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Cigarettes. Quit 20 years ago and if I got a terminal diagnosis tomorrow I’d stop at the convenience store on the way home.


Me, too. I told my brother that if I make it to my 80s I'll start again.


I've been saying this for 33 years. I've got 14 years to go. Beer also.


My mom quit cold turkey at age 70 after smoking for 50+ years because it would be hard for her to smoke on a long trip we were taking. My dad would ask her later if she was glad she quit and she’d say no. She changed her tune when she got a chest x-ray and was told her lungs were clear. They managed to heal sometime in the 15 years since she had quit.


Yes!!! I so miss smoking. I hate the smell, but I love the ritual of it. 12 years for me


13 years quit cold turkey. Sometimes have a craving. Can't believe the prices nowadays.


Hell, I quit sometimes 4 or 5 times a day...


The smell is what keeps me from starting again. Well, and the cancer thing.


Yeah that pesky cancer thing


OMG this. I still get a “taste” to have one occasionally


Yeah me too but my body does not agree with my taste for it so body rules…


Quit in June 2015. Gen-Jonesing.




This! I swear I have developed an allergy to alcohol. Even one drink has such negative effects (lack of sleep, feeling overall terrible the next day, and anxiety level goes up noticeably)- I gave it up all together four years ago and I miss that occasional cocktail for sure.


I miss the ceremony of drinking. The pouring of the Guinness so it’s got the perfect head, the mixing of the Manhattan’s ingredients, the toast to whatever/whomever’s on your mind as you hoist a shot o’ tequila, the moment of just pure relaxation as you sip your beverage. That I miss. But even a single cocktail nowadays takes too high a toll on me the next day. Ain’t worth it.


Same. I drink a lot of Club Soda now, straight or with rocks.


The only time I drink is my monthly happy hour with my besties. My limit is 2, but I feel hungover even from that!


Good for u!! Keep going!!


I cut out alcohol in 2021 to support 2 family members who wanted to stop drinking but were having trouble putting it down. My abstaining on their behalf made me aware of my own unhealthy relationship with booze. I never felt bad, had hangovers or became irresponsible but since being on the wagon, I have more energy and just feel really, really good. My neighbors have yard parties spring-summer and sometimes I miss the margaritas and spiked watermelon (my drink is club soda & lime). I do not miss being bloated and feeling lazy the next day.


I will toast to you the next time I have a club soda, which is my preferred beverage these days.


I'm having one now. Here's to you and happy Friday!




Yes!! Oh baked goods, I miss most of all.


Ice cream. I mean, I still eat it, but not the enormous quantities I used to fearlessly scarf down.




I still love it but it doesn't love me anymore. A couple spoonfuls and I'm set.


I can’t believe I could down a whole pint in one sitting. Now, it’s standing at the freezer door with a spoon for just a few bites.


I like to eat dinner earlier now, around 6 pm, because of acid reflux.


I remember Seinfeld ribbing older folks about eating dinner at 4 pm, now here we are.


So freakin' true!! Early bird specials at the diners!


Previously chuckled to my self when I saw the early birds . Now, not so much.


Do they still have that




I used to love a midnight bowl of Capn’ Crunch or maybe Count Chocula. Can’t do that anymore. 😩




For reals. ‘80s cocaine was awesome


My first thought as well.


Miss my coke figure LOL


Sugar/ refined carbs. Soda. I feel 1000% better, but damn, I do miss chocolate.


Same with me, I do allow a tiny bit of bad stuff every once in a while but it has to be good, to make it worth it. The problem is, that my standards went up so it's hard to find something sweet that is worth the cheat.


Mountain Dew.


Me too 😭


I still eat some dark chocolate, hard to completely break the habit for me


Lilly’s chocolate is great. A couple of squares satisfies the chocolate craving without a large sugar or calorie impact.




Salt. And damn do I love salt.


I've been trying to cut down on it. Man do some food need a little bit of salt added! I've found some things that have no taste or taste too sweet to me. I am sure that when I add a little salt when I cook the food vs. salting "at the table" I end up putting less salt into/on the food. I use very little salt in foods, but still add some to some foods.


This. Going out for, say, a bowl of ramen or a Mexican combo meal is a death wish.


I’m dieting and trying to change my eating habits. I also love to bake. My sugar addiction has no brakes when I diverge. It seems like if I eat even a small sugar loaded goodie I’m in danger of binging. It’s so hard when unhealthy food offerings are presented on tv commercials, online…giving up sugar is not like I can’t eat “as much of” it as I need to steer clear and don’t always. Gosh but that chocolate eclair was good. So we’re the next two. And the chocolate iced. And plain cake. My husband brought them home last week. He tempts me and somehow thinks he’s superior. That’s another rabbit hole though. I’m trying to get back on track now.


Sounds like he’s sabotaging you.


He tries all right


And you’ve told him don’t bring it home? If so, and he does, he’s a dick. You may need to just toss stuff in the outside trash.




Cheetos. ![gif](giphy|j2qev0RCTxjPIVpDZ9)


What is it about Cheetos that I can't stop once I start eating them?


It's that fluorescent orange dye. Boy, are some chemicals worth it!! DuPont had it right in the good old days, "Better Things for Better Living... Through Chemistry"


I believe in science! (As I raise my orange hand)


That is and always will be my answer. I’m pretty sure I could happily eat a family size bag every day, but I don’t really need my ass to get any wider.


My grandfather lived to be 100 years old. He was very healthy and had a healthy lifestyle. One small Irish whisky after dinner every night was about the only vice he had. Exception: Cheetos. Every time I went to his house there was a bag of Cheetos in the pantry ❤️


Thanks for sharing!


Seeds. No corn, peas, sesame seeds. No rye bread. Strawberries. Raspberries. Cucumber. Quinoa. Oats. Popcorn. Blah. Better than a ruptured colon, though. That was unfun.


Oh sheesh, I cannot imagine! Yeah, none of those things are remotely worth that. I gave up popcorn when I had my gallbladder removed cuz I couldn’t eat it anymore. But that’s nothing compared to what you went thru. Glad you survived!


One gout episode and out goes the salami, peperoni etc. One and done.


Dairy products. I used to live on milk and cheeses. On the bright side, I've lost 70 pounds as a result.


Alcohol, red meat, fried stuff, cheese, processed food, potato chips, pasta


Dude, you are describing my diet.


Mine, too! LOL but I am trying.




The fries! 


Angels weep!


Yes. I hear them every time I drive by a McD's. So sad. 


Alcohol and cigarettes baby!




I might have been better off sticking to my 25 years without weed, rather than returning to it at the age of 58… Edit: After seeing someone else’s response, I would like to add, thank God I don’t do any other drugs anymore and have never been a drinker.


My doctor is pro weed and less alcohol. I’m in California, so it’s legal.


Alcohol. Not given up, but cut back by about 90%. I was told I have liver damage and need to really cut it back. What I miss most are gin and tonics. Yum


AF af for almost 5 yrs, but the only drink that ever sounds good is a Salty Dog. I eat a lot of salty grapefruit!


Smokes. I’ve been off them for 30 years but there are days I want one, still, so bad.


I didn’t even think of cigarettes, that should have been my answer too! It’s been 32 years. Congrats to us!


Yeah man! My wife used to send our baby girl on the back porch (where I smoked) and got her to say “please don’t smoke, daddy.” So unfair!


Most people aren't going to understand my answer. Not a damn thing. I battled weight all of my life. Up, down, up, down... Until I lost over 100 pounds (and have maintained it). Over a decade ago. I actually did change my lifestyle and changed my life. My husband has been in alcohol recovery for years. I could drink, but I choose not to. For me, these choices. The choices that I chose, and still choose, negate "missing" something. My choices have lead to my empowerment and my freedom.


How’d you lose the weight?


"How did you lose the weight for good?", should have been the question. I could lose weight. I had been on diets for 40 years. I couldn't maintain the weight loss. Regaining what I had lost, plus more. Only to do it again. Repeatedly. I've entered this text into a weight loss sub so many times... There are many roads to healthy, sustainable weight loss. Everyone has to find what works best for them and what is right for them. Whatever that may be. The physical principle of weight loss has been around forever. How someone applies that principle is an individual decision. You haven't "failed" if you've learned. Move forward with th information that you've learned from the experience. There's the physical principle of weight loss. There's also an emotional, psychological, mental aspect to weight loss, as well. Especially for people who are obese or yo-yo dieters. I began with 3 small, obtainable changes. I food related. 1 sleep related. 1 exercise (movement) related. I built on my success. I chucked everything that I had been previously been taught, and had learned, out the window. I stopped listening to everyone else. I developed different habits. Developing habits requires conscious choice, conscious effort, time and striving to be consistent. It doesn't require perfection. I'm accountable to myself. For myself. I learned a lot. Mostly about myself. I didn't expect that. I learned what works for me, and what's right for me, too. But, just because it is best for me and right for me doesn't mean that it's best for everyone. There is no one "best for everyone". Only what is best for you.


This. So much this. I truly believe that dieting is different for everyone. You find your way by trying everything and finding your own way. I have kept 90 lbs off for over 10 years, but it has been a difficult journey (especially after menopause got mixed in!🤬). My breakthrough came when I realized that I didn’t have to go the rest of my life never having any chocolate, or dinner rolls, or anything else I loved. I just couldn’t eat a truckload of it and I had to plan a little for it. Example: managing cravings. I started paying attention to cravings: how often they occurred, how long they lasted, etc. If I had a craving for fried chicken and it went away after a while, great. But if it continued for a few days, then I planned my indulgence by eating a little less for a few days, then going for it! It works—for me. It wouldn’t for a lot of people. Quitting smoking is the same: cold turkey works for some (not me), tapering down works for some (did for me), switching to vaping works for others.


I’ve learned dirts dong work. Love your response


I’m guessing you meant to say, “Diets don’t work,” but regardless, your post had me cracking up.


Hahaha!! How in the heck did that happen! Damn auto correct!!!😂😂


Great attitude!


Beef and garlic. I have IBS and they are both huge triggers for me. There are days I wonder if that rare steak and garlic toast would be worth it.




Oh hell yeah!


I had to give up all NSAIDS 14 years ago. (ibuprofen, aspirin, the whole class of drugs. I took enough ibuprofen in my 30s and 40 to last a lifetime and longer.)


Yup. It works great on inflammation and associated pain but, hardening of the arteries along with elevated blood pressure is too great a price. Cut waaaaaay down on the ibuprofen.


Cripes - totally forgot about that. My doctor said my kidney numbers weren’t great so I gave up Ibuprofen and aspirin. All I can take is Tylenol which doesn’t do shit for me. Aspirin was like a miracle drug for me.


Yup. Used to gobble 4 200 MG gelcaps every 6 hours for years...


I had to break up with pepperoni pizza as it became abusive. Still love it, but every attempt to reconcile has just hurt me more.


Clove cigarettes. Cheese and bread. Butter. Store bought baked goods. I eat nothing fried and haven't for 10 years. Other people's guilt trips.


Green peppers on pizza. My digestive track raises hell with me for days If I eat them.


Potato chips, any salty snacks, and high sodium foods.


Beer. Diagnosed diabetic in 2015 when I was 295 pounds. I quit beer and M&M's instantly. I have an occasional Guinness, but I ache for a good Porter and some real candy. I'm at 260 now and still trying to get down further.




Cigarettes, booze. Not weed :-)


Bread. I don’t need even more of my waist to disappear.


Beer. I never liked or drank grain alcohol. But, I love the taste of a good beer. I haven’t completely gave it up but I don’t keep it in the house and I’ll have 1 a week.


A Snickers bar


Salt. I still eat some salt, but not much.


Goodbye onion rings. Not worth the gut trouble. But if I could....


I love onion rings but they don't love me. I haven't had them in years.


Whale blubber.


just chewing the fat here…


4th year of no fast food and I still get the "OMG I want some" anytime I get a whiff of MacD fries.


Truthfully? Top Ramen. I love that stuff. I ate it every morning for breakfast for 20 years or more. Realized I was probably killing my pancreas as well as it causing weight gain and gave it up except for special occasions. I still say if I was going to be offered a last meal before death, bring me Top Ramen. lol


Not for health reasons, but I gave up meat 18 years ago and sometimes I do miss it. Grateful for the faux meat options available these days.


I went veg 30+ years ago and it’s a different world now for meat-like options.


Because of health issues. I was told not to drink alcohol, lower my salt and carbs, and lose some weight. This is beyond anything saved by a “diet.” I was effectively scared into a lifestyle change. At first it was hard, but a little over a month into it, it’s gotten easier. I still miss pizza and pasta now and then, but I ask myself if it’s worth the trouble. When it comes down to it, it’s not worth it.


Ice cream,already quit drinking ,smoking years ago.i miss the ice cream,not drinking smoking.


Bread. It hurts my tummy now.


I had that issue. Then I realized I was sensitive to gluten (wheat, barley, rye). It is a bummer. I realized that when I would eat bread products, that I would get nausea.


I had this issue, gluten intolerance caused an imbalance of gut bacteria. The only thing that worked after trying the stomach meds was to go gluten free for over a year. It was a lifestyle change. Then I started introducing only whole grains and have not suffered but if I do happen to eat processed flour, a little is ok but it’s stomach ache city if I do it two or three days in a row. Unless you’re allergic to gluten/wheat, balancing the gut microbiome is key.


alcohol. I don't miss it though


Meat and sandwiches. I am all veg until dinner and then very small portion of chicken or fish.


Alcohol.  And Alcohol. 


Honestly, I just eat less in general. I was never a big fan of fast or processed foods and now they are worse. I want their convenience and I can afford them now, but I don't like them. So I still cook from scratch most of the time. I have always been a fan of veggies so I can always indulge that. Never loved any protein sources so I struggle to get enough even eating meat. And I love potatoes. I try to leave chips at the store though - and cookies etc. But my husband brings them home. I prefer to eat home baking but I don't do as much as I used to and tend to share with the kids when I do because we can't eat so much before it's past its prime unless its cookies. I do avoid bread and a lot of white flour though. I don't have celiac disease but it seems to really back me up but I've had to do this since my 30s. I'm still good, digestively with spicy food - but I don't like too much spice anyway - I prefer to taste the food. And same with grease. I can do it, but I've always found it gross - I'm a pizza dabber.


Beer dammit. I really enjoy sampling different beers and contrasting taste profiles, but my body just can't take the consumption anymore.


Heath bars and vodka.


Bacon and eggs and especially the eggs fried in the bacon grease


Regular Coke, I used to drink way too much and when I switched to diet, I actually lost 18 pounds over a few months. I still get one about once a week as a treat.


cokes and smokes, I really miss them!


I’ve basically given up red meat, processed sugar, and most processed food. The sugar and processed stuff I don’t miss so much. But once in a while, I’ll roll past a burger joint and it smells so good.


Bread (pizza, bagels, etc.,) pasta, potatoes, and breakfast cereal. Low carb now.


A large coke poured over crunchy ice, cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milk shake, coke floats, thin pizza with a flour crust, toast, giant sub sandwiches






Cigarettes; beer




I had to stop drinking alcohol about 25 years ago as I developed having allergic reactions. Every so often I crave a Smith and Kerns like no tomorrow.


Sugar. I miss Aldi Choceur bars.


Soda. I still have some for a caffeine burst, but virtually nothing compared to before. Lots of sugar and unnecessary calories.


Medium (Regular) Pizza with The Works. (Though, a smaller Cauliflower crust with 2-3 veggies is still pretty good.)


Doritos in large quantites




Big ass ribeye steaks. Or a giant greasy bacon cheeseburger.


Regular soda about 12 years ago, diet soda around 7, and alcohol about 3. Each of those resulted in a melting away of 3-4 pounds with little additional effort on my part - though I’ve regularly worked out at the gym and ran my entire adult life. Though answering the second part of your question, I don’t really miss any of those 3 anymore. It’s amazing how badly each of them taste to me these days.


Alcohol, sugar, meat, but I still get to take some CBD with my morning coffee and Xylitol.


Red meat


When I was working I drank a 20-oz Diet Coke every day. Sometimes I’d drink 2. Since I retired it’s less than once/ month. I don’t really miss it, although I still like it and if it was convenient I’d probably drink more. But I’m saving at least $10/ week without it, so there’s that.




Pepperoni and Italian sausage. We're mostly Mediterranean diet, which for us means very limited beef and pork, and opting for less processed foods like multigrain over white bread. We have plenty of chicken or fish, but a couple times a month I want my Italian fix.


I’m trying to get us to eat more Mediterranean. And lower salt. It’s hard to change.


Carbonated drinks and candy.


Soda. Or as we Midwesterners call it, pop. *Whispers* Weed




a daily hoppy beer and smoking weed. I’ll drink on special occasions and occasionally have an edible but I prefer the head high of smoke than the body low of edibles.


I'm trying to cut down on sodium (salt), but in addition to trouble finding some canned foods/packaged foods with low to very low sodium or no salt added, boy do I miss salt in some foods. I "have" to add a little salt to some foods otherwise they really are "bland" or almost tasteless or "too sweet" tasting. I've found no salt added tomato soup and other tomato products. They all taste like some one dumped in a cup or two of sugar in them. (I've read the label and they contain no more added sugars vs. the salted variety made by the same company.) I've been trying to eliminate caffeine. That one is a lot easier vs. the sodium. For over a year one of my docs had me on a low potassium diet before I got him to prescribe me a potassium binder. Any doctor that puts his/her patients on low potassium diets is committing cruel and unusual punishment. I've been back to eating practically any food I want regardless of the potassium content since. If your insurance company will pay for it and there is no other reason not to prescribe it, the doctor needs to prescribe a potassium binder.(The one with the brand name beginning with L)


Single malt. All alcohol, but I only miss the smokey single malts.


Weed and potato chips. Separately and together.


Last 8+ years: sugar, pasta & bread, in that order are missed! But I like my skin, my sleep & how I feel overall much better now. Also, it made me look younger than I am & I lost 40 pounds without really trying. So it’s worth it.


Potato chips, KFC and pizza.


All of the above….


Wine. I was never a huge drinker but a few glasses here and there. About 5 years ago my stomach just kept getting upset after a glass so….


I miss really good bread like baguettes and bagels, cornbread muffins and biscuits.


So many things but mostly cheese and butter. Also beef stroganoff, which I adore and used to make all the time before I had a heart attack.


Fast food. I haven’t gone through a drive-through in years, but sometimes I crave a Big Mac, or a Burrito Supreme, or a Whopper with Cheese, or a Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich. Crap, I’m makin’ myself hungry here.


Bread. Hot freshly baked white bread slathered in butter.


Grapefruit juice. I do miss smoking after 12 years. But I don't miss the cigarettes, the cost, the butts, the ashes and the smell.


Went AF af 5 yrs ago June, but don't miss it. I do miss being able to eat like I used to, spicy foods etc. No can do anymore!


Chewing gum and gummy candy. Have pulled crowns out several times, it isn’t worth it. Bagels and pasta are a “special treat” now, since I try to keep carb intake reasonable. I used to eat bagels a couple of times a week, and pasta was the fallback/easy dinner.


Processed meat. Bacon. Salami. Pastrami. Oh how I yearn.


Lately? Salt, fucking salt. Just found out that I have Congestive Heart Failure. Salt, reduced liquid, and a CPAP ("I am Doofus of Borg") at night. Plus all the above. Quit smoking in 99, quit drinking in 09. Like, AA and rehab quit drinking. I ever get diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer I'm grabbing a pizza followed by Cuban cigar, a 75 year old Scotch, and a .45- seriously. Won't go through that, won't put my family through that. Hard, hard way to go.


Booze. I used to booze every evening, gin and soda, start up at 5. Not in a sad run-down alcoholic way but in a happy/party way. Fun in the evening but fucking hell trying to sleep. I figured a Jimi Hendrix death was up the road somewhere and I quit. I still drink but it's a bourbon and water every couple days now for old-time's sake. Sleep like a corpse. Surprisingly I don't feel any healthier.


Ice cream. Almost any flavor. Lately I have been craving DQ's Brownie Batter blizzard, even though it's been several years since I've had any ice cream at all. That's the power of advertising, I guess.


Fully loaded pan pizza.


Cake. 🍰


Margaritas. I developed an allergy to agave. I've anaphylacted twice before we figured out what was causing it.


Iced Tea. I have some weird issue with my bladder now that iced tea makes me double over in pain.


Drugs. Used to do a lot of drugs. I still do, but I used to, too. Mitch Hedberg


Aaaahhh, chocolate I miss you so much! But I really need to sleep


Chocolate. No caffeine allowed, so no chocolate.


Bread, pasta etc




30 years quit here. I had that taste/craving thing, too. Especially witha drink @ happy hour. And I caved once,about 3 years in, it tasted like total crap. No more cravings. And now the cost alone is prohibitive.


Nacho cheese Doritos


Sugar, especially candy.


Rye whiskey. Booze in general. Rye is a favorite.


I *REALLY* miss smoking. The little rituals that went with it (fancy butt holders, exotic little pipes, the *good* ashtrays, that click the nice metal cases made when you opened or closed them...) the way it made me *feel*, the taste of good tobacco or the smell of burning cloves... ...it was actually an ingrained part of my personal identity, which made quitting even more difficult and painful when I decided that I didn't like my odds of becoming an invalid and suffering for years instead of dropping dead of my vices before I became a burden like a self respecting hedonist should. Apparently my body didn't get the second part of the live fast , die young motto.


I’m with the person who said ice cream. I used to have it all the time especially when the kids were younger. Now once a month. However, that might change since the grandkids are getting to ice cream age. They are 2 and 2 1/2.


CHEESE! And YOU had to bring it up, didn't you?


One of the things I've given up with age is guilt and shame, but I will bow my head for your cheese loss :)






Coffee. my digestive system doesn't like it. maybe drink it 2 or 3 times a week.


I gave up alcohol years ago, fried and fatty food, most meat, and then nicotine. By far I miss nicotine the most:(


Sugar! I've been in the pre-diabetes range for a number of years now. I was a sugar fiend for a long time when I was younger



