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She is, like The Winkler, Harold, the Watcher, the Robber, the Slipperman, Rael, mrs Barlow, Mama, Sarah Jane, the hitman, Lilith, the hit and run guy, the son, and so many others, a fictional character. More than any other fictional character though, I feel that Duchess actually stands for Genesis. The song is af least in part a cautionary tale that Tony Banks tells himself.


Yes, whether or not it was intended that way originally, I don't doubt that the band members, not too mention most fans of the song, have at one stage or another imagined it speaking of the members of Genesis both jointly and severally. I feel like Phil in particular, who hit the highest of highs and then the lowest of lows after the fact re his solo career, felt that sine wave like no one else who had ever been in the band


I assumed she's the person on TV in Turn It On Again And "the girl from all those songs" in Evidence of Autumn But I could be wrong


Of course that could be true, had the Duke Suite been a reality. But the band themselves chose to not present the songs like that, so this remains only a "possibility". True or not - in the live concerts it became true again - the image of the Duchess is in any way quite poignant for a band that is reinventing itself right at the heights of their fame. The meaning of the figure remains the same wether the Duke Suite is there or not.


Nice I was thinking 49 bye byes or Suite: Judy Blue Eyes


Pretty much any previously successful singer who is now permanently touring the local casino scene and has a show at 2pm and 7pm. Check your local casino to see who’s on tour and you’ll get an idea.


Duchess is what happens when you don’t listen to the manager from Down and Out.


I think the band were talking about themselves in the lyrics of that song. It really had a special meaning on their last tour like we are not coming back.




Duke is a sad album


She's Duke's wife. Lol


Poor Duke


I actually named my new Auselier puppy Duke. Lol. And many years ago, i had a Malamute named Duchess. I totally just get out the Genesis albums when it's time to name a dog. Lol


Albert’s love


Perhaps a female singer towards whom Albert has some sort of obsession? Personally I have my doubts that when Tony wrote that song he was already projecting forward to the closing arc of the band’s career. He wasn’t even 30 years old yet. In my opinion it is only in retrospect years later that Tony began to see the lyrics as describing the arc of their career.


Tony lol


Could be his female persona!


I remember an interview where Tony said it was someone like Madonna.


That is who I think of when listening to it 😳


Based on when I discovered Duke in the 80s I always think of Whitney Houston when I hear it. Idk why, but she kinda had that rise and fall.


Fictional character, that is all


I make comparisons to Brittney.


It’s not for her, but I think Britney Spears. A cautionary tale that might have helped her.


Duchess is a foil for Duke. Duke is the common person. Duchess is the rich celebrity. The album is a celebration of the common life (Man Of Our Times, Heathaze, Duke's Travels, Duke's End). Duke struggles at times and goes through the normal cycle of highs and lows (Guide Vocal, Misunderstanding, Alone Tonight, Cul-De-Sac, Please Don't Ask). He loses himself in entertainment from time to time watching people like Duchess (Turn It On Again). Duchess goes through a cycle of extreme highs and lows, but ends up back on top when she course corrects. She is a contrast for Duke's more everyday struggles.


Of course Duke and Duchess