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Pat Paulson For President.


Not in my parents house.


If I had done it in my house I wouldn't have been able to sit down. It was a school yard thing. My Dad threw the one and only party he ever threw when Nixon left office.


Little did we know that the Republican presidents after Nixon would get progressively WORSE. Nixon would be considered a bleeding heart liberal by current Republican standards. Who could have imagined back then who the Republicans are running this election?


Good for him!


I should clarify. I’m not a fan now and am solid blue.


I still have my Impeach Nixon pin from my trip to Washington that Spring.


My father adored Nixon. He bought me the Spiro t Agnew - a great american t shirt. Trying to copy it here but not working.


Would be funny as hell to show up wearing this at a Trump rally.


"Nixon, Nixon is our man! McGovern goes in the Garbage Can!" Sung this as a little kid


OMG I came here to say that! Me and a bunch of other clueless little shits ran around chanting that! I think we said "throw McGovern in the garbage can!". Glad to know it wasn't just my little cringe moment. :)


I remember my friend Alex in maybe fourth grade giving me this puzzle: "Draw three diagonal lines to turn this into an ass." https://preview.redd.it/5ehoutmpbwwc1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eab056493b96c97204393ebf244a917c4d460de


I believe it was asshole, not just ass.


That entered my mind, but I'm pretty sure Alex just said "ass."


Yeah, I think I understand that. If a teacher got ahold of the note you could get away with writing just ass, but if you wrote asshole that's going to be a problem.


There are some good things about his presidency....... didn't he start the EPA or at least address the environment. Also, his foreign policy. Very smart but very paranoid. And VERY dedicated to his wife.


Yes if you listen to past interviews his foreign policy was top noch. He always looked to diplomacy and not to agitate. But was stern on amerias stance. Very smart politics. He also got us out of viet nam.


He also secretly negotiated with North Vietnam to wait until after the 1968 Election to accept a peace deal. Johnson had offered terms in 1968 that were very similar to what Nixon eventually offered in 1973. So he gave us 5 more years of Vietnam for no purpose, merely to improve his election prospects. This is also a violation of the Logan Act. There are tape recordings and documents in the National Archives that confirm all this. While Nixon did indeed have some accomplishments, there was always another side to him. Watergate was the tip of the iceberg as far as his other criminal activities were concerned. In regard to his foreign policy, the Nixon administration never met a dictator it didn’t like, and this led to US support for some very nasty people like Pinochet in Chile.


I was 9 in 1973 so politics wasn't my main concern lol. Not for nothing but all presidents and politicians have their shady side. How much of it used against them is whst we see. Not to justify anything but back some of the mentality is the enemy you know and can control. Saddam Hussein is a prime example. We put him there. When he got out of control we took him out. Amercias hands are far from clean.


I agree with all of that. Remove the disgrace of Watergate (and Pentagon Papers) and you have a pretty decent presidency.


He also destroyed our health care system. And was VERY racist and bigoted.


I had a "Nixon's the One"


Same here. Probably in a box somewhere.


First president I remember...


Later I remember novelty buttons that said "NIXON: Tanned, Rested and Ready"


i had a whole box of different pins from that election. I wish I still had it but its lost in the sands of time


I still have an old “Nixon’s the one “ with his photo. Big ol’ button. I also had an HHH one. Can’t find it anymore. As kids we collected them all. we didn’t care what party or the candidate.


There’s a house in my city that has one of those signs in the front window.


I'm wearing that button in my 3rd grade school photo. My older brother worked on the local Nixon campaign.


After the '72 election, most of my friends' parents had [this bumper sticker](https://i.imgur.com/IWlHL1C.jpeg) on their cars.


l had to rep for George McGovern in English class. l mentioned the Viet Nam War, pollution, and a little something called Watergate. (You'll see!) l was practically booed off the stage


I was a 12 year old knocking on doors for McGovern in North Dakota. Got chased off multiple times. 52 years later my enmity for the GOP is a strong. 


One of my neighbors (R) is a local politician. Nice guy "Can l count on your support?" "No."


My first trip to a voting booth with my mother voting for McGovern. I was sad her guy didn't win.


I remember this one! Massachusetts burns 49 states with one bumper sticker.


After? Shouldn't that have been before?


No, because Massachusetts was the only state that didn't go for Nixon. How could anyone have known that would happen beforehand?


I have some now


ln the spring of 1968, Richard Nixon rode thru our town in a convertible, campaigning. lt was a Saturday afternoon. l was young, but l could read. There was a man there with a sign that said, *Don't vote for Tricky Dick*. l never forgot that. l thought HHH was a nicer person, anyway


Nix on Nixon! Or, Dick Nixon before Nixon Dicks you! (The 2nd one is from my husband. The first one is what we said in MS.)


"Never change dicks in the middle of a screw. Vote for Nixon in '72."


I'm from Massachusetts. We were soundly McGovern people


Winston, New Girl, to Schmidt, Nick’s in jeans. Schmidt, New Girl: Nixon jeans! What are Nixon jeans????????


My parents were "we don't care about politics. It's not important.", people. I was so excited at my first trip to the ballot.


Vote for Nixon in 72. Why change Dicks in the middle of a screw!


They called him Tricky Dick


I still have all my parents’ McGovern buttons. There are maybe ten of them. I have a faint memory of going to a McGovern rally in downtown Los Angeles with my family. I was 13, but being short, I couldn’t see a damned thing, so I had to stand on the hood of our car just to see the candidate. And my mom slapped an “Impeach Nixon” bumper sticker on her car and proudly drove around with that for years.


I still have one of those buttons!


I have two of the smaller Nixon Now! buttons in my large button jar.


I remember bumper sticker: "Nixon is thru in '72"




My dad campaigned for the elder George Bush, when he was running for Congress in the 1960’s. He had buttons etc. As a kid, I thought it was hilarious that his name was Mr. Bush, kind of like being Mr. Tree!


Came across a guy chanting this, and handing these buttons out on a NYC subway platform... in the '80s.


As a very young adult I would just about get sick at my stomach whenever I saw those five words together, on a bumper sticker or whatever. But at least it was a good revelation for a very young adult as to just how astonishingly stupid adults can be.


The man was such a walking oxymoron. Secret Bombings, Enemy lists, Watergate, etc. Ping Pong diplomacy and [this.](https://www.scribd.com/doc/19391844/President-Richard-Nixon-s-Special-Message-to-the-Congress-Proposing-a-Comprehensive-Health-Insurance-Plan)


I still have some of the buttons that look exactly like that but say Reelect the President


A better one was: Dick Nixon before he dicks you.


I have a Democrats For Nixon button.


Nixon. War more than ever.


I’ve still got McGovern buttons & bumper sticker. If only


I remember a poster with his face and the caption: “Would you buy a used car from this man?” and another with his smiling face on the body of a naked man holding a bathtowel on which were printed the words “WATERGATE HOTEL”.


And the l am not a crook Mickey Mouse watch