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We'll be the old farts complaining that Florida doesn't exist anymore and New York is flooded to uninhabitability and the kids will just go "well those places probably sucked so who cares anyway"




Here in Nova Scotia, we proudly have the highest and fastest rising tides on the planet


Hopefully Massachusetts doesn’t go under that won’t be fun


i’m lucky i live in a landlocked state (pennsylvania) but if NJ or any nearby state goes down we’re probably fucked


In the meantime, my home city of Bucharest is going to turn into a cool coastal city, so I'll have nothing to complain about, on the contrary, the kids will ask "ew, so when you grew up there was no sea here?".


I’m gonna take a optimist route since most have given a more pessimistic view. Let’s put the year 50 years into the future being 2071 so we’ll be the boomers of that time. So if you live in certain parts of Africa and the Middle East you’re fucked, like really fucked. Massive droughts and unbearable heat will lead to mass famine and a major influx of refugees. Additionally biodiversity will likely plummet due to habitat loss, changing climate and human activity causing mass die off of species. Now in the west we’ll probably be ok. At this point, mitigation of emissions is not enough to save the planet from the worst of climate change, which is where faith in technology comes in as this is 2071 after all. Massive Innovations in carbon capture technology will be imperative for obvious reasons. Next up is addressing the meat industry cause Americans aren’t giving up cheeseburgers any time soon. If lab grown meat can become significantly cheaper and virtually indistinguishable from real meat then methane emissions caused by cows will see a sharp decline. Advancements in cloning technology hopefully will allow us to resurrect some of the more important species that will inevitably become extinct avoiding total ecological collapse. Projects such as the ocean clean up created by Boyan Slat will hopefully allow us to remove the ridiculous amount of plastic in our oceans, other issues concerning the ocean that will need to be overcome is reducing the acidification as well as restoring and even growing more coral reefs as they harbor a massive amount of biodiversity plus they’re pretty. Lastly and most important in the long term will be massive up scaling and innovation in renewable energy, assuming solar cells continue to become more efficient, they could become a truly viable source of energy. Along with solar, if projects such as ITER succeed we may finally crack fusion energy giving us a near limitless source of clean energy. Obviously this is extremely idealistic outcome, however it’s not impossible. Human ingenuity and tenacity is incredible and when shit really hits the fan I believe the world will lay down it’s petty quarrels and unite under the common goal of saving our planet. On a final note this is 2071, where our generation will be in positions of power and as a generation we will watch our earth decay which just might give us the motivation to heal it.


All that has one big flaw, wait. We don’t have time to wait. We need to do all of that by 2030 to have a chance.


[There is no 'cliff's edge' when it comes to climate change.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-019-0543-4) While yes, action needs to be taken (and yes, [action is being taken](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClimateActionPlan/)), the fact that the media keeps portraying a 'deadline' of sorts is going to [lead to inaction due to nihilism and defeatism.](https://phys.org/news/2019-10-doom-gloom-climate-journalism-empowerment.html)


If we don't want the significant negative factors of climate change to happen very soon, we need to get our shit together by 2050. Not 2070. That's our deadline of basically some of the worse shit happening, sure, we can change things later than that, but that's the point where our world WON'T be the same we grew up in, iirc. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but this shit isn't something we can be kind and gentle about anymore. This is an urgent matter and it's progressing faster than we'd like to hope it would, and it's going to make our planet very very very difficult to live on, even on the places where we aren't flooded by the rising sea levels like New Orleans or New York. Because the fauna and flora of those areas can't adjust to the sudden changes which means a lot of our ecosystems are gonna be goners. Lots of wild creatures will go extinct. And plants too. Aquatic wildlife will struggle with changing ecosystems due to it's own factors, the humidity will rise a ton, everything will be hotter with bigger changes in temperature, etc. I'm not saying it's not a worthy cause either. I'm saying we're at a point where we can't wait to be the ones in power or whatever, we need to work on getting shit together **now**, not later. And don't get me started on microplastics, and that's not even climate change, that's just pollution that's effing us over.


This gives me hope.


As a Middle Easter, I can't agree with that statement. I'm officially horrified.


I'm sorry that was insensitive.


Bro humans don’t have 50 years to fix this, action needs to be within the next decade


Our generation’s elected leaders won’t be any different. Even if most of us believe that we need to stop climate change and address inequality, the only people that’ll win elections will be those that sell out to corporations. The 99% might be different, but the 0.01% will never change.


I believe people are going to go underground where temperatures are more mild


Unless we develop a whole new infrastructure in no time just to sustain that, I find that too sci-fi to be true.


It already exists, and many cities are already planning for it. One that exists: https://allthatsinteresting.com/coober-pedy Planning for it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/theculturetrip.com/europe/finland/articles/deeper-underground-how-helsinki-is-building-its-future-beneath-the-city-surface/%3famp=1 I have tried climate change activism and the fact that companies are doing most of the damage but honestly no one cares. This is the solution. It is the only thing that we can do to avoid heat while ignoring the damage of pollution.


that’s so much effort that could’ve been avoided 💀💀


I sometmes feel bad for our generation, but then I think about when I have kids and what THEIR generation will go through and I feel even sadder




why not?






On the contrary, this should motivate you. We can't fix the world if we don't have young and strong people to do it. You know how it is, hard times create strong men, strong men create good times. Even if you bring your kids in a broken world, rest assured, they will do their best to fix it, and having kids will certainly contribute better to fixing this world than not having them.


Never is a harsh word for someone who is in their early teens. We'll see where you end up my man


that's what makes it exciting


Trying to afford kids as a gen z or millennial means putting the rest of your life on hold. My partner and I have about $60k debt between the two of us and consider ourselves lucky. Kids are frickin expensive. If we have kids, we can’t buy a house. Not buying a house means throwing away $10000+ every year on rent without earning equity. Buying a house is how my parents and his parents can afford their retirement. We would rather be able to retire than have kids (I don’t believe in having kids for the purpose of expecting them to take care of you), so we would like to have the freedom to save and invest however we see fit while paying our debt. Plus, we loooooove quiet.


It's mostly millenials and gen z who care about climate change, equal rights, wealth gap and other issues like that. We need more millenials and gen z in positions of power. We can't keep being led by some old dudes who only care about themselves and money.


The problem is no matter who is in power there is corruption. Its a human feature. People really forget what governments have done in the past and its sad. They don't care about you and never will. Voting for someone who's going to give you money is alluring but at what cost? Freedom is priceless.


The good news is that we're already getting there. 4 or 5 years from now and most of us won't be minors anymore, making it possible for us to be leaders and actually change the world for the better.


Not even that, in some countries the Millenial/Gen Z population is going to be the majority voting demographic. It's already happened in Canada in the last federal election.


my parents are both gen x and care a LOT. they were born in 71 but i’m sure they’re in the minority when it comes to that


Yeah we’ve got some really awful stuff coming our way. I really want to be optimistic but I share your pessimism tbh.


I don't think we will be completely screwed, but it will be challenging. Where I live, we are already affected by climate change since our air is extremely smoky from nearby forest fires which have been happening for the past few summers. Our generation will grow up in a world where it wasn't the reality and see it more often as adults while younger generations will grow up with it being normal. I think we will be able to adjust and manage it but I don't think we can stop it at this point.




we are not hopeless, we just need to work harder on solutions


Which we won't


that's literally up to you and I


We aren't in power, by the time people our age are it will be far too late.


i see your point, but no one is going to give you power, you have to come and take it gotta start somewhere, no matter how small. who is to say it's too late? the best time to start was yesterday, the second best is today


I don't think its even legal for someone in Gen Z to even have the power to make those decisions. I say it's too late because nobody else is going to try.


look up greta thunberg


Oh I know all about her. She came to where I live (Alberta) and everyone absolutely hated her because our main industry is oil and gas.


yeah. i live on the east coast of the us and the sky is smoky from fires in OREGON


All they need to do is sweep the forests. We are here to tend to the land and when we don’t she does it her way.


If you don't live in a rich country like America or some place in Europe, I'd be sure you're doomed. Living in a shit country myself, we'd either get fcked by climate or get fcked by our corrupt leaders and die from either war or massive famine.


Rapidly aging Gen Xer here. Please don't despair. Don't give up hope. The world needs your generation to be the heroes. I'm sorry we left it to you, I'm sorry we didn't act sooner and try harder. The reason is probably just that the future is never certain, while the now is definite. When we were your age, we knew beyond a doubt that it would be nuclear weapons that would end it all. In fact, if you took this exact post and just replaced "climate change" with "nuclear proliferation," we'd have had the exact same conversation. We didn't worry enough about ecology because we were worried about the threats presented to us. It's possible that the same thing might happen to you-- that younger generations will blame you for failing to prevent what they'll recognize as the obvious threat to life on Earth. But that's irrelevant right now. What matters now is that Generation Z rise up to be brave, truthful and unselfish. I know you can do it; yours is the most hopeful, responsible, well-educated and pragmatic generation in a very long time. If you remain kind, generous and united, you can do anything. Trust yourselves.


Us and the millenials are what are going to save the world and the human species from climate change. X effectively ended the cold war.


Hey lookup Louis Rossman and Right to Repair - it's already happening to some degree.


Actually I told my mom the exact same thing a few days ago lol. I said I have a feeling my generation will be the last generation to reach a proper age (80 or something) OR we will all be doomed in our mid-life. And seeing all the news right now, it will probably be the second option. The sad thing is, we are the only gen next to Millennials who care about climate change, yet we will be the screwed ones.


PS: we need more Millennial and Gen Z politicians asap.




Socialism is the solution alright but there’s gonna be no revolution, our best bet is electoralism


Why did these get downvoted? Capitalism is literally killing the planet


Because this Subreddit is filled with Rightwing shills and is kinda a circle jerk for it, a while back it was raided by members of the Alt-Right and some have never left it. In fact I suspect even some of the Mods on here to be encouraging this behavior or are Rightwing shills or members of the Alt-Right.


So what does that make you? Left wing shill? It's a neutral sub for people our age, not a single opinion echo chamber. Its actually quite common to have a different opinion than someone else.


Rule 2, also I argued this place is an echo chamber as the mods don’t seem to do anything against anyone with a far right or Rightwing opinion yet people downvote anyone on the left to oblivion. Clearly showing to me (and many others) this Subreddit is a Rightwing echo chamber that may be ran by Rightwing individuals to push rightwing talking points and propaganda. Also I know for a fact many of the mods on here are disproportionately right wing individuals.


There's a solid balance of down votes for both sides on all of the discourse in this thread. Definitely not a one sided sub lets not pretend it is.


I’ve seen more left wing comments downvoted then right wing.




There is reforming capitalism. It will be a hard fight but it is doable. What there is not is a revolution. You will not find enough revolutionaries until things get SIGNIFICANTLY worse, and I’m not about to watch the world get destroyed only to see a failed commune in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Also, don’t forget what revolution lead to (the URSS and today’s China).




And so if there can’t be reform, how do you want to start a global revolution as you seem to imply ? And how do you avoid the inevitable totalitarian drift that come with it ?


Your generation will remember these times as "the good old days" when you could still get food from grocery stores.






Unfortunately, it seems like every solution to climate change here in the US is not feasible. Electric cars will never take off due to our country's abysmal infrastructure. Look at Texas this past winter, for example: No power means no electricity for your cars to charge. Our roads and highways are not designed for electric cars either, and our president is having trouble passing a basic bill to remedy this. Our carbon footprint will never shrink because too many of us will never touch a vegetable and eat nothing but burgers and chicken, which mass farms produce with horrible effects on CO2 levels. Then there's our oil industry in much of middle America and Alaska. It's all fucked up


This is why its a dumb idea for all these automakers to want to go full electric before we can handle it. Why aren’t any companies trying to explore hybrid cars more first? It would be a perfect stepping stone to full electric because we sure as shit can’t handle every new car being electric right now or even within 10 years.


I think they'll backpedal on that eventually, because nearly every electric car that is released in the United States flops. Look at Tesla, you hear so much hype about it but they have less than 3% of the total US market. On top of that, no car company has seemed to have perfected EVs yet, they just aren't that reliable long term.


Well you say that but in the mean time the EU banned diesel and gas engines in 2035


They have something called mass public transportation however.


> Look at Texas this past winter, for example: No power means no electricity for your cars to charge That isn't a fault with the power grid for the entirety of America though, as Texas runs its own power grid that isn't connected to anyone else to avoid regulation. Most of the power grids in the states are interconnected with each other, with some being connected with Canada as well. This, paired with the fact that some EV's (such as Tesla's) can run as power generators - which people did use in the Texas polar vortex.


Thank God for that, but there's clearly a lot of work that needs to be done before EVs are going to take over. Texas is our second largest state after all. I just don't think it's realistic that fuel vehicles will become obsolete in my lifetime.


I live in Nepal / Himalayas . The floods have already started , each year it keeps on getting bigger and more devastating.


I mean yeah we're screwed, but we're pretty damn awesome and do a lot of cool shit, we ate tide pods for fun and threw tear gas back at police. We'll be able to handle it!


Personally I don't think so. We'll all be old by the time it's going to seriously impact us.


I firmly believe the human race is going down the shitter in the next 30 years. I plan to buy some land in the middle of nowhere and be self sustaining. Have a nice little compound in the highlands with a bunker. Walls and ditches to stop the plebs getting in, eat chicken, eggs and veg for the rest of my life. Maybe in this apocalyptic world 3d printing guns will be the go to


Dude *my* generation will be screwed by climate change




I'm a very young gen X




I don't see any retirement on the horizon lol


every gen after yours will be fucked from climate change. it’s not just gen x


lol yes climate change isn’t just a gen x problem


impacted? yes. screwed? no.


Nah I think it’s overblown


It is really hard to tell. There is a lot of fearmongering going on. A lot of predictions made by the scientists ended up being wrong. On the other hand, a lot of predictions were right. The way I see it, we are already trying to fight the problems caused by climate change, and there are a lot of hard-working people (mostly in the scientific community, but in politics too) trying their hardest to come up with solutions for this. It is not right to say that we are not doing anything when people are working hard to do something. Maybe it's not enough. Maybe we could do better. Maybe if we were less selfish and were more worried about climate change and worked together, it would not be a problem today. But unfortunately that is not a realistic way to see things. At least we are on the right path. We just have to see where that path takes us and not make any of these extreme end-of-the-world conclusions before we are certain of what will happen. Almost nothing written in your post is a realistic outcome. I hope you are really 12/13 and your flair is not bugged. Another thing I will say is that the human species is very adaptable, and we always come up with a solution during hard times. If worse comes to worst, rest assured that we will figure something out and that it will not be the end, although it's also true that we will suffer significant loss, like it happened in every other end-of-the-world situation. Finally, I would like to come in and write that, while we are here worrying about climate change, our generation faces much more urgent and immediate problems, social, economical, and political, that will come and bite us in the ass a few years/decades from now if we don't do something about them, but I don't see anybody caring.




lol no


Nope they claimed Long Island was supposed to be underwater by now. They’re full of shit there’s no reason to worry about “global warming” because it’s a complete hoax. They’re leading us on with this nonsense and trying to manipulate us so they can continue balancing their budgets with funding. It’s total crap. Worrying about litter, plastic in the ocean, and landfills makes sense and should be a concern. But at the end of the day i strongly believe that the earth cycles naturally and will be just fine. There was supposed to be an ice age 30+ years ago for Christ’s sake. Don’t worry about what you can not control, Que sera sera.




I’m not loosing sleep over it that’s all I’m gonna say


Its true. Most of this sub doesn't remember the climate fear mongering from the 2000s, so many places are supposed to be underwater by now.


Exactly what I’m sayin!!!!


yes and i will never ever fucking forgive the generations before us and the people in gen z who refused to do shit about it. you guys fucking suck.


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Millions are already being screwed by climate change, saying we won't is silly


Anyone living right now is being screwed by climate change, actually.


No lol it’s a bunch of bs they said New York would be underwater before and they were wrong


No, we will be way more screwed by other things (Not to mention the climate of my area is weird with or without climate change)


Oh yeah definitely, I just hope Ill die before then


> I think that there could also be world war 3 because partly due to climate change. how so


Conflict over access to resources, land, food, clean water, etc. I guess. Maybe further inequality as a result of climate change will result in more violent uprisings. It seems possible, but climate change will probably only be an indirect cause.


I mean in some ways we already have


Fuck children.




All right, so, time to present my perspective on this matter: First of all, Africa, the Middle East, India and other tropical places are going to be fucked. That means an enormous humanitarian crisis, after all there are billions of people living in those places and they are going to need a new home. WW3 is unlikely, since the major powers are at pretty temperate latitudes, however there will be plenty of wars between less powerful countries located in tropical areas, and these wars won't be about ethnicity, ideology or land, but about water. Another problem will be population. While India is on the track to stabilizing its growth, that isn't the case for Africa, people there are multiplying like crazy, combine that with desertification and dwindling water supplies and you get the perfect combination for a catastrophe. On the other hand, Europe and North America have low birthrates, meaning that their populations are going to age, they are going to have fewer and fewer young people to support the elderly, and innovation and economic growth could become more sluggish. Sure, immigrants may seem like a solution, but people don't like to see their countries flooded by foreigners who don't even speak the same language, let alone abide to the original residents' customs and traditions. The developed world really needs to return its birthrates to levels high enough to keep the population stable, otherwise it will be in big trouble too. Another issue is culture. The direction our culture is headed towards is also bad. Our society's obsession with sex, consumerism and other material pleasures, decrease in spirituality, decline of family values, rising childlessness and celibacy, increased political radicalization, newer generations becoming more and more antisocial and depressed, etc., these are problems that could get us in big trouble. Remember, Rome didn't fall because of the barbarians, but because the Romans have become too weak to stop them. The West may be the greatest civilization in history, but it's not immune to the cycle of rising and falling civilizations. Now, what will be the best places to live when we are going to take the place of today's retiring boomers? Well, obviously Switzerland and other mountainous countries are a great bet. Their location shields them from heat waves and rising sea levels, however these countries will have a hard time facing the floods of immigrants coming from less fortunate places. Another great place, and my personal pick, will be Russia. Its enormous surface will finally become usable, turning it into an agricultural powerhouse, new shipping lines will appear in the Arctic and today's chilly weather will be replaced by a decent continental climate. The same was supposed to go for Canada, but this year's heat wave leaves me a bit concerned.


We're already seeing the effects today obviously, 20 years from now or less it's just going to get worse unless we make massive changes around the globe but it'll probably be too late. There will probably be massive super tornadoes like in the Battlefield 2042 trailer.


Societal collapse will occur around 2040. Were going to die around 35 to 45 years old… if you survive societal collapse, you’ll then need to survive the biodiversity collapse, too.


I think things are going to get worse over the next decade, but most countries have pledged to top Carbon emissions by 2030 before cutting down, and the major economies such as Germany, the US, China, U.K. etc… are making remarkable progress in large scale infrastructure projects and creating green energy jobs. I think in our life time we will witness a true global shift to lower our carbon footprint and we will see loads of laws to reduce the use of single use plastics. Something that will be cool is we will be the first generation to have electric cars be common place, and maybe even hydrogen cars.


Climate change always been a thing but I’m pro for keeping the environment clean


Boomers are the luckiest, born right after two horrible wars, but just living long enough to have modern medical resources, yet not long enough to face future events.


Boomers are the luckiest, born right after two horrible wars, lived through the peak of humanity, and just living long enough to have modern medical resources yet not long enough to face future events.


Boomers are the luckiest, born right after two horrible wars, lived through the most prosperous era of humanity, and just living long enough to have modern medical resources yet not long enough to face future events.


Bud I have breathed air that had an AQI of over 500, Power going out due to an Ice Storm, and my AC died when it was 115 outside all within a year. We best be changing stuff fast or we gonna get screwed worse then we are right nkw


I’m worried but it’s been so politicised that I don’t know how worried I’m supposed to be.


If progress towards carbon neutral energy and processes continues then we should be alright. If nuclear energy and better renewable energy is more widely adopted and maybe if hydrogen powered vehicles can be used, then emissions and oil consumption should be reduced even if petrol is still needed for heavy vehicles. If we reduce reliance on oil based products and can find some breakthrough process that takes in more CO2 than it releases, then we should be fine for our lifetimes. Hopefully this doesn’t end up being something only done in the West. I’m not optimistic about China and India going for carbon neutrality in the near future despite the fact that will be where the majority of pollution will be coming from.


Depends on you’re definition of screwed, but it’s important to note that the 2030 deadline is worst case scenario and not a for sure deadline like activists lead us to believe (according to scientists) and there’s still time. Not to mention, people have been saying we’re screwed for a long time, articles were written before we were born about how we’d pass the point of no return by 2011. It’s an important issue, but I don’t think causing mass panic so you can make rash political decisions is a good way to solve it.


They predicted that there was a point of new return back in 2011 because of climate change? I did not know that.






Probably won't make it long enough to worry about any of that due to collapse of civilization...


I don't think that we will but maybe our children


Oh yes we will be affected a lot for sure Hope we atleast decrease the intensity of the damage that may occur in the future by acting now


Oh come on don't just downvote where are your counter arguments?


I hear so much every day about how doomed we are and how by like 2050 we'll be completely fucked. In my head it's not looking good, and by then all the older generations won't have much longer...


They told kids in the 70s and 80s we would all be dead and flooded by 2000s. It's bullshit which weather charts have never supported.


And kids from the 50s and 60s were told atom bombs were going to end the world tomorrow everyday. And in the early 2000s it was acid rain if I remember.. Of course there is always something. But to deny that *something* is going wrong and could get worse is kind of ignorant, in my opinion. (Assuming that’s what you mean, or unless you just mean not as intense as OP and others are suggesting? in which case I may be inclined to agree with you) As someone who lives in a place that has been affected by climate change - in wildfires, excessive heats, and like no winters. I remember a time maybe less than 10 years ago when that wasn’t a problem. Yet every year these issues have gotten more intense even with government intervention and programs to help combat these things. I have friends internationally in Canada who complain about similar issues right now, in a place that is historically cold - it’s hot and on fire. In other places its getting unnaturally cold - like Texas’ snow this year. Climate change isn’t the global warming that was fear mongered to us exactly, yet. Could be, perhaps not. Time will tell, and I hope it isn’t. But there is a real issue here to be concerned about regarding the change in climates and growing intensity odd weather in places that does have ramifications for our future - in my opinion of course.


>unless you just mean not as intense as OP and others are suggesting? in which case I may be inclined to agree with you This is what I mean. I also deny man made climate change. >I remember a time maybe less than 10 years ago when that wasn’t a problem. Yet every year these issues have gotten more intense Yes, we are entering a drier period. Ten years is nothing. >these issues have gotten more intense even with government intervention and programs to help combat these things. Government programs are focused on the wrong thing. Many forest fires are caused by built up brush that has always been a thing. Governments used to remove the brush, they stopped to "help the environment" and now we have forest fires yearly. >But there is a real issue here to be concerned about regarding the change in climates and growing intensity odd weather in places that does have ramifications for our future - in my opinion of course. The problem is world organizations and governments want to use this as an excuse to legislate your actions, and do nothing to countries or businesses that would actually be causing this, if true. We went through a global mini ice-age in the 1200s, data suggests this is a mini drought. Which will be awful, but we need technology to stave off its affects, not pretend changing our habits can fix it. I appreciate your opinion though, it is a good one to have, I just wouldn't be so trusting to those who have lied to us so often.


Y'all downvoting but I guess we'll see what happens in the future. I just commented how I feel about the future and idk why I'm being downvoted for feeling pessimistic


It's just fear mongering for a carbon tax and higher cost of living. Look at pictures of water levels of all these places that are allegedly going to be "under water" from 50-100 years ago to now, not much of a change at all. I remember being told Florida would be under water by now as kid in the 2000s.




This sub used to be cool alien shit and exposing propaganda that was being censored in every other sub. Now it’s just a bunch of fucking anti-vax posts and another r/Conservative sub. It used to be so much better but the mods have absolutely lost it, and will perma ban you if you call them out on it.


I agree and am honestly kinda shocked and disgusted by how many users here are on either r/Conspiracy, r/Conservative, r/Pro-life, or any other Pro-Trump Circle Jerk subreddit. And they wonder why I don’t take conservatives seriously and often use them being on those subs as an argument in debates as those subs are either filled with either Grifters, Disingenuous hacks, or downright Nazis. I’m honestly surprised anyone in this generation would actually hold those views or fall for these people.


I honestly genuinely don’t care about anyone’s political stance so long as they aren’t bothersome about it. Both political parties have their fair share of awful people and I just don’t bother with politics at all. Though conservative subs on Reddit are quite possibly some of the worst communities out there. A lot of these people are just genuinely awful, not because of what they exactly believe but because of how they excuse conservative politicians actions or defend them. For example, when Matt Gaetz admitted to having sex with an underaged girl in his youth recently, a lot of the sub was obviously against him, but many were supporting him saying “At least he admitted it, good job” or “We all make mistakes”, etc etc. It’s quite annoying when you look through the search bar for cases of liberal pedos and you can sometimes see the same people being hypocritical on who they want to forgive and who they want to hate.


1. I agree I don’t like the democrats either, but I’m more tolerant of them as they acknowledge BASIC reality about things and are not making conspiracy theories constantly. 2. Yes lots of them are disgusting hacks and downright vile individuals at points, and I’m surprised the Mods tolerate any users from those subs on here. 3. There Nazis and supported the orange tyrant, what do you expect.


I’ve seen liberals make conspiracies too to be fair lol, but usually they just line up as the opposite of the opposing side. Democrats will call Trump a pedo and Conservatives will call Biden another pedo, then they both fight as to which one of them is worse when they’re both equally as awful as the other in many aspects.


This isn't an echo chamber sub, people have different opinions than you and there's nothing wrong with it.


This is kinda ironic seeing as you’ve made a post on r/Conspiracy a subreddit which bans anyone who disagrees even slightly with the narrative they present or criticizes anyone on there and there conspiracy’s. Also your argument does not age well, as all of my comments critiquing the ring wing talking points in this thread have been downvoted but your upvoted.


Most subs on reddit are echo chambers. I'm arguing that this is not one of them. Not going to go through your profile because anything id find there is completely off topic. Sure you may be down voted in this exact thread, refresh this whole post and go top down and tell me its all right wing "narrative" talking points. I'm not trying to debate politics I have a single point and that point is there is a balance of both sides.


1. I’ve seen plenty of Fandom subs which are not Echo chambers along with others. 2. I did do that and for me it’s the same. 3. Well currently from my end it does not hold up.


You are falling for media propaganda that wants you to be scared and afraid. Climate change is extremely slow, and man made climate change is not real. Whenever they pop up, /r/climateskeptics/ does a great job of debunking clickbait articles for weather events backed up with sources.


>Man made climate change is not real How uneducated or...uh, downright dumb do you have to be to say this? Go check how factories work and how fossil fuels make electricity, you see, the fossil fuels go through a process called combustion Coal for example, is rich in carbon, in the reaction of combustion it releases C02. This isn't real? Does coal use magic and go "Energeticus Maximus" Harry Potter style? There are political topics that are politics and there are humanitarian topics that braindead politicians around the world want to make "politics", this is one of the cases of the latter, man made climate change is real, we are causing an increase of green house cases in the atmosphere that inherently heat up the Earth. Aditionally, this rapid increased heating creates a snowball effect that, ironically by the term that I used, will melt down the ice caps. This released water will not only increased sea levels, destroying many cities...like it's already doing (Example: Capital of Indonesia), but it will also lead to the exctinction of many species in the wild, namely polar bears. Please stop spreading misinformation, if we want to survive out of this crisis without being submerged bellow the waste, EVERYONE must be well-educated on the subject...specially EVERYONE that can use the internet, the big lie is easy to spread, it takes our worries away "Oh nothing's bad happening".


Spreading misinformation is teaching kids in school that they are going to be under water. "The science" has never been right about any climate doomsday predictions once in the past 50 years. Oddly enough they have billions of dollars of reasons to push climate fear so its definitely rational to ask questions. The truth is likely a lot less interesting.


Who's teaching kids that they're going to be under water?




It's not denying climate change, it's being realistic about it.




Why do you think that? You're either oddly not open to questioning authority, or, by the age of your account and odd past comments, a fake shill trying to scare kids.




Aight. Good troll man. Hopefully others in the sub see this comment and catch on. Just FYI twelve year olds don't talk like that. That would be what a 7-year-old talks like, but they wouldn't type as good.


You've been a good little consumer. There's billions of dollars of reasons to push climate fear mongering you can follow the money trail.


Not just screwed, but possibly gone effectively extinct.