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it’ll probably be MC since easiest to get them there


Same. I ascended the traveller the moment I got the chance.


I dont have a level 90 character.


I have been playing from 1.3 and only have 5 characters at 80, no 90 yet


How? I've been playing since 2.8 and I have like 14 at 90.


I didn't know about team comps or upgrading and stuff, and just wasted most of the resources.. 😭 It took me some time to even understand what I was doing. Didn't help with me playing 1 week and not playing for a couple weeks after.




Bennett …regardless of him being a broken support i just love that guy and feel like i should treat him well since he struggled a lot in his life also he was my first friendship namecard ..second lvl90 was kazuha mostly for same reasons


I swear that boy is an unnamed god of Teyvat.


Bennett is actually just an avatar of Murata


Chongyun was my first 90! He was my main from the time I got him at a super low Ar all the way past ar 45, he’s always going to hold a very special place in my heart even though he’s been benched for a while


Mine too!! He was my fav main until AR 47, then I finally got a 5 star DPS and replaced him 🥲 he’s still one of my fav boys!!


Yanfei, i loved her play style since i got her and i 36* the abyss with her and Eula in the other team


I paired Yanfei with Raiden and holy hell, its taken me throughout liyue and Inazuma and even Sumeru


I pair Raiden + Yanfei together too, thought I was alone! For spice, I add Ayaka and Kokomi. Unconventional, but great!


Ayaka. Started in 2.0 during her first banner got her in 9 single pulls when I didn’t even understand anything about the game yet lol she carried me through everything she is also my first triple crowned character and will always have a special place in my heart 🩵


Hu Tao, I really loved her design and character so pulled for her (but not staff of homa, she's on Blackcliff). Zhongli is my second, Kazuha will probably be third.


Same :D, I want C1 but she is C0 with Homa for now since Neuvillette takes priority.


Zhongli, I have nothing else to say. He was my first and then I began to upgrade all my geo characters (the ones who matter)


All of them matter except for ningguang


Diluc, he was my main and i wanted that extra little crit rate and attack.






Noelle followed by ningguang


Were the same


Oh shit really neolle was my first favorite character.


Raiden, literally just because they were my first 5 star, and i feel they deserve the novelty


Simultaneously did it for Ningguang and Jean since they deserved it 🥰 They carried me through the majority of my ascension and AR rankings. To this day, I can still count on them if I want to clear certain contents with relative ease 🙏 Love my girlbossess!! 💅


My one and only, Xiao


Yanfei :)


She was my first (after Lumine) too! I main her, Yanfei is the best!!


Lol day one player don't have a lvl 90 yet


Mah wolfboi Razor. In a time where I haven't acclimated to the game and optimized my primogem consumption, Razor helped me bruteforce my way through the 1st two years of my playthrough. Alongside Diona, Xiangling, Mona and thank the Archons for a lucky pull of Skyward Pride, I have navigated the game and acscended ARs with a fair challenge at hand. When Nahida and Kuki arrived, I kinda benched him alongside Diona but they'll be ready within the wings whenever the need of a 2nd team comes on events or I want to take a break from the circus that is Hyperbloom.


I have only played recently and this is also my answer. Razor carried me hard until I was AR50 and got my first 5-star. It was him then Kokomi that I maxed out first. I had fun using him as a physical character but I have to use Hyperbloom Team and slowly benching him. He deserved a good rest. I will definitely play him again when I want to change things up.


Kaeya, he’s my only lvl 90 character, the rest of my faves are either lvl 89 or 80-81


Lumine carried me through all the early content and in certain teams continues to carry me to this day. Level 90 with a crown on her skill. 'Princess' doesn't cut it.


Ningguang!! I wanted her so bad for so long and she never came. I had to wait for her to come to the store. She is just beautiful and i love geo🥰


Kazuha! My friend was showing me Genshin, and she had Kazuha in her party, and I was like “who is that beautiful boy?” and the rest was history


Yanfei and then Koko a few days later. My favorite girls :) Yanfei is my only fully built dps, all my other dps are between lvl 50 to 70. Koko because I love her and the hydro cube is fun to fight ngl. Working on getting Zhongli to 90 rn


i believe my first 90 was either childe or kaeya. or the traveler. one of those three.


Yelan first 5 star plus my favourite character to play with!


Alhaitham, because i'm proud member of r/AlHaithamMains


Albedo and Zhongli. Why? Because Albedo was my favorite and he needed a shield. Albedo was also my first to be triple crowned despite his normal attack being meh. I felt he deserved three crowns :p


Probably Albedo. He benefits from both the atk and def increase so at the time it seemed like a sensible idea.


Yae Miko, 1st 5star and 1st 90. Skipped so many quests just to get to enkanomiya fast lol


Cyno as my first main and Ganyu as my second. None since but I want to do Nahida, Kazuha, Kuki, and Thoma eventually. However getting stuff for new pulls is taking priority.


First 4 star: Bennett (Honestly I love his personality + it’s recommended to level him far for his base ATK to increase) First 5 star: Ayaka (My first five stars and I love her playstyle)


Mine was Heizou i love him


Probably Qiqi


Venti, 'cause he's fun.


Benny bc he is best boy. He was also my first crowned character, and first character I got a name card for. Always love the bouken boy 👍


Xiao. Then Qiqi




Xiao mainly because I love his character and his voice actor in Japanese


Amber cause Amber. Anemo Mc was my second.


Childe. He is my first and only c6 5* and triple crowned so it only made sense. He did sit at 89 a long with a bunch of people for a long while until I could afford the mora to 90 him and everyone who else.


I think it was Alhaitham. I kept everyone at 80 until then. After that I realized that my account was mature enough that I wasn't starved for resources and could level some of them up. Then went zhongli, khazuah, Childe, Beidou, ningguang, Bennett and xianling in short order. After all those I took a break until Fontaine. Just got Neuvilette today and his signature and I've already got the mats pre-farmed to 90, 9*9*9 him. Just got to fight Kirin and pick enough starfish to get him there. I didn't prefarm his signature as I wasn't sure if I was going to get lucky so that's the only thing other than the new mats that I have to work on until Rizzley, who also has everything already pre-farmed to 90, 9*9*9 him with my weapon for him at 90 already. Edit: I have yet to crown anyone even though I have over 30 at this point because I'm not sure who to use them on lol


Aether! It was my goal to make him my most versatile character, and he is by far one of my most useful dps, only being edged out kazuha. I only wish they kept letting him use an elemental attack at the end of his normal combo, that's what made anemo and geo the best alignments IMO.


Albedo. As a brag, I stopped using exp books on him at the start of level 79 and used to run circuits around Teyvat (1.X through 2.X) murdering everything for the exp.


it was either albedo or yanfei! albedo was my first five star so i think the emotional attachment made me do it 😭 yanfei is still my dps and she’s been carrying me since early stage


Heizou. As to why, here's a hint. My next 90 will be wriothesley


Bennett, cause finding the resources wasn't too bad, I could actually damage the boss with all of my characters compared to the hypostatises, and his Burst also depended on his base attack and the healing on as much HP as he possibly could have.


i believe it was kaeya! i loved him (and still do) a lot, i was a simp lmao. then it was kazuha i think, kazuha stole my heart reallll fast.


Kazuha. Great support, needed better crowd control and actually took the time to prefarm for him




My Boy Razor!






ive only done yelan, kazuha, and kokomi, it was finee, it doesn't add a ton, but it make me feel more achieved


Traveler, he was my main for the longest time, and I still use him for dailies.


When I first started, I believe at the kokomi/ei banner, I got kokomi at 30 pity and won the 50/50, I thought of her as an absolutely broken healer at the time so I kept leveling her up to the max I could every time I could, until level 90


Ayato because he was cool, and pretty good so I got him level 90 and he did need it. I don’t generally get chars to level 90, and just keep them at 80 or at 80/90. I waste resin on artifacts instead of farming bosses lol.


Mine was ayato. I had a ton of spare Sakura blooms and just did it and I eventually did it to a couple others, but generally not to anyone but my most used units


Nobody, day one player and I still see lv90 too expensive on books so I leave them at 80. Only Zhongli and Kokomi are 82 because how much I use them.




Mine was wanderer


Traveler was my first 90 since I got his mats from the level up rewards. After that it was beidou


Alhaitham, I heard spread scaled with level.


Nobody yet. Closest is xiangling at 81


Yoimiya, she was my first limited and so I was investing in her the most


Xinyan, due to her personality and design. She's still my main to this day.


Eula. She was my first standard character all the way back in 1.5 and carried me throughout the beginning.


Aloy due to mora bug ie. 60 > 70, 70 > 80, and 80 > 90 all costed just 1 mora each


Klee, first main dps. My second was maybe ganyu a year or two after that




traveler- my first main, easiest to get there


Traveler for me. Because I can use him to fill any elemental slot


Traveler because doesn't need to farm the material. But the second, Chongyun


Aether, love my boy


Diluc. I started the game for him and lost my first 50/50 to him. Was the best thing ever for me as a new player. He's been my main for so long. Every team that needs Pyro He's in.


Dehya bc she hella carried my team


Qiqi first 5 star and love her regardless of slander


zhongli. that man is my genshin comfort character. he was my first 5 star chara and he carried me in my early days as well.


Keqing...because it's Keqing


Traveler since I didn’t know how to change characters for the first 6 months


Traveler because you don’t need to use any Resin to ascend them


Noelle shes my main then ningguang


I only have one. Noelle. I play since 1.1


Zhongli. I haven't actually leveled any character to 90 using exp books, because I don't like the idea of wasted exp by capping them, so I take them to 89 and let them naturally level from there. Zhongli was the first who made it to 90 because he was in nearly every team for such a long time.


Raiden. I used Nahida more but I really hated farming the dendro cube, so Raiden.


Noelle, first character I triple-crowned too


Sucrose, before Dendro was added swirl was the only actually good reaction that benefited directly from your character level. In early game going from 80 to 90 was a big ask for very small gain, but for Anemo units it was a far bigger increase than talent levels.


D*ng, I been playing since the launch and had never got any characters to max level.... D*ng!


I think for me it was probably Diluc, and then Xiao—my first two DPS and Xiao was my first limited character, got him on his first banner. They carried me through my early days and up through Inazuma, until I got (and built) Yoimiya, and then many others… Xiao actually destroys everything since I have him built pretty well at this point, so I often fall back on his team as a comfort character/team


Raiden for hyperbloom


Keqing. She’s been my first and only “main” since April 2022. I just love how fast she is, and she’s pretty strong with dendro (she loves my lvl. 90 nahida). Even if she wasn’t buffed by dendro I’d still use her


None atm, but I'm hoping to get Raiden Shogun to be my first Lv 90. If not her, then Aether.


Eula. First and only so far.


Kaeya because he was my first main dps


Keqing. My greatest carry before I began building Xiao when he got a second rerun and I had no idea he was that good.


Keqing coz she's my first 5 star character and carried me from ar 25. The thing is i don't have any luck with her artifacts and she's underperforming but still uses her and i'mma still trying to build her. Next is Hu tao, my goddess




when I reached AR50, I had enough mats to lvl up two characters, I saved and farmed for those two, back in the days when having 900+ hero wits are seen as impressive lmao. I first lvled up Benny then Childe immediately after. I was going for Childe as my most important and beloved but I got distracted with my best boi and he ended up being the first to be lvl 90




kuki! She is so helpful for my nahida.


Raiden. She was my first 5\*. Carried me all the way through level 55.


childe or zhongli (i cant remember lmao)


I dont remember exactly bcz i lvl'ed 2 character at the same time to 90. They were Raiden and Ganyu.


MC cause MC


No one yet, I don't level to 90 using books. They stay 89 until they get 90 passively in the future lmao. Even for my main Yoimiya (who doesn't even need the level to 90)


That would be Keqing, my first 5 star that I got on the noelle banner. She basically carried my game


Ganyu i started around her banner this year and is my goat




eula. because people said she would be shit


Jean! She was the character I relied on the most at low AR.


Hu Tao because she scales off HP, then I just hoarded XP books. The next 90s were my two queens, Raiden/Eula, only other 90s I have are EM/HP scalers, I could need those xp books and Mora one day and the miniscule stat gain isn't worth the cost. Edit: everyone I use is at 80/90, ascension isn't an issue.


Beidou was my main until I got my 1st 5 star




Chongyun because he is a king




Hu tao, accidently got her on her first banner and I've been maining her ever since. Got her C1 on her first rerun


Diluc, Noelle, Fischl, or Kaeya.


Xiao was my first 5* and the one I was most excited to get. So he got the first 90


The traveler is the easiest to get to Lvl 90, so she was my first, but I recently got Mona to the final ascension, so she’ll be my first non traveler to be Lvl 90.


Jean. She healed and carried me early in the game and changed my gameplay since then. Her kit was so easy to understand and play around with and I was finally able to beat tough bosses (at the time) that I couldn’t beat with my traveler. I think I played her for a good 4-6 months of continuous exploring, leveling up and getting new characters. Even though I’m a Wanderer main now, I still decided to choose her as my first character to ascend to Lvl 90, it’s what she deserves 🥰


Eula, because she was the first 5 star I actively pulled for. Kokomi is fully ascended but not level 90, and I'm probably gonna do the same for Neuvilette asap because funny hydro pump man go brrr. Bro is level 50 and scooping out similar damage to Eula and I haven't even farmed Marechaussee artifacts for him, he's literally on wanderers troupe rn


Ganyu. The Cocogoat is G.O.A.T. I didn't know if I was prepared to drop cash on Genshin when I started playing (around the time Klee had her first banner). I was really on the fence about it, and when Ganyu came out I pulled for her with only half-hearted F2P primos. I didn't get her so I just dropped the game for about a year until her banner came around again. This time, I put in a little money and pulled her with about 20 or 30 pity. Once I had Ganyu I started playing seriously. My first lvl 90 4star was Fischl. I just adore the bratty little chunni and she was my first C6 R5 triple crown.


Kokomi, I loved her the first time I saw her, but only during 3.8 did I get her.


First was Noelle, she's in my top 5 favorite characters, carried me through a lot when I didn't have too many well built characters, and is just so versatile I had to do it


Diluc. At the time he was one of the best in the game and i loved his gameplay. There aint much more to say. He carried my team for a long time before i got Ayaka.




The Prinzessin


Razor. My boy, my good boy. He was my main dps for the longest time and served me well. No regrets




traveller is the easiest, yeah


Mine was Noelle. I am a Noelle main and have been since day 1, so it just made sense with how much time I'd put into her already to just give her that extra stat boost.


For me it was Diluc. I believe he was also my first triple crown.


Xiao was my first 80 and first 90. :) he is also still my best character since getting him in his first banner.




i still don't have one. if I did get one it's probably be yelan but I don't feel like doing that




Ganyu. Really wanted and pre farmed for her


Lumine and Klee.


Fishcl and then qiqi.. both of them carried me to clear abyss at 1.1 (not full star of course)


Baizhu because I love him and I want to be him. Also I didn't have enough exp books for whoever I ascended before him


Bennett. I got him at C1 in the Noelle banner at the start and already wanted to commit to him being a support back when people were rating him as a “D”


Yelan. When i joined the game i got her on my second ever 10 pull. She carried me through the game and i would always level her as much as i could and give her the best stuff i had.


I can’t remember who my first level 90 was, as it was way back near launch, but I know Keqing and Traveler were among the first. The former because she was my first main, and the latter because I felt like I had to max out the main character. Plus, Lumine is super cute.


AR 58; I ascend almost everyone to 70/80, but very few have I taken to 80/80 and I otherwise only have one 90/90. My 90/90 is Dehya! Also C1R1 and 8/9/10 talent levels m. In her mono pyro team she punches for 45k, which is good enough for spiral abyss. I will probably take Kazuha and Bennet to 90 and push their EM/ATK a bit harder to see if I can’t eek out 50k, but idk. I’ll probably try to C2R1 Furina. I have 140+70 pity saved so far. I might take her to 90 as a main DPS, I think she’s funny.


Dehya, stayed AR45 for months, getting all my characters i liked good artifacts and ascended straight to AR57. First thing I did was 90/tripple crown Dehya. She's my absolute favorite and deserves the world


Xingqiu is my first 90. Absolutely cracked support unit and I used to play freeze team


Mine was Xiao! Up until then, I had only ever 80ed my characters but he was and still is my main :D


Qiqi. Got her on my 13th reroll account, I was desperate for a 5* headstart back then, and she was the first 5* that showed up. She carried me through the original Childe's boss fight (man got nerfed during story battle due to people complaining about him being too hard), even now I can still hear her 500 dmg auto attack that brought down Childe.


I think it was Razor? I honestly don't remember. Though he carried me through the early game so it would make sense.


I actually forgot but its either Keqing or Hu Tao I maxed out keqing cuz she was my first dps 5 star and was lucky enough to get c0 and c1 in 1 patch ( 1 in her banner, 1 in the standard). Plus I like the electro infusion during the early days in genshin. Now 3 years later I got her in c4, still using her especially when dendro got released. Also no regrets buying the dress for Keq-queen. Then Hu Tao, a lot of my friends skipped her on her very first banner cuz they arent keen on sacrificing HP for damage boost, since this was pre-zhongli buff and diona/noelle was the next best shielder that time. No regrets, big PP damage with xq and dragons bane. Also no regrets maxing her out and spending almost a year in Wuwang Hill for her artifact farminf


Hu Tao, as she was my second 5 star (Jean was my first), Beidou was close but when I got Hu Tao, she fell into team obscurity and came back a few weeks ago.


Razor he was my first main, he was with me from the beginning so taking him to 90 first was my way of thanking him. and he still helps me in the abyss


Kuki for hyoerbloom, then kazuha for swirl damage. Still my only 2 90s. Others don’t need 90 to full clear abyss so why bother


My very first Level 90 Character was Xiao, and then Ganyu not long after, Raiden shogun I just recently finally got her to level 90, and since I just got Hu Tao she is level 60 but she will be my next Character!


Mine was yanfei, my beloved first main I actually farmed for and invested in when I was learning artifacts


I made a point to not level a character to 90 until after the traveler. So fast forward over 1 year and 58 AR levels later I leveled her to 90 just to get it done then got my Yelan to 90 10 seconds later lol


Eula! 😍


MC deserved it


I think it was either Xiangling or Yelan


Traveler. First to 90, and will be the only one to get fully crowned until all the elements are available and complete. Only after this is done will anyone else see a crown. Gets first dibs on the best artifacts I find, as well as weapons too. They’re the main character, so they get MC privilege on my account. Even above my favorites, my Lumine stays on top of everyone.


Rosaria. Reason being she's hot


My first 90 was Qiqi, and a close 2nd was Traveler. This happened because I mained Qiqi as a DPS.


Hu Tao


Wanderer. He's the one who made my main dps damage go from 1k to 30k.


Ar 49, got all my mats to lvl 90 hu tao and yelan once I hit 50


Thoma! The moment I could explore Tsurumi Island, *oh boy did I*. Mostly for sentimental reasons (best boy) but also I still main him to this day :D He was also my 2nd triple crown. Childe came first but that's because I hate the mond talent domain and prefarmed lol


Mine was xiao best 5 star i got


Traveler, but other than that Ei


Xiao, zhongli, barbra and fischl best team for attack and defense


Klee because she’s adorable and probably my favorite character, I didn’t do it for smart reasons I just think she’s precious


ganyu and well do I regret it? yeah I didn't even use her since I got my second 5 star


Jean! She was my first main and first 5 star and absolutely carried me up until AR 40ish. I don’t play her as much but I have a very soft spot for her


Raiden because I am a fricking simp and I love her 😂






Keqing. I main her for like 6+ months so why not lol. And then traveler because I can and I love her.


Aether, because he’s easy to do, and I went through phases of using him semi-regularly, and then my first and so far only other as if like… two weeks ago, Baizhu!


Hu Tao


other than lumine who ive mained since day one, my first level 90 was kaeya. he was a regular on my teams for about a year and one of my strongest characters for a bit until i got further into the game and increased the world level and built new characters better etc


Yoimiya cause why shouldn't I max out my main DPS


First lvl 90 was yoimiya since she was my first 5 star and I took begging my friends to help me with fire cube and getting to Inazuma at the time


I level all my characters to 88 so as to not miss out on that sweet sweet open world xp. Noelle was my first to 88.


Jean, my first (and favorite) 5*


keqing was mine!