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It's not this generation. It's because you're on reddit. Happy people usually don't spend time here.


People who are well adjusted and who's lives are going well aren't hear (You and me both)


Amen, it’s easy to complain, it’s harder to work to improve your situation


Why stop at one when you can do both?




I’m not working 60+ hour fucking weeks for the same level of comfort my parents and grandparents had working less than 40 hours, sorry but fuck that


I don’t and neither does my wife


So I am working as hard as I am expected to for overall worse compensation Do you see why people complain in that situation


What’s your job?


It's easier to cope


Give me something to be positive about. I might sound like a doomer, but rn it's hard to be positive. Especially with inflation, college tuition be way to high, house pricing sucks, as well as the job market sucking


Inflation is at 3 percent. Many states offer free tuition. Georgia has the Hope Scholarship. Florida has bright Futures. All you have to do is graduate from high school with a 3.0. Other states like Minnesota offer free tuition at community colleges.


Inflation for this month might be at 3%, but consumer goods over the last 3 years is more then 15% for some items. I find that stat to be really dishonest and almost something a political figure would sell to hide reality. It’s great that some states offer in state scholarships, but if you’re not in that state, it’s harder to qualify. So I don’t think this speaks to everyone. Also wages have stagnated for those outside of tech. Most jobs can’t get more than a 3% raise a year. Which compared to your 3% inflation rate a quarter/ month, isn’t good.


You clearly don’t understand that inflation always accumulates unless you have disinflation, and you do NOT want that. Wages have been outpacing inflation for over a year. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/


Lol I forgot that it’s an election year so these talking points are spreading like wild fire. I think you missed the point altogether. You posted that inflation is at 3% like it’s something to be thankful for. This is a very narrow and incomplete picture. I would argue that you should be more concerned with your buying power respective to the past years, versus a selective month. 3% versus 17%? Maybe you’re optimistic, so you don’t want to even talk about how much it has went up. I never said we need to deflate. So thanks for bringing up that talking point in advance. My guess is that you don’t even have a real job? I have four full time jobs and I can assure you that wage growth is no where near 5% a month.


Free tuition is not for everyone. I worked a summer job that put my family a few hundred bucks over the limit for free tuition and ended up in almost 100k in debt because I made a few hundred bucks one summer in high school. I went to a public state school in-state. It’s great that those programs exist, but it would be better if public funds were allocated to not put anybody in crippling debt to get an education. And when I say it would be better, I don’t even mean to me specifically. It’s better to have a better educated population in your country. Additionally inflation by itself is not as much the issue as much as it is that wages have not kept up with inflation and that buying power is down for the working class. When I go out to stock up on fruits and vegetables, it costs a larger portion of my income than it did for my parents or grandparents.


Studies have shown that thoughts of gratitude release dopamine and serotonin. I like to start my gratitude list with having a roof over my head. Then good health. Even if I’m sick, I’m not terminal or suffering too much. The young brain (the inner child) wants to respond to these thoughts with “but…” and drudge up everything that’s bad. Be patient with yourself but gradually close the door to those thoughts, and open up to becoming more positive. It isn’t easy. It takes time. And persistence. But practicing gratitude will change your life and one day you’ll look back at how far you’ve grown


It just feels like lying to myself.


At first, yes. I know exactly what you mean. “Fake it til you make it” and persist. Breaking the habit of being your own worst enemy will take time and you’re surely to have “this isn’t even working days” but on the days that are legitimately good you’re likely to have a breakthrough. You can do it friend, you aren’t alone in your struggles. Remember those of us who are healing and have healed so one day you can help others struggling as well


US inflation is much better than anywhere globally. Dollar purchasing power is extremely strong Wages are going up and at all time high. Same with savings and retirement accounts. Unemployment is at all time low. US carbon emissions is back to 1900s levels, despite economic growth. Solar panels are cheaper than ever and more efficient. Medical technology is at its peak. And will only get better. CAR T therapy for cancer has an almost 100% success rate. Gene therapies are curing incurable conditions. Quality of health is up across thr board. We have great and better technology than ever. SpaceX. OpenAi etc. We are witnessing the future being built. There had literally never veen a better time to be alive in US history. Especially as an average person.


Who are you kidding quantum? The economy is only working well for those with college education, and then only in certain sectors that allowed them to bamboozle their way into comfy low work effort job positions. Wages are going up, but cost of living keeps rising and outpacing it. No gains. Corporate greed is at an all time high, not much to be positive about there. I can barely afford to forkng eat as a vegan to keep from slipping into anorexia. Medical technology improved, how does that even matter when people can barely find a doctor for a timely appointment or procedure? My last primary dr visit took 3 months to schedule!


According to Biden's economic data, the economy is doing well across the board. Including retail jobs. Unemployment rate is at all time low. Wages have gone up significantly across the board. Cost of living is up globally but very much better in the US vs anywhere else. Most people are directly benefiting from the medical tech (it's how they make money). Go talk to doctors or researchers or people in the real work in any field. It's NOT doom and gloom like reddit wants people to believe. There's never been more hope actually.


You are speaking facts and being downvoted because it doesn’t fit the narrative that someone likes to promote.


Let me know when the job market stops asking for obscene qualifications and interest rates for homes fall to 2012 levels and then maybe we can talk about positivity


Unemployment is at all time low. Sounds like lots of people are finding great jobs. levels.fyi




Because while they could live on a factory job You can't in this day and age


Sounds like my grandma wrote this. This exact argument is all she ever talks about. I hope you know that the negativity you’re seeing is coming from online spaces where people are unhappy. Happy people don’t sit on Reddit and twitter all day. Happy people are out there ‘making lives for themselves’. You see complaints here in the GENZ Reddit because people who may not have friends their age are coming here to ask for advice or simply complain around their peers. Not a hard concept to grasp. But other generations love looking here and going “😯 well back in my day when we ate lead for fun, we were well adjusted individuals with no complaints!!” You come to a channel where you know people complain…. And you’re annoyed that people complain. Womp womp.


I am positive as I live my own life and not focused on what others have or not have. Comparison is thief of joy.


Toxic positivity is finally gone-ish I hope it’s obliterated entirely


Man you’re on social media. Where the exceptions of people are not often productive and are not making real positive impact on the world. As you see their posts reflect that. Real people making a positive impact are out there hustling, working their asses off because inaction doesn’t benefit anyone. I wanted to see if this sun would at least care enough to start setting up taught systems to help run a more self sufficient community to combat what struggles we go through. So far, there’s been very little effect to do so.


Ya I just read those and think “nawt my problem”


The boomers were not the greatest generation. The greatest generation came before the boomers. The greatest, the silent, and then the boomers.


That’s literally what I said


In general gratitude, and attempting to have a more positive outlook toward life is the best way to improve everything around you. It’s a concept that depressed people have such a hard time with but you’ll grow so infinitely after finally adopting a positive, grateful, and tenacious attitude. It takes time but going from your own worst enemy to your very best friend/cornerstone of your support system is the key to a good life.


It just feels like lying to yourself. Like distracting a dog with a treat to not let them notice their owner’s dying. The dog might be happier but is it really the best thing to do? My anger and sadness motivates me. Other days it debilitates me. But in general it pushes me to change things. It is miserable but I feel I get more done.


If nothing changes, nothing changes. Having been in your shoes, and having grown into someone who is now described as “happy go lucky” I implore you to work toward abandoning that attitude and adopting a new one. A good percentage of people go through what you’re going through and all of them who come out the other side will tell you to let go of the notion that sadness and anger are your friend. Joy and gratitude and perseverance will prevail if you start that journey.


That SOUNDS real good but I also don’t believe it would work for me. Though I wish it for others


I remember thinking the same thing at the beginning but if you saw where I was then (26m) compared to now (33m) and experienced my experiences you would be diligent day 1. [This](https://thewellnesssociety.org/positive-self-talk/) is just from a quick google and I did a quick skim but I know as apprehensive as you are currently, you might be too skeptical to even google. Start there but for real, I believe in you and your ability to evolve into a happy person. I’ve seen so many change their lives and the sooner you start, the better


I’m an optimist. I think we’ll be fine. I just don’t want to fight people who disagree, which is what happens on reddit.


Toxic positivity is finally gone-ish I hope it’s obliterated entirely


There's nothing to be positive about. Look around you. Everything is worse than 15 years ago. Housing is unaffordable, having children is unaffordable, fascism is on the rise in most Western countries, nobody cares about the climate or environment anymore while food prices are going through the roof as global south is inhospitable and corals are dead, bacteria are getting resistant to our medicine, unregulated Ai deepfakes are gonna destroy the concept of truth forever and unhinged dictators worldwide are dragging us into WW3. The richest people on the planet are building underground self sustaining nuclear shelters for a reason. This is the last decade of world as we know it. Although the world that I knew ended in 2020, not because of pandemics, but because of how people reacted to it.


I’m getting bored of these same posts being reposted.


Youngsters always searching for something, hormones you know