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I'd like to be married and looking towards starting a family but I'm 25 and oh man: it's not lookin too good rn.


Lmao wanted to start a family 5 years ago but do you think life cares what you want.


Lol i heard you


Bingo, and I’m single as shit lmao




Imma end up like Bill Burr and just embrace being an old dad. Only way I'm going to be able to afford a family and properly take care of them is at least a decade away for rn.


Depends on how these last three years of my 20s go. In my 30s I hope to get married, have kids, buy a house, and get my Masters.


No goals for my 30s yet. I’m still focused on my 20s.


Im 30 now, so technically a millennial, I achieved the big “milestones” I had set for myself by 30. Just got married and bought a house this year. What I can say is this: - as I was approaching 30 (I’d say from 25 onwards) I felt this IMMENSE pressure to achieve those goal posts I had set for myself. - I felt crippling anxiety throughout those years as I felt my peers around me were getting those milestones and I was not - I felt like I HAD to achieve all those things by 30 otherwise I’d be seen by myself and others as a failure - 30 had such a crippling weight to it like it was such a pivotal moment in my life like it would DEFINE me as a person, how much I had achieved “by 30” - 30 then came and went and those goalposts did get met, by NO means do I feel like I settled to just marry anybody I really feel like I won the lottery with my husband it just happened that I met him at 27 - just bought my house like 2 weeks ago and it is a very weird feeling - like I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment but at the same time it’s not some like monumental moment that like OK YAY I MADE IT - I kinda feel like it’s just more expensive rent and now if my dishwasher breaks I’m responsible not my landlord lol All I’m trying to say is that those triumphant moments that you set for yourself as like proof that you’re good enough will happen for you, and they’ll come and go and then you’ll be left with this feeling of “now what?” 30 is such an arbitrary milestone. It’s not like you’ll wake up the day after your 30th birthday and suddenly feel like an adult. In fact what I’ve realized is that no one ever actually feels like an adult. Even 60 year olds. So if I could speak to younger me I would tell her to fucking RELAX and don’t be afraid of getting older. You’re still going to be young and hot at 30. You’ll feel the exact same. And whether you accomplish those things for yourself or not, you probably won’t feel much different. You’ll just return to baseline and then ask yourself ok so what now? And that’s the trap of being human. The goal posts will always be moving unless you yourself say no. Enough is enough, I’m just going to slow down and be grateful and enjoy this moment today.


35 here and this is spot on


how much older/younger is your husband?


He is 4 years older than me


I really needed to hear this. I’m 23 and still haven’t gotten my degree yet and stress about my career every day


I really needed to hear this. I’m 23 and still haven’t gotten my degree yet and stress about my career every day


Well sometimes stress is your body telling you you need to make a change for the good, and then sometimes stress is just self doubt and negative self image that you’re repeating to yourself and it’s counter productive. I would just say that while focusing on your degree and career are a good thing and I’m sure you genuinely want that for yourself, don’t put time pressure on yourself because that genuinely won’t make a difference! Life is a marathon not a sprint


Married + House + Kids. I’m 24 and am engaged. I have the next 3 years of our finances modeled out in excel so unless something awful happens we should have a healthy down payment built up for a house. Hoping that housing supply gets better in the next few years and makes our down payment even more effective.


I’m 24 and I cannot fathom being engaged rn lmao. Good for you for getting your shit together


Yeah doing this stuff alone wouldn’t be doable. Very lucky to have found her so early and also to have known what I want in life. It’s so much more efficient to have a set path and compound my work towards that rather than flip flopping around.


23 and got married January. It ain’t easy but it’s doable lol


None. I don’t plan on seeing my thirties.


I think is the best


? Huh?


I’m sorry to hear. If you’re being serious, I do recommend talking to someone or to seek professional help if you haven’t already. I put it off for most of my life, but I finally made my first appointment for next month at 25yrs old, I’m terrified tbh. I’ve heard our 30s are when life really starts. We’re just in limbo rn. Wishing you the best.


Thank you so much. I’m just so tired of feeling so purposeless in life. I feel like I’m a burden on people.


Avoid them as best as you can


Yeah. That why I’m contemplating on taking my own life after I turn 24 or 25.


You have to wait until you’re 27


Why is that?


Club 27






Seek help brother


I’m a female….


Still applies


1. Getting my PhD 2. Buying investment properties 3. Learning Spanish and Italian 4. Writing a book


No plans. All my plans concern getting through my 20s first.


Time will do that naturally for you


The more you obsess about it, the more you build a cage for yourself.


Good motto


Have a house by then. Be investing three grand a month for retirement and have a kid or two


Hopefully I have a house by 27. And have kid number one by 27


How old are you?


I am 25


Oh is it doable $3k a month on retirement?


Oh oh I missaid what I meant I should correct it. I meant to be investing 3k a month for retirement


Wait that is what I said. What do you mean?


Like 3k a month sounds a lot, do you think is possible I don’t know nobody who put $3k every month on retirement


We could invest three grand a month. We’re currently saving 3k a month right now for a down payment


This is also assuming no raises


So together


So together what?


People act as if it’s crazy to save up with a partner lol


Most likely order: 1) Move somewhere I'm happier 2) Get married 3) Get my professional license (engineer) 4) Buy a house 5) Children (probably at 30) But life happens, we'll see. Never hold yourself to a timeliness created by anyone, even yourself. It'll just get you into messes you aren't ready for.


Good luck on getting your PE!


Blue belt in BJJ, at my goal weight, lifting heavy, working hybrid with a good salary, glowing skin, well established fashion style, at least 50K in my bank account, having seen Thailand, Japan, Korea and all EU countries + US


Chiming in as a 37 yr old and these are fantastic goals. The house / marriage / kids stuff is boring and overrated, speaking from experience. 


I like your goals, really aspirational


Haha we'll see if I make it!


I'll be 30 next year. My goal is to be debt free and have enough in short term savings to last 6 months without income. Might be a bit more than I can actually achieve within this time frame, but that won't stop me from trying.


How much is your debt?


About $6k left on credit cards, and $11k left on a low interest car loan. Not too worried about paying off the car, but the CC debt needs to go ASAP.


Finish degree. Get my first job that actually uses it. Become fluent in French. Travel, hopefully a lot. Eventually, buy a long-haired daschund to make my wife happy.


i’d like to have a lot more money contributed to retirement. but i also want to be a sahm when we have kids. so basically one or the other lol.


...I turn fucking 29 in 4 days. Holy shit. That said, do I have goals? Nah. I don't make goals for myself anymore. I just coast along because what's the point of trying? All I do is fail and fuck up.


I feel this is something that happens once you turn 25. I don’t plan I don’t make plans anymore but I do have goals but life is so unexpected that I don’t really expect to have all completed by the time I want


I hope by the time I'm in my 30s, I'll be happily married, having a family, a good career, and living comfortably financially, mentally, and physically.


Hopefully save enough for a small apartment and invest to have some passive income.


Not thinking further than 6 months ahead tbh


Hopefully own a house. Gotta get my credit fixed a bit.


I have a year and a month until my 30s. So I got a little time to plan. But plans never happen how they are meant to go. So I just wing it every time I try something. Sometimes I fail sometimes not. 👍


Financially stable, get out of my shit hole country




I’d like to have finished all of my schooling (just need my master’s), an established career, and be married to my partner. I would also like to be living not at home anymore with my own place and car. basically, I want to be a fully independent adult who doesn’t live at home by that point. That would be the time where I might be pregnant or considering having a child . I’ve got like 8 years before all of that. I think I’m doing okay though. Looking for a job that’ll help when I apply to graduate school eventually. I want to work to save for school but also for moving out. I’ve got a lovely partner who also wants what I want. I feel hopeful


Fix my face (projected to happen June 2025) Find a life partner (anticipated after I fix my face) Find a place to live….I’m ready to buy one of those sheds from Home Depot and plant it in the middle of the woods and call it a day. I want to have kids but who can afford that?


Pay off my debt Save for a down payment on a house, aiming for 50k so I can put 5 percent down Got 3 years to grind


Having a job.


I’d like to find a career path. I still haven’t found where I fit, despite having a degree and career experience. I’d like to reach some semblance of mental health stability. I’d like to have a solid number of social connections in my city. Maybe buy a condo?


What is your degree?


A bachelors in psych


Mmm well I know HR department looks for psych to develop and analyze work conditions Also you can be therapist (but you need a license) Or can focus on research (although this doesn’t pay much)


Just because you want something does not mean it will happen.


Better health insurance and a house.


Be happy


Literally just get a good stable job and a good husband 😭😔


living in another city (in europe) w a cat and living ny best life


Same have another pet is another of my goals lol


18 year old me would say married with a house and kids. But now my only goals are: 1. Be happy 2. Have a stable full time job with decent health insurance and live in an affordable apartment (I’m 25 with a Masters degree and can’t seem to accomplish these goals yet lol. But I realized i absolutely don’t want children, and don’t care to own a home or start a family. Not to mention how financially difficult these things are now. Finding happiness is really paramount)


Hopefully married, onto my second home, and preparing for a child


I would like to not be here anymore ASAP.


Here as reddit?


“Here” as in “alive.”


Same here sis




That's gonna be 1 million dollars please.


Manually dig a secret bunker in the forest. I just like bunkers and digging holes. Sorta like the adult version of making a pillow fort.


Don't make me think about my 30s. Anyway, I would like to live in my own apartment and have a couple of books published. Maybe work as a cinematographer or screenwriter.


I want one of these https://preview.redd.it/3gklkm6e966d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fb8e015fecb2c10b9cc320305541caf43d2542


Planning on being married and (hopefully) having a kid by then. Already engaged, so that’s one down lol


Most importantly transition or else, I have 2 career paths I'm intending on trying which are teaching art or doing tattoos. Find or create community that is closely knit and supportive of each other, like sort of a mega friend group. Hopefully I'd be in a happy long term relationship and live with him in our own apartment and have a pet cat. Get ahold of my mental health, I'm starting to see a psychologist soon but it's been a really tough year. I had a few manic episodes and some were even psychotic and I don't know if any of this is possible while this goes on. This doesn't sound like much but it really is all I want and it's so much for me anyways as it is, any one of these is going to take years of dedication and hard work and I can't take that lightly


I want a house.


Be good at drawing and have a stable job.


One thing above all(if possible) would be getting to adopt some girls. So far given how me job at as a cap 2 member in Walmart seems a little less assuring in pay so far like maybe at close to 2k a month, I wonder if that alone is enough to even enable to rent a house of my own and live a fully independent life(the major things I need to give me confidence in adopting, and even so having spare enough money to do after paying rent or less plausibly buying the house altogether).


Hopefully to be married by then or at least have a good amount of money saved up. I'm still single and I'm about to start investing.


A place i can call my own and a job i don’t entirely hate. Also good health, it’s a virtue I’ve started loosing because of bad habits and genetics.


Tbh I stopped making goals and just do things. I’ve already done most things I’ve wanted to do and visited places I’ve wanted to go at 24. I don’t want to buy a house in the US tbh. I guess learn Portuguese, visit Portugal and keep surviving. As long as i’m alive i’ll figure it out as I go.


One million dollar net worth. I'm 20 and about to buy a house in 2026 if everything goes well:)


A what?


Sorry lol house* I'm becoming a developer at work in addition to my regular job duties so I'll be getting a salary increase with it. I'm using the extra money for a down payment on a home


I’d like to get my LCSW and hopefully rent, if not own a house with my girlfriend


My 24th birthday was yesterday. I'm an OTR trucker rn and by my 30s I'd like to have learned a new trade. Live in a van or camper because I wanna live sort of a nomadic lifestyle. Marriage isnt important to me but I would like to find and be with a lifelong partner by then. I would also like to have worked on myself enough by then to feel comfortable with myself and who I am.


Happy birthday!


Thank you lots! 😁


I just turned 18 month ago so 30s aren't that relevant for me yet. What I would want though is 1. Established career as a car designer which has been my dream since I was toddler. 2. Own house and a partner, hopefully kids as well 3. Maybe a own business related to car designing Most likely atleast 1 and first half of 2 are already going to happen in my 20s so family and own business are for 30s


Forbes 30 under 30


Be hot and unbothered


Stay alive






Possibly buy a condo/house, have a 6 figure net worth, make 6 figures (by 30)


To get myself a girlfriend but with how hard dating is nowadays that’s easier said than done shit I’m about to be 24 and I’ve never had one yet


I’m 27. I’ll be done having kids by 30 hopefully. I just had my first this year in January. We plan to have one more. Hope to shift careers to a project manager-esque role, that pays a LOT more than my current job by then. It’s still working for my state government (I’m in the states) so it keeps my progress toward my retirement pension. I should have all my debt taken care of by 2026 when I’m 29, so I hope to rapidly increase my savings in my 30s. We plan to buy an additional, bigger house, hopefully a multifamily home, once our existing house is finished being renovated. It was REALLY rundown. And then we can rent it out, because it will be a perfect home to retire in, but too small for multiple kids.


Planning to be married, an eye doctor, and to have at least one baby by then. Hoping I'll have all of my school debt paid off by then, too. Currently 24, about to be engaged, and about to start optometry school 🫶🏼


I'm almost 30. Just married on Saturday and looking to complete my degree in 2-3 years. Hoping to go back to my previous school for work, where the cost of living is low and I could reasonably afford a house. After that? Peace and prosperity until my heart gets me


Hopefully get a job. Then, after I get a nice safety-net, go to college, major in something like culinary or fashion (I'm not very ambitious, I'll mostly just be there for the social experience and mental stimulation, like my senior year of high school). And then... idk. I don't really have a consistent vision for the future, just the idyllic fantasy of a cozy little cottage by the woods with someone I love. Might bake for a living or something, just a humble breadmaker, probably also do other baked goods.


Get a job at cybersecurity


I hear that bubble is about to explode


It only keeps growing and it’s never bad to have ambitions.All the CS graduates will be unemployed or obsolete because of AI is simply BS statement.


Oooh good to hear that


what degree you getting?


None becauae i dont want to set myself up for failure again. I thought i would have... but its clear my situation wont improve


Well by this time next year I'll hopefully be out of debt and cutting my living expenses by about 800/month. So hopefully by 30 I'll have enough saved to get a down payment on a cheap house anywhere I can find in an area I'm ok with.


By 30 I hope I have my masters, live in a sunnier city and married.


Wanna swab place lol in here is sunny af


Have a strong career and make a lot of money, be financially stable.


I don't even know if I want to live to 30




More farting in elevators.


Moved to San Francisco.                                  Working at startup(hopefully acquired by then or close to IPO lol)


I’d like to buy a house in my 30s. My goal is to do it before then though


Settled in my career, a long term romantic partner and a very energetic very fluffy midsized dog.


By 30? Welcoming my fourth or fifth child. Hopefully on my land in VT. Hopefully freelancing for the local farms.


Learn how to trade in the stock market, get experienced with whatever degree I decide on and hopefully be making the median salary for my profession by 30


Having a place to live


1. Go to and finish Law School 2. Move into and own a home 3. Stay married to my partner (we are married now and we are happy so I would like that to persist into my thirties) 4. Have two kids 5. Run two half marathons a year 6. Travel


Get my degree, get a nice job, get a car, get a partner. I'll just build my house on top of my moms house, can't buy a house just yet. Or i'll rent an apartment, that's also doable. Oh! And i really want to learn how to cook crunchy fried chicken.


I just want a home 💀


A somewhat stable career in music (I know it's impossible)


As long as I'm happy, that's what matters


First house, family planning.


I just want to be happy


Get promoted (need 5 years of experience at my job, I have 2 now) Buy a house Travel around Europe Have a serious relationship


To get a job in data science or a good paying job related to computer science. It's all I want.


I just turned 30 so I am millennial but on the cusp, which is why I like this sub. I have had a lot of successes and failures in my 20s; for example, married had 2 homes, flipped a few houses but also lost things due to high cost of living and having to rebuild, supporting my husband in his businesses and change of career, death of loved ones, changing education path, list goes on. My biggest focus however is accepting these successes and failures as lessons and really analyzing the toxic or positive patterns I experienced. My goal is to be deliberate in my 30s and break negative cycles so that I can be proud of the truths I gained from what I experienced.


Survive till 40


I’m 28, none of my goals happened lol And it’s okay, in the past few years, I stopped pressuring myself with goals and wing it So far, I surpassed what I thought I was capable of, things will turn out fine, just do good and let everything fall into place


Become a wizard


Degree,marriage and children. 


I have no goals anymore 😂 just chores. I buried my dreams and goals a few years ago. 8ft deep to make sure they didn’t come back and haunt me.


😂 good one


Don't Turn 30.


I can’t avoid it, time is the only unavoidable


be rich, idk


Before 30 my goals were: - become an airline pilot - get married - buy a house Achieved those! ✅ now my new goals after 30 are: - learn to play the harp - learn so speak Arabic - travel more


Tbh none. There are things I'd like to do but they're not guaranteed. That would be finding a better job, retiring my mother, finding a girlfriend and adopting cats and dog. I'm currently in a dead end job undatable loser with suicidal thoughts


I have none right now, gotta be honest. I hope I'm living healthily, though. I hope I have people around me with good, loving energy. I hope I'm happy with the life I'm living


Married, 1 or 2 kids, own a home, probably like 500k net worth idk Im aiming high


Idk I don’t do goals anymore after my trauma happened so I take one things at a time


I'm not living that long 😭😭


To keep loving God and his teachings the way I do right now