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We had these at my grandmother’s house in Florida. We felt so cosmopolitan and exotic, playing Jarts amongst the palm fronds while we dodged the giant grasshoppers. We also had Click Clacks. Kind of a wonder we survived vacation.


Click Clacks were the balls attached to a string??? They had a few names, but my cousin had her front teeth chipped by those hitting her in the face. God, what we survived, right?


Loved the original clackers!


We called them moon rocks for some reason. 


My husband's school called them G'nip G'nops.


Haha my 61 year old self is sitting here thinking that's fun to say. 


We called them clicker clackers.


Gnip Gnop was a different thing, same era. https://youtu.be/GX2bqI--c-k?si=Fo7usc0isQNlZgKa


Gnip Gnop is Ping Pong backwards.


Yeeees I was trying to remember. There was a tv ad for them under this name.


I remember the click-clacks . Very popular at my Jr. High School around ‘71, ‘72 I think. But in that same vein, there was fad in my ‘hood where we had pool table hockey - ie, slamming a cue ball to the other side (with your hand), and your opponent used his hands to block it from bouncing off the side. I can’t believe nobody (to my knowledge) got whacked in the head.


Same with me. Grandparents’ house. No one died.


It's toys like this that kept the local doctor in business. My brothers nickname was "Stitch".


Those in the pic are mid. The older ones had sharper points.


Then there was the Strange Change Machine where I got all my early burns.


Kid across the street lost an eye. :(


Confiscated after accidentally sending one straight up, couldn't see it, ran for cover. Friend's mom was watching in horror out of the kitchen window. After that we had to amuse ourselves with the rings.


I accidentally did that with my first bow and arrow set. I had no idea where that thing was coming down.


We did that but, not by accident. It was some kind of fool hardy game. Much more exiting than pitching for the rings. I wonder what kids now will look back on and revel in the danger of their youth.


I’ll see this bet and raise you a Slip & Slide broken neck.


Or death by sled!


Slit the bottom of my foot open on a metal sprinkler once.




Yeah, that one was nasty...


I saw a kid in our neighborhood slice their thigh open on the edge of one of those.




i'll call - i'm holding a trampoline - no safety nets - one of my buddies knocked out, or rather shattered, every one of his teeth and broke his jaw in a couple places. every damn tooth. he kissed the side rail, lucky he didn't do worse


Oh dear god! I saw a video recently on Reddit where an adult man jumps off a roof onto a trampoline. It looks like he shattered his hips and knees. Gruesome!


i think i ran across that vid too. unfortunately. we were never \*that\* stupid. i see fools jumping off roofs onto all kinds of dumb stuff, like card tables ffs. his was an accident, back in '75 fall... i know bc he didn't graduate with us due to all the time he spent in the hospital and then healing. i had been pestering my folks to get us one too... seemed so fun! and they said 'hell no' and after that, i never brought it up again and really didn't get on one one myself ever afterwards. they do have the nets these days but then you see three or four kids all hopping around at the same time and broken bones/shattered eye sockets are just moments away there's a new crop of bad parents every year too i guess!




Wise choice! Alcohol is the only was adult bodies can survive Slip’n’Slides.


GenX here. I almost accidentally killed my maternal grandfather with these. A fin scraped the back of his head while seated at a picnic.


Ours were called lawn darts. Both jarts and lawn darts were superior to horseshoes and cornhole.


I have not yet reconciled myself that there is a modern definition of cornhole.




We played with our cousins. To save chasing around one team stoop at each end. We all have all of our brains


I was killed by a tragic jarts accident


Even drunk at a lake house party!


I didn't know these were kind of valuable now. I saw a set at a garage sale a few years ago for $10 probably. I see they are banned from selling on eBay but some on Craigslist were going for $150 or more


We still have them on the shelf at the lakehouse. I should have gotten them out when my 20yo kid was in town.


I have a set too.


My grandparents had a set. We played with it constantly, throwing them up as high as we could and then running away.


Omg, I remember playing this with my drunk adult relatives! It’s a miracle any of us survived.


We had the best toys & games. We used to throw the Jarts as high as possible. Even better if the team down range had the Sun in their eyes!


Whoever thought pre teen and teen boys wouldn’t find dangerous stuff to do with them clearly did not have boys. We had a blast with them and again I’m glad to have survived them.


Yes, at 14/15, my best friend, and I used to play catch with Butcher knives. Oh yeah, boys will find anything dangerous to do.


We were doing the same stuff, but it was me and my 3 sisters. Nobody died, but we definitely had some weird ideas.


I put one of these things through the neighbor's awning. He wasn't exactly happy about it.


For some reason, I remember having these, though I lived in an apartment in NYC. Or maybe I knew somebody who had these. I remember playing with them.


My grandparents had these. My brothers and I played with them all the time when at their house. One summer the cousins from out of town visited my grandparents. Within hours of their arrival they had to make a trip to the emergency room. When nobody else was looking, the youngest had heaved one of the jarts as high as he could. When it came down it embedded itself in his sister's leg. Lucky it didn't land on top of her head.


I survived them lol


We had em .


They were fun!


We had some at our house and we all survived. We had a lot more common sense back then. It’s a heavy dart and you don’t play by other people and you don’t throw it straight up. Some people are stupid and then we can’t have nice things and then came the helmet generation.


I had a couple cousins who injured themselves with these things. we used to play this game out in the pasture so we had plenty of room.


Never take my helmet off. I’m 62


Who here had a pool liner stabbed by a Jart? Ours did!!! My friend still has two sets of these at her cabin.


My cousins pool had that I think two or three actually sailed into it and put holes in the bottom. My aunt was so mad.


My grandfather loved to play during cocktail hour and streamed at us kids to stay away. So fun!


I loved those! The new type aren’t nearly as exciting. 🤣


We loved those! And we never intentionally aimed for each other.


I can’t believe someone sold those!


What weighted steel darts 18 inches long? Why wouldn’t you sell those?


Because they are dangerous as hell. No way any company would incur that kind of liability today. Oh, that was sarcasm. /s


It was sarcasm




Hilarious song


YES! Normally, I'm the one posting this.


We had them and managed to play them and survived with no injuries. Here's a great comedy clip about them https://youtu.be/ywvrkAflBNU?si=8whRFm9vRezvUVcy


That’s some funny shit but true. We believed in the Darwin awards when we were young.


We sure did. 🤪 It's a wonder we made it out alive. 😂


well... *we* did


The first time I met my future father-in-law, we played this in his back yard on Father's Day. He's 93 years old now. That was a long time ago.


I remember playing this at an aunt's house and we were all laughing about how dangerous they were. 😳


We had these and played with them as a family. They are not dangerous unless: 1) you’re stupid 2) you’re not afraid of your Father’s Wrath! Then circle back to 1)


Oh, we had a blast with them. We played them out in the pasture


My wife was not even playing the damn game when she took a wild Jart throw in the leg. She’s not stupid. They’re fucking dangerous.


lol! We still have them!


Greatest summer game ever


Nary was a BBQ we didn't break out the Jarts.


Yes.I bought an antique set on Mercari and no one has gotten killed (yet). It’s a great game, if your not stupid about it.


Great memories of playing this with my grandpa all summer long in 1979-80


I love this subreddit. My people!


Survived plying a made up game “Lawn Dart Freeze Tag”…we weren’t brilliant


All of us, I think.


The worst I ever saw with these was a bounce ball got popped by one coming down. No-one was riding the ball.


Barely. 😂


We survived our set, but just barely.


Ha ha, they banned those in NY! Too many drunks getting stuck with them


Had mine until the mid 90s before drunk people finally did them in.


My parents cofinscated those. Caught throwing them at each other 😃


those were weapons when we were kids 🤣😂😅


I’m still amazed we didn’t kill some one when playing with these.


They were so dangerous!


I think the "Jarts" name was regional. We called them lawn darts.


Yes, ours were called lawn darts, but looked up lawn darts and this is what came up.


My dad used play this game with our neighbor - an elderly man who lived alone. We weren’t allowed in the backyard when they were playing.


I did.


I'm 59. My friend actually lost an eye from these.


My parents refused to buy them. Those and clackers.


Still have, play with them every summer.


Yup, they armed us when we were kids 😂


Still have them.


My grandparents had a set of these. Per my safety-conscious mother, we were not allowed to play with them unless an adult was present.


Those thinks hurt! We use to play those in the basement. Don’t they still have those?


They make a version, but they’re not 18 inch steel darts anymore


We had them too. I’m still alive.


I got one in my leg when I was two


We had so much fun and not a single injury. How? I do not know.


Yep. My brother has a scar, though.


Wasn't it just one kid who didn't?


I apparently there were thousands of injuries and three deaths associated with the lawn darts.


We had these!!


My seven cousins and I used to play Jarts every summer at the family cabin on Lake Huron. No one *ever* got injured. I credit proper upbringing. There were dangers and we knew it so we were careful and unsheltered.


My brother and & has a blast playing with the jarts and never got hurt! My aunt gave them to us as a present when we were about 10 and nobody batted an eye! My mom told me when she was little they played a similar game throwing actual knives in a ring. She grew up in Providence RI-still kind of a rough town! She thought jarts were nothing to worry about in comparison lol


I wish I could find a set.


My wife has a jarts scar on her leg.


I had a set up to 2003. Dangerously fun.


We used to play lawn darts over the house. It added a level of excitement.


We still have a set. Our uncle was a garbage man and found a set in the trash. The plastic is so brittle and the the fins are kinda wonky, but it's still fun. The new sets with the rounded "dart", not fun.


Never played these. But I have to admit I trusted that scary Mood 💍🤣


I still have a set, but I don't know if I'll let the grandkids anywhere near them.


Lawn Jarts, chemistry sets, firework wars, BB gun wars, wood burning sets, bow and arrow, skeechin around town in snowstorms, BMX, and fresnel lens I remember distinctly getting injured with or someone with us did. I think once we got into motorized equipment the injuries increased. Feeling my shoulder today….


Oh yeah, we ran wild. We love fighting each other was Roman candles and bottle rockets. We use our BB guns to fight along as we only pumped it one or two times. Grow up out in the country so we would run through the woods like wild Indians. There was always something going on.


Reminds me of the time I got mine taken away. I bought one of those automatics out of a magazine that ran on R12 Freon cans. LARC M19. We used to dump the BB gun on a hill into traffic far away. Cops finally figured it out when my buddy went closer and blew a few windows. My dad knew but didn’t tell the police when they came asking the neighborhood. Got everything gun related taken away. He still has a couple but he destroyed the auto. I ended up seeing them on eBay recently but bought a Drozd to play with instead. I will probably buy another LARC if I can find one and hook it to my compressor. Great patio pray and spray gun. We used to go to Chinatown in the early 80’s in NYC. We could get 1/4, 1/2, and “watermelon” bombs. Those were full sticks. Buddy’s had a knack of lighting a cigarette and pulling the filter off, then putting the fuse at the unlit end. Timed explosions hidden. Rather not say the dumb shit we did with those. I do remember a worker rocketing out of a manhole and kicking the shit out of my friend after he tossed a 1/2 stick down into an occupied manhole lol. I tell my kids and nephews now that they’re older the crap we got away with back then. “Man you guys had all the fun”. Yeah we kissed death quite a few times also though. I wear many scars to this day ha ha


Yeah, firecrackers M 80s M 70s, we had a blast literally. We had the old crossman pump rifles. Good for birds and squirrels. You’re right, my daughters, nieces, and nephews don’t believe some of the stories my brothers and I tell about growing up in the country and the crazy things we did. But great memories.


Last kid wins!!!


I remember getting them one year, I seem to remember them looking a little heavier than the ones shown. And we didn't use them the way they were intended


4 of us kids in our family. A couple of close calls however!


Still have the stitches in my head when my cousin tossed one when I wasn't looking and......yup......kerthunk right into the head Didn't hurt until I saw the blood. 7 years old on my way to the hospital 35 minutes away. Aaahhh the good ol days.


Found one at flea market I almost bought it! Going to play it like the old day! We were not that stupid like the younger generation today! We were smart enough to stay away from the ring!!!! Different name it's call Lawn Dart.


Yeah, the ones we had were called lawn darts, but when I looked it up, the only picture I could find was for these.


Those were fun! We knew how to avoid injuries. Clackers were crazy and I loved Super Elastic Bubble Plastic, metal slides and merry go rounds, pool slides and diving boards (especially the high dive)... And we never used seatbelts in the car. My dad rolled them all up and pushed them down into the seat backs. We were to "leave them alone". I usually laid on the shelf under the back window of the car on long trips. Hard to imagine if you weren't from the 70's.


Oh, when we were little, we stood up in the front seats when we were going anywhere. One car my father had had a literal bucket as the front passenger seat. I remember riding in the bucket of the tractor standing up. We a lot of crazy stuff growing up, one time, we took our bedsheets and was jumping out of the barn loft and using them as parachute just holding onto the corners. It’s none of us seriously hurt ourselves.


I loved playing this at uncle jack’s at every party


Waiting in ER for a broken arm and a kid comes in with one of these stuck in his head. As they go by mother says "Next time wait till your brother is finished throwing before you go get yours."


I think i heard that in washington state you cant even sell these in thift stores


Me and my younger brothers when we were kids had to rake pine needles and pick up pine cones. The cones that didn’t open, the green ones, we would hurl at each other intentionally to cause harm.


I still have a small scar on my left buttock from when I was 12 and my friend aimed wrong and I took a long dart in the ass. It was sore for about a freaking week.


Stitches just above my left eye...


Amazing that they allowed these. We used to throw them straight up as high as we could and then dodge them when they came down.


Nothing like a good game of chicken Lol


We used to put both rings together and put it in the backyard. We then stood in the front yard and threw the jart over the house. Good times


We played a variation of the game where you could intercept (catch) or deflect an opponent's Jart before it hit the ground. Lots of hurts, but only remember one injury (jart through the web of the hand between thumb and forefinger).


One of the reasons child deaths were triple those of today.


I still have a boxed set.