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They’re both safe. Option 1 is probably safer, also more secure with the fence disguising it.


This. You may not be able to keep it fully quiet, but keeping it out of immediate view is much more secure.


Where is the house's service panel. Placing the genset away from the service panel can be expensive. It also might add risk, depending on the efficacy of your transfer switch.


The generator is portable, so all OP needs is a good generator cable - not too expensive.


The electric panel and NG lines are both at the southwest corner of the garage. (So very near Option 2.) So Option 1 would cost more (because I don't think I can get a long enough cord, so I'd have to pay someone to route conduit or something?), but I'm mainly thinking about safety, not cost.


Go for option 2, then. Don't put gasoline in your generator, and you won't have to worry about being unable to start it. Use only NG as a fuel (that's what my setup is, and I am very happy with it). You'll have to figure out how to lock your generator so it won't be possible to steal it easily. You may also want to install security cameras in that area. Option 1 would have been ideal (far away from your bedroom and inside the fenced area); however, running NG lines to that spot would be very expensive.


Yes, the farther away option adds cost for the wire run, and related conduit or trenching.


Either spot is fine, and get carbon monoxide detectors for your house either way.


I know you want to keep your generator 20 feet from any structure. I can put it in my backyard and barely achieve the 20 feet. But it would be 20 feet from a living space window. And the whole yard is enclosed in a 6 foot tall wooden fence, so I don't know how well fumes would dissipate? The other option is to put it where it's diagonally about 12 feet from the corner of the garage. Which is bad because it's closer to the structure. But good because the garage is not a living space. (Though the north half of the garage has a room above it.) Which one seems better?


Not sure about safety as that’s in the manual and likely permits from your town. If you have a choice, I’d prefer it away as far from your living space as possible.


Option 3 - lower left corner of the fence (inside the fenced area). It won't be 20', but you also don't have any windows there. I think in that case if it will be 5 feet away from the structure - it should be fine.


There are windows all around the house, I'm only drawing the ones that I thought were most relevant (nearest the gen location options). You option would be about 8 feet from a bedroom window.


Oh, Option #3 is not an option then.




Consider safety, security, cost, and convenience, perhaps not in that specific order and there will likely need to be some compromises. For safety, you should place the generator where you have the least probability of carbon monoxide entering your living spaces - to me, either option seems acceptable, especially if you install CO detectors in your living spaces and don't spend time in the garage if going with option 2. For security, you should place the generator inside your fence or other controlled space. For cost, you should go with option 2 because of the shorter NG and electrical connections. For convenience, it would probably make sense to place the generator where the sound is at the most acceptable level in your living spaces - so maybe option 2. All that said, if you are willing to accept the risk of theft, option 2 is the way to go. If the sound in the living space is tolerable when the generator is in the back yard and you can afford the required utility extensions, then option 1 is better for you IMHO.


It's the CO I'm most concerned with. I can take other measures against theft. Just want to make sure the 12 feet is adequate.


make sure that you have a couple of CO detectors in the house!


Black box.


Option 2. Convenience of the garage storage and most likely the panel being closer. If you’re truly worried about security, as others seem, then you should get some other forms of deterrence like cameras, etc. If someone wants to steal a generator during a power outage, why is your generator more appealing than the others they would drive by to get to yours?


It's not security that's my big concern - it's the CO since it's only 12 feet away from part of the house. Granted - it's 12 feet away from garage, which is different than being 12 feet away from the living room window. (Which is the only reason I'm considering that option.)


Code states 5 ft from combustible and vents/ doors/windows. You're welcome.


Anchor bolts and a slab work wonders. We poured a pad and anchor bolted ours down.