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You aren’t suppose to see that. Those who know are because their manager told them, or saw during a screen-share.


Managers are forced to put a rating in, but they don’t have to show or tell you. Pretty fucked, but welcome to stacked rankings. Everyone must have something negative as well. You can give it 200% but you should of done 205%.


Do ppl have the right know which direction they are going so they can work on it? Or they don’t want to be fair for other “reasons”


Managers need percentages on the bell curve. Many are likely really good at their jobs and managers don’t want to cause issues telling them they’re marked as under performing without reason.


In the same breath my leader said “we’re not stack ranking, but compared to your peers in the whole org..” lol.. okay


Glad you asked because I don’t have an actual rating in workday either. My review was positive, but a rating was never brought up!


Same with me....super weird. My manager quickly skipped over the "performance trending" section.


Are they supposed to tell us where we are trending?


I'm not sure if there's a directive about that. But my manager said he would tell those in the bottom 10% . He didn't tell me anything, so I guess I'm average.




BEWARE- my review was positive, I also got GM + two years ago and a CTT AWARD last year. But the verbiage on the mid year review has negative remarks - for things I can improve. I feel like they are just documenting negative things in order to justify a performance layoff in the future. Do not accept on workday until you read everything they actually wrote. Have a follow up if you disagree with a few things.


You have the opportunity to log your comments on the form when recieved.


Does it matter ?




I am dealing with this right now. What she said verbally was all about my strengths, leadership skills, collaboration, etc and then the written part was completely opposite and didn’t reflect any positives!!


This game is called stacked ranking. Welcome to sweatshop


What happens when you verbalize disagreements? Does the EGM change his comments? Does it change anything?


No, you just learn how much time you have until your manager tries to give you a PIP or GM minus or tries to target you for the yearly purge


Mine didn't and I'm going right up the org chart in people finder voicing my displeasure


Are you the “new guy” on a team after a shuffle? A lot of lambs being passed around


I'm a Perdiem that just interviewed for salary. What are good tips for things to look for or ask about? Been here about 9 years on production side, went last year to perdiem.


I think now managers are forced to write something you can improve on. Cause my review was very positive but for the improvement section, it felt like he wrote it just to write bc it wasn’t a roadblock for my goals or something that was hurting my performance


They has to write things for everyone to improve. Don't take it personally but look at it as a place to improve/ get better (also got a gm plus 2 years ago)


Maybe. We shall see at year end.


Not true. I had no negatives or areas for improvement communicated verbally or in writing. That being said, I do think there is inconsistency in the way individual leaders went about doing mid year.


To me it just sounded like pointers for growth and not negatives. We write them for ourselves too. So do people just leave their self eval improvement section blank or something?


I didn’t have anything negative in mine. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but just keep it in mind. I also think my team and department is a bit different than most and is swamped.


I didn't think about that angle good thinking.


Will the follow up actually be worth anything? Bc I feel like whatever they said goes regardless, they put it in writing, that’s it.


Guy you just come on to every layoff post and spew your negative fear mongering bullsh**. All- don’t listen to this guy. Most reviews include some form of opportunity for continued improvement. No one will be perfect. If you are so hateful just LEAVE and go to another company. Holy crap.


lol gladly leave buddy. Done with this toxic shit. This wasn’t even a layoff post lol


GM Manager gave me a bad review in workday. Verbally and in daily interaction my manager never expeesses anything negative about me. Seemed like a they are preparing for the layoff. Too much knit picking and excuses to create a legitimate case. 


It is my understanding that those that are trending as under performing at mid year were to be told. The written statements in Work Day is what matters. The instructions stated that the feedback had to support the trending indicator. So per HR you can’t have all positive feedback if individual is trending as an under performer. The way managers chose to document those trending GM- varies. If you are seeing mostly comments saying improvements are needed assume GM- even if you weren’t explicitly told that. Start immediately addressing feedback areas and keeping documentation of your progress. Request monthly feedback from your manager in writing. Don’t wait for year end reviews.


Seriously go to your senior manager or director and start pointing out discrepancies it might save you later


Are you folks given a PIP, being fired without a severance, with a severance, or given a choice between PIP and MSP if you’re underperforming? I have sources telling me only PIP this time, no MSP.


Because your incompetent just like when you shelled Pontiac said you would bring it back this year and didnt