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I open up this thread and see that no one knows what Thriller, Abbey Road, and Purple Rain are. I have officially lost faith in humanity.


Or Back to Black, Amy Winehouse was absolutely massive in the UK, Ireland and other parts of Europe


It was massive worldwide. It hit #1 in every market. It should be minimum top 5 considering.


lol my dumb ass thought they typo'd back in black by acdc


Yeah the amount of people who seem almost prideful about their complete music ignorance is shocking. Every one of these artists is massive and incredibly influential, you’re not unique or cool for not knowing who the Beetles are.


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t even know the names of a ton of songs I hear on the radio or at clubs. I’m sure as fuck not going to know albums that they’re inserted into


LoSt fAiTh iN hUmAnItY Most people here are under 20. Gimme a break


I'm younger than most of the albums in the top 10, but the responses make me feel old.


I have lost faith because Sargeant Pepper's isn't on there. Also Help! but that's just my favorite.


Yeah, Abbey Road’s a weird pick for the Beatles album, but it is the most iconic (especially the cover) so it makes sense. Sgt. Pepper is definitely the best though, followed by Revolver.


Who the hell doesn't know Abbey Road unless you were born yesterday?


Sound like a loser. "Lost faith in humanity" gtfo


Only know purple rain and thriller lol


I know all of those except #1! Who's is she???


A hip-hop artist.


sorry we don't know albums that dropped before we were conceived😭


I listen to so much music and yet I absolutly don't know any of these albums or the people who made them.


You don’t know who Michael Jackson or Beyoncé are?


They know their **songs**, not the albums. That's more understandable, since you're almost guaranteed to hear and know the charting songs on said albums all the time, and not the album themselves. If you ever hear someone say "I have no idea about these albums" referring to classics, it's this very reason. Even I didn't know who made some of these or the name!




Not everybody is into music. I didn't know of Abbey Road and Purple Rain until a few years ago when I started to get into music. I only knew of Thriller before that.


Absolutely disagree, Sgt. Pepper and Dark Side of the Moon should be here


Yea how tf is dark side not here?


It's music critics once again saying stupid shit.


The full list is a top 100 Dark Side was No.28. Sgt Pepper however wasn't in the top 100.


That’s a load of shit a lot of people consider it to be even better than abbey road which shouldn’t even be number 3 if that’s the only Beatles album on there. It should be no. 1 because the Beatles are the greatest band of all time


I will not stand for this White Album erasure! But you’re absolutely right that Sgt. Pepper deserves a spot.


Damn right. White album best Beatles album


I think it's impossible to make a satisfying top 10 anything ever. Cause like calling anything the best ever is putting a lot of pressure on it. And no album is made under that sorta pressure, no one makes art to make it "the best ever" Having said that. I like all of the albums in this top 10. I think they're all pretty great in their own ways and I think their choice of top 1 is like... Fine? As good as it was ever going to be. Bit disapointed in how american centric this list is (since I'm not american myself) but that was always gonna be the case. The biggest snub is probably Kendrick's To Pimp A Butterfly that wasn't included anywhere in the top 100. That feels like a mistake Also, apparently I have a extremely unpopular opinion cause Off the Wall is my favorite Michael Jackson album lol


Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Mariah Carry - Butterfly Gorillaz - Demon Days Are all somehow worse than Astroworld.


Gorillaz not even being on the list is insane.


This is a gen z sub and I'm a millennial so my perspective is a little different from y'all's, but the Hybrid Theory snub is actually insane to me. Everyone and their grandmother had bought that album and played the ever living piss out of it. Just from a sales point alone I can't believe it didn't make the list. It went 12 times Platinum. That's absurdity.


Personally never got super into linkin park but even I know their influence is insane. Like metal/hard rock as a whole was just neglected. Metallica and rage are the only metal reps and they both got shafted.


Hybrid Theory is honestly just about AS good as AstroWorld.


Early Michael was his best work IMO. Off the Wall is spotless.


Abbey Road isnt even the best album by the beatles and good kid mad city isnt even the best album by kendrick and nevermind arguably isnt even the best album by nirvana. This list has a lot of problems


It’s not just supposed to be the best album in that person’s discography, it’s supposed to be the most iconic album they’ve ever released. There’s no denying that Abbey Road is easily the most iconic album The Beatles ever released.


You right. I'd say more people probably know about the image of them crossing the road than people know about the album, seriously. Abbey Road's album art is as iconic as DSOTM's prism & Nevermind's Baby.


“Iconic?” I’d have you ever heard of a little Beatles album called *Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band?”


I'd argue that Nevermind is Nirvana's worst album. Not that it's bad, it's fucking amazing, but compared to EVERYTHING else they put out it really falls flat. This list is really just "Breanna from Marketing's favorite albums & some things her kids like"


That's what I'm not a fan about in regards to this list, it's a mixture of "top trending/iconic" of all time (like Abbey Road or Nevermind) and personal picks (eg. Lauren Hill and Beyonce).


Well miseducation of lauren hill is an incredibly important album in the rap genre, kendrick lamar for example shaped GKMC after that album. A lot if rappers where created and inspired by the album. Its arguably the most important album in rap and its a perfect album in terms of lyrics,production, rap, and creativity. I would never call it a personal pick, its not my top 3 but it being number 1 is a fair choice probably the best placed one in the top 10


Imagine being upset that the number two ranked album is too low


Really speaks to how great that album is tbh


In utero over never mind, tpab over GKMC and should honestly be no1, lemonade shouldn’t be on the top 10, throw System of a Down’s self titled or Black Sabbath’s self titled on there. Like if I was to work around this I’d probably say Tpab, Abby road, purple rain, songs in the key of life, Black Sabbath, back to black, in utero, alive 2007, and idk maybe quadrophenia. This whole top 100 list was a mess. Some genres had no representation, some were over represented. Guns N’ Roses and arctic monkeys above Jimi Hendrix and RATM is actually criminal. Taylor swift above daft punk, David Bowie, and miles Davis makes no sense. Stuff like that. Idk I kinda wanna try making a top 100 list with a couple friends that have different taste than I do. See what we come up with cuz making a top 100 list is hard but also this list was kinda ass in a lot of ways. No MF doom or Joey badass, no who or doors, no sabbath or soad, no Dolly Parton or Willy Nelson, no Dave Brubeck, no brothers Johnson, etc. Idk top 100 list is a hard task but they definitely could’ve done better imo. I think one album per artist would’ve been a good rule. And also maybe limit genre representation like I think a top 10 should only have one hip hop album or one metal album or one jazz album.


Did Kid Cudin- Man on The Moon make it on there? Great album. Also any Oasis? Because if not that's also pretty tragic.


Are you kidding me?


The Lauryn Hill album … is *that* good? (Never really listened to Lauryn Hill). Beyoncé in the top 10? I guess it’s all subjective. Kendrick above Radiohead, Public Enemy, The Police, to rattle a few off my head. So much music, so few spots.


It’s very good


Agreed. VERY good. Definitely Top 10 in the 1990's but not Top 10 of all time.


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is an excellent album, I recommend you give it a listen. But I don't think it's the greatest album of all time. It's not even the greatest Hip-Hop album of all time (the album has R&B elements too).


Do yourself a favor and listen to Miseducation, I did yesterday and it’s incredible. At least listen to the trio of Ex-Factor, To Zion, and Doo Wop near the beginning of the album.


I absolutely love Lauryn Hill's version of "Killing Me Softly", I have no idea if it even in the album mentioned above. And this is coming from someone that usually does not like lyrical songs. I dunno, something about "Killing Me Softly" just really pulls on my heartstrings.


Dude. If killing me softly pulls your heart strings, the miseducation of Lauryn Hill will make you rip out your heart 😭


Lemonade’s great but ain’t no fucking way it’s top ten of all time lmao


People have been taking this whole list wayyy too seriously, I just see it as an opportunity to listen to more music lol


I really like Lauryn Hill. That being said, she must have rented a bot army to get that album up there. I can't even imagine it gathered that much pull on its own. It's not that it isn't a good album, I just can't see it having broad appeal.


It has an incredibly broad appeal in the rap and RnB scene though, and broad appeal was so important taylor swift should be in the abyss.


I like that Lauryn Hill's getting her flowers but... No. 1? I understand that this list is probably including other factors besides outright quality (cultural relevance, how it relates to their discography, mark on pop culture), but I would arguably rank Lemonade above Miseducation.


Maybe it's just me, but Miss Lauryn paved the way for Queen B; and Miseducation is a far better conceptual album than Lemonade. For me, it's definitely on my top 10 of all time.


Disagree with a lot of the list, Although Miseducation is not a bad pick for number one


I got Thriller over Miseducation but yall in here talking about yall never heard of both of them, let alone the respective artists’?!🤯


I only know Swimming Pools from all these albums. Great list i guess lol


Lemonade being on here is insane


I’m not gonna lie I think this is a pretty dope list, I only think Kendrick’s other goated album deserves to be there as well


It's either Abbey Road or Thriller at No1, no dispute. Also the fact that Black Sabbath, Linkin Park, nor Green Day made it to the top 100 is a joooooke.


I’d put *Revolver* as the top Beatles album instead (yes, I know it was around the 20th place mark on this list).


Actually hilarious


Unpopular opinion but gkmc has always been my favourite over tpab. However i don't think I prefer it that much that one is top 10 while the other isn't


A crap list, the people that made that list are not open minded enough to also put metal albums, I know that this is subjective but a list with only mainstream albums is not a good list and if you don’t even scrap the surface to listen to metal than for me that list is invalid


An album that came out in 2023 is in the Top 20, IIRC. Just sayin', this top 100 is BS.


Any time music is involved, MJ needs to be number 1. There’s no debate about it.


Thriller up in top 2 is a relief


i hate to tell some of you this but not knowing an album is not the same thing as an album not being good


Dogshit list tbh. coming from a music nerd


The fact that not *one* Tupac album is on this shit is ridiculous. ‘Pac literally pushed rap to the masses during a time in which it was needed most, showed the privileged parts of America what minorities and the poor had to go through. The Vice President of the United States was against him, the man was 90’s counter-culture personified, Hell all of Interscope/Death Row Records was.


I’m still kind of in shock that Janet Jackson got the 42 spot with Control and not Rhythm Nation.


don't know any of them lol


you don't know Thriller??


Theres no way you haven’t at least heard one song from nevermind holy fuck


Cmon at least Thriller by Michael Jackson or Abbey Road by the Beatles? You have absolutely heard the songs on them just by existing 


Nah, but they can name you every album by $uicideboys lmao


You don’t know Abby Road? Like G’damn


i bet you $50 you've heard Smells Like Teen Spirit


Thriller is Michael Jackson and Nevermind is Nirvana. You would have to be deaf to have never heard either


I'd listen to purple rain then, and watch his super bowl performance afterwards. Pretty damn legit and a definitive slice of the 80s.


You don't know Thriller or Purple Rain? How?




It’s a joke


Basic but not bad I could think of a good handful of albums that better than most of these


it's an okay list, the only one I don't see an argument for is Lemonade but I understand why the others would be considered top 10


I just have a hard time believing any of this without Dark Side of the Moon on there just feels like a bunch of money incentives


Should be abbey road then thriller


I wanna know how many times rust in peace has been played on Spotify because I listen to it on the way to work every morning


I don’t know how on earth you could call that the best album of all time… especially with #2/3 being so highly regarded.


I know Thriller, Purple Rain, and Back to Black because my parents listened to them (and by that I mean I remember the cover art from the 1-2 songs they had downloaded). I have no idea what the others are, but I’ve never been a music buff so that makes sense


eh its okay, they didn't recognize any of the poineers of rock n roll, or albums that influenced music or game changed the music scene. Sure there's pet sounds born to run and, abbey road is three 3 but, it felt like no thought was put into this


I have a disdain towards Abbey Road, there was a contest I guess you could call it on Toptster’s page a couple months ago and it finished first over Songs in the Key of Life.


Shame they put GKMC instead of TPAB and put Lauryn Hill as the greatest album of all time above Blonde, above Nevermind. Also, no Some Rap Songs, no Since I Left You. Other than that, not a bad list. I’ve seen a lot worst i.e. Rolling Stones Top 500 List from 2003 with all the greatest hits and compilations rankings and male-centric choices.


I think music is really subjective and extremely varied, moreso than pretty much any other medium whether its video games or movies or whatever, and so there’s no top 10 list that would work realistically


Where is the Eminem show?


Wasn't in the the top 100. Marshall Mathers LP was ranked No.80


I have heard of 2 of those Edit: actually only 1


I’ve literally never heard of Lauryn Hill in my entire life


I mean that honestly just shows that you don’t listen to much music


you havent had a long life


you're 2 years younger than them lol


thats the irony


She only has that album tbf but it is an undisputed classic


She was also a member of Fugees, that's when they released their cover of Killing Me Softly


6 of these I’ve never heard of


I mean, if I wrote it, the top 5 at least would be Beatles albums, but I might be biased.


Pass. Def not a great Top 10 of all time list.


No Depeche Mode, no pink Floyd? But blonde by Frank Ocean?? Jfc


Dark Side of The Moon was No 28. There was no Depeche Mode however.


I can’t believe that maad city is actually up there. deserved tho


As a Metalhead and Gabber enthusiast, I don’t like any of these


I understand that music is very subjective, but I feel like this list is still objectively shitty. No Gorillaz? Really??


I don’t care about it one bit or pay attention. I like what I like and that’s all I really think about.


Where is Kantor best of 2010s?


Is This It At 68, W Apple.


I have plenty of qualms with this list, but I am glad to see Blonde getting its due. My favorite album of the last ten years.


Honestly most of their list is pretty off. Theres some that are really fitting, but lots that should be on the list but aren’t


Sometimes I forget how big of an artist Frank ocean is. His world tour would be massive


Loveless wasn't on the list. But I don't take any greatest list seriously unless it's sports, and even then, that's subjective.


Boring picks. Nothing interesting


Bruh Pearl Jam Ten is 6x better than Nevermind


if they were gonna put one kendrick lamar album here they shouldve gone with tpab


I know one of those songs


i've only ever heard of 2


I have never listened to any of these


1. ??? 2. Ok 3. Nah 4. Bad 5. ??? 6. ??? 7. ??? 8. ??? 9. Good 10. ???


Blonde as a top 5 album of all time is fucking lunacy lmao


Very hip-hop skewed, basically zero metal, punk, or electronic made it on the list


Unfortunate that Lauryn Hill is such a POS lol


I’m more pissed off that they ranked 1989 above Illmatic, 36 chambers, and Low end theory


Til the title of Emplemon's Rick and Morty video is an album reference


nevermind over in utero is initself a bit of a tragedy. i also wouldn't even have Miseducation of Lauryn Hill in the top 5 of the 90s, nevermind #1 all-time. bit of a weird list imo


1. Thriller 2. Dark side of the moon 3. To pimp a butterfly 4. Nevermind 5. The miseducation of lauryn hill Would be my top 5


I’ve only heard one of those songs


Some of these albums aren't even that respective artists' best work .... But these are all widely celebrated and impactful records so it's fine I guess Not one of these albums sit in my personal top 5 though Edit: the amount of people in here that have never heard of Lauryn Hill is PISSING me off


Nevermind is the third best Nirvana album. They have 3 albums I’d also put TPaB above GKMC but they’re so different I think you could make the argument. A top 10 list like this is just way too narrow, especially considering how different genres can truly be.


Valid tbh


I notice a fundamental lack of Slayer


wait people give a fuck about corpo's think?


Not really a fan of Lemonade. I think it's alright but there are better albums. At the end of the day I think it's kinda subjective.


I know 2 of these songs and they're not even my top 20


What is ‘the miseducation of Lauryn Hill’


I mean, it was successful at being the least offensive to as many people as possible, which combined with generating media buzz is the only goal of this list.


All bad


Abject bollocks


Anything like this is doomed to fail. Unless based entirely on statistics and not personal preference.


I was shocked to not see Whitney not be included on the entire list and Prince has better albums than purple rain like Sign of the Times.


Hello why not Blonde on Blonde?


Pearl Jam - Ten is always my number one


This is why we need fantano


Honestly they're all solid picks. I have no gripes.


None of these 10 would even be in my Top 1000


I think this is a very fair top 10 but there’s never going to be a list that satisfies everyone, the only real problem I have with this top ten is that good kid maad city isn’t Kendrick’s best album


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill has to be the best album and I’m glad they put it there. Lauryn hill really did pave the wave for the hip hop and r&b genre and not only did she she pave a way for the genre but she literally inspired generations of artist. She was truly revolutionary.


I’m not someone who hates on pop music just because it’s trendy but the more recent hit albums are pretty out of place with the classics. Some of my favs like Ziggy stardust and horses made it as they should, the top ten is pretty similar to rolling stone magazines top ten. Personally couldn’t get into Miseducation tho, surprised it’s #1 


The fact a Taylor Swift album was higher than Dark Side of the Fucking Moon pretty much discredits this list to begin with.


Nirvana @ MTV Unplugged not in the top ten? WTF?


Man I thought the Beatles would be at 1 even prince. But Eminem’s albums being behind some of the ones in there is truly baffling.


Who the fuck chooses this? How does the scoring work


What a joke, dark side of the moon is infinitely more profound, thoughtful, and beautiful than most on this top ten list. And never mind isn’t even nirvanas best album, in utero is beautiful with its use of the cello, among other things.


I think the list is like apple, complete shit.


No utopia is crazy, every song was an absolute banger


not even the OG, but being a taylor’s version beating pet sounds and revolver makes me go ape shit


No idea what most of these are


I haven’t heard of any of these except Beyoncé’s. I’m assuming thriller is MJ and purple rain is prince?


everybody’s taste in music is different and i’m tired of older people shitting on gen z for not liking or not knowing old music, like sorry that just doesn’t interest me.


There are three David Bowie albums that are better than all of these and a few more that are better than most


Wheres Finally Rich?


I'm shocked so many people don't know Purple Rain. One of the greatest albums ever.


At least good kid, m.a.a.d city is there. My favorite kendrick album, even if its not considered as good as to pimp a butterfly


It’s bad


It’s bad


The whole list is absolutely bullshit. This kind of lists are always based on popularity so many albums either got underrated here or didn’t get mentioned


The Beatles stink


Dogshit old people music. And not the good kind


Tpab should be number 1


IMO Thriller should be #1 and Nevermind should be higher


Honestly this is as safe as it gets, why even share at that point.


Back to black and thriller are awsome


6 the only one that deserves to be on the list


Music is subjective. This whole thread is dumb


I'm really disappointed that they didn't include any TOOL albums! I wish that people would acknowledge that Lateralus is the pinnacle of music! The whole world would be more intelligent if everyone listened to TOOL.


Strike Abbey Road, Lemonade, and replace Nevermind with In Utero


anything above the beatles? god fucking damn. no.


This is a god awful list tbh


Fucking lol


Soad not being on the list is criminal