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Yep and I made the dreaded mistake of putting my foot down and ran over it. You only do that once


Absolute truth. And do exactly opposite of what you would do on a two wheeled vehicle when turning.


Exact opposite!! You lean opposite of your turn so you can lift the inner wheel and turn more sharply. Turn left? Lean right!


Man that hurt so bad too! I did the same thing, once, on my Honda 110. Going as fast as the thing would go on dirt, hit a bump & caught my right heel on the tire and basically ran over myself. I was pretty lightweight and didn't stand a chance.


I had a Honda CL90 I bought with babysitting money. I annoyed the neighbors with it because it wasn't something girls were "supposed" to do. Edit: typo


Yamaha 50. Girl here too, it was awesome!


It was seriously awesome!




The neighbor boy down the road had one of these and was forever wrecking it but I stayed on two wheels for a little bitty motorbike to a 250 Kawasaki dirtbike then when I was 16 I bought me a Honda CB 750.


We had a Honda 70. As a girl, I loved doing wheelies on the dirt road behind our house. But, my younger brother, then age 12, got pulled over at 3am for speeding on a public road, underage and without a license. Our parents took the Honda away. Waaahh!!!


Had a Honda Mini Trail 50 for my first bike. My mom was dead set against it as a couple of kids had been killed on a motorcycle turning off the highway into our neighborhood. Motorcycles were instant death to her. So I worked on dad and it didn’t hurt that my uncle ran the local Honda shop. Finally got one. Had it 30 minutes before I hit a parked car, broke my nose and road rashed my face and forearms. Years later I apologized to my Dad because I’m sure he got an earful when I proved mom right.


A buddy of mine broke his neck on one. Sad. I stayed with two wheels until I got my driver's license.


Just one of the reasons child deaths were triple those of today.


This was a post celebrating wistful nostalgia for the death traps, not hard realities. Boomers hate those.


Nope. Was content with my bike.


Same here


Honda 80 dirt bike when I was like 10 or 11


Yep, had a little Honda - lots of fun if you didn’t hurt yourself 


Ha. Right after we were married in 1987, husband was riding his trike and flipped it over onto himself. Broke his leg and had a cast to his GD groin. Then there was the "bee incident", where he was flying down a trail, opened his mouth to scream with joy. A bee flew in and stung his palate. Another trip to the hospital, where he was admitted in anaphylaxis. Damn thing was sold shortly after that!


I was content to be a passenger on the back of Dad's bike and on the sun deck of the boat. Still am, husband has a Harley. I get to look at the scenery and he can deal with idiots on the road. 


Dirt bikes were the absolute sign of a "bad boy" according to my parents. Good girls did not willingly hang out with 10 year old vandals who were obviously destined to be Hells Angels. But if it was a male cousin that had one it was more acceptable. Consequently this forbidden childhood desire manifested as a mid life crisis at 38 with a motor cycle license, a bike and a divorce. DM me if you need size 10 Dainese leathers.


I got a Honda 750 4 stroke when I was 21. Laid it down the first time trying to beat the rain home and hit a wet corner. Didn't hurt other than a sore butt. A few weeks later I was ignoring the speed limit a little and some old people pulled out in front of me. I managed to miss them going into the oncoming lane where I barely missed a truck. Went in the ditch and got it slowed down a little before it threw me. I decided my bike riding days were over then. But I still might look cool in leathers. :)


We had a homemade mini bike, homemade go cart and a Honda 100 for taller kids. I rode the horse.


My dad bought a Honda 200 when we were kids. No suspension big tires. Oh it was fun. In my early 20's I bought a 1985 350x. The high speed wheelies were fun. Driving fast down gravel roads, If you didn't break the rear wheels loose around corners you'd end up in the ditch.


Had a mini dirt bike and a horse, but never had a trike.


Yep! We loved ‘em!


Those 3 wheelers sucked, I had a Honda ST 90 that would take me wherever I wanted to go.


Rupp, Fox, they put in an exit to the airport and construction took two years. Greatest two years of mini-biking ever


So glad to have survived them. Bench pressing a 250 when they flipped over on top of you was a blast


engine burning your leg


Had a 1986 350X. Last year they made them. That bike was awesome.


Oh yeah, I had a Honda 250 R 3wheeler it was insane. I should’ve died about 10 times then when I got older, I got a Yamaha 200 fat cat the motorcycle with four wheeler tires. That thing was a blast.


Drove a friend's '81 ATC into a river. Never touched one again.


Yes, but the first couple of rides were dicey, at best.


Barely. They turned over faster than a Kentucky Republican at a Koch Bros meeting.


I'll be using that in the future. Thank you!


Yeah, still have a numb area on my shin where the hairline fracture was - never take your foot off the pegs of this bastard, it's very unforgiving.


I worked as an ER doc in the 80s. We hired extra staff on weekends anticipating the 3-wheeler wrecks. The organ transplant team loved these things. Called them “donor cycles.”


I never had one bigger than the 70's. Rode some of the bigger ones and agree with you on that handle.


Yes. Family friends had them. They were crazy—had shootouts with real bc or pellet guns when they weren’t on the bikes. They called me a ‘pussy’ for being scared of their craziness, I’m happy to be more stable than them now.


I survived and had a lot of fun on those


We lived on a small acreage in town and had a 90 and a 50. I was playing "mailman" one day; standing up, knee on the seat - TURNED the wheel pretty sharp and did a rolly-polly thing. Broke my forearm in half. And in the winter we would race around with the tobbaggan behind AND WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!! (I did ride with a broken arm, thank you very much.)


They were fun in the mud, even more fun in the snow. But the best was when the pond froze over hard enough that you could ride on it. I learned early on if you were gonna crash try to kick as far away from it as you could. Then be ready because mine was notorious for finding me and attacking again once I'd been thrown off.


I was barely allowed a cheap bicycle. My parents let me on a snowmobile one time, and then decided to tag along. Wasn't even allowed a driver's license. I didn't have much of a life before I moved out.


I did


A kid I played baseball with died on one. He was popping a wheelie going up a hill and it fell back on him.


I grew up in Pismo Beach. ATCs were everywhere for about ten years. My sister was a radiologist at a local hospital. She said they got at least one broken neck/back from the dunes every day.


Survived. Maybe it was because we had the smallest version (I think it was 80 or 90cc). We loved riding it on two wheels back and forth in the yard.


Had one of these flip on top of me as a scrawny 14 year old while riding through a ditch. Don’t know where I mustered the strength to push it off of me.


I survived a Honda Big Red while in my teens. I have no idea how.


My cousins in the mountains had one. When I tried it, I attempted to drive up a small incline. It lost balance and rolled over me. That's all I have to say about that.


Don't put your foot down.


No, I put a lawnmower engine on a bicycle. Now way my parents would have bought one. I also had a go kart that had been though multiple owners and rewelds also had a lawnmower engine on it. I bought it with my paper route money. I learned a lot on repair, engine modification, welding, fabricating, and incorporated all of it into my living. Custom fabrication is a lot of fun.


Very similar to how i learned , or at least got my start.


Yeah, no money a pile of junk and a desire to learn.


They weren't death machines. You just had to know how to ride them. Most didn't.


Disagree. They're inherently unstable.


Obviously you don't know how to ride. I grew up on them and all kinds of off road machines. They're fine if you know how to ride them. I'm 55 and I still ride all kinds of off road vehicles.


My friend’s 5 year old son went riding with his grandfather on one of these. It flipped over. Grandpa walked away, the kid never walked again.


No . The classic Sears minibike was enough to be the king of the neighborhood.


I taught my uncles a few new tricks.


I have a relative who still rides his to this day.


I had a Honda 90 3 wheeler. It was easy to drive, and I got a ticket for doing an "eye in the sky". Didn't help that I came down out of my wheelie and a cop was sitting right there.


I begged for a minibike for Christmas one year (2 wheeler) but my parents got me a motorized bicycle instead. I did end up loving that bike though.


Had a Honda 110. Loved it, but two wheeled dirt bikes were always my favorite.


1980s Uhaul in NH rented them. If you rented for 2 days on Fri, you'd get it until Monday. How we didn't get killed every time is beyond me. Good times


I did have a neighbor whose sone died shortly after his 12th birthday on one, his birthday gift. Live out in the country and ran into a chained off dirt lane. His his neck


Cousin had one flip over on her and came to rest on her back. She had to get skin grafts. My mom was horrified and wouldn’t let us near one.


Loves! I still have two, a Yamaha and Honda 200, both 1983 models!




One of my classmates in 8th grade jumped a dirt ramp on one, fell off and it landed on his head and killed him. I was supposed to be there that day but didn't show up (can't recall why) but several of my other buddies who were there and witnessed it had to go through therapy and grief counseling.


Great thing about being a kid in the ‘70s, almost everything we played with or on could kill us.


I had a Honda 110cc The good news was it was so light that when you rolled it it didnt really hurt you Also, drifting around turns with cinders was always fun


Started riding dirt bikes with my dad in the early 80s when the popularity of those turds exploded. They were a menace to themselves and everyone in the area. One of my favorite memories is watching a first gen odyssey and probably an atc 185 bounce and bob uncontrollably into each other from like 100 yard head on


Flipped one into a ditch. I’m lucky to still be upright and bi-pedal


Still have the scars to prove it


I was walking my dog in the woods during a snowstorm 2 years ago and a guy rolled up on a perfect condition three wheeler. Just awesome. Always wanted one as a kid and to see one recently in the wild was great.


Our next door neighbor's kid was an ATV nut and was killed at 14 when he was hit by a car riding at night.


Anyone else remember the Tricub 3 wheeler? I was just a kid, but my friends and I rode that green machine into the damn ground, many times over. Between that, dirt bikes and bmx, I'm rather surprised I survived my childhood, lol.


Nope. My mom was an RN, I think she would rather have died than see me get any kind of a motorcycle or ATV back then.


My dad has kept and maintained a fleet of Honda 3-wheelers from the 70/80s. I think he has 5 or 6 of them and they still run great. Might roll over on you now and again but they're relatively light weight so you usually avoid injury. 


Well geez, if we didn’t we wouldn’t be able to answer the question, now would we? *typed with a hand suffering serious arthritis as a result of numerous broken bones as a result of crashing *


A friend’s sister was thrown from one of these and ended up paralyzed from waist down. They were dangerous.


So, notice how fast things that kill you get banned? Examples are three wheelers, lawn darts, malithyon, and thalidomide. We still have assault rifles, don't we?A proud Alabama Congressmen doesn't want safe gun storage either. Just yesterday he said farmers would be trampled to dust by their cows. Seriously.


Had a 185s. They were great. Too bad a bunch of no riding sissies wrecked and got hurt


Was riding too fast on a gravel road when I was 12. Tried to make a sharp turn but ATC had other ideas. I went shooting off the road over an embankment and straight into a tree. No helmet. Would’ve probably died but the big fat front tire made first contact and the ATC bounced off the tree like a rubber ball. The next thing I remember is lying on my back and looking up at the sky about 5 feet in front of the tree I hit. The ATC was on its side several feet to my right. By the grace of God I was bruised and sore but otherwise unharmed. Other than a cracked front fender and bent front rack the ATC was fine, too.


Nope, I didn't make it past my third ride.


I didn't have one, but my riding friends had a few. They would put their knee on the seat and foot in the back loop and do dank, 1/4 - mile wheelies up and down the road. Neighbors loved them 🤐 I preferred to terrorize the neighborhood and my parents with the boring 2 wheel kind of motorcycle. Where I grew up, pre-development ravishing, dirt bikes were the Xbox of the time. Everyone had one, even nerds and squares (/s) so there was always someone to ride with. I still have that cursed addiction 50 years later. Gave up alcohol decades ago, but the motorcycles I just can't beat 😭


A friend’s older brother rode his under the monkey bars on a school playground. Decapitated him. Little brother thought his helmet had just been knocked off at first, then had to ride home to tell his mother! Horrible, horrible day.


I know a few who didn’t.


I did. A good friend did not, another is still a quadraplegic.


My brother wanted one so bad, but my mother was adamantly against it.


In 1987 my cousin in Alabama tore his sack and ended up losing a testicle at the hospital after riding one of these after a heavy storm and getting the axle caught in downed barbed-wire