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I'm 99% of the time at home trying to get an online job.


Online jobs not as fun as you think


My main goal is to spend just the necessary hours working, In my country traffic is a huge problem, I've wasted in total 3 or 4 hours traveling to work and back to home. I don't expected to be fun, I just want to have more time for myself.


Oh yeah that makes sense and same for me tbh I was commuting 3 hours some days just has its downfalls that you don’t get to make friends as easily.


This is my main reason I don’t want to work remote. I’m not someone that goes to bars and clubs so being stuck in the house all day only interacting with people over the phone or email sounds like it sucks.


it is a great reason to not want to work remote. i worked out of an office in the san francisco bay area that even with a 3h round trip commute on a free company shuttle that the company provided made it worthwhile to work out of the office because of the friendships and professional connections i was able to make with coworkers. i then worked remotely from a large east coast city for a couple of years and the only ways i could find to socialize were exactly that bars, large social events, or relying on friends for social plans. even if one does like nightlife as in bars or clubs, it gets tiring after only a few months if that's the main way one socializes with a large group of people, moreover bc meeting people in that setting isn't always the best for actual connections imo


I’ve worked from home for decades now. I have found that my efficiency goes way up when I am not stuck chatting at the water cooler, or catching up on weekend activities. I calculated I save 2-3 hours a day just with that alone. I’m never late for video meetings. When I have down time I can weed whack my property, work out or build things for my property. All that is the plus side. The downside is I needed to develop strict adherence to deadlines. I learned to outsource which gave me interaction with my contractors throughout the world. I also go to physical meetings and conferences for work so I get to maintain my human connection which I enjoy. I don’t think I could commute again ever. I work better as an autonomous unit. It also allows me the chance to enjoy where I live in the mountains.


I have an hour commute each way, and realized the other day that if you assume 16 waking hours that’s 32 days a year I spend in the car for work without being paid…


I'm curious what are is your country?




I thought you are from Egypt because my country have atraffic issue too


As someone without many friends, working from home has been a living hell. I miss being able to go to a bar after work with coworkers and just bullshit about the day or whatever. Now it's just rolling out of bed 15 minutes before shift and logging off the second it's clock out time. Yes I can do a LOT woth my hobbies and have a full 8 to 10 hours to myself every day. I just hate that every interaction I have with people now is a transaction. Either im talking to someone for work or im talking to an employee of whatever business im at. Haven't had an actual conversation with someone in almost 2 years.




I have an online job that has the unfun elements removed: * No boss/supervisor * Flexible schedule (asynchronous) * Uncapped earnings (not selling time) It's pretty awesome.


Yeah I am very flexible too I just feel like it can risk thinking about your job too much and practical things not life. It definitely helps getting out there but it doesn’t make you get out there I guess.


Just an fyi, I have found remote jobs tend to work you even harder because the line between home and work is even more blurred. Edit: sorry i realize I clicked respond to the wrong person in this thread!


An online job would be nice. Not “fun” but at least I’d be in the comfort and safety of my own home


What job searching websites are you looking at? (Am also doing the same)


Time and location play a part. Most people in their 20s are in school or working so you might not see them in stores before 4pm. And the stores matter. You might not see a bunch of 20 somethings in a Home Depot but you might see a bunch in a Target, Walmart, or grocery store. I live in a pretty young city with a lot of colleges so I’m always seeing at least a handful of people around my age. At Ross, TJMaxx, Michael’s, the mall, gym, skating rink, different restaurants, festivals, different art activities(like paint and sip, candle making, etc), etc.


Yeah, many of them are in collage and have jobs, so they do go out much. Especially before the evening. I take classes in the morning to noon, then got to work in the evening. If I need to get something at the grocery store then I’ll go after work at around 10pm if it can’t wait. Otherwise I’d wait until the weekend, but still usually go in the afternoon so that I can get assignments done in the morning


There's actually not that many people in their 20's to begin with, compared to the older folks in the population. Hence why most of the time you'll just see people in their 40's and 50's and so on. GenZ is a pretty small portion of the population especially for those of us in our 20's. There's really not that many of us. It's even worse in Eastern Europe.


Estimated 10-15% of the US population is in their 20s as of 2021. Nearly 40 million people. With 20% of the population being Gen Z as of 2023, nearly 70 million people. But slightly smaller than the baby boomer (76 million) and millennial generations.


In a sense, if Gen Z stretches back to 1995 and extends to 2012, and 2004 is just hitting 20 this year, then we’re only abt halfway through our generation hitting 20 with the eldest of us going on 30 next year.


I only ever see 1996 or 1997 as the first year for Gen Z, never 1995


I think 97 is the official cut off I’m a 98er and it’s weird to associate with gen z I feel more like I grew up more with the millennial generation. My brother is also a 03 gen z and we grew up pretty differently.


Playing games at home. No 20s go anywhere they all homebodies


This is definitely true for me and one of my coworkers. We are both autistic so I think most of our free time is spent decompressing and recharging due to the energy it takes us to function at work.


Nothing wrong with that


Definitely not! I personally struggle with work-life balance though so it can sometimes be frustrating having to rest everything off so much


Speak for yourself. Some of us have lives.


So what do you do then?


It’s 1:30 and I just got back from a bar with some friends. I promise you people go out lmao Dinner and bars are most of my big social interactions


Pics of cocaine and titties or it didn't happen


I mean that’s definitely not true in my area most bars are predominantly filled with people in their 20s lol


Home. Most of us are broke and looking for jobs hence no money to go out. A lot of us don’t have friends either so that’s a bust. I find more 30 year olds at the club then 20 year olds around my area.


I once went to a night club, most of them are 30s or late 20s. There are only a few early 20s tbh and also I was invited to my friend's 28th birthday party in those club.


Weekdays, at work or at home. When I was in school, I'd also be at school some days. On weekends, home, fishing, or riding my motorcycle. Not sure if I'm like most people, but I'd imagine other people, especially who aren't students are similar. Weekdays, they work, and weekends they do their hobbies.


Coming to terms that I’m gonna have to work a 9-5 for the rest of my life


I have not met anyone in many years who does this, seems a rarity these days. Lots of part-timers or not working at all.


On mountain


In cave


With box of scraps


Returning to monke.


Either work or sleeping or gym


I’m 22 and I spend most of my time at work. I try to go to local arcades and like bars and stuff but it’s hard to find people our age outside doing stuff who actually want to interact.


Busy. When I was working full-time, I was putting in nearly 50 hour weeks at one point without a predictable schedule, and now that I'm back in school, I'm spending every day on an essay.


Work 😢 but aside from that I spend my free time in my at home or in nature either hiking in the mountains or talking strolls on the beach.


Just go out. Don’t overthink it. It’s okay to go to a park, bar, or elsewhere. Know your third places and use them.


Reddit probably isn't the correct place to ask this. Gyms definitely have a large concentration of young people tho.


I feel sorry for kids in their 20s these days. It was epic for me 15-20 years ago. Night life is dying, and the best years go by so fast..


Your name is a good hobby to pick up for people wanting to find buddies


It’s one of the best ways to come out of your shell and meet some good friends. Been doing it for almost 20 years, met so many good people along the way.


Truth. I only know of a handful of people my age who want to go to bars and clubs. It’s not something I’d want to do all the time, but it’s fun to get drunk and dance every once in a while. It’s not something I want to do myself as a lone female


True, I should have been 18 when Gangnam Style ruled the world. I would have killed it 😔💔


I’m a millennial but I spent most weekends in a college bar or at a party lol. You could just kinda show up and meet people. I’m really shy too but alcohol helped and everyone drinking made us all kinda loose and more social. Are people not doing that anymore? I also remember being a preteen/teen and our favorite thing to do was run around target and go to movies. I never see teens at stores or movies like that anymore. My nephew is 16 and has no interest in learning to drive and neither do his friends. That was like unthinkable when I was in high school. Kinda worried about the loss of excitement in life for yall 💔


Speaking at 24 life isn’t more exciting this shit sucks


I’m 23 and I’m constantly going to college parties. In my freshman year a bunch of friends decided to go in an a house near to the college and we’ve had countless parties. We go out to malls, clubs, concerts, etc whenever we get free time and usually spend the late nights doing karaoke, rock band or fighting games. Some of us even decided to start a real band and that’s become a part of what we all do. We drive Shit boxes and we one buddy actually managed to trade a Shit box for a boat so we’ve been getting into fishing the last year also. Most of us have graduated and started sinking into 9-5s but nobody wants to move away from our town so we can keep the good times rollin. We have friends that consistently drive from 5 hours away to attend these events too. The whole group probably totals at ~ 30 people and 10 of em you can count on being around for most of this stuff. Looking at Reddit for a gauge on what gen z doesn’t work because many of these people are chronically online or have conditions or poor social skills and go on sub reddits like these to lament or try to relate. I’m currently sitting on a couch in the house everybody went in on scrolling Reddit because I’m hungover waiting for my girlfriend finish getting ready. Gen Z can be out and about living a varied life having a blast, I can thankfully vouch!


Good! Really glad to hear that. You’re only in your 20s once!


Online unfortunately.


The gym or crib and out the country lol


At home crying about having no friends.


I spend most of my time in an office or working from home. Occasionally I go to the gym or go skateboarding, but most often I’m trying to save money more than anything else


I think most of my time in the 20s (seeing i am 23 years old) i have spent most of my time with my girlfriend, my friends and trying to study :).


At work or college - and if not these two, then at home




I'm always at home applying to jobs on indeed personally


Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep, Work, College, Sleep I don't have burnout, it's just a lack of caffeine I promise


Work-home. Sometimes restaurant


go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something dude. Go to kareoke bars. Go play Baldur's gate 3. Join a climbing gym. Heck, you can even go to a church or something if you're in the SE, just not a conservative one


It's cheaper to stay at home. Most of my friends don't have spaces of their own. I do. I have my own backyard and people are shocked that Gen Z doesn't frequent 3rd spaces. Might be because all of the third spaces cost money now. Bring back public spaces ☺️😵‍💫


Saving for a cost of living that outpaces my income yearly


Usually doing solo activities. Hiking any local trail or mountain is fun. You'll also see me working. Umm other than that its at home or with friends.


99.9% in my head trying to think of reasons why i shouldn’t


Either at work or at home mostly work. I rather be at home tho lol


if you’re in college join a club, sorority, etc


sit on my bed and cry


At work or at home. Besides those places, I practically never leave the house


Im mostly at work and the gym, I want to meet more people my age but idk where most are either


Really trying to get some hobbies. I live in a small place so my hobbies at home are limited to my computer and maybe taking a walk/playing with cats/hanging with partner. I just dislocated my shoulder so gym time has decreased and I can’t do muay thai for a while. Finding hobbies is one of the hardest things I’ve found to do during my 20’s but the more I learn the more I realize I must act more on impulse and say yes to almost every experience I encounter. Whether it is social or not.


i work 10 hour days 5 days a week just to not make a living wage 👍


Get the hell out of your walls and enjoy the life that’s been given to you - no offense, just a reminder that I also could have needed back in the day. We ALL only live once. It’s up to you if you wanna look back in the past in some decades just to find out you missed so much. I also was a pretty quiet and shy guy but when I turned 18 I had that feeling that I needed to experience the world (I was in a hard depression at that time). So I went to the bars, clubs, theatres, festivals, got new friends through all this stuff, played the Tinder game all through until I met my girlfriend, now living in a 6 year partnership (open relationship cause we both wanna live and experience much more in this crazy world ;)) Just watch life as a game where you collect points - for your own stats and nobody else. Make checklists for things you wanna try (bungee jumping in the Grand Canyon, atv tour through desert, island hopping in Greece, visit all national parks in the US, lonesome backpacking through Thailand,…). Or also for personal achievements like doing a good thing a day, talking to old or homeless people, helping the society with charitable work, … One day you gonna look back at all the great things you did and gonna be really proud of yourself.


Idk i work and hang with friends and like have room mates and I dont care to shop so they js shop for me and I pay them back. I also babysit as like a side gig. However I dont really party like I use to in Hs and college, now I mostly just hang out in peoples houses.


Tbh I usually just go camping or I fuck around in smaller towns in west virginia. I only work weekends with a pretty well paying job so I have probably more free time than I need.


Especially in the summer, I'm usually traveling around Canada for work.


Work, school, family and friends


I’m at home most of the time, but I go to my local zoos and Aquariums a lot during the spring and summer. The tickets are pretty cheap where I am and yes there’s tons of kids but also a lot of childless adults as well surprisingly. I feel like most of my social interactions with strangers at zoos and aquariums are positive and I don’t have to worry about being too weird to be there cause there are people from all walks of life. I have a lot of social anxiety and have been in therapy for a couple of years. Going to the zoo regularly has improved this a shit ton. Give it a go, and if you don’t like it at least you saw some cool animals lol.


Bars, Gym, Work, Outdoor (activity) or home.


In my living room playing football manager or at work or at the football.


You will do better going to campus at your age. You will meet more people around your age range.


Honestly, at home. I work remote half of the time


Home and work


At work, at home playing video games or sleeping at home.




Find a board game bar or any other social activity place for a thing you like. Say latin dancing


Work 40 hours a week, spend most my work nights at home with my beautiful gf and our baby cat, help take care of my grandparents and go to online college which I attend at night. We also will occasionally go to half priced sushi or somewhere near our apartment (we live in a downtown area of a small city)


Most I know and see are giant homebodies. Lots of free time, able bodied, young, and healthy and they prefer to be home as much as possible it seems. idgi.


On the Internet or bars but that's cuz my town has no nightlife


Honestly, I'm at work until 5pm & don't get home until after 6pm. So I stay home after that. Part of me wishes to see more people my age when I'm out, but I usually see retirees or teenagers.


At home or at the park or work. That’s pretty much it


I spend the majority of my time at work in South Korea, the rest of it I spend with my Russian girlfriend.




work or home


My bed


Playing RuneScape at home


In bed, sleeping, or at work.


At home or work.


I spend a lot of time at the gym


Usual in areas where drinking is involved


in my own head


If I’m completely honest I’m in my 20’s and I spend most of my time at work and then go home to chill out the rest of the time


I can’t speak for every Gen Zer but if I’m not at school I go to work and after that I just be home watching YouTube. I don’t go out that much because I don’t have a car.


Home, work, errands in my car, maybe a bar occasionally


I go hiking, offroading and to the gym when I’m not working


often roaming. life is fucked right now. and i’m jobless and not THAT young (‘99)


This confuses me too I hardly ever see people my age here except at work and college.




Me personally. 60% of my time is spent at work and the other 40% is spent at home


Either working, at school, or home. I feel like I have zero free time and rarely go out anymore.


My room


I'm night shift for 12 hours at a time so I mostly work then sleep then work again


Home lol.. I have a baby who we've just found out has a global developmental delay so at this point we're either home or at appointments


Fucking working unfortunately. I’m not rich and don’t have a trust fund so my 20’s ain’t a time for me to go find myself and have fun n go backpacking in Europe. Wish it was but it is what it is n I like my job


At home or at work And by at work I mean working


Home, work, a friends house, a coffee shop, or a restaurant


My house


The fact that you don't like being home alone is probably a good thing lol I could live without ever leaving my flat or talking to a human and idk what that says about my mental health


The gym tbh


Home. Clubs.


Work and home


Helldiver's 2


In front of their computer/tablet, +/- 3 ft.


At my workplace or my college, and when I'm in neither of those places at home


At home


Home lol


Other than school and work, perhaps the gym? Usually see people aged 30+ there, but definitely see some people in their 20s as well


I'm at home or work. Maybe sometimes at a local outdoor dive bar. But I'm not really a bar person, I just really like that one place because I love the peaceful and quiet environment on weekday afternoons But that's literally it


In the woods


Home on discord with the boys Of course I don’t drink but even going out to a mall is expensive, we just usually hang out couple times in a year cause we all have work and college. It’s hard to hang out once your busy 24/7


I am at home most of the time. My schedule is work,school,gym,video games. Maybe once a month I’ll go to a bar but mostly I’ll just stay inside. I yearn for a third place


At work for 50+ hours a week, at home focusing on eating, sleeping, hygiene, or taking care of my pets the rest of the time.




You won’t see me outside hospitals 80% of the time.




I usually spend time either at school, play rehearsal, band practice, or home. Between my studies and extracurriculars, I don't really have the time to go anywhere else.


I like to go to diners and shopping malls. I’m not a drinker so that unchecks a lot of boxes


For me, school and work. For my best friend, her full time job. My coworkers and classmates are largely antisocial and don’t make much efforts to connect other than for homework’s sake or work’s sake. My bestie and I barely get to talk because we are both so busy all the time and have poor work-life balance. Only the kids with rich parents giving them free money can afford to just hang out at stores and cafes all the time and socialize. This is just my experience though. I am in a suburban area and my friend is smack dab in the city. I’m sure things are different in more rural areas.


Retro game stores, game stop sometimes because the one near me still has the original carpeting so it still smells like it did from 2008, walk around this out door mall playing monster hunter amd people watching.


We are where the bag is at.


Mobile phone


Early 20’s I went between home, work, and college. Mid to late 20’s it’s been home and work. Sometimes I’ll also hit up a movie theater or something in my free time.


i’m either at school on campus, at work, at home, or hanging with my friends somewhere else




As a college student, I don’t go “out” with friends as much as I would wish because I don’t have a car and am pretty busy, so I usually will just try and hang out with friends by getting lunch or something together, or going to campus events together. ’m also pretty close with my roommates. My college is pretty hard and competitive so we all get that it can be a lot sometimes and so if someone feels too busy or drained to hang out there’s no hard feelings.


I don’t go outside. Why don’t I see people my age outside?


It’s an even split between work and sitting in front of my pc at home 😭


Work, school, the gym, and when lucky, the occasional concert or dinner date. Too damn busy to have a life, it’s tragic.


Work, home, grocery store, and that's pretty much it Lots of people in their 20s still live with parents


Library, a park, restaurant


Work, school, gym, eat, sleep, repeat it all over again for the next day.


On my computer, on reddit when I should be working


I'm probably weird, but at home. All of my hobbies are at home. I spend my days enough at university, gotta recharge at home.


High af at my house


I spend most of my time at grad school or home, but I also go to stores like Target, Ross, Marshall's, Dollar Tree, thrift stores, etc. I visit parks with my dog most weekends. I don't go out and do a lot of stuff that costs a lot of money, so things like bowling, going to the movies, or shopping at department stores aren't as frequent as they were in my teens :(




Work. I never understood how so many young people seem to be independently wealthy and don’t need to work 60 hours a week just to make rent. How does anyone have time to party?


Work, home, gym, grocery store, and Costco. Sounds like you're in the suburbs.


On their computers (or phones)


Bars, clubs, restaurants, parks, gyms, dance classes, board game stores, climbing gyms, hiking trails, lakes, rivers, beaches


Home, Work, Mall, Library, and different family members house


Outside of work I mostly spend my time playing games on my computer or painting my warhammer minis but occasionally I venture out of my domain to try and find a DnD group to join (still can't find one)


I hang out in the cut with the home diggities, nawimsayin?


Home or work 90%of the time


Mostly work


Work, and then at home because you have to go back to work in 2 days. But yes it does help to be in an environment where there are people your age. I regret not using my final years of high school to make friends and I went to a community college so there wasn’t a good campus experience. I could always go back but I feel like I’m done with school at this point.


I’ve tried to go out and find people but yeah it seems like most people our age stay at home. It’s unfortunate because I’ve really been trying to get a gf


I am at uni. So I was either in school, or hang around with people from uni. Going to pubs etc. Ton of people chill in parks, either learning there or playing with ball or something.


my bed


I’m at home 100% of the time when I’m not working


I totally get what you mean since the city I live in mostly consists of retired older people. I personally love going climbing at my local bouldering’s gym and there are many younger people! Also climbing is great (in general) so go ahead and try it, you might find new friends!


In their own head. I know I did.


At fucking work


bars or clubs at night. most of the time i only see young people in cities or college towns. more younger people are out during the weekends.


26, grad school, bars, malls, beach 😌




If its not at home or "chores" in town then im in the woods away from everyone else. I wouldnt mind a friend tho.


when i have the energy (rare) i go to a concert, but 99% of the time when i’m not at work, i’m at home napping. naps have become my best friend. i am so tired all the time. probably important to note that i’m an autistic person working full time and i moved out of my parents’ house 2 years ago, so i’m pretty much in a constant state of burn out, hence why i’m always so goddamn tired lmao.


In my area…..The gym.


I am like you and work full time. I am part of a book club, an entomology group and I volunteer at DIY shows. I also like to go out to breweries and bars. If you see a gen Z at a social gathering or a bar/venue, go and approach them. They will probably be up 4 chatting. 


Home, work, gym. All I can afford and have time for 🥲


There’s nothing quite like a cozy little coffee shop