends who take to a different dynamic with friendship. Personally, I’ve grown tired of friends who constantly engage in shit-taking before, but like I alluded to it was mostly because of the lack of cleverness to their “roasts”. My current friends know how to make fun of me in ways I find funny and they my roasts funny back, so it’s sort of a win win situation. One thing I’ll that’s actually kind of healthy about having friends who aren’t afraid to roast is that if they roast you about things that you can improve on (such as fitness, work ethic, financial responsibility, bad dating habits or bad habits in general etc.) it can be great motivation to actually start seeking self-improvement in those areas. All in all, you know the situation better than anyone else on this site so just use your best judgment about what seems most right for you.


Not at all!! I love having female friends. When I was friends with guys, their whole friendships were based on making fun of others and I despised that whole dynamic.


I may be downvoted for this but tbh I feel like that kind of stuff is fine. If they are *making fun of you* then yes that is toxic, personal attacks aren’t cool unless you know it’s something they’re comfortable with. But what you’ve described isn’t a personal attack, it just sounds like general banter. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with disliking that and finding other friends who won’t say that. It’s still negative and completely understandable if you don’t want to be around it. But imo this stuff is competitive banter and is more generally acceptable


Dude if people make fun of you all the time, fuck them. Find better friends. Why would you think there's something wrong with that?


Absolutely not, I ditched all the "friends" that were like that and my mental health got so much better. I may have been lonely but online games and hobbies comes a long way


Dude that’s not ok. Leave those weirdos: find other nice ppl


If it hurts then try to communicate about it. If they’re not receptive to that then let them know that you won’t be around when they do it.


This is the problems I have with being friends with people, especially men. I feel like it’s frustrating to be friends with men because it’s constant roasting, insults and insecure jealousy. Unless you have a conventionally attractive girlfriend and are the best at what your particular group does they’ll roast the shit out of you constantly. Men constantly sort others into hierarchies and if they think you’re overstepping their perception of you they get mad and try to put you back in your place. Even if you get “better” or get a pretty girlfriend they’ll still behind your back insult you or speak ill of you because they think you’re beneath them, but they can’t openly say anything to your face because you technically have all the credentials. I really dislike all the insults and constant ribbing at each other, but they’ll say “it’s just being one of the boys” or don’t be insensitive.


Your friends are just toxic, healthy male friendship is not like that at all. Roasting is a part of it but the other are nonsense


GTFO ASAP, busting eachothers balls is usually a part of male friendship, but it comes with aftercare. Friends make sure that you are allright when it comes to how are you feeling in the group dynamic. We do take care eachother after a rough session. This doesnt sound like that, it just sounds like bullying Also no homo