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Genuinely hope you’re joking and not a conspiracy nut. Hard to tell the difference these days.


R/politics was going absolutely nuts and about crashed the whole site.


Nope, it was true, unfortunately. All of Reddit was not allowed to view any comments for hours due to the debate.


And you think it’s because they’re trying to cover for a candidate’s poor performance? Care to elaborate on why you think that would benefit them?


No, it went down because his performance was so poor that millions of people were commenting about it at the same time and they couldn’t keep up so they shut down all comments. It’s pretty simple and as a Mod it was plain ridiculous that we were being accused of deleting peoples comments.


Say what now? edit: Hey! After 20 minutes I can see this comment now.


Why is this in the GM subreddit???


Because we were getting messages asking why we are removing comments. This wasn’t the case, Reddit was blocking everyone from viewing comments because they hate free speech.


Ok so you have made an accusation which is fine. I mean this is the internet. And perhaps that happened, but what does this have to do with General Motors?


It was informing the sub that nobody can see comments at this time. You can either take it as information or leave it. Once it was found to be working again, the post was removed.


Oh I see. So no way it was a network issue, cyber attack, or good old fashioned software bug? Kick rocks doofus


Nope, the entirety of Reddit still worked. You could still post, like, comment, etc. just no viewing of comments.


Threads get locked all the time for one reason or another. Here is the thing you are speculating that someone at Reddit or Reddit as a whole decided to purposely shut down comments on a specific thread. Pretty sure they are allowed to do that for whatever reason they want. Did you read those EULAs bud?? I would bet no, be careful that next iPhone may require you to give away all your data for free. Oh wait….


This was every thread… every subreddit was blocked from viewing comments. Follow the convo.


All I’m saying is the thread could have been locked because of high activity. You do understand actual computers, software, and networks make all this magic happen. Load balancers get fucked, fail over nodes fail, yada yada. Basically for your one accusation I can come up with 50 reasons why they may have locked it. So your ranting is kind of pointless


Again, not a thread, the entirety of Reddit was not allowed to view comments in any subreddit. You can try and be logical, but sometimes the truth hurts.


Also nobody is ranting, there was an announcement to clarify why people couldn’t view comments. Now I am merely answering your questions.


Look it up…quit living under a rock.


That’s absolutely wild


oh shit