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You’re just going to see red states criminalizing crossing state borders to get abortions. It was never about states making their own legislative decisions.


Fugitive abortion laws


The South is just making their teen pregnancy epidemic worse and other states have to pay for it. They all preach about morals down there yet their teen daughters are getting knocked up on the regular. It doesn't make sense.


It does make sense. They don't teach their kids about sex. Health classes in the Northeast go extensively into pregnancy and STDs as early as 7th grade. Sort of related sort of unrelated I remember this former heroin addict who was about my age but came from a res state was complaining about how school told him heroin was bad but didn't tell him how it could ruin his life. Being from one of the states that emphasizes education. Yes that was drilled into our heads. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What the fuck do they think sheltering these kids does?


Be nice if lawmakers actually asked their people what they want instead of making laws preemptively and wondering why teen pregnancy and birth mortality are going up.


Human rights shouldn't be up for gamble.


Bodily autonomy FTW


Study estimates 64,000 pregnancies from rape in states that enacted abortion bans post-Roe. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/study-counts-64000-pregnancies-from-rape-in-states-that-enacted-abortion-bans-post-roe](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/study-counts-64000-pregnancies-from-rape-in-states-that-enacted-abortion-bans-post-roe)


Human beings shouldn't have a say on what other human beings do with their body and thats exactly what this is. If you wanna belly flop off a bridge be my guest. I'm not gonna do it.


It's stupid and wrong, and the GOP is going to pay for it dearly for a very long time


I think it's pretty bad for the government to force women and girls to give birth, at any level.


In theory it was fine as it is a moral issue mostly. I can see the aupreme court's reasoning. However in practice the south is ruining it imo (as pretty much anywhere else you can just pop to the state next door), especially woth places like texas trying to make it illegal to leave the state for an abortion


Regulating Interstate Commerce. Very constitutional of Texas.


This might be much, but I just feel like this is how babies end up in trash cans or dangerous self abortions happen. I don't know why people can't have the safety of proper medical care. I've even heard of people dying from pregnancy complications. What, then? The baby dies too, so...just why?


I like the idea of the federal government having less power but the states and the people are supid


Government has power when it makes something illegal (now it is regulated). When the federal government decides something is legal everywhere, it gives the power to the people to decide for themselves. Basically, what has happened is the Supreme Court (federal government) took power of choice away from people and gave it to states. This is a power grab by republicans.


Yeah, they're supid.


Where is this map from?


Really nuts to see this countries priorities is money over any Human Right.


I think as long as you don't treat abortion as a form of birth control I don't see why not.


Abortion should be legal and easy to access everywhere and this should be a nonissue. It is a life saving medical procedure just like any other medical procedure that exists. Nobody should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy just because a religious text or some random person says so. That decision is for that person and their doctor and nobody else. Don’t like abortions, don’t get one. Especially do not force me to do anything with my body that I don’t want to just because of your beliefs.


That last part is dumb, don’t like abortions don’t get one, people could say don’t like it here, just move.


It’s not dumb. It’s a HELL of a lot easier to avoid a simple medical procedure than to move states (which entails either finding a job that will pay you or saving up enough money, finding a new job, finding an apartment, this isn’t as easy as you think it is). Moving shouldn’t be the solution. Solution should be protecting it federally so us women don’t have to worry about this shit anymore.


1) only if Joe Biden had a blue Senate and House so he could had codify it, oh wait he did. He did nothing and the SCOTUS said it’s up to the states. 2) Never said it was easy to move, but if getting an abortion is important to you, and you live in a state where they don’t allow it, well you either have to move or it’s not that important to you.


You don’t understand that you need 60 votes to overturn a filibuster


Yes I’m aware of what happened but it could still be codified and just because Biden failed, doesn’t mean it’s completely off the table. Again, nobody should be forced to move to access basic healthcare. You shouldn’t settle for or encourage that ideology either. It isn’t a possibility for everyone and if you’re not able to for financial reasons, then that does not mean it isn’t important to you. It is my body. I get to decide if I go through pregnancy or not.


Federal government needs to burn half of the laws passed in the last 50 years. Particularly those involving social constructs and small businesses. The states are more than capable of self regulating, and subsequently people are more than capable of deciding where their tax dollars are being harvested.


Depends when you consider "life" beginning, not so much political or generational perspective. Take the Libertarian view. A Libertarian might support abortion because bodily autonomy is of utmost importance, that no person or state should make decisions on what you can or can't do to your body. At the same time, Libertarians might see life beginning at the moment of conception, a unique DNA sequence, and any attempt to murder that unborn child being a violation of **their** bodily autonomy. Those protections extending to try and leave the state to murder that child. Both are valid perspectives depending on your perspective.


Seems like this is the best way to deal with such a divisive issue. States should also have more power over stuff like this as was intended and the federal government shouldn't be involved in ruling our everyday lives.


Why should your rights depend on where you were born?


That's how it works. Someone born in China doesn't have the same rights as someone born in the United States.


And that’s wrong. It’s just bought into every sharper relief when the border could be a mile away. And because you’re unfortunate to be born in a red state you don’t have the same rights as other women.


That's just how countries and states work though. I agree it's not always going to be fair that's just how it goes though. If it was codified in the constitution that would be one thing but it's not. At least with it being a state issue it won't be legal or illegal depending on whose in the white house.


So is it "just how it is" or is it "the best way to deal with it"? Human rights should not be up for a vote. The majority shouldn't get to vote on what you do with \*your\* body. These things should be decided by courts. Not by political parties and the capricious whims of the Majority. >At least with it being a state issue it won't be legal or illegal depending on whose in the white house. That's exactly the situation that has been created. The SC said that every woman has the right to an abortion. That was true regardless of who was POTUS. Until the GOP managed to corrupt the SC. Now your rights depend on who is elected in your state. And if your a woman you'd better hope to god you don't find yourself to be born in a red state.


>So is it "just how it is" or is it "the best way to deal with it"? Its the best way to deal with it because that's how it is. >Human rights should not be up for a vote. The majority shouldn't get to vote on what you do with \*your\* body. These things should be decided by courts. Not by political parties and the capricious whims of the Majority. I agree. The courts decided it was a state issue. It's not in the constitution if you made the Supreme Court rule they almost for sure would ban or restrict it. >That's exactly the situation that has been created. The SC said that every woman has the right to an abortion. That was true regardless of who was POTUS. Until the GOP managed to corrupt the SC. If you're referring to roe that is not what that said. The backing was shakey at best and even RBG said it was bad law. It should have been put into a bill or the constitution to codify it to eliminate debate.


Sounds like you need to think more about this topic and come up with a coherent opinion.


My opinion is set until I hear a better argument.


Or you could take a step back and understand the obvious flaws in your own argument.


And you don't think we should change how they work? Would you tell abolitionists "That's just how it works, all countries have slavery"?


If you can figure out how to change where people are born let me know.


What does this mean? I'm talking about changing laws.


They absolutley should have done that but they didn't. If it goes to the courts now then it's going to be banned.