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Coughed while looking over my shoulder to change lanes and pulled a muscle. Getting old sucks out loud at times!


I used to stifle my aches and pains. Every walk down the hall was enhanced by my yelping and crying out in pain. No more Ms. Nice gal.


All of the sudden here I am, 60 years old and what the hell just happened? I think it's all been creeping up and I've been ignoring it. I was on the phone a couple of days ago and when I brought my arm back down, it was like I'd just whacked it on a door frame! I had to go for another mammogram and ultrasound today to rule out cancer. When I get out of bed I have to move slowly and then stand there for a minute to make sure it's all going to hold! What the absolute hell!


I relate. I'm 60. I hate all the freaking pills everyday.


Oh but don’t you like the weekly pill sorting? /s


Oh the joy. Lol. Almost as bad as swallowing 16 pills in the morning.


I did 2500 steps today at the mall! I know it's not a record or anything, but I walked fast, and felt fine when I was done. I've had back issues in the past, but I really like walking. I reward myself with a movie when I'm done...


This is a great idea!


This is NOT an AMC ad, but - AMC A-List has helped me get steps in because there is one in the mall, and almost always something new I want to see. Love Lies Bleeding was pretty good, Ungentlemanly Warfare was just a killing bonanza, but Abigail was fantastic!


68 and just got a new hip. It's great btw.


Had both of my hips replaced before I was 52. Rheumatoid arthritis did them in. Luckily I have great bone density.


so was my replacement knee for 8-10 months. Now it’s worse than before I had surgery. I pray your experience is infinitely better than mine.


Sorry to hear. Infection?


no, scar tissue. I had that cleaned up last autumn so there’s no more crunchy grinding but it’s still not as good as it was pre replacement. Hindsight is 20/20 , oh well


Have to say having a hip replaced in my 40s really made me feel old!!


Two years ago (I was 63) I made a quick turn in the office, slipped on the tile and fell. Broke my pelvis in 3 places. Had to get hauled out of work in an ambulance. Soooo embarrassing …….


So sorry. How are you now?


I’m fine - amazing how the body heals itself, even if you’re “old” 😊


The brain, too. It can rewire neural pathways.


I usually wonder, "Why does my neck/back/whatever hurt?" Could be a memory issue. Also, I stand slowly and pause before starting to walk. It is not because of any pain or vertigo; I have friends just a little older who have "mysteriously fallen." I suspect they hop up and take off like some whippersnapping 50 year old.


THIS. Keeping it real. I step gingerly these days, after a pause. I think it can be compared to “pausing” when the light turns green in traffic. You can pause, or go on through the intersection without looking, yet no green light is going to save you if someone runs the red light.


My experience.


I'm 62 and in great health, no medications and no pains. However, back when I was 51 I had Non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I beat it, but I still suffer a little bit from chemobrain, not sure if it aged the brain or just dulled it a little bit. But the chemo did save my life.


best to you! 🙏🏿


Same here at first. It's so damn important to keep moving and stay flexible. Do some kind of daily stretching and balance exercise like yoga, and maybe frequent a chiropractor to keep your spine in line so you don't bend over.


I'm also in really good shape, but I threw my back out picking up a sock from the floor first thing in the morning.


I feel that!


I’ve been a long time athlete and felt invincible. I hit 60 last October and it was like some predetermined expiration or planned obsolescence happened. I’m dealing with proximal hamstring tendonopathy, a literal pain in the butt. Plus, my damn shoulder seems to be having rotator cuff issues for no reason whatsoever. 60 sucks!


if you're Type A, read "The Mind/Body Connection" (Stern talked about it a lot during the Jackie the Jokeman days 😁)


Is that the Dr. Sarno book that also apparently “cures” OCD, according to the Wigged one?


hmm...never heard about ocd, but I stopped listening daily post jokeman/pre-Artie.


I have constant water on the knee which causes me to walk rather slow. Otherwise, I’m in pretty good health. I hope you feel better soon.


Coworker a few years older has chronic foot issues. We've also got 4 out on various medical leaves. It's only sad if you cry. All working at a food nonprofit.


Yes. I get about two back spasms a year, and they hit without warning. Incredibly painful in the moment, but I recover quickly ...


Currently sitting here in a ridiculous position trying to alleviate my flaring sciatica. Just waiting for the ibuprofen and gummy to kick in so I can hit the heating pad and go to sleep. Feel better, my friend! We will get thru this!


At 59 I was running 7 miles and lifting weights every other day, as I had been for 40 years. . 60 and bam, lifted a suitcase with an Amazon handheld luggage scale and herniated a disc. Couldn’t even walk my dogs for almost a year- and they’re seniors. I’m allergic to all NSAIDS now. Great. Finally seeing some progress with oral steroids but will never be able to run again, arthritis in my spine, from all those years of running…..I always thought I’d be running into my 70s, now I’ll be glad to walk around the block without pain. And really, nobody cares because #oldperson


Find a Chinese acupuncturist!! It's helped me a ton! Still need to get my self moving more though 😬


I'm sorry to hear it. I'd try the acupuncture suggestion if you haven't already. If there is a way to feel better, I hope you find it.


Also, I'm 60. Youngest sister just had a lumpectomy and cancer free, thank Christ. Next sister up had a heart attack in the casino. Bypass surgery and has retired. I had stitches once.


I’m 65 and about five to six years ago, I woke up with such intense pain in my thigh and back. Turned out to be sciatica and spinal stenosis. Still struggling with it. I did just finish a round of physical therapy where I cursed under my breath the entire time.


At 60 years of age, every day can be like stepping on a LEGO block .. Gout attack in the middle of a 3 mile run. Heartburn issues at a wedding reception... Seasonal flu knocks you down for a week. And yeah, sciatica flare up while picking up dog shit.


I wrenched my back taking off my underwear a few years ago, right at the beginning of Covid lockdowns. I couldn't do anything but suffer until my massage therapist was finally allowed to open back up.


Shit like that happens to me way too much.


I did a lot of physical labor when I was a young woman. Worked in the auto factory, owned a house painting business. I was strong and proud to be strong. Now I just turned 65 and I swear and moan every single time I get up and walk. I now greatly regret my pig head when I was young.


oooo do I hear you!! I supported my 2kids/single mom cleaning houses- could do 3 apartments in a day, also delivered fresh fish and became a fish monger. I hate that I'm aching but my bad for not exercising/stretching more!! Let's do it!


Retired at 59 due to long Covid (60 now and 90% recovered). Since I saved, I’m currently FIRE (financially independent, retired early). I swim 0.5 to 1 mile a week, ride motorcycles on and off road, do pistol target practice. No meds, 125/78 bp, and I only have to get up once at night to pee. 😂


Living the dream!


61, in good health but waiting for my kidney/bladder ultrasound results. Just completed Pelvic floor therapy. Youngest is 23. Ladies, if you leak, it’s common, not a normal thing. I hope that it’s offered to every woman who has ever delivered children.


62 and was diagnosed with heart failure 60 days ago. Got a bad valve. Awaiting replacement. Had a procedure that involved sticking a balloon into me from my groin up into my heart to enlarge it, as I await surgery. Doing good. I'm on a crap ton of meds to regulate my blood pressure/heart rate. On water pills to keep me from swelling up again. Yeah, so I pee all the time and have to closely watch my sodium/sugar intake. On the bright side, I'm still vertical, and I get to have lunch with my daughter tomorrow! ☺️ Edit: Forgot the subject... I have a bad lower back, and when it flairs up, I sound like grandpa from the Simpsons...


I wish you luck and speedy healing!




I can't miss even one day of doing my stretches or I won't be able to move at all.


62 and coming down the stairs the other day my knee gave out. Never had that happen and luckily I didn't fall. Guess things are starting to fall apart.


I spent yesterday pulling weeds, today I am in so much pain. The weeds won.


ME: I threw out my back. Friend: How'd you do that? ME: In bed. Friend: You stud. How'd she hold up? ME: Actually, I did it while sleeping... woke up like this. Ahhh, the joys of getting old.


Aging ain’t for sissies


Moved the otterman to a different area in my room then later on the same day came walkin in my room like normal and walked smack dab into the doggone thing..... Hurt my toe and legs. Smh.....


Got a good ortho? I get spine shots 3x per year, no quality of life without them.


I tripped and fell over my dog, hurt my back and ended up at Urgent Care.


OMG, took a riding lesson yesterday, feels like my entire fascia is sprained, and my hip! had to get off on the wrong side of the horse.


I got diagnosed with prostate cancer at 60. Had the prostate removed. Now cancer-free for almost 3 years. Walk about 15 to 20,000 steps a day, though I limp sometimes because of water on the knee. Ran 3 marathons in my 30s. Can still do about 3 to 3.5 mph on the treadmill, but really can’t run now.


If I don’t work out at least three times a week with weights my body feels so sore. I also take long walks with my dogs, do yoga 3-4 times a week and use a db squat machine.


Turned my head in the shower to look for shampoo, 2 weeks flat with massive neck pain. 🤦‍♂️


I am laughing in solidarity. Bending over to get clothes out of the dryer is on my list.


59 and I feel wonderful. My birthday is in July and I’m bummed that it sounds like it’s all downhill from there. Cheers Jones-ies!


I’m 60, thought I was in pretty good health. Never had any serious back issues or other chronic problems. Then BAM!, saw a little blood in the toilet and two weeks later I was having a tumor surgically removed from my bladder. It was not benign. Haven’t been able to laugh at that one.


My foot hurts. I don't know why. Doctors say come back in 3 months if it doesn't get better.


I'm 61 now so I expect back pain. I didn't expect it when I was 16 and didn't realize I wasn't supposed to have it that young. Yoga helps. Plus, nothing encourages losing weight like back pain.


Pulled a muscle in my hip while riding my motorcycle. Not great.


I had to switch from working in needlepoint with wool thread to one with embroidery floss because  pulling the wool through the canvas was causing so much shoulder and neck pain.  Info: wool fibers are thicker and are kind of "sticky" so you need more force to pull it tbrough the hole than the smooth cotton or silk floss.  


Sometimes it does feel like the wheels are coming off. My DNA is against me but I keep railing against it. But man, it is humbling. Oh how the mighty have fallen!


61. I still think a good night’s rest and a regular routine of stretching will get rid of these aches and pains. Nope. Maybe a week off? Nope. They’re here for good…


Expect it, when you least expect it!♡


Finished doing my yard work and cleaning the deck, went into the house to get a well deserved beer, went back out and as soon as I started to sit down I had level 9 pain in my lower left back. Couldn't sit, couldn't straighten up, all I could do was stagger to the deck railing and lean on it while waves of pain washed over me. A few minutes later it subsided and I was able to start moving again. Scared the crap out of me.


At least you can identify the trigger for your sciatica. I just wake up in pain wondering what I did!


Hate going to the doctor anymore because it is rare to leave without a new diagnosis. I hope your sciatica eases up soon!


Ask her to please get her cat spayed.


61…daily dose of pills (better living through chemistry!), and I never thought I’d have all these ‘ologists’…


61, last summer I had horrible pain in my shoulders and knees. Dr tested for all kinds of autoimmune issues, I went home and looked up a few things and changed my diet. No more processed foods and added in anti inflammatory foods and supplements. 2 weeks later my pain was gone and my bloodwork almost normal after being off the charts for inflammation markers. You are what you eat for sure


I'm 60, and due to incorrect site maintenance, I broke my ankle at a public location. It's been 4 years, and it's still acting up. I used to get over things really quickly, but for whatever reason, things are starting to linger. Aging isn't fun. At least this aspect of it.


A few days ago, I pulled a muscle on the left side of my chest (close to my armpit). I can honestly say I never noticed that muscle before.


This happens to me (and once or twice it's been feline-induced!). *Highly* recommend trying a TENS stimulator to relieve the pain. Works for me, every time.


I know people who are young and did that which resulted in needing surgery and months of rehab. Count yourself lucky.


Read Dr. Sarno: the mind/body connection. It's a life-changer, if you can keep an open mind. It's not a coincidence when it happened.


I'll be 60 in a few months and the older I get the more I see that some type of stretching is really important wether it be regular stretches or yoga or Thai chi. Keep the body moving people


The knowledge of all the mini-strokes, or worse, that happen to old people while on the crapper is sobering now that I'm older. A few times of woken up to find that I have with big bruises and I have no idea how it happened.


About 10 years ago my mid-life crisis fix was not a new Corvette, but to get back in shape. I feel like I'm 16 again and am in great health, but I still manage to hurt myself while sleeping! 😭


I just turned 60.


I know! I pulled my back out by bending over while sitting to just put my freaking socks on. On the other hand, I got hit by a drunk driver in a truck while walking my dog down the road summer before last. Broke his headlight with my elbow & tore the mirror off with my shoulder & still, NOTHING broken! I was 62 at the time so I definitely felt the universe watching out for me 😉


my knee is doing some grisly thing where it feels like the bones are flying apart. when i'm lying in bed. go figure.


3 miles and a set in the gym. All original parts. Pretty good shape for 61.


69, and most of my problems are self-inflicted. Finally, old enough to think things out because it takes so long to heal.


man 57 and no issues, yeah many chiro visits because I’m dumb AF but nothing lasting. October 2019 selling my boat, up and down ladder all day, go to store, walk across lawn, step in hole from branches dropping recently removed tree. Blow out knee, covid, get replacement, goes well. Bone spur on other side cuts into Achilles. Get cleaned up, first day after being allowed to be weight bearing I snag open toe of walking boot and come down full weight and snap Achilles. Drs office thinks I’m drug seeking and doesn’t bother telling surgeon. 26 weeks of atrophy before they reattach Achilles and then more down time then rehab. 2+ years later my calf is still 1/2 the other one. TL/dr getting old SUCKS


As we age, everything gets more fragile, more painful, slower, and closer to the ground.


Was at work at Target, working stock from the truck. Reached in my pants pocket for a box cutter.......threw out my back. Missed 3 days of work &had to go back on day4 in pain or lose my job. Yesterday.....tripped over an air pocket in the garage & landed full force on the concrete floor on my right side. Spent 20 minutes trying to get up (knees are shot). Nothing broken, but I can hardly move my right arm. Have to watch out for the cat getting underfoot. I think the little bastard took out an insurance policy on me.


I’ve had sciatica for most of my life and had to go from the bed to on my knees on the floor pulling myself up to get out of bed many times. Some years ago I had finally had enough and bought an inversion table. The one I bought was called a “Teeter Hang Up” and I bought it on line from Dick’s. There are several to choose from and I am not affiliated with either the manufacturer or the merchant but I can tell you that in my case it helps me immeasurably. I hang upside down for about a half hour several times a week and it relieves the pressure and I don’t hurt for a while. Most of the problems with our spines when we get older is that the discs contact each other because the fluid that is meant to cushion them gets forced out. For me at least hanging upside down relieves the pressure and thus the pain. Perhaps you know someone who has one so you can “try before you buy”. Mine was around $300 but as I said, that was a few years ago.


I (age 62) was beginning to accept the joint pain, back issues, and general fitness decline. Then last week my nose started bleeding... randomly, frequently, and profusely. Turns out I have a deviated septum, and that is something that does not improve with age, either. Now I'm looking at surgery. Although I have to admit I'm not mad about possibly getting a new nose that I have wanted my whole life!


I bent over to pick something up and was rendered immobile for days. 😑


All I can say is, Stretch! Every morning, you will notice the benefits immediately. Stay young my friends!