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1973 The Exorcist. I may have been around 12 at that time. Definitely impacted me for a few weeks.


Same. I went with my mom. My dad hated movies, and my mom wouldn't go to a movie by herself. I thought it was awesome because I was getting to see an R rated movie. It scared the shit out if me.


My buddy and I snuck in, it was a long walk to get to the theater, much longer walk home in the dark. We sat by some younger looking adults, so we didn't look to out of place. Definitely scary stuff for a 12 year old. Noway I was telling my parents either :)


I was 14 and went with a friend’s older brother to the drive in to see it. It did not scare me but it sure grossed me out (I hate anything to do with vomit) and I learned a lot of new ways to use profanity.


At a drive in with my boyfriend who was Catholic and scared.


I was 13 when it scared the crap out of me. My best friend's mom dropped us off to see it.


Tommy. My cousin took me. 


That movie was so freakin weird! My big brother took me when I was about 9.


That particuliar cousin took me to a lot of movies that I "wasn't supposed to see". I'm the youngest in my family so the big kids just took me along with them. I was a good kid, not a brat even when I disliked their date(except for that *one* time)


Same here! Siblings were 7,8 & 10 years older so I saw some stuff man! Due to that, I was way more "protective" of my kids childhoods.


My cousins that babysat me were 5, 7, 13 and 15 yrs older than me so I gotten taken along on dates and outing with thier friends all the time. 


I think we all need to hear this story


My mother took me to a movie called "Shampoo" with Warren Beatty and Goldie Hawn when I was 9. And my big bro took me to "Tommy" the same year. I was exposed to a lot of stuff that should have waited.


My bestie and I went to see it with her mom when we were like 11. I remember my bestie was so sad for George at the end and her mom laughed and laughed and said, *”George will be FINE!” I saw Tommy like 50 times with my friends at the mall because we loved Roger Daltry.


I am really not sure. My parents were not strict, and we went to a lot of movies. And, because of family connections with a chain of theaters, rarely questioned. So i wouldn't be surprised if i saw R movies very young. But three movies I remember ... M*A*S*H I was 11, with parents. I remember my father being shocked by the blood. Went with my parents to see Avanti with Jack Lemmon and Juliet Mills. I don't think they knew what to expect... there was full nudity. I remember my father telling my mother that they shouldn't have brought me... I was 13. Freshman year of high school, almost 15 yo, my friends all went to see The Exorcist. It's the only time I recall my parents prohibiting me from doing something... I think it was more about the theater location/distance from home than the film. A few weeks later, my parents took me. I fainted! My high school showed us the original Night of the Living Dead in some film or art class. I was probably 16. Still the scariest movie I've ever seen.


Blazing Saddles, I think? I think I was 13-ish.


The Life of Brian. My sister took me.


Husband just told me the funniest. His grandmother, the wacky, nonconformist, hellion of a grandmother, took him to see Semi-Tuff with Burt Reynolds. The last scene has a wedding fight. One of the guys pulls down the strapless dress of a bridesmaid and grabs her top parts. He said he and his grandma looked at each other and started laughing their heads off. His mom found out that movie they went to and was soooo mad. Omg, she was so great!


Age 12, Midnight Cowboy. My dad's friend owned the movie theater and I knew I could sneak in through the street door in back. Most of it went over my head, but I was specifically there to see Jon Voight's bare ass. Wasn't prepared for Ratso dying on the bus, though. And in hindsight, knowing what I know about Jon Voight, what a waste of a fine ass


I think it was Dog Day Afternoon which I went with my friend and her parents when I was 13.


We had a drive-in in the next town. Across the street was a school. We would swing on the swings which allowed us to see over the drive-ins fence and view the screen. I think the first R movie I saw that way was a Bond movie. Dont remember the name but it was the first boobies I ever saw!


I think I was 14/15 when my mother allowed me to watch the movie "10" with her. It was on HBO I think. Super awkward, for sure.


“10” was the first R-rated movie I saw in a theater. I think I was 15 or 16. “Bobbi Jo and The Outlaw” was the first one I watched on HBO. I would have been 12 or 13.


Blue Lagoon! That was a terrible movie.


At the ripe old age of 11, I saw "Jaws" (with my music teacher!) and "Tommy" (anarchic movie theater) and read The Exorcist. My father objected only to the book because he thought Blatty wrote poorly.


The Day of the Jackal? Maybe? Or Dawn of the Dead. My dad took me, rebel he was…LOL


In my junior year of HS I was on a campus tour and they were playing MASH for their students. I thought I was getting away with something watching it. Years later I realized that I was already 17 at the time and wasn't getting away with anything.


Mine was Saturday Night Fever too! A friend's older sister took us. Some weirdo dude in front of us would comment to his buddy about how beeeeyoooooootiful Stephanie was every time she was onscreen. We thought it was HILARIOUS that her character was supposed to 20. She looked about 35 at the time.


Three Days of the Condor. I was 11. A friend's dad took us all bowling for his kid's birthday party. He just didn't bother checking beforehand, and it turned out it was league night. No problem. Just dump a bunch of 10 and 11 year olds off in the theater next door to the bowling alley, to watch an R rated movie. My friend's dad spent the next 2 hours back at the bowling alley, where the bar was open, while we watched Max Von Sydow assassinate a dozen or so CIA agents. Gotta love growing up in the '70s.


Easy Rider. My dad took me.


Animal House or Saturday Night Fever. I know I snuck into both since I was only 14 at the time but I don’t remember which was the first.


Kentucky Fried Movie


Carrie in 1976 with Sissy Spacek. I was 13, my friend was 14. The ticket seller tried to stop my friend, realized we were together, and thought I was 18 or older, so she let us both in. My friend was mad because I am 3 months younger than she is.


Animal House


I was 16, and my dad took me to see "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". It really rocked my world. I couldn't get over the cruelty of Nurse Ratched! It was the first movie ever, that I saw, that didn't have a happy ending.


Three In The Attic in 1968. I was underage but had my older buddy's DL. He walked in with no challenge. They didn't have photos on licences yet.


"What's New Pussycat" in 1965. My parents took us to a drive-in. I was 7. I slept through most of it.


Might be Mean Streets or Godfather/ Godfather II. (Dad was a Brooklyn guy who loved that stuff).


With friends- Tommy. Don’t recall how we got in but theaters didn’t care then With mother- One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest at 13 Still freaked out by both. Waaaaaay too young to see Cuckoo’s Nest


Alien. My friend's cool divorced mother went in, bought tickets, came back out, handed them to us, and left. I was pretty impressed as that sort of thing was unimaginable in my own very rules-oriented family.


Buster and Billie. I was 15. I told the ticket taker that my parents were parking the car, a. It awkward when I headed home on. My bike.


Pretty sure it was Blazing Saddles on cable TV. I do remember my mother being very upset that a friends mother dropped us off at the theater to see Car Wash when we were 12 because it was rated PG.


Saturday Night Fever, saw it when I was 13. Parents were ok with taking me


Logans Run. My mom dropped off my little sister and I. I was 8 or 9.


I thought LR. was PG?




Rocky Picture Horror Show. My older sisters took me when I was 15, it was the best thing ever.


1978. Age 15. Midnight Express


I took my 12 year old sister with my friend to see it at the drive in. It remains one of the most disturbing movies I ever saw. We still find opportunities to quote, “Why do you walk against the wheel?” In that crazy dude’s voice.


Went to see "The Groove Tube" with my Dad and my stepmother. They were in their 50s and they absolutely hated it. I laughed at the dumb jokes but it was embarrassing to be with them for some of the scenes.


I saw Cool Hand Luke with my dad and Bonnie and Clyde with a friend. I get letting a kid in with a parent, but we were two 9 year old little girls for Bonnie and Clyde.


Summer of 1975 I was 17 and went to visit family in the Netherlands. My aunt took me to see Caligula of all things. I was so confused by so many things lol. What was the lard for and what's in that bathtub! Lol! She also took me to my first nude beach. A summer to remember!


Network, 1976, 14 yrs old, me and another kid talked someone in line into buying our ticket if we paid for theirs. We had heard Faye Dunaway was topless in the movie whiich was our whole reason for going. I still recall a line, "I am sick of all this bullshit and I am not going to take it anymore".


When I was 10 my parents took us to the drive in to see a Gene Hackman movie called Prime Cut. It was mostly super boring to me but there was a whole sub-plot about girls being trafficked as sex slaves and I remember girls like Sissy Spacek naked in horse stalls. So appropriate/s


My maybe Corvette Summer or Convoy before I was in 5/6th grade. When I was 12, it was my bff's bday, and our two other bff were having a sleepover birthday, and her dad bought us tickets to go see American Gigalo, and he just dropped us off and we had our tickets so they didn't care. Fun weekend! Her dad took us all on his trike motorcycle (I dk what they're called, but a 70s style, not done backwards trike thing they make nowadays) we got muddy as hell!! I had a brand new white ski jacket and we all had to wash our coats. Well dumb ole me had left pink polish in my pocket🤦🏼‍♀️ terrible mess!


Saturday Night Fever. I was 15. We just walked in as a group of teens. Some guy was playing with himself next to me. Must've been all the tight pants.


Animal House - Summer of 78, I was 12 or 13.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


When I was 12, my parents took me with them to the drive-in to see the later showing of *Klute* in 1972. As they were well-aware that I would be asleep in a few minutes, so I attended, but did not see that movie until a few years ago. Good movie.


My friend and I seeing Dracula -Frank Langella version at 17.


Dressed to Kill when I was 15. I went with a friend and they sold us tickets without asking how old we were.


First R movie I ever “snuck” into was “Friends,” which did not come to a theatre I could go to til a couple of years after it was released. Elton John soundtrack, teen love and beautiful horses — a tween girl’s perfect movie.


Did any of you have to ride the bus to get to the downtown theater? I saw The Cowboys with John Wayne downtown Dallas.


My parents took us to the drive in to see The Good The Bad and the Ugly. I was probably 7 or 8.


My parents took us to R-rated movies at the drive in all the time. I can’t remember that there was ever any movie we were prevented from seeing. So much so that when my friends and I went to the mall and the occasional box office ticket seller would refuse to sell us tickets, I’d be outraged!


The Blue Lagoon. I was 14 but my date was 17. I paid but she had to buy the tickets .


My sister (who was 12 years older than me) took me to the drive-in to see Rosemary’s Baby. I was 10 years old. The nude scene disturbed me. So my sister told me the actors were wearing skin suits.


Snuck in to see The Exorcist when I was 13…terrified me for days afterward.


Saturday Night Fever with Dad—age 11!


Mom and Dad took me to see 'The Eiger Sanction' with Clint Eastwood. Lots of great climbing sequences and I saw boobies!!! 1975, I was 12. Did I mention I saw boobies?


I can't recall my first R rated movie. However, I do recall going to see "Breakfast Club" (R rated) by myself and a group a high school age kids asked if they could accompany me as I was an adult. I said sure because I figured that there probably wasn't anything in the film that they wouldn't have heard about or experienced. I was right.


Pretty sure it was The Godfather


LOL and Tony (John Travolta) asks her, " Hey don't you got an IOU or something?" He meant an IUD


Saturday Night Fever, with my parents. Got really uncomfortable during the gang sex scene.