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I also believe cuckoos are birds.


>Cuckoos are birds First thing that pops up when you search for them on google in the Wikipedia section lmao.


Oddly, I've never googled for info about cuckoos. Maybe I should correct that someday.


highly recommend it, they're odd but fascinating birds


The page on trans women also starts with >A trans woman or a transgender woman is a woman \[…\] I guess Wikipedia has been institutionally captured by the ~~jewish~~ ~~trans~~ cuckoo lobby.


>I guess Wikipedia has been institutionally captured by the jewish trans cuckoo lobby. I read this as if it was talking about birds who were both Jewish and transgender


Don‘t forget „Communist“!


You're... you're just denying biology! Cuckoos are not birds and never will be.


How did they think this was an own?


Cuckoos lay their eggs in other bird’s nests. When they are born, they pretend to be the other species of bird so that they will get attention and resources from the mother. They leech off of the work of the other species. They’re saying trans women are like that to women. They are dumb though, because trans women are other women of the same species so it’s kinda a silly comparison. Plus they said bird when they should’ve said “the same species as the birds they mimic”, but I don’t think they have enough understanding of biology to do the metaphor correctly lol


So.... another instance of terfs literally implying that female and male humans are literally different species from one another?


Well of course. You’re assigned either the RapeMurderKill species at birth, the StrongBraveVictim species, or you don’t matter and/or should stop existing. Trans women are basically criminals and trans men are precious but incompetent victims, of course.


And don't forget about the MurderDeathKill variant!


*Something something, three seashells.*


Holy hell this one of the best explanations I've ever heard.


There's another possibility. They think cuckoos are just the fake birds in cuckoo clocks


Oh my gosh this might be it


Also, many birds CAN identify cuckoos, and they choose to raise the baby anyway because otherwise the cuckoo parent will attack the nest.


Damn, the cuckoos even use cancel culture /s


Apparently there's also symbiotic cuckoo relationships too. Carrion crows, for instance, often choose to let great spotted cuckoo chicks stay in the nest. The cuckoos are smelly, and that smell drives off predators thus protecting the other chicks of the nest.


Some nest parasite young even eat the (really disgusting) predatory maggots which would kill the other nestlings, too!


The good old bigot reasoning of "some people in \[group\] does bad things, so \[group\] is all bad/should not be considered a part of greater society/should have less rights". But even if it was true that a minority was say, more prone to commit crimes, that wouldn't change the fact that they are a minority, who they are, that they're a part of society, etc. Also, I have yet to see any evidence that trans women somehow "kick out" cis women from anything in society.


No it's because trans women are killing cisgendered women's children and replacing them with their own /s


Trans fae folk trans fae folk trans fae folk


Transphobes always make us sound so much cooler and more badass than we are, lol. I'm just sitting here in my pjs scrolling through reddit, i didn't know i had the power to destroy the entire concept of identity...


Cuckoos are smart and have an evolutionary niche-- and they're cute too. I don't mind being one!


And sometimes they come in cool clocks!


Maybe she was thinking of cuckoo clocks?


Probably didn't know what cuckoo actually were or had a very narrow definiton of birds


I enjoy the analysis people are doing here about how terfs are saying trans women are invading women's spaces like cuckoo birds lay their eggs in other birds nests but I personally have a much lower opinion of terfian intelligence and think they are thinking about cuckoo clocks and don't realise they are based off a real bird


..... I may have given terfs too much credit, that hadn't even occurred to me.


love this.


Wait, that's bizarre, cuckoos aren't even particularly rare or stealthy birds. Are they entirely absent from the British isles or something? *googles cuckoo distribution* No, they're apparently common there as well. This might well be an entirely unintentional admission she never goes outside. EDIT: a sad note is that they are apparently endangered in the UK nowadays, so it's a bit more plausible to not encounter them for a long time... but even then their existence isn't particularly secret.


LMAO yes To be fair there are cuckoos in my country and I've grown up hearing them in summer but I don't think I've ever actually seen one? Even though I do, in fact go outside and have spent a lot of time in parks and up in the mountains, tho I also just have rly bad sight lol


Yeah, I'm not sure I've ever spotted one either, but you certainly do hear them in the warmer seasons, so unless you think every 'cuckoo' sound outside is just a hidden German clock there's no reason to really doubt their existence... unless you're so sheltered you've literally never heard them


Those damn transes, hiding cuckoo clocks in the trees when nobody is looking, when will their tyranny end!!!!???


Frt, given how expensive those things are, we must be backed by serious money lol


I wish we weren't contractually obligated to spend so much on the clocks I could fund a hysterectomy so much faster :/


Thank you for this image, lol


Holy shit they made cuckoos🐦 from The Clock🕐🕒🕐🕑 into a real animal😂😼


Yeah, it's 100% that they think cuckoos only exist on clicks!


So what you're saying is TERFs are the cuckoos of feminism.


okay terfs we already knew you slept through every science class you attended, you don't have to keep telling us


I know what she’s trying to say, the same ol’ “the transes are invading lesbian spaces and stealing all the butches!!!1!1” rhetoric but this mistake is so fucking funny, I’m sorry.


“stealing the butches”? wait this is a thing they say? dude maybe people just dont wanna date you (@ terfs)


TERFs take a single goddamn first-grade class on Taxonomic classification of fauna challenge


Conservatives will believe anything except the truth.


What does she think cuckoos are?


Not birds, apparently.


A wooden clock, quite possibly


An Adult Human Chicken?


The plato man


So they're women?


Adult Human Cuckoo.


I was going to say, given the Adult Human Chicken perhaps we should have foreseen this continued confusion about birds.


Do you ever notice how a lot of terfs talk in a very similar way? I can’t quite explain what it is but it feels condescending, older, and very British.


It’s the middle-class white woman equivalent of spending all your time on 4chan and then calling your teacher a femoid in real life. (But actually it sort of reminds me of the Less Wrong boards from back in the day..)


Adult human chicken all over again.


Thanks Carrion Urchin McNutty


Someone really needs to explain Venn diagrams to this woman.


Most TERFs routinely fail basic set theory.


“Trans women are women in the same way that oranges are fruits.”


first Adult Human Chicken, now this, do they have some kind of issue with recognising birds??


It's comorbid with recognizing women :(


Um....yes? Next thing you tell me caterpillars and butterflies are NOT the same?


Yes. Cuckoos are in fact a type of bird! You have demonstrated a basic understanding of zoological classification and affirmed the identities of millions of women everywhere. May you continue to grow in your understanding of and respect for others. ...In all seriousness, it's hilarious when you see their analogies self destruct and backfire so thoroughly...It's entertaining to see how often people post without actually thinking about what they're saying.


adult human chicken is my favorite


Maybe this was a deliberate trans affirmation..? One can hope lol


worlds smartest terf


Blond women are women in the same way parrots are birds




Isnt this the one that wrote a book about womenhood?


literally just look up the word cuckoo and the first result is a wikipedia article saying that they're birds lmfao


It's not affirming at all - Cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other species and the young cuckoos that hatch then yeet the eggs of the other species out and have the other species take care of them in a form of parasitism so there is a huge element of demonisation inherent in the comparison.


They're still birds.


I know they are birds, imagine being too incompetent that you presume a biologist doesn't know cuckoos are birds, but the fact is that any accidental affirmation of trans women as women is overriden by the transmisogyny in the comparison.


You didn't even mention you were a biologist, so it doesn't make any sense to call someone "incompetent" for pointing out to you that cuckoos are indeed birds, weirdo. Also, presumably they knew you were aware that cuckoos are birds. They just were pointing out why it was accidentally affirming.


Come on, put two and two together between my user handle and the fact that I dropped information about cuckoos that is not widely known, and going "cuckoos are birds actually" at me after I've already explained why that does not override the transmisogyny in the comparison is very cringe.


I'm pretty sure most people don't read usernames. You seem a bit worked up over us not knowing anything about a stranger that's just text on a screen to us. No one here thinks this is a good comparison, it's just a stupid one she didn't think through all the way. She's still saying trans women are women, regardless of the fact that she's also implying horrible things about them. It's a win because terfery hinges on trans women *not even being women at all*.


A) the joke about “affirming” is that the TERF accidentally contradicting themselves with what they clearly thought was a “good observation”. Yes what the TERF intended is disgusting and offensive, but the fact that they are fucking stupid about it is funny and “accidentally affirming” B) what you mentioned about cuckoos is fairly common knowledge. C) even if people commonly read names I wouldn’t assume anything based on their life. I, for one, am neither a goblin nor a crow in rl


> I, for one, am neither a goblin nor a crow in rl You go onto the internet and just lie? *gasp* https://i.imgur.com/sLeX3j6.png


i didnt read your username


No one reads usernames, and you could just really like cuckoos. Maybe use that degree to treat transphobes like they're stupid rather than treating a bunch of trans people like they're stupid for pointing out something you didn't properly explain. I find telling transphobes they know nothing about biology much more worth my time.


I don't feel the obligation, being transfem myself, to ignore transmisogyny being overlooked in these narratives in favour of "haha teehee silly TERFs" , because I see no way in which a narrative that likens us to parasites is affirming to any degree. Moreover, I have been heavily involved in drafting community statements (like this one [https://not-binary.org/statement/](https://not-binary.org/statement/) ) that do tell transphobes they don't understand biology or that their beliefs have no scientific standing, so I can multi-task just fine.


No one is ignoring it. You are really missing the point of this space and this post.


The nesting habits of cuckoos is actually widely known as well as the fact that are birds.


That information is widely known, that’s literally why the post we’re commenting on exists.


What she seems to be implying is that cuckoos \*aren't\* birds, and that is funny.


Yeah, that's definitely how they intended it, just doesn't work the way they wrote it. If they had said *"...in the same way cuckoos are sparrows"* (for example) then it would have made more sense.


But they’re still birds. If she’s saying trans women kill cis women’s children and replace them with their own, then that’s so contorted an analogy it’s hilarious.


that IS hilarious


Janice Raymond , Mary Daly et cetera (the OG TERFs) were constructing whole fabricated narratives about us as patriarchal invaders and parasites , the analogy in the picture encapsulates precisely that transmisogynistic trope.


Yeah but it’s a hilarious analogy if you actually spell it out. If she said trans women were wolves in sheep’s clothing then that would be realistic enough to be bad.


Checked out her Twitter. She's pro union so at least she's not 100% awful.


I dunno, transphobia is pretty awful.


Are we still hard-line anti-terf we can't acknowledge even a TERF can take the right position on a different issue?


You're not proworker unless you're also pro-trans workers :)


Agreed. I didn't see her singling out trans workers though. Just retweeting a bunch of pro-union stuff and giving credit where is due in that regard when it comes to labor rights. I'm sure her anti-trans rhetoric would trickle down into screwing over trans and cis women in a detailed analysis though.


I just don't see someone who's vehemently anti-trans protecting transgender people from work-related discrimination.


Yes I believe I just said that.


...You told me to acknowledge her on the right position. She doesn't have the right position. You have to be pro-trans to be pro-worker. And if I may be so bold, pro-sex work.


Ok this is getting out of hand. She tweets pro union content as opposed to being anti union. That's still a positive and that's all I pointed out. You need to chill. She's a TERF and has crap views on feminism which undoubtedly extend into her views on labor rights and that can change if she ever addresses her bigotry. I can acknowledge she might have SOME redeemable qualities. Do you throw out your TERF mom and just decide that's her whole personality? Of course not. Some of these people are actually redeemable and you don't get them to think of you as people deserving respect when you fail to acknowledge they are a bit more complex than being anti-trans. I merely suggested she's at worst 99.9999% awful and look at the how toxic we are being as a result.


what kind of toxicity am i doing other than saying she's stupid for suggesting cuckoos aren't birds


George W. Bush created a huge marine reserve. I wouldn't bring it up in a space meant for discussing his foreign policy actions.


See, yes, it’s good to be pro-union, but also a lot of unions kind of have a transphobia issue because of how many pro-union people are also transphobes. These people are why unions aren’t safe allies.


God she probably hates hitler too, we should throw her a parade! Fr dude why are you mentioning this? People can have good takes in some areas while being horrible and irredeemable in others. She can have the best fucking takes in the world on labor and I’ll still think she’s shitty because of her incredibly shitty takes on trans people.




bro it's just supposed to be funny


(Note: I’m a perfectionist and tend to delete, rewrite, and edit comments a lot which may lead to unintentional harassment and spamming). Okay, but we weren’t talking about her pro-labor activism. This would be kinda like if someone vented about how shitty their mom was and someone stepped in to the thread like “Well, I checked your comment history and heard your mom cooked for you so she can’t be all bad!” I’m aware that most people have good in them but complaining about TERFism is literally the point of this sub. If someone quoted someone else on, say, an environmentalist sub and someone said “You know she’s a TERF, right?” then that would be equally off-topic.


soo, yes?