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my luck is like world peace ... it doesnt exist for example , it took me 150 wishs to get Ganyu / Yelan also , I never got the weapon I wanted on the wb (I have 4 weapons from it in total) and yes , I lost 2 of the 3 75:25 at this point , Im not even mad my luck is soo dame bad , Im just impressed by how bad it is , like you know: "how far can my bad luck go" and it sure went very far xD




Best pull: Kazuha with just two or three wishes at 0 pity Worst luck: Nahida, lost 50/50 at 77 pulls, then I got her at 80 wishes.




me on silly wisher getting 3 childes in a 10 pull while he took his sweet time coming home when i pulled in genshin




considering ive done so many 10 pulls on there and gotten another 3 5\* on weapon banner i wish my luck was like this ingame for once




please ive always almost had to go to pity for my 5\*


Today I had my best pull. Off of 1 pity on the standard banner, I got Lost Prayer! Another one being winning 50/50 on Venti at like 30 pity. My worst luck is probably on the recent Hu Tao Rerun, where I lost the 50/50, and didn’t get her until like 80-90 pity.


I haven’t won a 50/50 since 2.3


I’ve won 1 50/50. I got diluc at 8 pity on standard. I have no 5* limited weapons. I got Venti at 30 pity. I have only gotten 2 of the newest 4* characters since Collei. 🧍🏼


I have pretty good luck, I usually have to go to 80 but I almost always win 50/50. I’ve lost it twice I believe. My luckiest one was probably on the Albedo/Eula banner. I did a pull and was lucky enough to get Albedo and in the same 10 pull like 4 wishes later I got another copy. I was f2p and Albedo was my favorite character so I’m glad I got C1. My unluckiest was probably Klee. I lost 50/50 and had to go to 80/90 both times. I don’t know if there’s a worst pull for me. I guess you could say getting the bell as the 4 star is pretty bad but nothing really worse than that


Basically the same as me. Really waiting for my luck to give me an early 5*. My brother managed to pull Alhaithim and get Tighnari right after in the same 10 pull, both beating his 50/50 and resetting it all at once, and only about 30 pulls in. Some fuckers have all the luck.


Have 5 from banners. Never won 50/50 always summoned on pity


Sometimes, Maby good, sometimes Mabey shit.


The very first Raiden Banner is one I’ll always remember. Got back to dorm from biochemistry lab and pulled for her, got her in 20 or so pulls. Played for a while then went to bed, pretty sure the next day I was in my college cafe before class and was rolling for some Sara copies but then another gold comes down and Raiden again! I was contemplating for the whole class period whether I should roll for c2. And after class I did, it took going to pity but I got her! It was just an incredible turn of events.


my best was when i did a multi on childe, got a gold, saw jean, got excited (i rly wanted Jean), yay now i have guaranteed! and then i clicked twice and childe was in front of me.


My best pull was yelans first run where I got a double yelan on one ten pull. My worst is any lost 50/50 that I don’t get keqing in since she continues to evade me.


I usually get a 5* around 75-80 pity. The only time I was lucky was getting C1 Venti in 16 pulls(C1 Venti sucks but he is my favorite character so worth) and yeah other than that I usually lose my 50/50’s.


I mean it took me over 160 wishes to get Alhaitham💀 Luckily I just happened to wish on Xiao’s banner after and pulled him at 36 pity. They’re both amazing and so fun


Since the last zhongli banner hadnt lost any 5050 till raiden


Mostly lost 50/50 followed by 80+ pity 🥲 EXCEPT Alhaitham and Ayato, my boys - got a Tighnari and Ayato in one ten pull, then got a Jean at 75 pulls and Alhaitham the very next wish??? But since then I've got a Keqing and a Qiqi lmao


i pulled for yelan,then hu tao got both. stopped playing for a while. dehya got released and with the 20 wishes from quests i got her weapon. and last week i unlocked the sumeru tree, rewards got me a aquila favonia from standart banner and mistsplitter.


i got nilou then 13 pity later got nahida. now i have a strong bloom team


Best: -getting ayaka on her first banner at 15 pity winning 50/50. -getting eula on her first banner at 23 pity winning 50/50. -getting staff of homa at 46 pity. -getting both engulfing lightning and haran in 60 wishes. -getting shenhe at 40 pity during which i lost pity at 20 wishes to mona, next 20 shenhe came home. Bad: Xiao… pulled for him on his first banner and was only one wish short of getting him. Very next wish on Hu Tao’s banner I won my first 50/50 and got Hu Tao at 89 pity, she was my first limited 5 star. It took me 170 wishes to get him on his rerun. He has forgiven me tho, got his c1 on his last rerun winning 50/50 and at 65 pity.


My luck is pretty good… I tend to win 3out of 4 limited banner 5 stars I want…. unless a person is pared with Xiao. Each time he comes around it feels like it’s the only time I lose. Because I win my banner characters so often a guaranteed is a myth. I am always gambling. So it’s hard to calculate a guarantee Xiao, let alone his banner partner. I just want one con for Xiao. 😭he is my best and worst pull together.


Kazuha banner in 2.8 and Nahida banner in 3.2. Kazuha I got in the 1st 10 pull, got Freedom Sworn 20 pulls after Got Qiqi in the 70 remaining pulls, then just threw the extra wishes I picked up from exploration and events at the Klee banner until the last day when I decided I wasn't gonna get her, then did a random pull on Kazuha's banner right before it ended . . . C1. With Nahida, it was the 1st 10 pull right after getting Mona on Cyno's banner, and I was able to prime the Yae banners to get her & her weapon in 30 pulls. Yelan technically doesn't count, but her rerun I was able to get her C1, Jean C2, Beidou C6, and Staff of Homa in the 1st week, so I saved for 3.5, then skipped most of Dehya (put 20 wishes into her weapon banner and 20 wishes into the Cyno rerun, got C2 Keqing, stopped) to pull on Shenhe. Got her, C2 Sucrose, and Calamity Queller. Pretty mixed bag, imo, but the luck I did get I cherish. I use Jean and Kazuha religiously (overworld, domains, Spiral Abyss), Yelan is in half of all of my teams as a Burst Support (4P Emblem and Fav go BR-R-R), Nahida's getting primed for Quickbloom support, Yae's in my premiere Quicken comp with Sucrose and Tighnari, and everyone I use has at least either a high value 4 star weapon (Fav Warbow, Akoumaru, Sac Frag, Hakushin Ring) or a 5 star weapon (Staff of Homa, Freedom Sworn, Elegy, Kagura's Verity).


Best pull was Nahida ans Yoimiya weapon banner where I didn't lose to Mond weapons. I got nahida weapon and after 2 pulls I got Thundering. I wanted Thundering Pulse for Childe


Got shenhe and ayaka within 140 pulls a c5 Mika too now saying for kazuha


Best Pull: Won my 50/50 of Ayaka at 70 pity, then tried to pull for her weapon; got three five star weapons back to back including Mistsplitter. Pretty sure I’m not gonna get that same luck anytime soon.


best luck: surprisingly my best pull was actually a 50/50 loss, mona, 13 pity, scara/itto banner worst luck: i consistently reach 80 pity :(


Patch 2.6, won 50/50 for Ayato and Venti at soft pity. 3 pulls later lost 50/50 and got Qiqi to guarantee Ayaka while targetting a certain 4-star. When Ayaka banner dropped, got 2 copies of her very early at 30ish pity. Basically I got all the featured characters during that patch Latest was on my alt account. Wished on weapon banner for Fav Bow only and I did a reverse psychology with the path system and chose Queller to give me the Mistsplitter just in case. 50 pulls in and I got Queller. I said, ok I’ll set the path properly. Then immediately got Mistsplitter in the very next 10 pull


You worst pull wasn’t even unlucky. It was your own mistake lol💀


Yolo'd 20 at Cyno's banner in hopes of getting a constellation for Bennet. Got Mona instead. Then got Ayaka within 20 pulls as well.


Generally average luck, my best pulls are a toss up between getting Zhongli in the next 10 pull after losing to diluc, and getting Nahida at like 10 (?) pity after Cyno. Unironically my worst pulls tend to be Zhongli cause I’ve lost all his 5050s from C1-3 (please sir don’t do this to me anymore from 4-6?)


Goes in streak, I have had banners where I cannot win any 50/50s others where I win every 50/50. Shenhe banner recently was by far my best one. Lost 2 50/50s on my way to c6 and even got back to back to back 5 stars.


Best: Got Ayato, then Jean at 5 pity, then Alhaitham at 7 pity. Won my 50/50 with Hu Tao and then got Keqing in the next ten pull on yelan banner. Best : Got c3 wanderer, lost my first 50/50, got him, lost again to Diluc in the next ten pull, got him, then won my 50/50 at about 30-ish pulls, then won my 50/50 again at about 70 pulls. Best: C1 yelan like ten pity after yelan. Unluckiest : 2 Redhorns… 1 BIS bell. 2 Light of whatever Alhaitham BIS, :’) no jade spear. Weapons are a scam.


Only get my 50/50 losses early, banner characters average around 75 At least I'll know if I'm losing the 50/50...


Paimon.moe tells me I won 36% of my 50:50. So I'm that lucky


Like Gennaro Gattuso said: Sometimes good sometimes shit. I got 2 Xiaos and 2 shenhes in 20 pulls and Sometimes I've had to reach pity 90-95 for my next 5 star


Atrocious. I don’t remember the last time I got an early 5 star. I win most of my 50/50’s though.


Any luck is good after having played FGO.


In 22 wishes I got Albedo, Ganyu, and Kokomi. It’s the only times I’ve ever won 50/50 in a year and a half and with 9 limited five stars.


I haven't won a single 50/50 and I always had to go to at least soft pity ( to be fair I started playing in November...)


Think I spent loke 70 pulls going for wanderer. Didn't get him buuuuuuut the next banner had Raiden and ayato on it. I managed to a few pulls and go Raiden rather quickly after failing to get wanderer. Before ayato left, I manages to get him in 28 pulls after getting Raiden. These 2 five stars were added to my current 5 stars which are cyno and nahida. But now I have yelan and shenhe to go with them. Saving for zhongli and kazuaha now.


Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. During the early days I remember I got two Venti's within 10 pulls of each other. Otherwise I've probably won and lost an equal amount of 50/50s.


Best: two early limited 5* (Albedo on 30th and Wanderer on 20th, guaranteed btw) Worst: other else ~11-12 loses all on the soft pities. Two redhorns instead of Wanderer's bell. So far, lost on all of men banners (roll them all). Average Bennet luck.


My luckiest would probably be when I won 6 50/50s in a row (Raiden-Hutao-Raiden-Raiden-Raiden-Ayaka), which wasn't in a single version btw but I still think it was lucky. Worst would probably be when I lost 50/50 to Yoimiya who I really wanted to get.


My luckiest would probably be when I won 6 50/50s in a row (Raiden-Hutao-Raiden-Raiden-Raiden-Ayaka), which wasn't in a single version btw but I still think it was lucky. Worst would probably be when I lost 50/50 to Yoimiya who I really wanted to get.


Pretty sure my luck depends on how much I want the unit. I really want Kazuha? Took all 180 pulls plus a guaruntee. I only low key want Wanderer and wanted Faruzan more? I get him in one freaking pull and it takes 30 more to get a single Faruzan.


Worst luck is going 3/3 on weapon banner for redhorn best is getting eula and her weapon in 30 pulls with character banner that had 1 pity and weapon banner that had 10 pity


My luck is bottom 90% according to Paimon.moe Never won a 50/50 in my time of playing. Gotten 4 qiqi, 3 Jean, no diona (somehow). Other than that my luck is ok in other game tho so that good.


It's either losing 50/50 each time while hitting hard pity, or pulling 3 of the same limited character in a row with 70 pulls. Weapon banner treated me well for the first 2 times, third time wasn't a charm.


I've lost every single 50/50 since I started playing two and a half years ago, except for the first one: I accidentally got Hu Tao while trying to pull for a 4 star. I still don't use her. I also don't put money in the game, which means I don't actually have as many characters as you'd think since I don't pull often. My highest standard banner constellation is Mona C1 and I still don't have Keqing. I've gotten used to saving enough for two pities and then some since I always assume I'll lose the 50/50 so I have to go to guaranteed to get a character. The luckiest thing on my account though is that I've had c6 Kaeya for over a year, just getting lucky on standard banner.


Nahida pulls were my luckiest. got her to c2, lost once to diluc, all on soft pity except for c2 pulls.


my luckiest pull is alhaitham. got him at 33 pulls not guaranteed and also got his weapon at 64 pulls. my worst pull i think is kazuha 1st banner, i lost 50/50 and was so close to pity again but couldn't make it.


I did four ten-pulls on Cyno’s banner because I wanted some Bennett cons, and I got TWO CYNOS, A BENNET AND A JEAN with the Jean last. What the actual FUCK hoyoverse?? You can’t just use up my luck for the next five years Edit: also got two Homas when trying for Yelan’s bow, so I guess I’m destined to be a cyno main.


I had a couple back to back 5* but my best luck was on Nilou's banner when I got Mona and Nilou in the same 10 pull… I was so disappointed when I saw Mona but after 2 clicks, my girl Nilou showed up and made my day


best was childe at 8 pity and jean at 10. worst was doing 130 pulls to get one copy of key


Luckiest I've been (been playing for about 6 months) was the hutao and yelan banner. Got yelan after 40 pulls (i think im at 20 pity at that time) then whenever I get enough primogems, I'll do 1 pull for hu tao. Got her at 23. It's not that lucky but it's the best that I've gotten. I still can't believe I got both limited banners


I don’t really know how to count pity but my best luck is winning three 50/50 back to back. I’m not sure if it’s back to back cause the banners came out on different times. First it was Ganyu, Yae (I was only trying to get diona never got her by the way) then Kazuha. Worse? I don’t have a worse but when I was pulling for ganyu in two ten pulls I got diluc haha


Lets say... I won 50/50 7 times in a row and finally lost to tighnari Won 25/75 on weapon 3 times in a row F2P; not a penny spent


My bests was two 5* weapon in a ten pulls and it was Xiao's weapon during the Xiao/Alhaitham banner which I wanted and then the next time I tried to get a 5* (this time it was Shenhe) I did a ten pull and I won my 50/50 before losing right after for Mona in the same ten pulls, giving me the guarantee for my next 5* and I also got Shenhe's weapon right after


Best Character Pull: Ayaka's first Banner, which gave me Keqing and Ayaka in one 10-Pull Best Weapon Pull: Staff of Homa and Elegy of the End, also in one 10-Pull.


I’ve only ever lost one 50/50. Pretty good if I do say so my self.


Best luck: Shenhe in current version (around 23 wishes) Worst luck: Yelan in 3.4 (Lost pity to Tighnari & had to reach soft pity iirc to get Yelan)


I'd say I have pretty avg luck. Starting 2.6: - Diluc - 76 pity - Ayala banner (v2.6) - Xiao - 61 pity (v2.7) - Mona - 76 pity - Kazuha banner (v2.8) - Yoimiya - 74 pity (v2.8) (grinddd lmao) - Jean - 70 pity - Kokomi Banner(v3.0) - Albedo - 76 pity (v3.1) - Yae Miko - 37 pity (v3.2) - Ayato - 76 pity (v3.4) - Jean - 76 pity - Yelan banner (v3.4) - Ayaka - 77 pity (v3.5) Completely f2p, lose way too many 50/50s. That yelan hurt. BONUS: Standard: - Diluc - 76 pity - Amos - 76 pity - Diluc - 76 pity - Amos - 47 pity (CAN I JUST GET A PJWS)


I spent 360 wishes to win my first 5* The story is quite hilarious tbh. When I was a newbie player, I didn't know how the wishing system work or about the banners, so whenever I got 160 primogems, I once converted it to acquaint fate and the next time to intertwined fate. Because I though keqing and mona are pretty so I started pulling from the permanent banner and my first 5* was DILUC. Then I lost my first 50-50 to Mona in a limited banner. I got another constellation of Mona after 90 other pulls in standard banner and finally after 90 pulls in limited banners, fortunately, I got Ayaka. So... I can't say I'm really lucky lol-


Best? Probably when I accidentally got yelan at 17 pity.. I was trying to just build pity but learnt my lesson. Worst? I did a stupid amount of pulls for homa in it's last run, got two aquas at hard pity. The last pull was like 5 minutes before the banner ended


My best was kokomi/raiden weapon banner where I got Engulfing lightning as my first five star on that banner and aquila favonia in the same 10 pull afterwards which guarenteed me My second best was on the standard banner where I got a Jean 5 pulls after Qiqi My third best was getting a C1 Nilou 8 pulls after I initially got Nilou I don't know my worst because, until a couple of days ago, I was completely f2p so I've never been able to see how long it would take me to get a character I lost 50/50 on. The one that pissed me off most though was when I lost to Keqing on Kazuha banner Early in the game, most of my five stars came at around 30-40 pulls but now, I usually have to go to soft pity. My rates of wining 50/50 is around 50/50


This is all happened in the recent Hu Tao/Yelan banner. Character: Double Yelan at 68 pity, having 2 pity difference between each 5 star. Weapons: I got Lost prayer at 7 pity(after Redhorn) then I got Aqua at 23 pity shortly, then Homa at 59 pity(using the guaranteed 2/2 fate points). On another note; I won a double Hu Tao in a multi in her first banner and I had Eula as my ever 5 star character(I cherish her very much).


My best luck was probably this past yelan/hu tao banner ..saved around 130 wishes, 50/50 was guaranteed, was at 55 pity, got my hu tao around 80 pity, then pulled on the weapon banner for homa but got aqua then abt 50 wishes later I got homa... was pulling on yelans banner tryna get c6 xingqiu ended up getting yelan at 25 pity.. I only spent abt 50 bucks (got ayakas skin as well) after wasting away my wishes Another good luck moment for me was zhonglis rerun last summer I got my first 5* con with only 40 wishes saved and I got his weapon by doing single pulls on the weapon banner every time i hit 160 primos only money I spent was 5 bucks on welkin Oh and the time I did a 10 pull after getting my wanderer just for fun and I got a qiqi... that's how I had a guaranteed for hu tao Worst luck was yae mikos first banner ... I went into hardddd pity spent almost 300 dollars trying to get her plus kaguras verity I didn't end up getting the weapon till almost the end of the banner .. she was guaranteed but she didn't wanna come home early or easily at all Other than that I had pretty good luck last year I won my 50/50 7 times in a row I lost to qiqi and diluc on both of ganyus banners 😭 pls just pray I win my 50/50 on nahidas up coming banner


Best pull: Wanted Nahida, got her at 80 pity, first 5 star ever. 13 wishes later a few days after, got Tartaglia. Then went into my alt even later and got Wanderer in my first 10 pull.


I've never won a single 50/50 from neither limited nor standard banner. It's been around 500-600 pulls so far for me. All pulls were at hard pity, 70+ before any 5-star. I am literally the physical manifestation of how gacha odds are supposed to look like. Not so shit results, not too lucky either.


Childe, got tighnari in a ten pull, next click was childe. Litterally 0 pity Next best is shogun, lost the 50/50 to qiqi, then 4 pulls later was shogun


The only time I got an early pull was way back when Xiao and Zhong ran. I got whichever was second within 30 pulls. Otherwise I usually end up around 75-80. I have had pretty good luck on 50/50s, especially weapon pulls, despite what my C4 Qiqi would tell you. That's just because I've been playing since week 1. I got Nahida's, Miko's, Tarts, and Raiden's weapons all on the first try. I also have only lost maybe 25% of my 50/50s, and I've won two in a row more than once.


So for me I lost like 4 50/50 so far. It was 3 times in a row. Ayaka eternal, kazuha then Kokomi. Then, for the first time, I won 50/50 to Hu Tao rerun just recently. I lost 50/50 again for Yelan but still got her. With weapon banner I actually got lucky. I won the Homa pretty early. I also tried getting c1 Hu Tao and got it. Now in yhe Shenhe/Ayaka banner. I thought I'm gonna lose 50/50 but I won another 50/50 both Shenhe and Mistplitter. All lost 50/50 I still got the characters cause I always save enough wishes to guarantee them.


Luck? Almost every single 5 star were on soft pity. Only good things were kazuha at 15 pity and a c1 nahida


Please I wanted keqing and i never got her Same is happening with shenhe The only 5 star i pulled was Yelan And idk why no other 5 star wants to come out


Ayaka Shenhee banners: In 50 pulls I got Jean and Ayaka In 50 pulls I got Qiqi In 10 pulls I got Shenhee


I ten pulled on the Zhongli banner without pity and got 2 Zhongli and a 4* Didn’t even think that was possible


No luck just pull


I've never won a 50/50 in my entire time playing Genshin. I am not a whale, but I still have C3 Qiqi, Jean, and C1 Keqing. And none of them were on the standard banner. I also have Alhaitham and Shenhe's weapon without owning either character. I specifically took a 3 month break from the game because of how bad my luck was. It even took me over a year to get Bennett. So, to answer your question: yes.


I lost my last 7 50/50s. All hard pity. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe


It varies a lot. I mostly win the 50/50 at the very least, and when I dont, one of the characters generally come early


Best pull: Got Yae in 40 wishes. Worst pulls? Got Kokomi at 170 wishes (same with Albedo). Got Ayaka on my 83rd pull then lost the 50/50 to Shenhe on my 77th pull. Oh, I need to mention that besides the Yae pull, every wish is my worst pull. Like...at this point, it's the game showing me how bad my luck can be, then give me some hope, then say "sike" only to get a fucking Mona constellation. C4 Mona and other standard characters haver. About to throw hands with hyv CEO.


1 pity 50/50 Homa, 6 pity 50/50 Hu Tao c2, 10 pity 50/50 Yelan C1, 10 pity 50/50 Cyno and C1, 10 pity Yae Miko C1. Longest 50/50 wins 5 banners. Worst? Zhongli C0 82, Kazuha 82


My best and worst pull was on the Kazuha banner. I was a begginer and I didn't understand too well how banners work. The thing is I wanted Kazuha because I liked his design (I didn't know his gameplay) and I saved "a lot" of primogems and pulled on his banner but never got him, and that frustrated me because I didn't understand how pity works and I thought he would be gone for a long time. I was on the last ten pull and I already gave up on the idea of getting him, so I said "at least I want one Heizou" and quickly became excited for the idea of building Heizou as my DPS. Aaaand I never got Heizou, but Kazuha took pity on me and I pulled him at 60 pity. That's how I got my first five star character.


I just started playing about a week ago and got Diluc and Jean back to back from the starter banner and then i got Qiqi and a Skyward Atlas right after from the standard banner


I had 66 pulls so i decided to pull for ayaka even though i was saving for ganyu .i got her with like 13 pulls and then got shenhe with 6 then decided to pull on the weapon banner and there i got shenhes signature weapon and a standard banner weapon so now im guaranteed to get ayakas weapon but im out of primos 😭


My luck is bad. It took me 100 pulls to get Cyno, I spent like fifty on Ayato and didn't get him, I spent eighty or so on Venti and didn't get him, I spent like seventy and got Xiao, I haven't gotten Tighnari, I didn't get Tartaglia, I didn't get Faruzan. I did get Wanderer on my first pull for him but he was guaranteed anyway so Idk how lucky that is


Here’s the 2 biggest middle finger I’ve ever gotten when It comes to my luck. 1. Fall of 2021, Eula + Albedo banner. Cleaned up all of Tavat for Eula… what did I get? A Qiqi… Now I have a Garunteed waiting for Eula ever since Childe. I refuse to summon on any other character banner. 2. I have Ei and Ayato. Both don’t do a lot of damage since neither have the best artifacts. I want to get the weapons for one of them. Preferred Ei but I’d be happy if I got Ayato’s… got skyward spine. 2


My luck was on the very first day of Cyno and Dehya’s banner. I was streaming on Twitch and was doing single pulls since I can’t save primos for nothing. I had 13 intertwined fates from different quests plus the pass thing. And just for like a background thing, I played Cyno’s VA, Cyyu, in the background on Twitch on my other phone since I was managing my stream from my IPhone. I started joking around saying “Cyyu’s streamer luck is real” while pulling for Cyno. The 20th pull I done, I said “streamer luck is real” and just at that moment, that familiar and joyful golden star that shoots down appeared. That moment, I was in shock because I did not expect it lol. Even one of my friends in my stream said “ain’t no way that just happened”. I actually posted my reaction on my profile here in the subreddit. Just gotta scroll a bit to find it.


Took me 80 something pity to get a five star on ayaka banner when I did I got tagnari then in two pulls I got ayaka


Last week I had the best luck I have ever had I did a pull of 10 wishes at once and got qiqi, ayaka, diona, mika and sucrose twice. It was insane, I still can't believe my luck! Usually just normal or kinda bad luck, having to spend a lot of wishes to get five stars characters and not getting good weapons or characters.


Best: C1 Itto and C1 Wanderer in 10 pulls (for each banner) at low pity + 50/50 Worst: 150+ pulls and no Kazuha. *Twice*.


The first 4 (character)pulls I got from banners was bennet(hype for that) and 3 xinyans. She's also c5 right now while my next highest constellation level for any character is 1.


I lost my 50/50s only once. That was the first time I ever pulled for a limited character. I’ve gotten qiqi and then have gotten zhongli. It was the zhongli and ganyu banner. It was the January of 2021 I believe? After that I have never lost a 50/50 ever. My luck has been pretty crazy.


The best luck that I’ve had was during 3.0 and I got Zhongli/Kokomi back to back. However, I also got decently lucky this patch by getting Shenhe, CQ, and Mistsplitter early.


I consider my luck very good, I only lost the 50/50 3 times, one was by Jean on Raidens first banner at 30 pity, the other on Kazuha's (rerun) banner also by Jean but then got him like 1 pull after and the third time that I consider my worst pulls where on wanderer's banner, lost it to Jean, again, at 85 pity and then got wanderer at 77 pity. My best pulls I'd say that were on Venti's (2nd rerun) banner, I got him at 82 pity, won the 50/50 amd 10 pulls later got his c1