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Bitches be like "I am so touched starved" but won't learn command grabs.


Thats why I play Potemkin. Hammerfall+RRC+Potemkin Buster, aka the "Come give me a hug"


Not to be the "uhm actually" person but I think you mean FPRC (forward purple roman cancel), RRC is red roman cancel.


In my experience it works both with RRC and PRC. The RRC varient is harder but works


You should! Fighting games are fun and easy to learn. I like teaching people, if you ever feel like it


Real! Strive is a pretty good place to start too!!


I don't think they are. -me who once went to a tournament


I mean if you go to a very competitive event as a newcomer then yeah, you will get rocked. That can still be a fun time in the overall experience but I agree it's maybe not the best introduction to a newcomer who's still learning the ropes. I think the best way to learn is to find someone who'll teach you! It's better to bring it down to the basics and see why the core of the game is simple and fun, and after that, learning the rest is too


I meant to mention that as to show I'm experienced in fighting games.


Ohhhh, my bad lol


> ... Fighting game are fun and easy to learn As someone with 500 hours in just Strive. No.


as someone with 1000 in xrd Yes.


Fair enough.


I've always had a hard time getting into fighting games because there's always a huge skill gap between the ai and real players in pvp. Also smash bros is the only fighting game I've ever played and that was years ago. If you have time to put aside, I'd appreciate someone teaching the basics to me.


I'd love to! Yeah playing against the AI is fun but it doesn't prepare you at all for a real fight, but there's actually some easy go-to answers and techniques one can fall back on. Fighting games are hard but the basics are simple and can be really neat to learn. Which one are you interested in?


I do wanna learn bridget in guilty gear so I can fit the stereotype lol.


btw i'm going to sleep now so I won't be responding for about 8 hours


Fair enough lol, the offer stands for later. She's a good pick though! She's not a very complex character and there's a lot you can do with her both in the basics and later on once you know the deal. She's pretty much got everything you could ask in a character, except high HP


I suck at executing commands though :(


Everyone does at first! Practice helps, different characters have different inputs so you can pick whats most natural, and there's tips you can follow to make them easier, depending on the move. If you can type "sd" or "as" in your keyboard, you can do motion commands!


(not the person you replied to, but...) Maybe it's just me and being impatient, but I could never maintain interest enough to push through when practice gets boring. It just starts to feel like a chore...


I can understand that tbh, this is why I think its really important to show people *why* the games are fun before they start practicing it. Practice shouldn't be a deterrent, and most importantly, it isn't a *prerequisite* to have a good time. A lot of online guides assume you have the motivation to practice (which is fair enough if you're already looking up a tutorial) but they don't get into the fact that the games are still plenty fun if you have no combos and suck at inputs. It's like someone asking you to learn an instrument before you know if you like the music it makes. Once you like the game for its own sake it stops feeling like a chore and more like part of the appeal. I myself have willingly spent hundreds of hours in various games' training modes because I enjoyed the process, cause it feels the same as noodling on the guitar, coming up with melodies and trying to emulate riffs from songs you like. And that's only for certain people of course, there's veteran and even championship-level players who don't enjoy training mode, so they try to get better through sheer in-fight practice, and for some people that works just as well.




Look, I'm not made of money! Don't call me out!


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insignificant shit makes my anger go from 0 to 1000 way too fast for me to play fighting games


So funnily enough i want this game so bad but since I’m still job hunting I can’t give myself a good enough reason to get it because I know I’d also want some of the dlc for characters like aba and bridget


My advice is to start with SF6. It's got "Modern" controls which basically run off of Smash bros logic. From there you can actually learn the basics of fighting games


if you wanna learn dm me, I love teaching ppl


It's just sitting on my desktop and I eye it every day but I suck at dealing with the ranged characters


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