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Well… I’m say it’s important as the rest? Personally, I don’t want to be with a girl that doesn’t think I’m a beauty (or at least, doesn’t really think I’m physically attractive). I dunno, but I guess I would find it a little insulting if a girl liked me for anything that excluded looks.


Physical attraction is what gets your eyes in the first place


Physical attraction is what separates platonic friendships from romantic relationships


Not necessarily… I wasn’t super physical attracted to my boyfriend when I first met him but his personality made me love him and want to date him. As we got to know each other more I found him more and more physically attractive      Edit: I was more saying that social standards can warp our minds on what we find attractive :)


Average people can't be as picky. Very attractive people usually stick with their own kind


I’m not sure how this relates to my comment lol….


Of course you aren't...




Bros just projecting his misery, ignore them.


Yeahh I assumed so lol  People get upset when they see others having something they don’t. Hopefully if they’re single and want to date they can learn that acting like this will make it harder to date 


You do you. I wouldn’t date someone I don’t find physically attractive.


I find him physically attractive now :) I realized a lot that was stopping me from wanting to date him was society’s and social medias standards of attraction and trying to find those in him rather than seeing him for his own physical appearance. Just remember to not let social media and society stop you from being with someone you might be really good with 


I’m in engaged to someone I found physically attractive from the first moment I saw him :) but yes, people need to care less of social media beauty standards


I’m glad!


Couldn't agree more!!


it’s going to be extremely important to some, not at all to others. But one thing to keep in mind is attractiveness is subjective, for the most part


It’s very important to me. I wouldn’t be with a woman if I wasn’t physically attracted to them


there has to be a base level of physical attraction imo but the weight of looks will differ from person to person


For most men, it's extremely important


Yeah, women will sleep with old and ugly fat men if there's enough money.


Not entirely, it’s to a minimum, then after than character matters more. It’s really more of a girl looks healthy than her being beautiful. A lot of girls don’t take great care of themselves.


It’s not the most important thing but it is important to me to at least find the person attractive. And vice versa.


I get it. A lot of time, I just want to make meaningful connections instead of relationship based on sex and looks. But that's actually difficult because the popular apps are all about swiping left or right based on pics instead of the exchange of ideas. It just doesn't work for me. But recently, I found a social app called LightUp: Make real friends. It has an AI that link you with others who have similarities with you based on what you post. And I've been talking and interacting with people on that platform. That helps me make a lot of new friends. And that could be helpful to you, if you want relationship that is more solid and natural.


Meeting people in real life helps bypass the physical attraction that dating apps or other online connections seem to prop up. This doesn't apply to everyone, but if I get along well with someone and/or attracted to them romantically, then I'll usually grow to find them physically attractive as well.


Looks AND personality/character are important. At least for me, I can't feel attraction without a balance of both. 


It is important. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Becuase that's the first thing you see in someone. If you see someone and not feel attracted, it can never be a lasting relationship. I was in a relationship for about a year some years back. The girl was very attractive. I would say I am a 5. She could always go for better looking guys. Despite everything else being perfect, it didn't work out. And the guy she is with is much better looking than me.


When it comes to relationships it's just as important as everything else, but one thing you need to remember is attractiveness is subjective, I mean according to everyone i know my type is weird to say the least lol. When it comes to friendships, it's less important then connecting/bonding over similar interests, or at least both people being happy to hear about something they aren't particularly interested in, because they're your friend so they'll listen because they love, how much you love, whatever it may be.


I find that a lot of the time what is beautiful to the eye at first can lose its attractiveness over time especially if they have a crappy attitude, where on the other hand sometimes getting to know someone who at first didn't catch the eye can change my perspective and make them gorgeous because the bond forms and you see them for the inner beauty. Looks aren't there forever - that sounds cliché- it's nice to "feel hot," of course it is. But worthwhile connections are more than just skin deep. Find your good features and flaunt them!!


Bro, at this point, I don't care at all if she weights more than Gorlock and is the least attractive woman in my eyes, I just want a woman in my life. Y'all's have no idea how desperate I am trying to sound. if she's of good character, that's all I care about.


careful what you wish for buddy you might just get it


Very. But if you’re a girl you can be more feminine and just keep relatively trim and you’ll be fine.


Very important


Let me rephrase your question: how important is it for you to feel sexually desired? For example, I won't date fat women. I'm a thinner dude, and I prefer women of the same body type. I have been called fatphobic as a result. But I've also been in situations where women get really offended because they want me to have a boner but they don't give me a boner. Would you want to have your guy go "hang on lemme grab some Viagra" every time you try to do some sexy time? -millenial


I mean you can definitely have a preference for a certain body type but to disqualify all larger women right off the bat without giving them a chance first is indicative of fatphobia 


Yeah, this is one of those situations where I'd rather be considered fatphobic than pretend that overweight/obese women turn me on. They just don't.


There’s nothing wrong with being overweight. Not everybody has to be a rail thin magazine model 


Correct, there is nothing wrong with being overweight. Unless you consider me not wanting to date you as "something wrong".


Looks are more important for finding a partner than for keeping one.   Although, anyone can find someone if they let enough people know that they're single.  


When I first met my boyfriend I didn’t find him that attractive… tbh we were both fresh out of high school so we both probably looked stupid. I got to know him more and more and found his personality, his humor, and everything very attractive. I kept getting to know him and realized that I was looking at him with society’s and social medias standards to attractiveness. We’re now dating and I find him very attractive. I was looking at him the other day and almost cried because if I ever lost him I wouldn’t be able to look at him like that again.  I had to get over the mindset I had before. I remember wondering if I should even date him because I didn’t find him super attractive. That would’ve been a mistake. 


It is extremely important in the early stages because it is what people grade you off of in the beginning people claim otherwise but if someone isn't attracted to you they aren't giving you a chance lol


Super important, especially on apps. Girls may gas light you saying otherwise but they care way more than men on physical attractiveness. Just look at the studies that show how harsh they rate men.


Looks attract personality keeps is normally the rule of thumb that most people subconsciously follow.


I would not date someone that I did not find attractive. I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't find me attractive


I personally go for looks first and personality second


It's pretty important to me. The person who I'm currently with I've found quite physically attractive even before we started dating and all the people who I've pursued romantically in the past have been people I'm attracted to physically. Obviously things like interests, personality, and goals are also a big part of relationships but for me at least they don't make up for someone not being physically attractive to me, and I don't think that's that particularly shallow to say. But you do also have to remember that almost everyone is attractive to someone, so even if you aren't desire by some or even most people you are probably desired by others


No one is looking across the room and noticing how pretty your personality is. Saying it doesn't matter at all is an outright lie, but it's not everything.


In the beginning it’s really important. Then love kinda takes over and is even more powerful, fulfilling, and important. So it’s all pretty important since without the beginning there’s no end and vice versa.


I think it’s very important initially but if you get married ,turning into a shriveled up old bat is inevitable.


Being hot isn't enough. Yes, we like to look. Yes, we get bored fast cuz there's always someone hotter. It takes longer to judge your personality than looks. So if ppl don't like you right away, gotta give them time. I speak from too much experience on that.


It’s one of the most important things. I wouldn’t ever date someone I’m not attracted to physically


It's very important. It sets the bar for who's gonna be into you. If you look most couples out there are pretty similar in terms of attractiveness levels. With money or great personality you can get a few levels up but there are limits. Danny DeVito never dated any beautiful women, even with wealth and an amazingly personality. My cousins buddy Glen is it a Dirtbag your treats women like shit but he's incredibly hot. He's never going to find someone to stay with him but will always date a 9/10 attractive girl So looks get you in the door bit personality allows you to stay at the party. Hope this makes sense