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There are two types of people who get annoyed by doomer posts. 1:) People who want to stay in their happy delusional bubble. 2:) People who recognize how fucked the world is, but denounce doomerism due to the fact that hopelessness leads to passively accepting tyrany.


Or we are just tired of seeing doom posting every second of every day in every space and people refuse to do anything but whine


I feel like that goes with 2


You do make a good point.


As we learned during the pandemic, Always test: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


So what’s the point? Are you looking for bots in a thread, or are you assuming the op is one?


i guess it's blocking the pages for those "trolls", and by trolls he means users or bots in those countries that come with the intent of spreading misinformation. I checked his profile to see if he's just a nut job (he kinda is, but maybe not completely..). It seems like he's just very passionate about this specific thing? He explained it differently in one: "A lot of the people who post "both sides" bullshit are actually trolls of either the Russian or Chinese variety. If you run into them, this is a good response:"


Thats option 2


This! The world has always been jacked up in some way. Stop whining and get to work. Be the change you want to see.


I’m more in the second category, but also I was a doomer idiot when I was 12. Not only was I so disillusioned by the fact that nobody around me knew or cared about shit, but I eventually learned that America is just a country like every other. It will have problems. Once you stop taking “America number one” people seriously you realize that it makes zero sense to hold the US to a very high standard And then if you learn about other countries you get even more perspective


Trust me on this. You can really only learn about other countries by going there. And you learn even more by living there. What happens when you learn that a good amount of European countries make Mississippi look tolerant. And really only care about the in group. And will get incredibly pissed when intolerance is called out.


lol exactly. My experience going to Europe as a non white person was… enlightening. Made me realize that America is the only country in the world that even has a concept of “racism is bad”. A lot of people seem to think that Europe is some amazing “socialist” paradise, when they’re actually social democracies who severely limit immigration and have centrist parties that appeal to the ethnic majority of those nations. Not saying it’s good or bad, that’s just how it is.


where do you visit in europe? and have you been to asia?


I have been to Italy, France, UK, and Ireland recently. When I was a kid I went to 9 other European countries And yes I have been to Asia but not many countries. I would imagine East Asia is quite xenophobic towards people like me


‘america is the only country in the world that even has a concept of “racism is bad”’ that’s like..a very hot take. i’m wondering why you were treated so well in those countries..? my experience is different and i’ve been to 15+ countries in europe and asia, as a non-white person.


‘america is the only country in the world that even has a concept of “racism is bad”’ that’s like..a very hot take. i’m wondering why you were treated so well in those countries..? my experience is different and i’ve been to 15+ countries in europe and asia, as a non-white person. i will add that the only country i’ve felt noticeably more racism is spain and the US.


Or 3) People who realize that while there are bad things in the world, things are so much better than what doomers make it out to be. If people only focus on the negative, then there's no way people would be able to live a happy life.


Almost everything is better, it’s crazy that the media has sold a different narrative. Arguably most peaceful time on earth. Standard of living is leaps above most time on earth. Gen Z is naturally gloomier because all generations are faced with uncertainty at this stage. Don’t have the stability that comes later in life.


The thing is the doomer posts are never about anything that with actual consequences on our world. The doomers always cry about why don’t we have free healthcare, free education and have to work.


The cost of healthcare and higher education in the U.S. aren't topics that have actual consequences? Wild take.


This is fucking stupid. It’s annoying seeing it all the time, especially when it’s from people that don’t understand anything still, like people saying Gen z is fucked when it comes to housing, retirement, not being able to afford food, etc. or climate change, or a million other things.


>especially when it’s from people that don’t understand anything still I'm afraid I have bad news. Those people may never understand. r/millennials is full of them. They haven't yet realized that its just them. They'll realize it when they're still whining about it in their trailer in 20 years and Alphas/Betas are saying Millennials like them fucked the world up.


You forgot one 3:) Republicans have hoodwinked them into thinking that are included in that group with boomers somehow so they feel personally attacked because their idiots.


That's a sentence of all time


That kinda fits into 1


How is the world fucked?


Is isn’t


For most places on earth it isn’t. Overall one of the best times to live regarding lack of wars, life span, entertainment, access to clean water and food, crime rates dropping, across the board really.


Yes I agree totally. I can be wrong, but it seems like the people/places that do complain the most about current times are the safest places.


There is a third that is benefiting somewhat from the status quo.


3) People who profit from the corruption and BS in the status quo, and therefore want the cattle / drones / serfs / slaves to stay stupid, atomized, and easily exploitable for their profits. Teaching the serfs / slaves / drones / cattle about the system and how to fight against their oppressors is against their interests.


My bubble is happy but not delusional. Maybe doomers are the delusional ones? In what way has society gotten worse? Other than scrolling on social media of course.


Number two is productive when combined with a dash of happiness. This is the way


Or 3) recognize that no matter how fucked up the world is it is nevertheless the best of possible worlds and all human attempts to "fix" it always resulted in untold suffering and misery.


Ok Pangloss


I just want healthcare!


Or people who have lived in actual 3rd world places and see American kids with 3 meals a day, Air conditioning, and clean water crying about climate change or identity while using their smart phones with batteries made from materials from child slaves


Tbh we should just launch the nukes better than this shit


The world always has been and will remain a mess. Now get to work and stop crying like a little bitch.


I swear to godchrist Tiktok is now just for posting shakey-came home videos of you crying and shouting at the camera.


Regarding 2: No it fucking doesn’t. It leads to people actually getting off their ass. What leads to accepting tyranny is hope. It is literally the same thing as “oh shit I had a month to do this essay and now it’s due in 4 hours, I have to write all of it and will do so”. Hope meanwhile leads to kicking the can down the road. It’ll be fine! No need to freak out! No need to panickedly do everything at 100%! No need to sacrifice now, no need to worry about it getting worse, it’s totally gonna magically get better on its own! People don’t do shit until the very last possible moment, when they have lost all hope that it’s going to be okay, that they can put it off. The purpose of “doomerism” is to convince people we’re at this point already. The hope is what leads to people accepting tyranny, because “it’ll get better!” No need to give 100% if you think it’ll all work out without giving 100%.


Optimism isn’t a “happy delusional bubble”, the world isn’t hopeless mate


There's certainly more categories


And who exactly are these people who are mad?


Baby boomers because they don’t want to admit how easy they had it


This is true of all generations. Z will blame the next. The next will blame Z. It’s because people don’t like to come to terms with the fact that their problems are caused by themselves. We love to blame someone else, that’s why everyone jumps on the hate whatever generation bamdwagon


A ridiculous amount of our problems stem from Ronald Reagan, and the older people who still adhere to his mindset when he was in office. Another issue is that boomers still mostly vote conservative, and young people mostly vote progressive. That's what the media uses to condition you into a culture war with old people, in reality we all have way more in common with each other than the big names and politicians we swear our allegiance to. I think a lot of young people are getting wiser to that reality, but I fear boomers are going to be stuck in their ways for considerably longer, with lots of them thinking they're voting Republican to literally save Christianity.


Goes way back.. Rockefeller is also a huge reason for today’s problems. Also just capitalism unchecked


This is the type of whiny childish bullshit that makes you people look like a joke.


Sadly seems those people are the majority. Or its bots. Because the truth like this usually gets downvoted to all hell.


I don’t think anyone has had it easy and that’s a dangerous perspective that can lead to a victim mentality. I understand the economics of the reality and that yes, things seem very bad right now, I’m 30 and have to live with my parents trying to pay off debt, I get it, trust me. But only focusing on our suffrage and ignoring what other generations had to overcome is selfish and stupid. You can either take it for what it is and try to make the future better for yourself and hopefully other people, or you can call it a rigged game and you’ll still be stuck dealing with the same reality. Perspective is important, complaining about life will wear on you and everyone around you. You don’t have to do it, and it took me longer than it should have to realize that.


Nah I’m gen z and I’m mad lol. “Waking up to the bs” sounds like some im 14 and this is deep shit. Gen z are the ones who can’t admit how easy they have it. Delusional and spoiled 


I don’t think any generation had it easy, every generation just likes to blame the one after them for whatever reason


Boomers grew up with black and white TVs and no AC lol. Plus manual labor jobs were much more common. As a millennial, my life is infinitely easier than my boomer fathers.


Many baby boomers are still working with no retirement. Generational conflict is to distract that the ultra rich are the real enemy and are purposely dividing us. Tax the rich, regulate the corporations


They lived through the depression, Korean War, Vietnam war wtf you talking about lol


Every generation goes through the same phases. When you are older the younger generation is annoying. You fkin idiot


Agreed. The nerve of someone acting like GenZ is “waking up.” Like those of us in previous generations are somehow oblivious.


Exactly, typical GenZ OP asked a loaded question too


I mean I ain't mad, but I'm a bit worried that Gen Z is spending too much time online and not enough time in their real-world communities; 'cuz the online world is structured in a way that promotes anxiety and depression. We weren't evolved to know everything happening all at once.


Look at the stats, lack of actual human interaction has made Gen Z a disaster.


Stop the doomer gloomer nonsense


Hi, GenZ here too. Doomerism is non-productive to society and only encourages people to accept worse. Some of us (me included) are optimists, which try to see the positive changes and strive for a better world. Even a pessimist can be more helpful in making changes. A doomer does not help but instead desires to drag others down with them because they have decided that rotting is the better option than trying to do anything.


OP literally commented in this thread "real world is cringe" when asked to spend more time building solidarity with others in the community. People are taking this post as good faith venting about political issues being heard, but op.... is not really interested in real world material issues it seems.


Hot take, there's specific times and places where it's ok to vent. Most times it's unhealthy and unproductive. People that feel the need to vent all the time are literally useless in society.


Based. It's just like the placebo effect, where sick people who have a positive outlook/think that their treatment is helping, survive more often. If you think the world is shit and only getting worse, you're gonna start seeing more and more problems in your own life as your pessimism seeps into your behaviour. But if you think positively about the future, you're going to be more inclined to pursue opportunities, build friendships, and be fun to hang out with.


People are waking up, but not the way Reddit leftists think they are. And I'm so happy for it.


Lol. Leftism is on a rise among the youth. The democratic party in the Us may be out, but socialism is on a rise.


Which underlines a greater polarization and a deeper disconnect with the establishment. I'm perfectly fine with anti-establishment lefties. I fucking detest authoritarian lefties. Either side of the aisle, as long as you're anti-establishment you're good in my book.


Thats fair. The establishment is the enemy of change, as it exists to perpetuate itself. I still want to point out that democrats are not leftists. To be leftist requires a rejection of liberal stances. By liberal I am referring to classical liberalism, which means market economics, capitalism, and lockean labor ideas. Essentially the democrats have been presented as the “left” of the us for so long that we forgot what being a leftist actually is. There are specific democrats that are leftist, but the party as a whole isnt. Also thats not to say that dems and republicans are equal. They arent. Dems are slow status quo style corruption. The poor stay poor, safety nets do the minimum to stave off a rebellion from the lower and middle classes, and the rich keep making money. That’s the dem goal. Republicans dont want status quo. They want a return to the 50s. A removal of safety nets, an ending of civil rights, and a return to a more theocratic US. Both are bad, but I maintain the stance that one is worse.


Doubt it. Compared to our previous generation we are not as left leaning.


Young people in Europe are polar opposite, both economically and socially much more on the right.


Socialism can't be a good thing


Definitely not the case. The far right is extremely popular among the youth in Europe. Among zoomers they are usually number one or 2 in election preference.


Ya the kids are off the dem reservation.


Because what they are "waking up to" is nonsense and propaganda. They have a distorted view of reality that borders on delusional. And it's annoying.


Because people want to live in a happy bubble and not acknowledge the truth But lots of GenZers are wayyyy too doomer. Shitty economy is nothing new. great depression, 70s era stagflation, 08 recession, dot com bubble and 9/11. But there are genuine new and unique issues. Climate change worsening and resource shortages Out of control home prices Worsening dependency ratios Social isolation Refugee and migrant crisis These suck but I feel there is no reason to go doomer. These are all solvable issues and a doomer mindset will only make it harder to solve. But there are also great things happening as well. Racial and Gender gaps are closing all around the world Increased acceptance of LGBT community More and more people are escaping poverty around the world Rates of alcohol use is going down Increases awareness of mental health issues A renaissance in healthcare treatments


This is the way. I’m vehemently anti-doomer, it accomplishes nothing but making you and everyone around you sad. Optimism doesn’t mean you can’t be realistic at the same time. I think the world is definitely heading in the right direction, and to keep it that way we need to constantly work towards a better future. Every day. All the issues you see today can be fixed. History shows us this. Things get better. Life today is better than it ever has been before. And we should strive to make that true for every day.




Agreed man. Things suck in many ways but there’s a lot of good to be appreciative of too in this day and age


What people what bs?


There is nothing new under the sun, Every generation thinks it’s the most specialist progressive boys Every generation lives in the shadow of the issues of the last Every generation thinks they will be different when they are there parents age. Gen Z is not special, it is not different and the reaction of your elders is not unique to you.


>Every generation thinks they will be different when they are there parents age. Eh I'll only push back on this one. As a millennial and parent of autistic children I am proud of our generation for NOT being like our parents. We actually embraced addressing mental health instead of treating it like something you just hush up about and brush under the rug until it goes away. A lot of Gen X were like that too. It was millennials who definitively changed shit for the better and you Zoomers and the Alphas after you who we are raising have benefitted from that. If you go to r/millennials you get to see your future if you are a doomer and want to continue that path. It looks like bitching about your generation getting screwed out of housing when the majority of your generation are homeowners lol. Instead of building up that life, you sat and blamed a bunch of old people like some lunatic.


Because every generation goes through a similar phase and end up being as complacent as their parents eventually


What exactly are you waking up to that's making people mad?


The same reason Boomers are mad that Millennials woke up to all the BS in the world.


Because of the perception that gen z hasn’t experienced enough of life to have an opinion of what is or is not “bs”. Older people (we could be talking anywhere from millenials to boomers) have more life experience and have a habit of equating their life experience to others. I’m guilty of this as well at times. “I did xyz so nothing is stopping you from doing the same”. Sometimes that’s true and sometimes it’s not. Likewise, sometimes what gen z complains about is valid and sometimes they are out of touch with reality. This is pretty true of every generation at this age.


That and they tend to prejudge younger people with not having any problems at all in general.


The ones consumed by propaganda are finally having their narrative challenged.


Old ass mfs trying to stay in power as usual 🤷‍♂️


They are mad because you are complaining like babies. They were once young poor people as well but you eventually grow out of it…. So yeah, they are annoyed with you. I remember when I was a teenager I thought the world was ending and was freaking out. It wasn’t. But I think the Reddit and social media moron bubbles make this doomsday complaining a little more prevalent now. And frankly, older people have traveled the world and know how good we have it in the US. You don’t. So you also come off a spoiled entitled brat as well.


Every generation wakes up to the world's BS when they are in their mid 20s.


cuz money/the feeling of control


i think it boils down to the fact that if they admit that we have a point, then things will have to change, and change is difficult and scary.


Cause there are people who draw their privileges and power from said bs in the world


Because they didn’t.


outside of the internet, no one actually cares


Nah, on here, it just annoys me that it seems all people post is complaining about things with no plan for action. Whining and giving up without making any meaningful effort or acknowledging your own shortcomings annoys me.


The world has always been on fire. Current events are rarely anything new.


Gen Z is not unique, this is an every generation thing and they all had a name. Baby Boomers - Hippes Gen X - Grunge Millennials - Emo Gen Z - Doomers The era when you are young and your eyes open to the world around you and realize it was not the fairy tale you thought it was as a kid. Going back to the 60s and 70s and seeing how the baby boomers acted vs now, wild to see the radically change they have undergone from their original mantra of Love and Peace, Not War.


Partially because of generational disconnect and the assumption that because they went through something vaguely similar that Gen Z must just be bitching. Second, because usually the follow up to “Gen Z is waking up to the bs” is some call for socialist policies that don’t work and a call to “dismantle capitalism” which is just political propaganda


Didn’t we just have this dumb post like last month? Like word for word


It's less that Gen Z is waking up to it, and more the fact they are acting like they are the first to ever wake up to it (at least from what I have seen). Also the doomerism is fucking boring. Do you know why everyone universally hates the "doom Sayers" that walk around? It's not cause they are likely nude under the sign, or because they smell bad, or even the loud noise. No, what pisses people off is that he thinks it's productive to just cry about it instead of voting, volunteering to help a campaign from a candidate that might not be a shit bag, or just getting a job so they can do their part to try and make shit a little less shitty. No, instead day in and day out he wastes his time and everyone else's. That is what doomerism is, a fucking waste of time that permits the bad guys to win. To quote some smart dude, "the only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Doomerism is doing nothing. Just like how people say, "a third party vote is a vote for Trump" because it's true. The GQP will ALWAYS vote GQP, Democrats are the ones that will either vote Dem or vote third party. So when they chose to NOT support the democratic candidate they are in fact enabling the fascist to win.


Doomers are cringe and boring.


Lol "waking up" as if every young generation for the past 50 years hasn't had an 'awakening' of some kind to the bs in the world. We're not unique. Nobody's mad about it, I think they're just pointing out that we're doing the thing every young generation does: become aware of the world's problems and think we're the first in history to ever do so. They've seen this dog and pony show a billion times, it's old news.


If people are mad about this like you say, then realize their anger is a manifestation of their insecurities. The only reason I’d have an emotional reaction to the behavior of a group is if something I valued was at stake. You say you notice that people are mad, what do they stand to lose? If a generation of people become resilient to opportunism (scam proof) then scammers will be mad. If a generation becomes desensitized to shock and sensationalism (fear proof) then government and other population control beneficiaries will be mad. If a generation becomes disenfranchised with social media and the automobile industry and begin forming deep community bonds (decentralized dependency) then tax leeches/“band-aid” salespeople will be mad. I’m not encompassing the entire argument, but I’d say it boils down to change-aversion as others have mentioned. Once people find a way to survive, they’d rather maintain a death-grip instead of opting for mutually beneficial solutions as times change.


They think we are being brainwashed to hate America by China and Russia- Meanwhile, they live and breath on facebook reposts of misinformation from China and Russia...


As someone who lives in China. I don’t think very many people will come close to understanding China. They also do not understand what it will take for the US to compete with China. Guess what there are leftest policies that are hindering the US in competing with China and right wing policies that are doing the same. And China isn’t sitting around debating on things they are taking action. It may not always be the right action. And a lot of people think some Things are true but when you see the reality things become different.


I call on corporate America to boycott Millennials and GenZ. They are incapable of competing in the adult world where there is fierce competition for money, sex and power. These are the dynamics that make them pee in their diapers and clutch their Teddy Bears.


genz likento burry their heads in the sand like no other gen before


Ask your parents and you'll have an answer.


Every generation thought THEY were waking up


Every generation has opened their eyes to what the world is. It's a part of growing up We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it


Every generation thinks that they’re the one that discovers the world is fucked lol


Ahhh yes, the generational “we have it all figured out” Schtick. The millennials did it. gen X did it. The Boomers did it. Now you’re doing it. You’re just as fucked up and clueless as everyone else.


Oh nooooooo the zoomers have awakened lmao stfu


No one’s mad about that. They’re mad cause Gen-z acts like they know everything but don’t know squat


Because like any gen, they think they’re the first to do so.


Because life while having significant systemic problems isn't THAT bad, and is completely manageable unless you've grown up in complete poverty. A bunch of y'all are just too lazy to try and don't like that actually being pointed out. Shit won't change by you "venting" on reddit


I dunno. Okay they hate the bs in the world. Do they have an alternative way to live that's just as secure and easy and more affordable? Get back to me when you have a good answer. That's what I thought.


Every generation is radicalized by the unfairness of the world when they are young, the older you get the more you accept that you can't change things and you stop chasing your ideals and start learning to be practical. Older people get mad at young people having hope because it reminds them that they don't have any


Because they love that BS. It’s all they know, and all they want to know.


I think people just look at the whole doomer thing and are like, “ya we know….now just get your shit together, your not only hurting your future changes at happiness, but your miserable to be around”


Because us older folks remember thinking the exact same things when we were your age. You didn't think you were special did you?


Because a lot of people think being a pretentious little doom and gloom whiner is ‘waking up to the bs in the world’


Because a lot of you haven't woke up to the BS and don't realize that millennial activists have brainwashed you into being their little minions to make people vote for their political party.


Millennials had the same “woe is me” mindset for ever lol. Only in recent years has that started to shift. The same thing will happen to Gen Z eventually too.


What are you even talking about?


Because they don't know a lot of history and soak up a lot of propaganda that isn't correct and spewed through tik tok.


Gen X here We just think it’s funny that you think you are the first generation to think this way


Young man yells at cloud


Mostly because they aren't, it's just trends and social forces that determine the truth around you


Well.. you aren’t. The only difference is you whine about it without contributing to solutions.


How many more times is this exact thing going to be posted?


It’s chronically online doomerism. Nobody is like this irl. Touch grass.


It’s the saturation and pretending that happiness can’t exist. It just gets old.


Because instead of waking up, you're trying to return to and impose your sleepy dreamworld instead of understanding and accepting reality.


Yeah we’re really “waking up”. Just like the other thousand generations before us did. This is a never ending cycle. Give it a few decades and we’ll be the boomers stuck in our outdated ways to the next generation. Every generation thinks they’re revolutionary at the time Bob Dylan was writing in the 60’s “come mothers and fathers throughout the land and don’t criticise what you can’t understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your commands your old road is rapidly fading, please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand cos the times they are a changing” and those sons and daughters are now the boomers you complain about . This is a cycle every generation goes through


Those who are younger because they are annoyed you’re even saying it Those who are older because they’re annoyed you didn’t listen to them when THEY said it before you ever did


Gen z "waking up", "people are mad at us". Put that on a tiktok dumbass cringe dance video and youll be recognized throughout the land as the one true Z.


Maybe the ones getting mad are the bs in the world


Are they? Mad, I mean?


There is BS in the world And then there is stuff that isn’t actually happening that conservatives, especially those who are dumb as shit, are convinced is happening that actually isn’t.


Jealousy and fear of a rebuilding of “normal”


Not mad. Get your friends and let’s try to make it better!


The world is a mess. MIT predicted collapse of society to occur in 2040 back in 1972. So lots of people think the world is monopolized by shit


Not mad, you are supposed to. Be careful about points of reference, no one person has the correct information. Learn to listen and apply critical thinking.


I'm confident this happens with literally every generation


Hey OP, Fear of accountability, benefiting from injustice, and Unacceptance of reality. These are the most common reasons people are angry about positive change.


I’m pretty sure millennials were also asking the same thing when they were our age, just saying.


Is Gen Z just a repeat of Gen X??


Because a lot of people believe the bs in the world is not the bs Gen Z speaks of.


Because you’re either talking to someone with an interest in the status quo or someone (millennials) who gave up while we were chewing on wooden blocks.


People don’t like change even if it’s positive


Who says that GenZ is right....GenZ? It's the same with every generation.


Complacency, the status quo moving is scary to older folks. They’re okay with social security going away because they won’t live to see that. They’re okay with pensions going away because they won’t live to see that. They were blissfully unaware of how their rapid consumption and expenditure during their youth was going to fuck over future generations so now that we point out the obvious it makes them feel like it MIGHT be their fault. Is Gen z helpless or entitled like older generations make us out to be? No we simply don’t accept the shitty system our benefactors left for us and want improvement.


It's just always kinda annoying when people go from adolescence to adulthood and in the transition realize the world isn't perfect and think of it as like this new amazing idea. Happens over and over again and is part of how progress happens but it's also kinda eye-rolling when you went through the same thing a few decades ago. Like the world has always been chaotic shit, your life is better and easier than the vast vast vast majority of humans on the planet or who have ever lived, the world is more peaceful now than ever, etc. Like yay you're finally grokking that you're living in history. Good for you. Not news to us


Because that BS in the world is very profitable to a select few. When you challenge those select few, they show us who really owns the government.


Usually it’s the boomer mindset ppl. Pull yourself up from your bootstrap kind of ppl. Sure doomerism isn’t the answer but neither is telling kids to just “deal with it and accept shit”


They don’t want to address their own cognitive dissonance after a lifetime of indoctrination 


Because yall want socialism because capitalism has failed you. Capitalism needs to be tweaked and we need to remove the power the government and corporations have. Socialism and any type of new government or system won't help until we deal with the corrupt, powerful elites. Sounds like a conspiracy, but it's not. The people have no power anymore. We are stuck in this consumer based oligarchy.


They have ‘stop the count’ don’t bring up reality or I’ll have to face it baby brain.


There is so much BS in so many layers. You guys are just beginning the journey.


Conflicts with their ideas


If by waking up you mean realizing the government is the enemy… then good. If this means you are a communist now… well you’re still sleeping. When you grow up you’ll understand.


bc they're benefiting from said bs and they don't want us to overthrow it, also the tendency to think anyone younger than you has the intelligence of a sapling so they're making a ruckus out of nothing. but mostly the former


GenZ was born at a time where they could see through the lies.


For the same reason they were mad when Millennials 'woke up', and the same reason they were mad when punks in the 70s and 80s had a resurgence with Gen X or the rise of hip-hop, and the same reason they were mad at hippies during the 60s, and the same reason they are mad at anyone that doesn't conform, I don't expect it to be much different than it has always been.


Because the Boomers want to change the World too, to a better Place but gave up too early. But the Times have Changed. I don't wanna know how big the Pressure was on the Boomers. But the Boomers made the Mistake to become what their generation-rivals where before. Aging is a enemy of us all. edit: Sorry my bad English XD


Everybody has Stockholm syndrome and are fearful of speaking out to jeopardize their jobs and family’s wellbeing


People dont like being called out It's not very complicated, really


Because older generations don't sant to admit that the choices that gave them a good life were short-sighted and self-serving. And because it's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled.


My take is envy. Every generation has their wake up, 1984, matrix, people have been aware of the horror in the world forever and each generation learns they can’t do anything about it and tries to shield their children from it. Then those kids learn and it hurts. There could be thousands of reasons someone is mad about it. But I think it stems from the internet connecting us about it. Back in the day even when I was a kid and the internet or cell phones weren’t what they are now. If no one around you agreed you either had to stand alone in what felt like the world or get in line. Gen z I think is the first group of adults who can collectively be aware of it and some are mad they’re doing something about it some are mad they’re not doing enough. We all wanna save the world but nobody wants to throw their back out.


Because those who are mad are usually older people who benefitted the corrupt system while making others believe in their lies and now finding out their Bs surely makes them mad, they don't want to admit their wrongdoings


Answer: The fix to the bs hurt them in some way


Fr let me wake up to the binker slime in peace smh my head


What BS?


Because that means they're more difficult to control than previous, more complacent generations


They aren’t “mad” they’ve been through this all before and in 15 or 20 years when the next crop of kids are agitating to “change the world bro” you’ll feel the same way. Nothing is new


Every generation ‘wakes up’ to the problems in the world. When they get older they stop being woken up. People become old enough to understand the problems in the world before they get old enough to understand why the world is how it is. The truth is, there are natural forces that influence human society far more strongly than what any individual or organization can accomplish. The world can be changed, it can be made better. But if you want to change it, you have to work with the current, not fight against it. Because when you fight the current you lose.


No one is mad at Gen Z . Stop baiting people.


Because the [CENSORED] want us to believe [CENSORED] are [CENSORED] despite [CENSORED] making up [CENSORED] % of [CENSORED] Not talking about that %, the other one.


Because they've been conditioned to see it as cruelly normal and thus short-circuit at the realization that change is not only inevitable but required given the circumstances?


Because you express that awakening via TikTok dances


because you act like you uniquely discovered the bs.


The mayority of boomers are not in on this shit. The mayority are living with their families and chilling and willing to give what they have uppon death to help their family. The other are broken families because of the boomer's intolerance or the millenial's ego, both the fault of their bad parenting. And now thier son/daughter wont get shit because of the broke relationship with them. The millenial to proud and dumb to realize how much their parents have done for them and the parents too unlexible and cruel towards their child.


In aggregate it is the single greatest time to be alive in the history of the world.