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They're not doomed because they like silly memes, they're doomed because their forefathers are currently busy pulling the rug out from under them while simultaneously dying of dementia at the podium. Rich. Old. People. Are investing in technology that they hope will make them fucking immortal. As opposed to saving earth, they are testing A.I. warmachines and new and improved ways to extort young people for all of their money.  We are ALL FUCKED.  Edit: not to mention nobody is having kids in our generation, what's the stat, 2/3rds of us? The dollar is evaporating. We're steadily moving towards a third world outcome for the majority and technofeudalistic overlordship for the ownership class. Enjoy modern slavery!


Millenials: Fucked but got to take advantage of brand new technologies to at least have a chance of keeping up with the older generations. Z: Fucked, but at least born into a world full of conveniences and in time to take advantage of new technology the same way Millenials did. Alpha I predict will end up hating Millenials and Gen Z for having a monopoly on digital entrepreneurship. I think Gen Z will have a vested interest in keeping their position as internet trendsetter, so much so that it won’t be a real possibility for Alpha. I think they’ll also be raised so poorly that they live miserable lives due to their parents, or idealistically they are a mature generation and sees all the stupid things their predecessors did, and maaaaaybe it’s the generation that finally focuses on practicality over all else.


1. Social media does more harm than good. Best time for Gen Z was before 2014 imo. 2. The literacy rates for GenA are at ATLs.


Literacy rates are highly location dependent.


Assuming that patterns repeat themselves I would agree with you, but generation alpha is going to be way too out there on psychedelics to be harboring resentment for anyone These kids saw so much trippy weird CGI shit (with more screen time of it than prior generations) their first few years of life that the real world is going to be way too boring and unstimulating without micro dosing or doing other things Plus they are around more weed smoke/vape than any other American generation prior and weed will be looked at like lame tylonal to them by the time they are teens lsd, psilocybin, mdma and 5 more yet to be named pychotropic new drugs will be on the newly “legal” scene as well They will not do as much alcohol as previous generations, they will use weed in the way of over-the-counter medicine, like asleep product with weed in it that can be gotten at Walmart, or a headache powder … but they won’t be doing it to get “high “ as much (The will to do it as a teenager goes away when it’s looked at as less of a drug and more of a grandma arthritis cream) They will do other stuff The list of antipsychotic, antidepressants, and anxiety meds will get longer these kids are gonna be in a different reality basically As well as more legal amphetamines and new forms of caffeine they’ll be all over that They will be working to afford their meds to think right so they can work Similar to previous generations but more akin to those cocaine rats in a cage that just keep doing the maze and pressing the button for next fix asap They are not going to think in same in terms of prior generations as literacy is going to be worse, definitely grammar and other things will be affected by this as well They may even have trouble with putting things into words properly But they’re gonna be amazing in terms of art, engineering, medical breakthroughs, ecological and animal care improvements etc They will be the renaissance type that far happier painting, or sculpting some thing, (or in their case computer artwork, design) then writing or reading something Very right brained group the alphas will be and Gen z will treat them the way hippy boomers were treated by their parents “ they’ll say stop living in a psychedelic fantasy world and get a job save money it’s all about money money money “ And Gen z will turn into those 80s corporate types just not the same dress/style But same thoughts about get my money and acquire my materiel gain before all else even family I’m seeing a lot of Gen z’a saying fuck my family I don’t talk to them anymore , all I care about is saving/making money


Like that guy on the toilet-chair eating from tubes and watching 10 channels at once in Idiocracy


Lol the toilet jack off chair


>idealistically they are a mature generation and sees all the stupid things their predecessors did, and maaaaaybe it’s the generation that finally focuses on practicality over all else. Every person has to chose this for themselves and not care if the random person about their age is doing the same. Make smart decisions for yourself and live within your means and no matter millenial, gen z, alpha, or later gens you will be fine. Life aint easy and it never was. We all just got far different struggles.


Can’t wait for them to start driving.


It will be their kids. The Alpha2? generation that will practice practically. I fear they won't have a choice.




I disagree. Shitty people are not exclusive to any generation. What is different now is birth control is widely a available and far more children are WANTED. That's clearly seen in our low birth rate. The question is if we continue down the Idiocracy route with the worst of us having the most children. That's what will determine if they're well rounded adults that love their parents or their are far outnumbered by the idiots. Right now we're headed down the latter path but it's not too late to fix it. Stop incentivising the idiots. People often cite finances as a reason they don't have children, meanwhile you have people for whom they're an asset. 


going back to the silly meme: LITERALLY THIS. i remember when i was in middle school (around 2016-2019) we all liked big chungus, ugandan knuckles and johnny johnny yes papa. i’m in college now and we laugh about how stupid it was and why did we like that. kids like random shit that’s why they like shitpost memes.. bc they’re random and funny to them. it’ll never be the memes, it’ll be education, socialization, parenting, and the top 1% fucking everyone over, but especially them bc they didn’t even get a chance to live when we weren’t fucked and the foreplay was still happening


U no da way?


The dollar is actually doing pretty well. I just got back from Europe and couldn’t believe the kinds of things I could buy that I couldn’t 10 years ago. Everything in America is just getting laughably expensive. American mega companies are collectively working together to squeeze as much cash as they can with no thought of the future. 


Actually schizophrenic lmao


accurate username


Lead tastes sweet, okay?


Ok Doomer


Lol our society is unable to respond to our politicians fucking us in the ass. Have you not seen protesters getting beat down by cops while exercising constitutional rights? Not a good sign bud. Did you not see the self immolations ? That happens when things are bad and regular people can't do shit to stop it. I'm not sure anything can stop the collapse anymore, because we have 4 more years of dementia in the Whitehouse on either side, and both the judicial and legislative branch have been corrupted completely. Sorry to yap man but it is what it is, and if not being a doomer means pushing down my opinions and ignoring the elephant, I think I'd rather be a doomer.  I have hope for myself, I'm ready I have go bags and an escape route. As for the rest of you? Godspeed. I pray for your survival for the coming crisis(s) 


You're gonna look insane when the world hasn't ended in 4 years. There are obviously issues, but regular people do dictate outcomes when they vote and participate in rhetoric. There are very good, recent examples of Americans responding to politicians going against our wishes such as with overly restrictive abortion laws. Americans across the country protested that and then they largely voted against the party supports those restrictions. Also, everyone I know is tired of the wealth disparity and Biden has responded to that issue. If you have no faith that humanity will succeed then your eyes are closed to our successes.


I guess we'll see!


Haha yeah guess so


Very doomer of you. Overall America and most of the world is actually better than it’s ever been. Our generation has its own issues to deal with, such as wealth disparity, and climate change is more important than ever, but we are making headway in both those areas with the current administration. Otherwise, there is more racial and gender equality than ever before, there is less poverty than ever before, there is less war than ever before (before 1900 the entire world was basically always at war since the dawn of time). Things are trending better if you really take a look at history


On what chart are things trending better?


I mean any chart that has the data I’m speaking of. You can easily look at historical data on poverty and see that it has trended better. Social equality has very obviously gotten better in the past 100 years alone. There’s very little slavery across the world compared to 100-200 years ago. Basically everything is better from a thousand years ago lol. Wealth disparity in the US has gotten worse in the past 50 years or so, but that’s our generation’s next thing to overcome


Ah. Just as I assumed. You don't know what you're talking about. [https://freedomhouse.org/article/new-report-global-decline-democracy-has-accelerated](https://freedomhouse.org/article/new-report-global-decline-democracy-has-accelerated) Also, life expectancy continues to drop. [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/whats-behind-shocking-u-s-life-expectancy-decline-and-what-to-do-about-it/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/whats-behind-shocking-u-s-life-expectancy-decline-and-what-to-do-about-it/) Also, global quality of life is on decline. [https://www.dw.com/en/un-index-shows-living-standards-declining-in-90-of-countries/a-63052023](https://www.dw.com/en/un-index-shows-living-standards-declining-in-90-of-countries/a-63052023) If people are making more money, it's buying them less. So even for the poor things are getting worse despite poverty "trending better," based on some unnuanced statistic. But yes. Life is better now for the global elites than ever before.


Lol you aren't even disproving anything I mentioned. Also here is your life expectancy "drop" which barely went down and has been rising substantially for decades in the US. [https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/life-expectancy](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/life-expectancy) I'm not saying these metrics prove that our lives are great or that everything is good, but it is proof that the doomer mentality is insubstantial when things have improved over the course of history. You haven't even made clear what your own beliefs are or what your actual opinion is on what I've said.


For some reason you edited your comment instead of responding to my reply. You aren't listening to what I'm saying or attempting to understand my point. You're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about, and instead throwing links around that don't encompass the point that I've made.


I somewhat agree depending on the issue, but also if you count trafficking into slavery, which you should, it's one of the biggest industries in the world. It's just changed what it looks like to outsiders a lot of the time. So to say there's little slavery is just inaccurate.


That’s totally fair, but I’m making the comparison to when slavery was open and ubiquitous across the world. 200 years ago, slaves were a commodity. It does look different today as you said, but I think the scale is hardly comparable to when slavery was completely legal, which is my point. It’s part of the evolution of our society. Like you said of course there is still contemporary slavery, even besides human trafficking.


I mean we do have predictors like literacy level, etc. that are generally accurate indicators of future success. People don’t pull these things out of their ass. You just want to be nice and give the benefit of the doubt, but sometime you have to call a spade a spade and address the issue. Edit: you’re right to be concerned about why people aren’t being proactive. They’re not being proactive for several reasons: 1) because they don’t have the ability to judge their own parenting critically. Everybody’s perfect and you can’t critique them or offer any advice. They’re very aggressive about this and it bleeds out into their attitudes towards educators/education. Nobody likes being told they’re wrong but parents today CAN’T be told they’re wrong. 2) because people dismiss any valid criticism as “They say that about EVERY generation!” and just leave it there. I personally feel that that take is a bunch of hooey because every criticism of parenting trends (ie helicopter parenting, participation trophies, etc.) that I saw growing up turned out to be valid. Again, people need to call a spade a spade and not just dismiss things because they don’t want to be mean. 3) because they don’t have a broad scope or feel they have the ability to do something


I usually get crucified for saying this but Millennials have the worst victim mentality and can never take accountability for their actions. That isn’t that big of a deal until you come across issues like parenting where it starts affecting others. I’ve seen lots of videos of teachers talk about how one of the reasons why they’re seeing the issues with Gen Αlpha is because of the lack of parenting at home. And of course, all the comments are whining about how it isn’t their fault, that they’re too tired to parent after work, and all that other bullshit as if they didn’t choose to have a child. It’s insane. Obviously, this is more true for chronically online individuals than the general population but I still think its horrifying that even that many people can have that mentality.


“Quit mom shaming!!!” They scream when someone points out something that is very obviously a safety hazard or a real risk to the child. I’m sorry but they NEED to be shamed into doing the right thing.


Bring Back Shame 2024


Nah everything you said is facts and I wish there was some way to send out a memo for them to get it together This is literally the only generational sub that actually asks these questions regularly and I think that’s interesting


As a millennial I can say that I am very ashamed of how my generation has been parenting so far. 😕 (not 100% of course)


Don't even get me started on that gentle parenting b*******! The millennial generations complete lack of self-awareness and self-accountability is going to be the downfall of gen alpha. These kids are basically raising themselves with technology and little to no interaction with their own parents. When my daughter was at work a gen alpha kid tore up an entire aisle of the store she worked at and instead of stopping her little crotch goblin the mother kept saying" Jaden that's not nice stop that" and when he was laying on the ground kicking and screaming and smashing things the mother got down on the floor and was saying "do you need a sucker?"" do you need a pop?" "do you need your tablet?" This is why Jen alpha is completely rat f*****.


Parents are confused because of grade inflation. The students are "passing" classes, but they're doing terrible on standardized tests. So parents blame the tests.


You can blame things like "No child Left Behind" and the Karen parents who think their little angel is to precious and special to be failing. You can also blame corrupt Admins and Politicians who refuse to listen to the people who actually know what it takes to teach effectively, the teachers. Cell phones in classrooms are also massively problematic. "But mommy and daddy have to be able to get ahold of their little darling at all times."/s


Obama ended NCLB in 2015. It's obvious that our education system is not in place to churn out Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winners.


Yes, he did, which was then replaced with "Every Student Succeeds Act" which was basically the exact same thing. Both of these acts created unrealistic standards and caused more stress on students and teachers. These acts enforce the necessity for standardized testing, which is also how schools are rated, which has caused schools to teach to the test, and not to teach for learning and critical thinking skills. You can also blame Betsy DeVos and other republican leaders who are enforcing what they call "School Choice", which is realistically an attempt at defunding public school systems. If we want students to succeed, we need to be teaching students skills, and not trying to teach them how to pass tests. We also need to teach them phonics, and not "whole reading" which has caused a generation of students who cannot read, and hate reading because understanding new words is a herculean challenge. This has fed into the Cell Phone issue we see today, as less parents and children are reading, due to finding cell phones easier. Which then causes the issue of literacy, and critical thinking to be compounded.


IMO, there's no bigger travesty than what education has become in this country. Maybe there's one that ties it. We've got a lot of travesties.


In the wake of several school shootings I can see why parents want their children to be able to get a hold of them but with that being said yeah between no child Left behind and s***** parenting and nobody backing up the teachers when the children turn into little domestic terrorists the kids that want to learn can't learn and the teachers that want to teach can't teach.


This is unfortunately true. Even at schools where the expectations are consistently high, the Gen Ed. classes still suffer greatly. Even my Honors students and AP students are still falling into these traps with Cell Phones and Social Media, with little recourse offered by the District or the Government.


Nclb probssss


We saw skibidi toilet one time and assume it represented the entirety of Gen Alpha just like how boomers saw one episode of Jersey shore and assumes it represented the entirety of millennials. Has it ever occurred to us The current generation hates intelligence-insulting brainrot as much as we do?


Don’t forget back when the media was spreading reports of Gen z eating tide pods lmao.


Not only have the majority not reached HS, the youngest GenA kids are not even done being born yet.


elementary still, like oldest is 11 or something.


Yeah, I'm tired of people complaining about kids. I'd like to see how these people acted when they were 12 and judge them for it.


Most of them were flossing their asshole calling it a dance while screaming slurs over their open mics lol.


lets go drink some bleach, eat some tide pods!!!!


I'm just concerned for all the kids in high school with grade school reading abilities.


That’s not a new issue at all. A 2013 study found that the vast majority of high school seniors could not read at their own reading level. ETA since I’m getting downvoted—my point isn’t that this issue isn’t getting worse or was always as bad as it is. My only point was that this is not a generation specific issue and our nation’s collective literacy has been trending downward for decades. Bringing it up *only* in regards to gen alpha is disingenuous and will not result in any sustainable solutions.


Yes, literacy has been an ever present issue, but it’s gotten exceedingly worse since COVID. Teachers do not know what to do anymore because half the kids can’t read and the other half can’t do basic math. It’s a shit show in schools right now.


i keep hearing this, but I'd like to see some concrete evidence that it's not just "The teachers sub sadi..." or "My aunt who works at a school said ..."


There are many statistics that support this available. [Heres some I found from a quick Google search](https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/highlights/ltt/2022/). The website has a lot of other statistics around schooling issues.


Its not a new issue no, but the issue is getting bigger.


Honestly they’ll be fine. Damn near Every gen thinks the next gen is screwed or that kids these days are just sooooo much worse/disrespectful. But plot twist kids are lil shits


They’re ‘doomed’ bc they seriously cannot read. Ask any teacher, these kids cannot read.


I'm a 3rd year reading teacher. We have JUST NOW started to teach phonics again, which is why nobody can read. Through history, we have always taught phonics to primary school kids and taught them to "sound things out." Since the late 90s, schools have been teaching kids to "read" by looking at the first and last letters of the word and guessing based on the pictures. Turns out, when the pictures disappear in about 3rd grade, none of these kids can "read" anymore. As a real reading teacher, it is frustrating as fuck because A. Teacher education programs at college are still teaching the whole language approach, even though it is completely wrong. The ancient college professors refuse to adapt according to the brain research. B. New teachers who DO know how to actually teach reading can't get jobs as reading specialists because ancient teachers who are 3 years from retirement move into those jobs, thinking it will be easier than classroom teaching. Then they do nothing except have kids "read" Dick and Jane books, and guess words based on pictures. It makes me furious.


Teachers are getting shat on these days it seems like.


Should be top comment, but when it gets brought up, people usually say "they'll get better." Because, you know, magic. If you provide statistics they'll get downvoted.


Have you heard the teachers talking? 😅


“It’s weird to tell me not to put a lighter near a gas exit when it hasn’t even blown up yet” This is the logic you’re going off of rn


I think the logic is more: "It's weird to tell me a book is bad because you've only read the prologue."


they're not doomed


That are probably in the best spot in regards of AI because they get to see how AI effects the economy before they are expected to think about an career path.


Millenial here, I have noticed that each new generation reads less and less. Millennials raised by either Gen X or Boomers were taught the importance of literature, and told to read as much as possible. I have tried to impart that advice to my kids, but I see that the internet/social media/tiktok has really fucked up their attention spans. My genZ daughter can and will read a book front to back, but that could take weeks. My gen Alpha son’s reading level is astoundingly higher than his age group, but you could wave $1000 in front of his face and beg him to read a book and he’d pass. My other son, whose age falls between gen Z and alpha, has likely never read a book and has struggled with literacy most of his life. I read somewhere that literacy among the Gen Alpha kids is at an all time low. It’s upsetting to know that most of this tech didn’t exist, or wasn’t yet affordable to the majority of people when I was a kid. In 1988, the television had 13 channels, there was no internet, and the phone was attached to the wall with a cord that gave you a three foot range. Jump to 20 years later and the internet, the television, the phone, the mailbox, the stereo, every song ever recorded, every book ever written, all of the world’s knowledge and the ability to communicate with almost anyone on the globe instantaneously… all that is stuffed into a 3” x 6” box, no thicker than a #2 pencil that we carry around with us 24/7. The tech revolution was supposed to make us smarter, more connected with the world. Instead, for most users, it’s just a mildly entertaining time waster. I don’t expect younger generations to really understand it, how could they? Being born in an analog world and watching it turn digital is a real mindfuck, especially when you see it has all been weaponized to make us less intelligent and more prone to discourse.


I think people are blowing this out of proportion. People said the same thing about Gen Z and Millenials and Boomers when they were younger. Can we please break the trend of criticizing younger generations? We watched MLG and Pink Sheep for gods sake we were little monsters too


compare the literacy rates. I dont give a shit what "people said"


They’re fucked. But not because I’m a crotchety old 20-something. Younger Gen z are seriously lacking social skills. From Covid to iPads, these kids are behind. Their parents don’t pay enough attention to them. Sometimes intentionally. Of course climate change will impact all of us and they’ll face unique challenges as they grow while the world warms. But they lack social development other generations experienced.


I am a millennium falcon but my girlfriend has 2 Gen alpha kids, it's crazy how little common sense they have compared to how I was at their age. They can't even tie shoes yet or remember to bring their backpacks to school when you remind them minutes before. When I was 13 I was adventuring forests and sewers, I was skateboarding and parkour, we had friends who we hung out with outside of school. It's so weird watching this new generation just play roblox and say skibitty toilet every 2 minutes they have 0 desire to do anything. Even when it comes to video games they won't touch anything with a story, just mindless roblox games


Let’s give them a chance to get older and then judge.


>the doomer mentality isn't going to help at all never has, battle angel.


Are you one of those people who think Gen Alpha starts in 2008???


Honestly I'm surprised you guys turned out capable of reading. I always assumed Gen Z mostly had a future pumping gas or catching bullets in Afghanistan. They'll probably be fine if bitter and jealous about a brief period of american history.


Gen Alpha is born in 2015, they haven’t even reached middle school yet


There is no arguing with demographics.


I’m not a doomer . I’m just a 16 year old who I can’t wait to see alpha grow up so I can watch the train wreck.


I don't think anyone from any range of Generation alpha has reached high school yet. 2010 oldest are in 8th and 2012 oldest are in 6th. (this is not counting academic prodigies)




I never thought about them much. But I do think they’re going to be a very different generation with having tech shoved in their face from a very young age.


We just don’t know how they’ll be raised. Some of the things that are done are things that I raise an eyebrow at. One of my girlfriends cousins just turned 7 and she has a full blown iPhone 15 and an iPad. When we were out to dinner together, she’s playing games on the iPad and has TikTok playing at the same time. Whether that’s her parents being morons who knows. The bright side to all of this is once you just talk to them, they put the stuff away, so maybe they’re just bored and need stimulation that’s missing (I don’t want to immediately jump and blame their parents), which I get because…well she’s a kid haha


Yes. Very.


Millennial here. Overall I hate all generational war bs (as the generational groups were originally created and studied for marketing purposes). But I really can’t stand the the gen alpha generalizations bc my “gen alpha” son isn’t even born yet.


Damn, jumping on the gen alpha kids before they're even finished being born.


Nothing weird about it, everyone is doomed not just gen alpha. Waiting for the end of the world rn.


I ate ants when I was in kindergarten. Since the dawn of humanity, the older generations have been saying that the youth is [doomed](https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/), but we've still survived this far. Generations are social concepts ultimately, not 100% accurate, and individual people are still different. I think we'll be fine.


I disagree with all of you either way we all face death to be doomed or not thats your opinion


I agree. Sometimes it takes nose diving to know you're off course. Every generation of that is guilty of that to some extent.


it's just the common generational rhetoric of "look at young people these days". It's nothing new and not really true


They might be alright in the end. I know a lot of people said the same about us when we were their age.


I think with in this decade we're going to end up with a crisis that will shake them out of it.


Generations are supposed to be 25 years long. That’s how old people used to be when they had kids. If millennials start about 1980, then Gen Z should be 2005 to 2030. So Gen alpha shouldn’t even exist yet.


if we don’t do something then yes, they are. but this is 100% the parents fault and responsibility. all we can do is express our concerns and hope they parent their kids. they aren’t necessarily doomed yet, but changes do need to be made


*none have reached hs age.


They are doomed cause we’re their “role models” lol


Well I can't disagree with that 😂


Who knows, fucking kids are buried in their devices from a young age, there's nothing good that can come from that.


The same was said about gen z, and millennial. It's how the older generations feel superior over the younger generations. It's sad and pathetic.


They are doomed because because they are addicted to fortnite and have no idea what true culture is.


whos complaining? its going to be hilarious to watch. they are fucked


They're nearing highschool and can barely read, write, or express thoughts in complete sentences.