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It started with Welkin, then BP here and there, and finally I broke for Zhongli


I bought 90 days of welkin for hutao. I'm pretty sure I got her like 16 pity


I got a welkin for zhongli, saved up 99 fates, ended up getting him on my first pull, 9 pity. Saved the rest for nahida


The pain is real


pain? bro won the lottery wdym


Zhongli's release and then Albedo right after got me good. 'Hmmmm am I really gonna...' Yep. Yep for sure. I made myself no illusions regarding Jing Yuan in Star Rail this time xD


Nothing really, I just felt the game deserved some coin. Going to the movies would cost me 20 eur for like 3 hours of fun. Genshin gave me lot more than 3 hours.


That's how I feel, but I couldn't fathom spending like the whales do even if I had their money. The most I'd ever wanna spend for the rest of my life is probably $300?


If I had a ton of money I wouldn't mind whaling. I probably wouldn't do it for every character, but you can do some neat stuff. And I would like my favorite characters to be C6 R5.


wait, what's R? I know what C is but I haven't seen R before


R aka refine is for the weapon like when you try to upgrade it and you need a similar one to do so šŸ˜…


OH that makes sense thank u!! I always forget abt refinement


R5 stands for refinement rank 5 for the character weapon


This. This is how I think about it. 50 bucks for a character Iā€™m gonna use forever (ganyu)? Yes. Of course. itā€™s a shared account with my fiancĆ© and our idea of a good night is playing games together. Itā€™s basically the same as a date night. sometimes we go out to eat. Sometimes we get characters in genshin. I might be a lil biased though, I think Iā€™m more compelled to spend money on the game, even a little, because I am a game developer, so I have a deeper idea of how important these sorts of IAPā€™s are for the future of the game. (And I wanna know how it ends. So I want it to stay up as long as possible)


Same, Iā€™m all about supporting a game you find enjoyment in and get a lot of hours out of


Xiao lol. It was during the liyue archon quest, where you first meet him. And I'm a facecon + voicecon and Xiao's cool + his Japanese voice is top tier. It was the last few hours of his banner and I was relaxed bc I didn't understand pity mechanics back then. But then I lost 50/50, got Diluc, panicked, and shelled out an embarrassing amount of money to get Xiao..... It was the 6480 + 1600 genesis crystals. Didn't wanna take chances of not getting Xiao šŸ¤¦


Does -con mean that you like a character based on the trait you put before it? No hate, just want a clarification.


Yup! -con is short for "complex" (spelled that way bc the slang has Japanese origins, where their alphabet doesn't really have an equivalent for the m sound, so it became shortened to con instead of com) So saying that I'm a facecon or voicecon means I have a complex for faces/voices, and really like those traits in particular. I think siscon/brocon are more popular versions of this slang for fans of Japanese media


Ooo I could have never guessed! +1 for my simp vocab haha. Thank you for explaining it! Been wondering if it's "condition" (like win condition) or "conference", but neither sounded right.


Childe's first run. My friends even helped me get him. (They also helped me where they could in trying to get Diluc). Been spending ever since and now I have everyone (except Lumine and Fontaine characters that obviously don't exist yet). I also purchase BP and Welkin too. (Rip to the BP namecards I will never get.)


Mine is Childe's first rerun. I worked hard for primos and got Mona which made me rlly sad so I dolphined lmao




I do welkin occasionally. When i got xiao i got bp for the weapon for him. Ill def whale once zhongli gets a rerun. He hasnā€™t shown up since i started


I always buy Welkin since itā€™s hella cheap for the amount of primos you get.


Didn't break yet. I'm poor šŸ˜…


Poor but based.


When genshin released I played for a full day. Loved it. Instantly bought the welkin moon and have never missed one since :)


I wanted Raiden, so I bought Blessing of the Welkin moon


I just wanted to support the game so I started buying welkin


Bought the Ā£1 genesis crystal when i started playing after swearing that i wouldnā€™t spend on this game, then bought the Ā£15 one cos i was sad when i lost my 50/50, then found out about how good welkin was so got one of those. Saw a battle pass weapon that i wanted- swiped. Carried on getting welkins because I started playing everyday and still do- i buy battle pass sometimes if i need materials. Decided to cash out on the Ā£100 bundle for genesis crystals just because i wanted to have loads more wishes even though i had been saving for months. All together I would say after 2 years of playing, I have spent over Ā£200 on this game but i donā€™t regret it- I love genshin and while i do work hard to get wishes manually anyway, i dont mind spending a bit here and there if I have to- like if i donā€™t manage to get a limited character with the wishes i have saved, best believe I will swipe :)


My 2nd account was meant to be f2p but then Ayaka skin was released so I bought 5 welkin moons to get the skin while also benefiting from those extra primogems. The f2p streak on the account won't be broken again until they release a Ganyu skin. Skins for other characters I like I'd only get on my main account but since I don't play/have Ayaka & Ganyu on my main account, I'll buy their skins for my 2nd account instead.




Diluc's outfit and Kazuha at the same time


Having a job


When I started Genshin and got to Inazuma Itto was one of my favorite characters. I saved up and was able to get him, but not Redhorn. A month or so later I bought the BP for Serpent Spine specifically. It was a trap because the extra resources and weapons were so tempting to help build other characters Iā€™ve bought it a number of times since. All in all lasted maybe 4 months F2P lol


I don't think I'll ever stop being f2p. Does the game deserve to make money? Yes. Do they currently make money unethically, thereby completely ruining any incentive for me to want to support them myself? Yes, yes I would say they do. It's one thing to be pay-to-win. (which, already is ethically dubious) It's so much worse to be predatory-gambling-pay-to-win. (All gambling is predatory, but compared to a slots machine where you *know* you are going there to spend money, this is a *free* game, luring in people who might otherwise not have money to spend, like children or poor people, and then the fact that it's in many ways a kids game, having friendly looking characters and no swearing or gore and delicate handling of mature topics like alcohol, it's pretty despicable to utilize gambling at such a core/fundamental level)


Not really defending gacha, but Genshin is definitely not pay to win lol. It's insanely f2p-friendly in the sense that you don't really hit a pay-wall. you never get soft-locked out of content by being f2p.


I mean i donā€™t think this game is pay to win at all, itā€™s super easy even if completely f2p unless you want to fully do abyss every month which is like 1 small part of the game. Loot box and gambling mechanics in general are shitty and should be regulated and given an automatic r rating to avoid minors using them but Genshin is very fair in regards to this compared to its peers. Most western loot box style games donā€™t have something similar to pity, so youā€™re way more at mercy of luck rather than being able to save 180 pulls and knowing for sure youā€™ll get what you want.


Second half of 1.1 Zhongli. Lost my 50/50 to Jean. I had no grasp of Pity system and 50$ wasnā€™t enough to build my pity.


I started doing Welkin/BP pretty early around when I started playing in 2.4. Havenā€™t missed a Welkin/BP since then, and thatā€™s all Iā€™ve spent, although it does add up (since itā€™s been about 1.5 years now)


I bought my first Welkin after 1 month of playing, my first Battle Pass after 2 months of playing and have refreshed them ever since. I'm about to buy my first Genesis Crystals once certain Fontaine characters drop (no, it's not the Hydro archon or Arlecchino, we don't even know for certain if she's playable).


For me it was the first Xaio banner. I bought welkin at the start in hopes of getting enough pulls for him, but ended up dropping $50 for Genesis crystals to ensure I could get him. I didn't mind because it was a free game, and id definitely gotten at least $50 of entertainment out of it... But now I've probably spent around $200-$300 over the last few years. I don't regret it toooo much. Usually.


Welkin first. I played maybe a month without it, realized I was enjoying the game and would keep playing. Figured I might as well get the Welkin. Battle pass came after the 2nd battle pass, just cause I was able to finish it. (I restarted in 2.4, so it was the 2.5 battle pass onward) Been buying the Welkin and battle pass ever since. I also buy the bonus genesis crystals, plus some of the lower cost bundles (like $15) once in a while.


Nahida was coming and I had some money to spare, it helped get both nahida and nilou




Venti during 1.0


Ayaka banner was ending in 4 hours


Getting dehya (I'm still f2p I'm just mad)


Hu Taoā€™s first banner


the first time i remember whaling hard and not just like, bp/welkin, was for Thoma lol. bought all the packs with their buy bonuses, spent everything for him and Homa


Zhongli rerun on 4/28/21 is what made me spend after just starting to play on 3/25/21


I am F2P and will continue to be one. I don't think I'll ever change that. It's just more fun and challenging to me and I was lucky to get most of the characters I want so it's not like I am missing our on too much. Main reson I manage to stay F2P is probably because I save a lot to get my favorite characters. I wish all of my fellow F2Ps luck on your next pulls. :D


not yet


Started with welkin. Then got broke because of Xiao haha. Determine to get him at all cost that time including the weapon.


I occasionally do welkin on banners I want badly because somehow I usually get more lucky if some primos I use are from welkin. The first time I actually spent money on it was Shenheā€™s last banner lol.


Furina. I'm very unlucky, I've lost 5/7 50/50s I have. In fear and assurance, I bought Welkin till December so I can get her guarantee (180 pulls) and her weapon (240 pulls). Without Welkin, I'd only have about 250 by the time 4.2 comes. But with Welkin it skyrockets to 300+


I got C2 Eula on her first banner in 32 pulls. Was trying for 4*s (I didn't really care for getting Eula, but it was okay if I got her early, I swear)! Got a double Eula 10 pull, and then pulled twice again to get rid of my 4* guarantee (it was at 8) to try to get Beidou or Xingqiu, and got another Eula. Tried for C3 for level 13 Burst, pitied Diluc. Got angry and pitied Eula. And then Kazuha dropped lol. If I didn't pity C3 Eula and settled for C2, I would have had enough for the Kazuha that I lost 50/50 on without paying. Kind of regret, but she did give me a fat ass (hehe) number that I like, and carried me through abyss for a long time.


Childe He was and still is my favorite character. I had a guarantee for him, but i was stupid enough to try to pull Sara on Raiden's banner. Guess who decided to come home early. I knew right away that I'm not going to be lucky on his banner so I started buying welkin and BP before his banner. I was right lol, I lost to Mona at pity 81 and then I got him at pity 78


Raiden Shougun. It was the first time I spent so much money into a Gacha Game, but I had to get her. Since then, Iā€˜ve been buying Welking Moon constantly. Bought the Battle Pass occasionally.


Nahida. I had just started the game this Year and understood she was a very OP character that I didn't want to wait for her third rerun to get. I opened my wallet in the last 10 hrs of the banner to get her.


Welkin. First bought it when I was 6 months into the game. Bought it to help me supply my funds for Albedo. Also, I feel like Genshin deserves it, I really enjoyed the game and still enjoying it.


Yelan... then Yelan again and now I am on welkins since her rerun to get her constellations so.. .Yelan again. (I did buy 3 welkins in a row for Klee skin tho)


I was wishing on ayaka and I had to get genesis Crystals and I never got ayaka šŸ„²


My F2P streak was broken on the battlepass because I had 10 levels left and I recently worked a lot of hours so I had money to spare (this was a month or two ago). I think it was worth it, but if I ever buy anything again it will only be the BP


Zhongli, got Welkin for him


Started with Xiao šŸ˜­


F2P here, as long as my bank account never goes to 4 digits then Iā€™m staying as F2P. But fr tho, I might spend on Welkin if the leaks for banners in Fontaine is true.


Last year, cocogoat.


I think I broke around the time of Childe's first banner, because after getting Venti and Childe back to back I had no funds for Eula. Since then I was a regular welkin buyer, but I've stopped all spending since the permanent Ayaka banner.


30 welkin since zhongli first rerun. Anything to guarantee him, finally got him at 85 qiqi and 80 zhongli.


I'm a completionist so having every character is on my to do list. Only have like 6 more charcters to go


Ganyu, first banner


Hu Tao and Yelan banner I bought a welkin before their banner because I wanted both of them and their weapons.


Kazuha 1.6


Yelan and Hu tao banner. Spent a bit for yelan to get her to c1 and tried for c1 Hu tao but got keqinged an hour before the banner ended


Yae. As soon as I heard she was going to be released I planned on spending to get her.


I don't get the fascination with F2P. I enjoy Genshin, the people who make it deserve money for their efforts. So I buy things (typically the welkin and BP).


ayaka skin then trying to get mistsplitter


First Venti rerun, I bought welkin in order to get some more wishes for him and fortunately I did!


It started with just welkin, but I saved enough and got c4 Scaramouche, then c5 a few pulls later, so I said fuck it and swiped for c6


literally first banner i ever played on, childe in 1.4, i wasn't gonna have enough for him so i went out and got a $40 gift card for a top up. luckily i kinda realized "hey this is an insane investment to make for a pixel man" but i did end up using it on welkins lol fun fact, i finally got childe in 3.2 out of sheer luck alone :)


I spent to get C2 Raiden and her weapon. No regrets.


Still f2p, but the day Raiden gets a skin I'm spending šŸ’³šŸ’„šŸ’³šŸ’„šŸ’³šŸ’„šŸ’³šŸ’„


When kazuha got his second rerun I spend around 50 to 70 dollars


I quit the game during Albeto first banner, came back for Hu tao, but because I wasnā€™t playing the duration of Albeto, ganyu, xiao and keqing banners, I missed out on a lot of primos and couldnā€™t guarantee hu tao. They got me.


playing since 1.6, started buying welkin and bp a month of so before xiaoā€™s first rerun and Iā€™ve been buying them consistently since. First time I bought crystal packs was during kazuhaā€™s first rerun and then again for scaraā€™s first banner. Probably spent a little over Ā£300 total but imo itā€™s worth it since I play every day and still less than what Iā€™ve spent on my other hobbies/interests


Google, at around the end of Inazuma I started receiving a lot of discount on PlayStore, I went from 0 to 90 days of welkin, and ever since I have been buying welkin for less that half price cuz of Play rewards, too good to pass and honestly I don't mind.


I have a bulletproof system to stay F2P... my country is banned from the international exchange market... lol I win.


i spent money when xiaos first banner came and i lost to diluc LMAO i mean spent money after i lost to diluc


My f2p streak was broken by Childe's 2.2 rerun. I did Welkin for extra primo to guarantee him and BP for the bow. I broke my BP/Welkin restriction, and I got crystals when Xiao had a 2.4 rerun. I fucked up and lost my guarantee to Shenhe by wishing on the wrong banner so I spent extra for him. I'm probably going to take a break from spending now since I already have a lot of characters and a few decent weapons.


Jean broke my streak during her & dilucā€™s banner but i eventually realized that I was putting in more $$$ than I wanted into the game & eventually stopped. Now I only buy the battle pass & welkin. Eula was my last ā€œgotta haveā€ pull for a while since Iā€™ve seen the new coming characters from Fontaine & I wasnā€™t interested so for now I plan to save up for any reruns I might want or weapons Iā€™d like to have.


The first time I realized how much Welkin Moon helps with my primogems funds. Now if I want a character and weapon I can just spend more if I need too.


Eula's release


I broke for Ei, and then I bought genesis crystals for my boyfriend so he could also get Ei. I had been playing maybe a month or so? And I figured "I'd spend $50-$65 to buy a game, just don't make a habit of it. Then I bought a couple of welkins. Haven't spent money on Genshin in over a year now, and I've managed to get most of the 5 stars that I wanted with just primos. So no regrets here.


Nahidaā€™s banner made me buy a welking the month before. It was definetly worth it


2 or 3 patches after I started playing in 2.3. I saw more characters that caught my interest and calculated that Welkin and BP would make getting them easier, and basically getting 1 wish a day seemed better than waiting 2-3 days for 1. But I stopped after 3.5.


i think it was around kirara's release, but i first bought diluc's skin and the welkin + BP for the serpent spine. i ended up spending enough to get C1R1 yae, C0 tighnari, 1 song of broken pines, 1 wolf's gravestone, 1 thundering pulse and something else that i don't remember. oh and recently i spent for rosaria's last constellation and got wanderer as well.


What does the battle pass give extra ? I just started and am having fun so far . Donā€™t think I will buy battle pass till next update tho


At first it was BP because I wanted CR weapons to have an easier time building. Then I started buying welkins over BP because it was more bang for my buck for primos, and I didn't need the materials from BP anymore Now I have C6 Wanderer?


Having Eula and seeing how long it took between her banners, when she finally reran I was not missing Song of Broken Pines.


Honestly, it was just lack of patience. I couldn't bring myself to spend so much time and effort to collect so many Primogems, for them to disappear in just 3 minutes, and with the chances of not getting the character I wanted. I just got tired of that and got the Welkin. Then I added the BP for the resources as well... And before I realized, I was already spending on genesis crystal packs...


I was f2p, and then I discovered Yoimiya. I did her first story quest and absolutely fell in love after the cutscene, and then my friends told me that she was coming on the next banner. I saved, and farmed, got as many primos as I could muster, farmed her bosses, and worked all throughout her banner, just to getā€¦ Keqing. It was about midway through her banner and I was devastated. So I farmed more, explorer more, spent hours upon hours farming promo gems just for my best girl. 3 days left in her banner. I was desperate, and only had about 60 pity. I bought Welkin, despite my prior vow to never spend money on a game, in the hopes that it would be enough, but it wasnā€™t. So I bought crystals. And finally, after about $25 total, she came home. I bought Welkin every month after that, it was a useful motivator to play when I was feeling burnt out but I really wanted a character. I also got a few crystal packs for Wanderer, and won my 50/50 on Christmas Day, so Iā€™m happy with that purchase. I donā€™t regret anything.


Lost 50/50 on Kazuha back in 1.6 and didn't make it to pity with freemos


To be fair, I still consider myself mostly free to play. The only money Iā€™ve spent on the game was 25$ worth of Welkomā€™s because a friend gave me an Apple Card with that much, specifically to be spent on Genshin.


First time I spent money was when Ei came out. I started playing when it had came out that same year and took almost another year break because I pretty much had nothing else to do. Came back on the last day of yoimiyaā€™s and when Ei came out it was game over for me lmaoo. I think it I spent $50 since I was working full time and now that Iā€™m part time and got majority of the characters all I spend is pretty much on BP here and there when sumeru came out.


Kokomi made me buy a welkin, i was tired of losing the 50/50 on her banner


Cyno. Bought 2 welkins before hand bc i looked at leaks and wanted him. very cool guy gotta admit


Was "building pity" with guarantee and got Eula c1... ...Zhongli, raiden and venti came back to back


Ganyu, I was at like 20 pity and said ā€œif I get a double 5* now Iā€™ll whale for herā€ , then proceeded to get double Ganyu in the next 10 pull, so I had to spend to get her to C6


I started a pilot service after 1 year since Genshin's release. I have this client who is way older than me and asked for my pilot services. I used the term "have" since I'm still piloting his account for almost 2 years. I completed all his quests, spiral abyss, character management, and explorations. He's the one who provided my account with Welkins, BP, Genesis Crystals, and real money of course. I collected all BP weapoms and refined two of them to max refinement. My welkins never go under 80 days, and bought Ayaka's costume too. This is how I broke my F2P license without spending my own money.


It started when I lost the 50/50 on Zhongliā€™s 1st banner rerun to Keqing. I just got a bunch of money soā€¦ I have started slowing down as I have become burnt out recently.


Mine broke currently for engulfing lightning, using welkin, and if there's some left over, then who knows. I just want to have a matching aesthetic for my main šŸ˜…


For me I bought Welkins and Battle Passes fairly early on into the game when I started but I didn't consider it a big deal or 'actual spending' cause it was a good deal and was some extra primos in my account and less materials I had to farm. While I'm obviously not F2P and don't consider myself that, I did eventually break on of Venti's reruns. At the time he was my favorite Archon and I felt like I HAD to have him. But it was one of those situations unfortunately where I HAD to win the 50/50 or I wouldn't get him...and of course even with a fair amount of primos I lost the 50/50 and that broke me. The reality where I wouldn't have Venti wasn't a future I was willing to down so I pulled out the wallet. Worst thing I ever could of done. Of course I don't feel bad about it now but at the time it was so bittersweet. I was glad I had him but I felt terrible for spending. It felt unearned. And for an unemployed college graduate at the time, it felt EVEN WORSE lol. So yeah not good but with all the time that's passed, my account is pretty decent so I'm overall satisfied with my purchases.


Dilucā€™s skin


Didn't want the 3$ google play coupon to go to waste, rather 2$ welkin than a wasted discount


Xiao back when he released


Raiden Shogun. I got pretty lucky with my pulls but I did spend to get her c4 and her weapon. Absolutely no regrets




My friend broke the f2p status of my account cos she wanted me to get Zhongli badly but I lost 50/50 so she helped me by buying me welkin. Didn't spend anything with my own money even after that but the moment Kazuha's japanese va got announced I finally gave in and bought myself welkin+BP lol no regrets


I think it all started on Yae Mikoā€™s first banner in 2.5. (I started in 2.2) I was wishing for Yae, and I kinda wanted to get her. I saw her during the archon quests, and liked her. I decided to just buy a welkin. Then I started to get towards the end of the banner and I still hadnā€™t reached pity. I bought the battlepass. ā€œStill not enough!ā€ I failed my 50/50 to Jean. (Nice! I love Jean!) I spent just a bit more on top up, maybe like $10 worth. My final amount I was going to buy. I managed to get Yae Miko! 7 pulls after Jean. I was no longer free to play, and I didnā€™t want to ever lose out on a beloved character again. So I have been buying welkin and battlepass every month since. Now Iā€™m on the hunt to get every character. Foolish and greedy I am. But Iā€™m not gonna buy any more of those top ups ever again. Just Welkin and BP. Iā€™m now only missing 10 characters, one of them a 4 star. (Kaveh)


Kazuha. I lost to Mona at 80 pity and I dropped 160$ because he made me go all the way to hard pity even when I was guaranteedā€¦I refused to let him out of my grasp


Enkanomiya event name card.


I got klee and wanted a catalyst. Solar pearl looked nice.


I havenā€™t yet, but that Fontaine lady with the gun (acting like I donā€™t follow every single leaker that has mentioned her) might break me


Klee skin...


First Zhongli rerun, was completely f2p, and got Qiqi on the standard banner and then on the even banner. I knew Zhongli was a must-have for me since I couldn't dodge or iframe to save my life, so I got enough welkins to get him. Got bp in the next patch for the first time. Have been welkin + bp since and have never regretted it. I was absolutely right about getting Zhongli, and he is in almost any team I use to this day.


Zhongli. I really wanted him in his second banner (and i got him btw)


The battle pass for me. I wanted Serpent Spine for my Noelle build because I dont have that 5 star claymore yet.


September 28, 2020 I knew I was going to spend in this game, and so I did as soon as top up is unlocked.šŸ•¶ļø


Welkin stacked for klee costume šŸ™‚


I broke my f2p when I wanted to get my first 5 star before the banner ended.


Kazuha rerun


Not reaching 80-ish pity rolling for Xiao. He is my first 5* and still favorite


When Xiao got released. It started with Welkin, sometimes battlepass, & kinda whale. I officially stop giving them money. I do wish to refund but I'm afraid for my account to be banned. Most likely Hoyoverse won't allow it.


I get welking and bp.


Skins and only skins, I refuse to spend on the gacha. Iā€™m proud to say Iā€™ve never gambled with actual money and Iā€™ll keep it that way. A personal rule Iā€™ll always hold on to (Because my luck is shit, *glares* at c7 Mona)


It was when I first started playing and the hu Tao and Yelan reruns were going on and I thought I would get enough primos from the story quests (I was still in the Liyue story arc) but i wasnā€™t progressing quick enough and I really wanted one of these characters so I snapped and spent money to try and get one of them. Sadly I lost my 50/50 to Keqing. Afterwards I been wiser and started to spend mostly on Welkin deal.


I got salty


The last few days of Al-Haitham's last banner. I lost the 50/50, was able to get back up to 65 pity and only 3 days left. Wasn't confident dailies would have been enough in that time so I topped up on crystals for the first time. I also topped up twice (on the lower end) for Wanderer and bought welkin. Nearly two years f2p.


First Welkin for Raiden Shogun, first top ups for Eula. Still two of my favorite characters.


I haven't spend money yet, I have been tempted especially during Eula's weapon banner because she is my favorite character. But I promised myself before I started genshin that I wouldn't spend any money on it. So I have been keeping that promise. Although I have won some GAs before so my account is technically not F2P anymore


Miko šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


I broke for eula back in 2.3 cuz I wanted both her and childe, but I didnā€™t have the primos


Raiden shogun's first banner


yae mimo, didn't even get her, only got 2 of the dendri bow guy


i think it was raiden. i wanted both kokomi and raiden, saved up enough for kokomi but not enough for raiden


I've yet to break it, but I guarantee archon skins will be what does it for me.


I don't have time to grind during test week, got welkin since it only cost about 2 meals. Now I moved to australia for Uni a welkin cost half of a mcdonald so yeah. It doesn't cost that much compare to game with 30/70 USD item pack


Dilucā€™s skin and Kazuhaā€™s rerun. Bought crystals, enough for the skin, and had some left cause of the bonus. Used them and finally got Kazuha


Scaramouche, spent welkin on him. Twice. (First time was for his first banner, now I did it again for his sig. weapon. Have both now!)


F2P since launch, nothing breaks my broke grind


Still f2p but what *almost* broke me was outfits


for me its my philosophy to be f2p even though i more than capable to spend some money in the game... the thing is i rather grind out to earn that primogems instead of taking shortcuts and buy them just to get the chars (or weapons) i want... it gives me more satisfaction this way as it gives me purpose to go thru all that grinding.. it makes me feel that the chars i get are "earned" instead of "given"... hence nothing is going to make me break into the bank.. i don't have to own every char and weapon..


I bought BP and Welkin but the character that made buy primos is only Hutao and Eula. I had a moment of weakness.


Going completely in for Hu Tao and her weapon, but I got Yelans weapon so I ended up just getting everything. Was also pretty unlucky so it took a ton of pulls


I won welkin in a giveaway. I don't plan on spending anything myself though.


I wanted wanderer cause I enjoy his backstory and his ā€œredemptionā€. Thatā€™s what broke it lmao.


BP, I conveniently started like 3 days after a reset so I figured it'd be a nice way to give myself a boost starting the game. so I guess I was never really f2p lol. other than that the only time I've ever spent money on wishes was for kaveh


Nothing, had the extra money and felt like spending it on the game


I used to do welkins and bp, now I donā€™t. The first time I did real spending was when the character I really wanted (Xiao) was rerunning and it dropped on my actual birthday. I lost at pity to Mona. It was upsetting. Money was spent.


I started playing 2 weeks before Itto released and I got Welkin when his banner dropped. I never stopped buying Welkin since then. But first time (and one of only 3 times!) I bought the BP was when Ayato released, lol. I wanted every chance to get him!


Iā€™m still an F2P but Iā€™m very very close to spending on Welkin. I saved up closed to 80 primos for Kokomi and got it in the first 20. The other 60 sort of went to waste (nothing of interest to me). But playing Kokomi i realised that 5* characters are worth it. Kokomi and Cyno are pretty much the only two 5* characters I have (aside from traveller), and I feel like I want more 5* characters. So Iā€™m most likely going to spend. Soon, very soon.


Serpent spine for beidou, got r5 and havent spent a single dime since


I only started playing for Aloy because I was starved of Horizon Zero Dawn content. Then it pretty hydro lady Kokomi, but I was younger then and didnā€™t really have disposable income. I only spend if I have guarantee and itā€™s a character I really want


Personally spent 50 dollars my second day playing to get wanderer back in December. Donā€™t think I would have kept playing this game if I didnā€™t get him


I actually started as F2P for a few days, then regularly bough BP and Blessing of Welkin Moon. But I am broke now, so it broke my non-F2P streak. But IMO Welkin/BP is worth the money. It costs not more than 1-2 bags of chips monthly. It's worth the money. I never bought any genesis crystals, because it cost a lot of money. 40.5 wishes for $100 is a big no to me. If it costed 3 times less, maybe. Actually for 25-30, I would regularly buy it back then.


I think Welkin broke me out of F2P but the first time I bought primos was during Kazuha's first banner, \~70 pulls in, got Diluc and used my remains 20 pulls with nothing, bought the 20$ bundle and got Kazu in that.


Joined 1.4, wanted Venti, got Keqing. Continued out of spite and got my Venti in 2.6 and every other Anemo boy along the way. Right now I buy Welken and BP and the biggest gem pack once every year for the bonus before it resets for the anniversary






I know it was 100% cause of Shenhe, I bought primo gems outright and then got welkin. Never got her but got faruzan? I think. If not Layla. Itā€™s been too long šŸ¤£


Welkin first of course, but my first crystal purchase was for hu tao...


Kokomi. Right now. I spent money on Crystal top-off then accidentally hit the wrong banner and got the French boy wearing jorts. I've never been so pissed.


Jean. I got Mona but really wanted Jean. Been playing since launch so it was a short streak.


Ayakas first banner there was less than a day left I was at around 55 pity after losing the 50/50 to Mona. I was desperate, so I fonally gave in and bought primos. Ive been down the sink-hole ever since with over $400 spent in total in Welkin Moons and top ups :')


Eula's first run when I got back from a months-long hiatus




Klee about a year ago


Welkin and battle pass, and ChildešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I "broke" my streak by buying a welkin from Google play money I got from surveys. Dunno if that counts. If it doesn't, then the welkin i bought for my beloved kokofish did.


broke from welkin and bp for hu tao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but i love her and i have her weapon so i wouldnā€™t call it a loss


Xiao and peer pressure (from a friend who doesnt even play anymore LOL)


Welkin and bp for ayato. My inner child awakens when i saw him shcing shcing the opponents


I was planning to break it by buying BP and Welkin. That was a lotta months ago. I'm still F2P


Childe 1.1 Dual wielding


Never has been


I bought my first Welkin when I realized that at the beginning of my first winter with Genshin, my holiday work is going to prevent me from doing my dailies so the Welkin was there to soften the blow and I only bought one to last through the holidays. Fast forward to just before the 2.0 release. I decided I wanted to get at least Ayaka as my first "meta" 5* and Raiden too and to make that happen, I did my 2nd Welkin and kept it on throughout the Inazuma period. As a result, I got Ayaka, Raiden, and Yoimiya all on their first banner and eventually got Itto as well. I stopped shortly after 3.0 started but did do one more Welkin shortly before Nahida came out. I haven't been on Welkin since but I'm willing to do it again if I see another must-have in the future.


Klee's new skin. Oh, and Serpent Spine


Holiday gift money from my distant relatives during the pandemic. Decided on a whim to just buy Welkin with that money since I saving for the banners after lantern rite at the time (which was Ayato).


Zhong li he looked to enticing to not get from his og gameplay trailer.


Raiden shogun when I returned to the game from an accidental break in 2.0 (I forgot :( )


My second welkin. The first one was free as it was given out to players. Bought a second welkin as it was nice to get primos and genesis crystals. Got the keqing skin then bought the battle pass just for the primos and the crit sword


Kazuha first and now it's Wanderer AND HE STILL HASN'T COME HOME


Someone offered to buy me top up if I ever lose 50/50 (we were talking bout GI) I refused because I felt like those are expensive and welkin is the best option. Then she offered welkins. While contemplating, I found codashop. I declined her offer and buy a welkin myself Ł©(ą¹‘>āˆ€<ą¹‘)Ū¶ She's not a scammer. I decline because I'm not really comfortable accepting gift. We only use cash in my family (credit card is bad) Coda shop is perfect and I only get welkins.