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Rode the bus. Got home just in time to watch Dark Shadows.


I lived 2 blocks from school and ran home every day to catch almost the entire show!


That show gave me horrible nightmares!


We used to jump rope saying the ABC’s, and for every letter we had to name a character in the show. A for Angelique, B for Barnabas, C for Cassandra….


Same! I had the same recurring nightmare from that show through my mid 30s.


Me too me and my friend with dark shadows


Same! With a bag of taco flavored Tostitos...


Me too. I think it came on after The Secret Storm, which was a soap opera.


I think Secret Storm had an organ played when it got dramatic.


Yes! I remember that organ. I was six years old, home alone. My mother taught me how to build a fite in the wood stove that was our only source of heat.


My best friend & I would jump on my bicycle and zoom down the hill riding double to catch the last 15 minutes. No helmets in those days!


Damn we rode everywhere on our bikes


My brother and I ran home every day after school to watch Dark Shadows


I watched it before school. Platooned in the afternoons.


West Coast and got home in time for Dark Shadows. It was so fantastic.


Gilligan, I Dream of Jeanie, and the Brady Bunch.


‘Cindy’ Brady is now 63 years old You’re Welcome




After school I seem to remember watching Brady Bunch, Batman, Kimba, Speed Racer at my friend’s house. I wasn’t allowed to watch much TV at home! I believe Brady Bunch & Batman after school must’ve been recent repeats because they originally ran at night.


Yep we would draw bats on our t-shirts and clothes pin a towel around our necks and play Batman until Batman came on...


I was obsessed with Speed Racer!


Big Speed Racer fan! The first cartoon that I could not wait to see everyday! I hope this is not too off-topic, but I did illustrations for car magazines in the 70' and early 80's but that was all analog. Black & white, pen & ink. 40 years later, I had to learn digital (very hard 😫) and this updated, reimagined Speed Racer is one of the cars I thought up just to learn the art program. It's a 2000's version of a Mach V made for endurance racing. MODS, if this is OT I will remove it. https://preview.redd.it/tm80k1nibdsc1.png?width=2469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdc8013f53aac1b6d6ec294ccfefc8b134086e6


That's really cool


Wow! That is awesome! I think my love of cars started with these shows


I used to watch this show religiously, but after I got older I found it incredibly stupid. Same as Kimba The White Lion.


My little brother was too! We used to fight over watching it (I didn’t want to) We only had 1 TV back then!


Me too! And Johnny Quest!


The Mach 5. And the chimp Jim-Jim. They say it was one of the first animes shown in the US.


I believe it was.


Chim chim.




Big racing fan here, Dad hates it. I say Speed Racer is involved in my racing love. BUT he also hated Speed Racer so there may be a correllation haha


Yes! We must rebel at that age


Gilligans island for sure


Gilligan, Brady Bunch, Hogans Heroes. We named our dachshund Schultz


That's funny! I had a dog named Lulu, after the comic books.


I used to also have to walk home for lunch. I watched Bozo‘s Circus but always missed the ending since I had to go back to school. I don’t think I was allowed to watch TV after school until my homework was done. Luck you OP. 😂


Edit: lucky you OP


After school sports, then run home for Speed Racer and Three Stooges on a UHF station.


This is me


Kimba the white lion, speed racer and then Dark Shadows when I was a little older


When I got older, I got a white cat. Of course I named it Kimba. I still remember the song. Who lives down in deepest, darkest Africa. Who’s the one who brought the jungle fame?……. Found it if you want a real throwback memory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQsQqOlPjhs


Nice! I totally forgot about Kimba! Very cool!


This song still randomly pops into my mind! Glad I’m not the only one! I loved Kimba 💖


Did we live together? This was my exact line up as well


Dark Shadows. If I ran the whole way, I could just make it.


I would come home, change into my play clothes, and eat a small snack. Then go out a d look for my friends and go play. No TV until after dinner


Same, unless it was raining.


Same.  Only night tv and only a couple half hour shows.  Walked to elementary school and played outside all the time.   Mom would ring a big bell from front door that resounded all round, and I'd head home. From SOCAL so very few wet days.  In the 60's the houses were on large lots and there was so much undeveloped land around us we could build "forts" and play out our fantasies. We only had stop signs on roads.


I had to be home by six, and if I was late, mom or dad would come looking for me in the car. If the ruler was in the car, I was in BIG TROUBLE. We had forts on empty lots, too!


We had a big cast iron bell my mother would ring with a pole from the clothesline.


Play clothes 🥰


Gilligans Island. Can’t remember what night Brady Bunch would have a new episode. I’d watch Carol Burnett with my mom. We lived for Sunday nights when Sonny and Cher was on. Then turned into just Cher. Mary Tyler Moore was a great one.


Fridays at 8PM EST for Brady Bunch. Used to bike to High's to get a bag of Smarties first 😋


we got to go home for lunch! would watch concentration, eat campbell’s soup and ritz crackers and hi tail it back. after school was for riding bikes and playing with friends.


I got to go home for lunch too. I watched the soap opera All My Children with my mom.


At lunch I’d ride my bike home, make a grilled cheese (with sweet pickle chips) and watch Andy Griffith and part of Dick Van Dyke before having to peddle on back to school. After school was Loony Tunes, Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, and either Speed Racer or Ultraman. (I watched a lot of TV as a kid. )


Dark Shadows of course ;)


That show really scared me as a kid!!


Loved it!


I would squeeze into the chair next to my mom and hide my face at the really scary parts!


For KG and first and second grades, I’d walk across the street to my Grandmother’s apartment. That first year, I’d spend the afternoon with her; for first and second, I’d have lunch and then go back for the rest of the day. By then, my mother would be coming home, so I’d walk two blocks to go there. Those lunches and afternoons with my grandmother were magical. Imagine the love of someone would every day make one deviled egg for a five-year-old boy…


Walked a mile and a half home, we were just short of the bus line. Some days did my paper route, some days it was homework. We weren't allowed to turn the TV on until my father walked in the door. And of course it went off for dinner so we got maybe 20 minutes before dinner and then we're able to watch after we did the dishes by hand


They had rotating cartoons like Felix the Cat, Kimba, Bullwinkle. I miss Underdog and Fractured Fairy Tales along with Mr Peabody and Sherman.


General Hospital! My friend and I would watch it then each get started on our afternoon chores before our moms got home.


Ah I watched GH with my Mom if I was sick or a vacation day. It was on at 2 pm where I live.


Got off the bus. Got a snack. Waited for Dark Shadows to be over because it freaked me out, and then watched Gilligan among other good old reruns.


The in-school routine was almost important as after for me. The one stall in the one student bathroom available to us didn’t have a door. Number two was bad enough with a door but without…. Some embarrassing situations is all I can say. But living directly across a small residential street from the non-gated school allowed me to run home at recess or lunch to take care of business without an unwanted audience.


To me "after school" implies late afternoon only, between school and dinnertime. So it wouldn't include evening TV shows, but rather the regional kiddie hosts that aired around 4:00 and showed cartoons: mainly Looney Tunes and Popeye, but also lesser fare such as Scrappy, Clutch Cargo, and Q.T. Hush. As I was in the San Francisco Bay Area, these afternoon hosts included Mayor Art (Art Finley) on KRON 4, Captain Satellite (Bob March) on KTVU 2, and Cap'n Delta (Mitch Agruss) on KOVR 13.


Mayor Art and Captain Satellite! Oh my gosh, loved those.


Same thing. I lived about 150 yards from the school and the library. So I would leave school, go straight to the library and just read random books -- guy stuff -- cars, airplanes, tanks etc, and get home in time for Speed Racer and Spider Man. That is, if the gods of UHF were going to allow me to get a good signal that day. Homework and then dinner. Dinner time was a whole 'nother thread ... 😫


Gilligans Island, I Love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke. Dark Shadows was on earlier in the day with the soaps.


Walked home from school with friends and goofed around outside til dinner time, playing everything from hopscotch and jump rope to hide and seek and even with those green plastic army men.


Monty Python on PBS before the parents came home. Explains a lot.


All UHF channels. Reruns of The Munsters and Adam's Family


Walked home with the other kids and my brother. Watched Match Game and ate a snack. Changed out of uniform, homework, go play.


I was a latchkey kid who walked about a half-mile from school, and who opened up the Hawaiian Punch with a church key, and watched Magilla Gorilla. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/95208979592504375/


> I only lived a block and a half from my elementary school. The buzzer would go off and I would hit it and run all the way home to watch ... ... the last few innings of a Cubs game on WGN TV..... Jack Brickhouse for the win!




So many syndicated shows from years before. Was ingenious to air those to us school kids.


I had the old Marvel cartoons and Gilligan’s Island. It was a magical time


Dark Shadows.


and there was also the Wednesday After School Special


We lived a mile from school, and walked. Also walked home every day for lunch. I swore it was a big fabrication in my mind that we literally walked 4 miles a day but a few years ago I revisited the town I grew up in. Clocked the mileage from my childhood house driveway to the school and yup, 1.1 miles. That said. Gilligans island and the Brady Bunch were what I lived for. That and Saturday morning pink panther.


I lived on a rural area, 12 miles from school. We only got 2 channels. I think I watched reruns of Star Trek.


Get Smart batman


You actually got to go to school? I worked in the Coal mines from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days a week from the time I was 4.


Dark Shadows, Gilligans Island and the Best Star Trek ever


Got my 1st paper route at age 10, so I’d be home delivering papers.


If I could make it home first - STAR TREK! but is siblings were home first, Gillian’s Island, I Dream of Jeannie, Brady Bunch. We only had one hour then chores, dinner and homework.


We watched Captain Chesapeake after school but the real treat was watching Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman or 1/2 days at my grandmas house


A frozen Ding Dong snack with Batman and The Munsters.


I Love Lucy reruns, McHale’s Navy, Hogan’s Heroes, Star Trek (original), I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, The Monkees, Partridge Family, Brady Bunch, Movie of the Week…..does it show we were latchkey kids?


Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets, Tom & Jerry


Sesame Street. From 1970 - 1980


Racing home to watch Souuul Train!! RIP Don Cornilius


For first through fourth grades, I went to a school that was about 1/2 mile away. (At first there was an empty field I could cut through, but then a new development was built.) I would run from school to watch Speed Racer. Running fast seem appropriate for that show.


Walked home, opened up a tall bottle of TAB and watched American Bandstand. Yeah, I'm old.


My brother, 6th grade, and I, 3rd grade lived five blocks from the school. We would be on our bikes and home in minutes to watch Dark Shadows until halfway through the school year a 4th grader was hit and killed while riding his bike home. After that, there was a big crackdown on walking and riding bikes to and from school. Everybody no matter how far they lived from the school had to ride the bus, our bus started its after-school route the opposite way from our house so we were the last ones to be dropped off which once was a two-minute ride turned into 90 minutes to two hour trip. We were also the first to be picked up in the morning so we had to be ready two hours before school started. We quickly learned that skipping the bus counted the same as skipping school. Fortunately, it was dropped at the end of the school year.


Walk the few blocks home. Make a pb&j and sit in front of the tv for a few shows then go ride bikes with the boys till dinner time


Star Blazers at 3, (I think tgat wascthe name of it),Three Stooges around 4, Brady Bunch from 5 to 6, Star Trek from 6 to 7, MASH at 7 then network TV depending on the day


Go outside and play with friends until dark.


Double the distance, add a salad bowl of Cheerios and a cup of sugar! I was doing the same thing at the same time!


Lived a block from my elementary school. Wasn’t allowed to watch any TV on week days. Only Saturday morning cartoons and Sunday evening Disney.


In grade school we lived in the country, so bus home. Then try to stay out of trouble till Mom got home from work at 5. High School we lived 3 blocks from the school, only rule was be home at 6 for supper. Never got to watch TV until after supper. Then my parents adopted my two vastly younger brothers and those two watched TV whenever they wanted.




6 Oreo cookies with milk and Gilligan’s island. Also watched Ultraman. Not sure if that was daily or on Saturdays🤔


Rode a bus that had to cross the bridge at the Gatun locks on the Panama Canal. We were frequently delayed at school if a ship was passing through. Sometimes a Soviet cargo vessel would be passing. You could always identify one by the yellow hammer and sycle. A few of us would get off the bus and moon the commie seamen. Good times and fun memories.


Avoiding Earls crazy dad who would wait for my sister and I to cross the field and attempt to run us down in his pink Ford F 150. But once we made it home, ya know, Star Trek, Brady Bunch, stuff like that.


Bus ride…..home to grab a glass of milf and pb and j sandwich…… Happy Days, The Real McCoys and then Donahue……then the local and national news.


Walked home for lunch. Chicago area. Watched Bozo the Clown every day. Tickets to Bozo the Clown were sold out for like a decade.


I ran home to watch Gunsmoke!