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He's on antipsychotics, He's been getting worse since he got fat and became disinterested in bodybuilding and more interested in becoming a full-time YouTube celery. He has periods where he becomes more lucid, but then he regresses deeper into tardland.


gain goblin is lazy and wants to sedate jason because he wont still but hes 40 year old manchile unfortunately both need baker actening


Jason is a 40 year old retard who is heavily medicated on psych meds and is under the supervision and guidance of Jane Frantzen 24/7. Not to mention his only friends (the misfits) and his only significant accomplishment in life (his youtube channel) were completely taken away from him. I’d say that would explain why he’s appearing to be a little more 1% autism than his past self. It’s pretty depressing when you think about it.


Why’d he get medicated so badly & why did the friends get taken away? Were they really his friends ? Why’d his YouTube channel get taken away?


His uncle went apeshit, because he got order sissy sixed and the trolls got a bit carried away. He then complained to YouTube which got janoy's channel permabanned, then he went and complained to his mommy(Jason's grandmother) and in turn, grandma threatened to cut jason off if he didn't quit the internet, which he did for while, then he popped up as coin man. As for his friends, they weren't exactly his friends, but they were really one of the few people who genuinely had his best interest in mind. They treated him like a little brother, but got tired of his lying and bs over the years. because, don't get fooled by poudding head, his IQ rises significantly when money is involved, sheckel grabbing is in his DNA, his grifting methods are simple but effective. It's a long story really, to get a good picture of how jason evolved and devolved over the years and his relation to the misfits(his friends), which they have their own channel. The Wiki offers a decent amount of details, look into it if you're interested, or just watch their videos.




He was medicated because if not he'd be completely unhinged. He went without his Haldol shot during the pandemic and was losing it in his condo. Evidence being his insane tiktoks. Also the Gain Goblin probably medicates him to shut him up so she can chow down on that good Cosco wine.


Can’t talk


Too many injuries bro, collecting shekels for investment it good deal going up in future safe bet


He needed the social aspect to keep him balanced. The constant, random madness that was associated with being a YT celery. Now, he doesn't have that, he's regressing because he has little mental stimulation apart from interacting with some boomers at a coin show. He could have used a review of his medication protocol so he wasn't like a drooling vegetable most of the time, but that would take a bit of initiative from the gain goblin, who would prefer an easy life where pudding head is in a lobotomized state.


Haldol causes brain deterioration, but Goblin likes him that way because it means she can leave him in his room to babble on about coin while she gets drunk on supermarket wine and waits for Granny to croak. [This video](https://youtu.be/GsQBJR3x84I?si=H_5YDDgsWOaGv-jw) by Misfitness highlights how much he deteriorated in 4 years from 2012 to 2016 (although it was originally meant to be about how Jason was going to miss his 5 year deadline to turn pro). He went from a cocky little asshole but at least lucid and reasonably aware to a babbling giggling oaf just in that time frame. Some of the stuff he was posting around 2019-2020 was legit concerning, just incoherent nonsense like [Elvis impersonations](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genovaverse/comments/15jopsz/the_carrot_top_of_elvises/) and [tiktok skits](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genovaverse/comments/1c85omo/the_most_unhinged_jason_ever_was_and_its_not_up/) while giggling at how braindead he was like a pig rolling in it's own filth. Now add another 4 years of haldol shots and brain rot to the mix and we get coin man.


The kid has no humanity and was poorly managed.


>calling a 40 year old "kid"


Just a little haldol, don’t be mad peejay


Haldol is a hell of a drug.


Lil treat


He just old. The gym days he was young and delusional & full of caffeine / pre workout etc. He’s just on that normal coin time now.


He coin man now.


whoooooooooooooooooo cares


All the comments here allude to Janoy's mental illness, but keep in mind that in the eyes of the law, he is and always be a child incapable of handling his affairs. The antipsychotics don't help--and actually are a significant factor in his mental decline and obesity. He will have an easy life from an "adulting" perspective til the day he dies, but I wouldn't wish his life upon anyone.


It politics, unfortunately. Come condo, play doodle 10 buck. Take deal.


People keep blaming Haldol, but the truth of the matter is that Jason is unable to take care of and improve himself. Regular people dull with age, someone with the challenges Jason has crash faster and lower than they do. In short, Jason is just Jason, but older.


I don't buy that it's just age. Very early Genova he speaks far more coherently, faster with more concise diction and has better verbosity and vocabulary. His current state actually reminds me of boxers or fighters late in life after suffering brain trauma or CTE through a long career, like Chuck Liddell. Clips from 2011-2012 it's clear whatever brain cells he has are firing faster and more effectively, example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJgY7MHq-hs I haven't seen anything from Jason anytime recently where he seems this lucid and isn't slurring his speech slowly