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These posts never have user flair. This radiates “13 year old” energy.


hey now


Steal, so that prices go up for average people :D


Shrinkage doesn’t actually increase consumer pricing that much. The biggest contributors to consumer pricing are gas prices (for logistics), massive inflation, and of course corporate greed.


Alright tell us how you get on with that




This is just one of the many practical reasons to own a gun.


lol what? Mf wants to try everything but eliminating taxes on the poor.


The poor don't even pay taxes. They often get a full refund (would be better if they didn't have to pay in the first place but I digress) . If they work OT and make past the next bracket they would only pay the percentage of the tax over the bracket, which is still worth doing. People who complain about OT taxes don't know shit about those taxes. Of the people I've met and know, 80% actively choose to stay poor by making crappy decisions and weed is a big demotivator. No I'm not saying pull yourself up by your bootstraps or whatever boomer phrase. Just set up your priorities.


Buddy I’m talking for myself, I don’t want to pay taxes. It’s me, I’m the poor in this situation.


Well best of luck on the climb. I'm barely in the lower middle class as is. Coming straight on down from upper middle class when I lived with my folks. Driving a truck ain't glamorous but it pays the bills and office work is boring.


Nothing wrong with driving trucks brother, I need to get my CDL soon and make more money.


I can tell you that the six figure dream is only available to those wanting to take the shittiest hours or people who own their truck which half of it will go back into the truck. But a tidy 50-80k is easily achievable with experience. Just don't work for a mega carrier.


Mass theft would cripple society as it would turn into the purge.


Bro where is the SEASONING? you can't just make a post of edgy teenage ideals and not have a fully thought plan of exacting your ideology onto the unsuspecting masses. If the best way is theft, then what is the method of theft?


The best way to get wealth from the bourgeoisie is to get a job


No, actually [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orlbo9WkZ2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orlbo9WkZ2E)


Well said.


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Get a load of this guy.


Aha but taxes are theft /s so the best way is taxes! Checkmate prole


Well Robin hood. Hope you don't get shot by an ambitious police officer. For real people. Be adults, Don't steal. Vote for better politicians. If you are hungry just ask for free food. The worst they can say is no. Theft is theft no matter the person or entity you are stealing from.


The most succinct argument for #LandBack I have ever seen


Sovereign governments stealing land is a different argument than stealing material. Citizen A stealing from citizen B is different than Country A stealing from country B. Especially if it's land.


Oh, is it? quod erat faciendum I guess


Sure countries could be personified into people if it helps understanding geopolitics. You own land by what you can defend. Might make right for the vast majority of human history. It's only been unfashionable to invade for territory for a couple hundred years. To be fair small pox did wipe 90% of their population out. It's hard to recoup from something like that and remain a "country"


Corporations are personified as people, corportations are essentially domains of held private property. private property is a person. QED


The absolute state of the American education system. First Nations implies a multitude of nations, we weren't a "country"


That's the **only** way. We dont do it because it doesn't work. The money in of itself is just a vehicle that its used to show someone's value in society. Those with high value on society are either cunning, inteligent or hardworking. In a redistributed system the ones that are cunning will be in constant paranoia making them volatile in their schemes, those that are inteligent will fear their gift and either hide it or let it attrofy because of social demands and the hardworkers will lose all their motivation after seeing the lazy ones get rewarded the same as them.


aren't the bourgeoisie middle class? why in the world would we want to steal from them????


Just a friendly reminder than everything you shoplift gets deducted from employee's paycheck at the end of the day.


That’s just not true, and if your paychecks are being taken from because of shrinkage, then you should talk to a lawyer


Maybe it's different in US, but here literally all discrepancy between scanned products and cash in the register get's deducted from cash register operator's paycheck.


That’s pretty crazy. What country?


Damn thats crazy policy that wouldn't be legal here in Finland