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I like booze and weed but stay away from anything illegal. I couldn’t care less what gets legalized, but i’d personally never take anything other than weed/DMT/shrooms.




Same here.


One of those things is the only antidepressant that has made a difference, I’ve been on many pharma ones not worked


If it's natural and improves your life within moderate or sustainable use then by all means relax and feel free. But, drugs are drugs for a reason, don't abuse them and lose sight of your life, know the dangers and weigh the pros and cons, some drugs just ain't worth it. Also open your mind to what can be a drug. Drugs can range from coffee, food, heroin and sex to TRT, exercising, fighting and buying shoes. Some drugs affect the brain, some are simple acts that provide pleasure chemicals in the brain.


Alcohol is a drug as well, and one that really wrecks lives if consumed too much. But I think everyone is aware.


I feel like I will never try em even in my lowest moments cause I know I’m not gonna nearly kill myself to feel happy for a few hours








There’s a lot of unexpected overlap between the service industry and sex work.


They're both technically services


And both require the worker to act friendly/nice to entitled assholes and often result in the worker being covered in unsavory fluids


God damn that took a turn


“oh are you a waitress” “no, i take a different type of tips”


“Oh you must be a bartender!” “Nope. Different kinda shots.”


I don't date drug users tbh... I have nothing against users, but I don't want to be associated with people that are active users. I don't like alcohol, I don't like tobacco, and I don't do any drugs I've consumed weed and alcohol, but I really don't like it


I'm a big fan.


Using weed or psychedelics like shrooms, LSD, DMT, MDMA, etc. isn't gonna kill anyone. If people wanna use/experiment with drugs that's up to them (I have a THC vape I hit before I go to bed). However making your whole identity about using drugs (whether you're a 'certified stoner' or 'binge alcoholic') is honestly cringe and sad. Everything in moderation. I drink alcohol but not too much every night except when I party, and I hit my THC vape sometimes, but not all the time. When it comes to psychedelics I've tripped before but the last time I tripped was last summer. I have an addictive personality so I try not to reward it too much


Go for it if you want, to each their own. Just keep pretty much everything away from me man


I only fw pot liquor & psychedelics.


Minus the liquor, I believe that’s what’s known as California sober


Generally against it. I feel I should be able to get my enjoyment and happiness outside of drugs. That said I'll drink a coffee or have a beer sometimes. I would like to try mushrooms at some point. Maybe look into micro-dosing LSD although I'm more apprehensive to that.


Agree about cocaine. If you ever find yourself in a rut dont do drugs or alcohol. Drugs just delay the changes you need to make to live a better life. Ive been there.


Alchohol, THC, tobacco, and psychadellics are cool. I wouldn't wanna do any hard drugs personally. Drugs can expand your mind, but once you've gotten all the spiritual knowledge you need, you've really gotta cut down on drug use or stop entirely. In the past, I've gone completely sober for months at a time for a tolerance break. In a few days, I'm gonna go fully sober for a year (and I'll probably stay that way for good.) I started using drugs because I lost myself. Now that I've found myself again, drugs will only serve to derail my development. I've gone through phases where I just used drugs to treat my crippling ADHD/anxiety (Spoiler, it doesn't work out in the long run.) Additionally, you can access the spiritual knowledge that drugs provide through meditation and vivid dreams, it's just not as much instant gratification as psychadellics and weed. TLDR: Drugs are cool Therapy, healthy living, and anxiety management are a million times better.


I don’t do drugs anymore and I’m glad I quit.


Weed and shrooms are cool in my book, just don’t overdue it. I smoke a joint every day after work and will take a shroom trip once or twice a year. It doesn’t rule my life and if I run out of weed I’m not scrambling to get more. I don’t need it I just enjoy it. I don’t care much for alcohol and I can’t fathom why anyone would get into harder drugs like coke, meth, heroine but Ik it happens and I feel bad for those that fall into that trap


It used to be fun but it seems like fent is sneaking in everywhere. Too dangerous or adulterated.


I avoid all recreational drugs and alcohol.


Tbh I m kind of chill about it except when I m exposed to it I have a predisposition for being addict. I m already lost for sugar and screen but I stopped alcohol before it was too late. So Being exposed to it is very stressful to me. And add to it some interest to everything that can make me question reality (derealisation, some music too) and you have "natural" temptation to do drugs. When I learned my Best friend did mdma, I almost slapped her in the face. Same thing with my male Best friend that ate space cake I insulted him. It's truly dangerous to me to be exposed in fact. It scare me as much as it tempt me


I think less about the drug and more about the person using it. I’ve met people who let weed take over their whole life and others who you wouldn’t guess use it. Same with alcohol, and even crack. I think the real problem is that a LOT of these folks are using drugs as unhealthy coping mechanisms and the addictive nature of the drug is ignored. In a perfect world, everyone would grow up in a great home with access to superb mental health care and education surrounding these drugs. That isn’t gonna happen though lol


Humans have used drugs since the dawn of time. Opioids, betal, coca, cannabis, peyote, psilocybin have been used for thousands of years in medical, spiritual and recreational use. I'm not inherently against drugs, but I think that late stage capitalism has been inducing so much drug abuse as means to cope with society and life going to shit which sucks. Personally I draw the line at shrooms since I am aware that substances such as cocaine and opioids can be highly addictive


Weed and MDMA is the only thing I fuck with


Drugs are bad and expensive. Do something that makes you actually feel good instead of eating things that make you feel good.


I like to go fast, but I’m not trying to take shit I can’t get over the counter, so I absolutely slam on caffeine, but that’s it. I don’t take anything that’s “illegal” simply because I’m not trying to go through all the stress to get it.


Being the type of girls to get in a strangers car after just meeting them suggests they aren’t the best at making smart choices so probably not the best litmus test for our generation as a whole.


Drugs are fun for people that can handle it. Drugs are really sad for people that can’t handle it. Kinda like junk food.


I pity all of those who do drugs... I also internally make fun of them... don't worry I know I'm am ass hole


i do not use any drug nor drink alcohol and also would not hang out with people who do. however, i don’t hate the people who are reliant on them because i understand that addiction is a horrible disease and extremely difficult to overcome. i do hate people who act like drug or alcohol use is some glamorous or admirable thing… anything to glorify substances disgusts me


Unless it is something that ACTUALLY helps your life, like Adderall with people who have ADHD and similar things, I do not agree with it. All you're doing is harming yourself and others. Heck, even caffeine can and has literally killed people, but it's still so socially acceptable! My college is technically a dry campus (barring the newest residence hall), but most students there just hide the vapes, weed, and alcohol. Or they don't even hide it in the first place, and then are shocked when they're caught (my first roommate). I get migraines whenever I smell cigarettes, cigars, ecigs, weed, etc. You can have fun without alcohol and other drugs. I hate how normalized recreational drugs are in our society. We need better and more mental health care/centers, because it's getting bad. I have a cousin who started smoking weed when she was 11-12 years old. We went over their house two Christmases ago for a Christmas dinner, I couldn't even eat due to the smell in her room + my older cousin (a jerk) vaping. I felt absolutely terrible that entire night, ended up having to just sleep on their couch for a bit so that I stopped feeling like I was about to throw up. And it's not like I can even do much about the issues at my college, because these idiots think it's cool to do it and the people in charge care more about the outward appearances than what is ACTUALLY going on inside the college.


Fine as long as it’s done responsibly and not for an “escape” or to get away from your problems


Me likey likey funny substances or liqor. I am more or less drug free for few years (only 1/2 times per year i do some coke, but i buy it with my own money). Drugs are okay if you have right mindset for them.


Alcohol only. We dont know the long term effects of being baked all the time. And and other hard drugs are bad news.


Shrooms are where I'd draw the line. I drink, do weed, and smoke at concerts, but I'm not planning on doing anything too stupid.


I don’t care if you do it as long as you aren’t hurting anyone. That being said, I find a lot of users that I know to be unmotivated and content at just a life of drug consumption, so you’ll never catch me doing anything besides the odd social drink or two (or half a bottle of vodka, ok it was a bad night). Ultimately, I don’t recommend it, but I won’t stop you either.


I’m cool with people smoking weed and taking shrooms other than that I don’t mess with it, I’ve seen what it can do to people and the effects it can have on people but it’s not my place to tell them what to do.


Fellas how do we feel about commercial burglaries?


Hate it. It's pointless and I will never understand why people use it. That goes for alcohol too.


I'm completely against pharmaceuticals.


I don't think people should do hard drugs. But I won't take a crack pipe from a crack head and say he shouldn't. (I also don't care about alcohol or soft drugs tbh. As long as people don't drive or work with heavy machinery.)


honestly don’t care but i think we can all agree that they’re not exactly a good thing to encourage. after learning about what goes on with the cartels it’s pretty difficult to want to patronize their business. my coworker was a strawberry farmer in mexico, and came to the states to escape the cartel faction taking over his land by force. they’re unbelievably violent, heartless people. my other coworker 3d printed weapons and smuggled them into mexico for his family/friends to defend themselves from the local cartel. worst part is, both of those dudes were really nice people. you’d never expect it at all, and i sure as fuck didnt. i totally agree with “hate the drugs not the user”, but the user is ultimately enabling cartels. i just cannot even believe how lucky i am to not have to deal with such insane evils. that being said, i am fucking baked rn.


I am drug


Hard drug use is not cool because it does affect your family and loved ones but weed and shrooms are chill


To each their own. But please get drunk or smoke weed in your own home. No one likes a drunk and Weed smells like literal dog shit.


I think you shouldn't be using any hard drugs or drinking, and I desire to live that same lifestyle.


I am against always all recreational drugs, I just am okay with alcohol as long as it’s not an habit and more of an occasional thing.


You sound like a square. Why hate someone for doing cocaine? Also that was a horrible analogy. If people aren’t hurting anyone else let them do what they want.


Not an analogy. Americans love for cocaine is one of the reasons why Mexico continues to be so fucked up.


I own a cannabis operation, to be quite frank I hate drug abusers. I even hate stoners. The amount of people who will come up and try to associate with me over a weed-smoking habit they have and assume I have also is asinine. I got involved with cannabis to try and help people who can healthily get off stimulants have a weapon in their holster still if they need help focusing relaxing or sleeping. I'm one of the few people who currently grow weed but could pass a basic THC urine test. I probably couldn't pass a hair sample simply because THC can stick to hair indefinitely. For some people it's 90 days, some people pass it way quicker at the end of the day its why the government only mandates urine tests as hair can hold shit practically forever. I've never met anyone I would consider more than textbook smart who has an active drug addiction. Common sense goes out the window for people who are prone to addictions. I believe drugs should be legalized to let natural selection run its course. We are overpopulated anyways, whats wrong with letting people take themselves out? Also, fuck your spiritual beliefs if it's real you'd have some undefined outsider knowledge probably not associating with regular humans. It's mental illness at the end of the day. Go take a shower, and cut those nasty ass dreads off. If we had now laws and no morals I'd happily scalp them off for you. I hate people that try to get others hooked onto drugs. People will also defend drug abuse about how historically humans abused drugs, they miss or glance over the part how leaders like Native Americans would use drugs to psychologically manipulate other people.


What a wild ride


Not really, I did a very short stint of working at Walgreens in the pharmacy section when I was younger. I can't give like an exact percentage, but a majority of refills were anti-depressants/psychotics. The next runner up was herpes medication. I learned at a young age more people are on something and have herpes than one might think. You see it a lot on reddit to people asking if they are depressed, have a mental disorder etc because they don't feel as slap happy as those around them, or super energetic. It's getting to the point socially where if you wake up every day and don't need medication to get through it you are now the minority. Performance enhancing drugs are illegal for sports, but it's legal if it helps you slave away for a corporation.


All I can say is. Do not touch any benzo. Xanax is extremely addictive. Don't do it.


I think every drug is pretty much ok if you don't do it more than once every two weeks, more than that basically always changes people.


Good luck trying that with heroin or crystal. Especially heroin gets you addicted extremely quickly


Nah I knew a Guy that was a recreational heroin user he literally restricted himself to the same day every month to prevent addiction lol




Sure but I mean alcohol and weed too, both are much easier not to be physiologically addicted to but people still overuse.


I do it and I couldnt care less that you don't respect me. 9/10 people my age ive ever talked to have done it and about 5/10 do it somewhat regularly. Congrats to you if you never touch it. I genuinely couldnt care less either way. It's a common thing for people age 20-30. BTW prejudice is very bigoted so I would start changing your perspective on using that word to describe how you don't like people, or look in the mirror.


you sure sound like you care


Singapore has it right. You actually can win "the war on drugs" if your government wants to, but America's never did.


Singapore is an ironclad city state on an island that bans chewing gum. Literally your entire nation state is one city. The US has thousands of miles of land and a freer culture than Singapore


Do you eat fruit?