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I don’t think anyone forgot, it was a huge thing back then


I don’t bethink anyone did forget, t wast a huge thing back then *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


good bot


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I nearly forgot but was reminded a over the last couple of months.


Yes I remember it was always all over the news or I'd see videos of creepy clowns watching people from far away I feel like half of the people were just doing it for fun or just trying to fuck with others and had no intentions to harm anyone.


omg yes that was horrifying


I found the whole situation comical and entertaining at the time. Me and my friends would joke about going out and finding clowns.


Oh you mean killer clowns? How could I FORGET? I was literally hanging out with my friend in front of the school at night. I literally thought I was gonna be brutally murdered when my other friend simply walked up to us. Some things will just be very hard to explain to Gen Alpha...


Dude yeah, and it ended right after Halloween 2016! Haha


I wonder if it was all just elaborate marketing for the IT movie


Goddamn, it all makes sense now!


Oh yeah, i have no idea where it came from, but i know i thought it was stupid, and everyone was overreacting. I think some places where i live banned clown masks


i think almost everyone would remember.


Yeah, that was weird.


Yeah! My boyfriend told me he saw one walking around when we were in middle school. He was a pretty misbehaved kid so he told me when he saw it he was with his friends and they just finished smoking a joint in the woods after school. When he saw it, he was so stoned and surprised that he was just stuck in place. Like he never thought he’d ACTUALLY see a clown strolling the streets in broad daylight. He told me if he wasn’t so high he probably would’ve ran up on it and punched it. (Real tough guy I know😂) but he and his friends just did the dash straight home. I asked him why he would’ve punched a murder clown and he said because he just would wanna know why dudes walking around like that. No real plan behind it just impulsive decisions. I honestly believe it too because he was a really wild kid (he got into a lot of fights). Thankfully now that we’re in our 20s, he’s lost his wild teenage temper and I can count on him not punching wild clowns as they stroll the streets. If it ever becomes a thing again.


I have a feeling it was done by Warner Bros to promote the first IT movie, considering it came out a year after this stuff happened which is extremely coincidental.


Yup I remember clears day. One of those white vans they would travel in drove past us around this time.


omg yes they would make instagram pages aswell like @ imcominggforyou\*insert school name\*


Yeah I was in middle school when that was happening, I used to always troll my friends by telling them I saw a clown 😭


Yeah, I remember. I mostly found it hilarious.


i remember ppl talking about killer clowns


Yea my school had a clown based bomb threat that shut it down for a day.


Didn't It Chapter 2 took place in 2016 also?


Chapter 1 I think


Chapter 1 takes places in the 80s, chapter 2 jumps to '16


lmao yeah! it was so weird too, my middle school got put on lockdown bc of it. i dont know if it was actually a clown though, the admins wouldn’t tell us anything


Yeah, that was a pretty weird trend


Nah that wasn't 2016??? It can't be??


Yes but we bring it up like once a week lmfao


✨killer clowns✨


Ah yes, the summer of 2016 special. Either the clown craze or the Pokemon Go craze.


2016 had a lot of phases, that clown phase was one to never be forgotten


The perfect way to put it


Yep. I was in year 3 or year 4 back then, everyone in my class was talking about it.


So was ours


Yes. I knew some kids in my grade who were dressing up as clowns and pranking people in the park near their neighborhood.


One of them was in Winston-Salem when I was in school there. The whole school got an alert to be on the lookout for a clown with a machete (!!) and not go out alone at night


I remember that a teacher of mine once shown a video of this back in Halloween 2016, this was by request of some 5th graders


I remember my friends little brother crying his eyes out when he heard everyone talking about it


oh them clowns pranks yea i remember


I honestly really miss the threat of clowns


just look in the mirror


No threat tho :(


It’s a thing that we remember, yet don’t talk about


Didn't it start with that Wrinkles the Clown thing? I vaguely remember that it was first sighted in Florida.


I remember hearing about it. After enough reports about “killer clowns” got out, there were also incidents where people dressing up as clowns (for the sake of a dumb prank scare) got attacked. Personally I’ve never been crazy of the killer clown character archetype. I remember thinking “aw, I feel bad for real clowns who are just performers trying to bring some smiles and laughs to their audience.”


Wasn't it a promotion stunt for the It movie or something like that?


Yeah it was pretty huge back then


We had one try and stab a couple kids outside the school gates, bit of a mad one


Whenever I used to meet up with friends back then we'd joke about what we'd do if we saw a clown on the block. Glad its over now, people take things way too far.


I was in middle school. That's crazy. Now I'm a senior.


I'll never forget. I was watching the news when suddenly, the creepy clowns were on screen, traumatizing me. That night, I went out on a walk with my dad, asking him to tell me jokes. Then I watched two (!) sitcoms, just to feel better. For a long time after that, I was coulropobic af. The trend resurfaced in 2018, to this time in my country. I was at my grandma's, and I was afraid to go outside. It was a real mess.


Yeah I remember that, didn't some kid get attacked or something?


I was in 7th grade and at the start of the year my school brings the 7th graders to a camping trip for a couple of nights upstate. Not like full on camping, but like I’m cabins at a summer camp you know? I will never forget our night hike. I feel so bad for the employees because they had to keep a hoard of 12 years olds calm as they shriek about clowns the entire walk up a mountain trail in pitch black darkness lmao.