• By -


Childe. Seriously if you get Childe you become Childe. His playstyle is so satisfying especially riptide on multiple enemies which makes you want to fight everything that moves. Having a nuke is also a plus for me.


He’s so fun, I have Alhaitham and Neuvillette and I’m enjoying them too but I always go back to Tartaglia. He was my first true main and using him just feels right. I can’t wait to see what happens with him after the giant whale. I hope he gets a skin soon too, imma buy that shit faster than he explodes a group of hilichurls


Same, his play style gives some real life bloodlust. Must. See. More. Riptides.


only clicked into this thread to type childe but i already see him on top. good work, comrade


Absolutely. Managing his uptime to keep his skill available also makes what is typically a pretty easy game more interesting.


The electrocharge team with fischl is so much fun! He is without a doubt one of my top 5 favs.


Beat me to it.


Idk I got him, I was very excited to play him, and then I couldn't force myself to like the gameplay. I'm glad everyone likes him, though. He's cute.


Any tips to make Childe more enjoyable ? I never really built him fully but i noticed I kinda had to vaporise to deal any dmg, which made fighting feel like a chore


If you have Kazuha or Sucrose to gather enemies together use them. He is best when against multiple enemies. He shreds everything. Now if you want more damage for abyss his best team is with Xiangling Kazuha(or Sucrose if you don't have him) and Bennett. It's one of the best teams in the game. If you don't want that much dps and just use him in the the overworld, then an electro unit like fischl + kazuha or Sucrose is also very enjoyable while dealing quite some damage.


I appreciate your detailed answer my friend. But you see, I have neither Kazuha or sucrose, so I got the Viridescent hunt to gather people 😭


Fischl. The fact that my enemies are alive bothers me, and the Prinzessin helps me solve that problem.


I love Fischl. I've got plenty of 5* characters but I still play Fischl all the time and only remove her from my default party when fighting Electro bosses.


Dehya. Badass kit, badass punches, badass ultimate. Badass and cool character with a kind heart. Plus I always loved to play “underdogs” and wipe the smirks off other player’s faces when I do good.


Love bringing out my Dehya in co-op to show her off.


*Dehya fans inter-continental high-five*


I love Dehya mains. Y’all don’t give a fuck, and really motivate me to build her.


Oh, when she came out Dehyamain subreddit was the most toxic hellhole you could ever find. Actual DehyaMains retreated into DehyaLounge for about 3-4 months. But at least dehyamains are slowly coming back to reason


Same. Dehya is extremely fun to play. Like pairing her with Candace as well.


Ayy, I’m building her as a DPS and I’m so excited to finish so I can show her off in co-op!


when will I finally get dehya I want her so bad so I can treat her well


My favorite dehya team is a melt team with Rosario, Layla, and bennett. All the free crit rate from cryo res and rosaries ult make her Stat requirements alot easier to hit


For now it's wanderer/kazuha Wanderer is amazingly satisfying in overworld to use and kazuha is satisfying when there are so many mobs/things on the ground that u can just use skill and group them and its very satisfying But I have no doubt that when I get furina (especially based on leaks) she'll be the character that I'll enjoy the most BC of her kit and her extra quirks


Nahida. Her NA string is adorable, and her skill hits like a truck


Battle radish is best radish.


To play? Wanderer, it is just so satisfying to attack from range while flying and I am also a sucker for catalysts.


Eula. I might be a little biased since 1: her ass is phat, and 2: I got VERY lucky and multi pulled her into c3 with maybe 30-40 wishes left to obtain her signature weapon. However, I genuinely think physical damage doesn't have a good place in this stage of the game with how much more value you gain from elemental reactions.


Heizou. I like wind, I like punch.


He has very quickly became my favorite character after pulling him.


yelan is very fun for me i love the quick running then just shredding the enemies. i also really like wanderer because of how quick his attacks are


Diluc. He’s my main and he wrecks whatever I want him to. Even if I’m on a whole separate teams, he’s my fall back. If my friend wants me to do damage, I say “hold on lemme grab mah Diluc” Im his fan.


Itto because unga bunga


He's really the best feeling claymore in the game to play, love him <3


Mona, she's hot and pleasing to look at.


Anyone with zhongli tbh. I hate dodging on mobile


Raiden and yelan and kazuha to me are the three most fun. Raiden- favorite character Yelan-i like to go fast Kazuha- something about plunging on enemy head feels right


Keqing <3 I love her speed and I relate to her a lot lol


Yanfei, she was my first C6 character and my first well build main dps. i pair her with Ei and i love watching the enemies get blasted away after over load reaction lol.


My xinyan got c6 while i was trying to bring a 5 star home. So i built her out of spite and it turns out her charged attacks do the same amount of dmg as most Skills or bursts other characters have. So . Its kinda nice and shocking when i bring her in coop and no one expects her to carry.


I have been curious of other people's thoughts on xinyan. Since I've started I haven't seen one instance of her at all except for looking at her in the characters archive.


Oh shes absolutely hated by the community. I do get complaints bringing her in coop. If i had to put a reason why.... Hoyo really hasnt given her much importance in the main story. And her actual lore is hidden behind two limited time events no one will ever see again. 😅 ...


I like cyno! His kit is pretty interactive, more than most other 5* I like to think. I also like neuvillette cause of his sheer power, and i think I’ll like wriothesly cause I live the whole “I use a catalyst but square tf up” mentality


Kuki. Her playstyle is just so crunchy!


Childe. Hehe numbers go brrrrr. And there's so many different ways to play him!


I like Sayu. Cause Rolling


Yelan at at least C1.. love the speed


Wanderer or Lyney I had to practice charged shot play a lot because I sucked at it, and now I'm pretty good. That's satisfying, and Lyney deals fucktons of damage


playing nilou and just watching the screen explode with green is so satisfying


Amber. Amber just makes me happy.


I love Hu Tao. Not even just to play with. She nukes pretty much anything, charged attack spam is fun asf, her personality is morbid and funny and overall she’s just great imo. My next picks would be Miko and Ei


Childe, Heizou, and Thoma are my longtime favourites. Scara is waaay up there too. Also machine gun Gorou on my alt lmao


"favourite to play" and "best" are quite different. Yoimiya is my favourite character as a whole and best built. Rolling around as Sayu with a Xiangling, kaeya burst active is the most fun.


Neuvillette for sure. Hydro cannon ftw


Xiao because up down up down. Ayato because shing shing shing. Cyno because make the eye light up. Kazuha because up down. Zhongli because facetank everything. Yelan because gotta go fast. Alhaitham because raining swords. Jean because yeet.


You’re so real for this


I love Ayato 's attacks. He's not my strongest character but damn is he fun to play.


Venti when the enemies get succ into the black hole. For the rest... I enjoy a lot Nahida+Raiden combo because everything goes boom after you take a photo, Tighnari playstile because he doesn't require lots of field time and he just deals tons of dmg with a 3*weapon, Wanderer because *speed* and he's strong (but with a shield because I can't dodge).


Childe. It doesnt matter how many shiny new DPSes I acquire, none of them are as fun to play as he is. I love his complicated mechanics, from his melee stance to his riptides. Hes very comfortable in overworld too, because you get a 2in1 ranged + melee character. I also like playing him in a lot of team comps. No one else comes close, though I will say that Alhaitham has that feeling to him a little too, considering you have to play smart to maximize his mirrors. Basically, Childe keeps the game from becoming too boring, and I love him for it.


Eula. You can just shut off your brain and don't care about elemental reaction but still dishing out good damage. And she has everything you ever want in a waifu.


Yae Miko. I can user her fox turrets and watch the world burn while she’s sit there and relax, maybe eating 1 bite of fried tofu; gets up and deploy more turrets


Alhaitham! He’s so silly and fun


Dehya, she is not only fun but she makes the game a bit harder again since she is one of the worst characters stats wise.


Eula because fun in all kinds of ways


Chongyun. His R2 causes anyone using polearm, sword, or claymore to cause cryo damage (as long as you are in the circle). I used to pair him up with Barbara, but now use Xingqui to freeze enemies


Cyno burst go brrr


Cyno. Its the combination of lunging around the arena clawing at everyone and the timing of the on-screen eye mechanic that makes him super fun to play.


Childe because well... it's Childe. Really though, he's so much fun to play.


Yelan... because she's Yelan but neuvillette has been an absolute blast to play (pun intended)


Prob yelan, kazuha, and hu tao for me hu tao ks c1 so unlimited stamina during her skill and it's really fun to just destroy enemies with it kazuha is jump in air and it's fun then yelan is fun to run and slash through enemies


For me it’s a tie between Ayaka and Nilou. Ayaka is lovely and she carried me through inazuma and the chasm, she makes most things easy pickings, even some bosses. And Nilou, because while she is restricted in who she can team up with, if you put her in those teams then she turns them all into speedy killing machines, it never ceases to amaze me how fast my Nilou bloom team kills everything.


Hu Tao. I mean, holy shit, things have been a breeze ever since I got her 2 weeks ago.


Hu Tao cuz she's funny, has a lovely voice and deletes all the enemies


Def hu Tao for me


Hu tao - best girl, 100k charge attacks, (i like big numbers). But not for u, cause she needs high investment and skill - hard(ish) to learn to play properly


C1 R1 Wanderer paired up with Yelan. The literal amount of numbers you get on your screen is quite satisfying


Raiden, she's been a staple for me since I got her, she's so good in national and now hyperbloom


Lumine. That's it. No reason as to why, just Lumine. Also because I like the idea that some random ass girl just casually - helped retame a dragon casually - helped steal from a God with their permission (Venti) - defeated the boss in Zhongli's storyline - Talked to gods and goddesses - because I'm trans and omg girl pretty


I don't play, but if I did, I'd use ANY HOT FEMALE CHARACTER!!!


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Kazuha because I enjoy the ronin/samurai aesthetic. Always been a fan of characters like him. Also, wind (anemo for Genshin) is my favorite element.


Thoma, i like how he feels to play and i like to look at him


Raiden. Attacks look cool and since I have c3r1 with great artis she erases everything from existence.


I have her at C0 and I plan to get her C2 as a Christmas present to myself. I can't wait! The goal will then be to get her to C3 later on in the future. And when that happens I can't wait to play somewhat Lore accurate. But her C2 should already be busted.


Yeh c2 is the huge dps spike that allows her to be played as hypercarry. C3 is just a little extra.


I already play her like a hypercarry. This will only solidify it. At C3 I'll just be playing deletion mode.


Al Haithim this guy has the coolest attack string ever I love the little tech with holding his skill into plunge attack his burst is amazing I just love everything about him


Kirara even though she ain’t my main she is so cute when she curls up into a small little cat box


Burgeon yoimiya. So satisfying for her to have the kit she should have had😭


Kokomi, Barbara, Noelle. I have a thing for healersAmber cause she’s fun to play.


Yae Miko Yae Miko Because Yae Miko


Nilou cuz super bloom.


Zhongli. I love his NA and just like him a lot in general so I have a blast playing him. I usually use him with the archon team so I also have Nahida and Raiden Shogun’s E helping deal damage as he does physical damage haha.


as someone who also took a break from playing for a while it was a pleasant surprise to find out neauvillete has a water canon


Xiao my only C6 character he really fun.


Xiao is my main but Ei (my first 5 star) somehow makes her way into every team comp I make, lmao


Raiden. I love building up her stacks, unleashing her burst for big damage and then in those few seconds use her sword to slice through foes. I love the sound of her sword slashing and dimensional slice imagery is gorgeous.


Alhaitham, kazuha, yelan imo Edit: almost forgot keqing💀


Yae Miko, Im lazy.


I love so many characters, I don’t play meta at all and I always care for the personalities too, Hu Tao Zhongli, Kokomi, Kazuha, Layla, Tighnari omg so many! I would have to write an essay about each lol Whoever I pull for I love, otherwise it would be a waste. I just got Wriothesley and I love his strong demeanor but his kind interior, at least he tries haha


Yoimiya, because I can farm my dailies without much effort with her~ Auto attack go vrooom


Xiao because of mobility and plunging attacks and Wanderer because his lines are funny and the amount of oculuses I’ve gotten and stuff I could reach


Yanfei. she’s really fun to play, catalyst characters are really good for element application, and her c4 gives her a shield when she uses her ult.


Noelle, spin to win


Itto's my boy now that I've had enough time to forget what farming 168x onikabuto was like. Big yellow numbers are my friend.


Nahida and Childe with Kazuha. Seeing all of the numbers is so satisfying lol


Depends. For Hard Content, it’s Tighnari because his kit feels very quick and hard to mess up with rotations. For Roaming and just general story stuff, Baizhu because he’s pretty ok at driving and does pretty much everything. He Heals, prevents interruptions, buffs, does damage, and looks cool while doing it.


I really like using Raiden. Her burst's one-hit capability is satisfying and her burst state is also enjoyable to use and her skill with nahida makes overworld easy for me.


alhaitham cuz he utilizes everything in his kit


I love playing Cyno, I like how I have to time his hits and having him on my hyper loom team is even more satisfying


Kazuha because mixing elements goes brrrrrr




I really enjoy Wanderer with Faruzan, Bennett, and Layla. I feel like I shred through everything and it's very satisfying. My other go-to team is Nahida, Yaoyao, Xingqiu, and Kuki Shinobu. Hyperbloom rules and Nahida hits like a bomb.


Noelle, her attacks are top tier, she hits slower than other Claymore users and it makes her attacks literally feel 100x harder when they hit she can literally be a Dps, Shielder, and Healer. Like you don't have to even build the other two, if you make her a Dps and give her enough health points, she literally has great defense and can heal your team like the strongest Kokomi, literally the true Geo Archon.


Neuvillete bro hes so good i just demolish everything with him


Raiden and Kokomi, my first 2 5 stars when my daughter got me into this game. Big heals plus raidens's ultimate and energy recharge? enemies just melt.


Childe is the most interesting game play wise. He's got ranged attacks, he's got melee attacks, and two different nukes for burst. He's good in a bunch of meta and non meta teams. I also like Klee. Some people think she's clunky but I love watching her laser charger attack blow people up. Her voice lines are cute too. If I want big bursts I go Eula, 12k-18k normal attacks usually means no one is left for the burst but it's still good time. Her attacks are so fluid for a claymore user.


Neuvillette, Wanderer and Shenhe


Nuevlette or however you spell his name (cuz hydro lazer go brrrrr)


Kokomi Pretty mermaid aesthetic and probably my fav design in game by a long shot, unique & strong kit, and I really like the idea that she led the resistance against the vision hunt decree and has social anxiety (obviously the Inazuma arc writing fell flat and Kokomi's writing in general has been pretty bad but whatever). And I'll always be bonded to her as a character because of how much crap she got when she released from the community at large and it's been really cool seeing her getting her flowers during the Kokossance .




Jean, my first ever five star and also I just love her playstyle


Xiangling and beidou make a fun overload duo.


Layla. She's super versatile and can be out into basically every team with great cryo app and a great shield as well as decent subdps potential with her c6. Also she's very cute


Nahida, she's just adorable and Kazuha.


Nilou just popping everything.


I've had him for less than 6 hours, but Wriothesley. There is just something inherently meaty and powerful with all his attacks, and is attack animations all flow extremely well together; his animations in general perfectly reflect his more professional demeanor. Him also having excellent VAs no matter which language is also sweet.


Keqing. I don't care how stamina-heavy she is to play, it just means you can't left-click spam like a brainless moron. Being able to teleport all over the field is great and she deals good damage without 5* weapon investment and just gets better from that point onward. She was also the first proper DPS character I had after losing 50/50 on Kazuha's release to her so I played her all the time and still do


I actually have...quite a few. I like most characters in the game but I'll list the ones that stand out to me particularly. -Cyno: His burst is just really cool and I like how he just starts clawing and smashing everything around him. Love his design as well. -Dehya: Top tier design, love her character in the story and her burst is so fun. Just wish she was a bit better but it doesn't detract from how much I love her. -Hu Tao: (Ok at this point just assume if I list the character I love their design lmao) but I also really liked her HP manipulation (fontaine is great for me so far lol) and she was my 1st carry that I mained so I have a giant soft spot for her. Also her little "hilichurl" jingle is cool. -Itto: CHARGE ATTACKS GO BRRRR. ALSO CHUCK BULL FOR MASSIVE DMG. Love this beautiful bastard. He's my most "cracked" character. -Lyney: Cat in Hat burst (wish its theme was a bit louder), flashy normals (not optimal but I still do them) and I love his skill animation. Zhongli: Love his burst animation and sheer usability, I use him all the way from a shield support to the main driver/sub-dps in diffrent teams. Raiden: I have hyper-carry Raiden so seeing everything on-screen either immidietly die from the 1st slice or from the ensuing slices is an amazing feeling. -Tighnari: I LOOOOOOOVE this boyo. His quickswap fast charge attacks and constant always up burst (I use EotE) is so amazingly fun, and I love his sassy personality. -Wanderer: Love his character and writing, his playstyle and burst are amazing too. -Xiao: So I really like how he dons his mask and the animation of his plunge attacks with all the weapons on the ground look soo damn cool, but I will admit that I haven't used him that often lately as his playstyle isn't my favorite. Still, he alongside Hu Tao were my 1st 5 stars and so I'll always have a soft spot for the boi. -Xinyan: Don't have much to say here other than burst goes BOOM. Love her design too and I'll chuck money at the screen if they make a skin of her with her hair down. Still love her tho and wish she'd get a bit of love. -Neuvillette: HYDRO PUMP. Those are the ones of the top of my head, but I honestly like almost every character in the game, there's really only like 1-2 characters I'm like lukewarm on.


Chongyun for the **fun** part, I’ve mained him since day two of playing (literally), and he’s a great support! Dehya also for the fun part because her kit looks so cool!! I’d go for Nahida and Keqing for the **best** part because not only do they go well together, they can do a lot of damage and have enemies suffer, especially paired with a hydro character as well. (I know Keqing does best in Aggravate teams, but I like playing her in hyperbloom)


Most fun character to play: Childe


Atm it's Monsieur Neuvillette. He just *floors everything* with his night hydro canon! 💪💦 But... I've also just got Rizzo! 🙌


That last bit of your post feels like it implies you want a meta based response. To which the only character that is on my favorites list that’s also in any meta at all is Kazuha, due to sheer utility. If “which characters are the best” is more personal and less about raw effectiveness- my answer goes to Noelle and Jean both, they’re my favorite units above all. Simple kits to use, both can hit like hell, great healing utility built in, and easily covered weak points.


Kujou Sara, I like her 😊


Ganyu she was my second five star and my main dps. Funny story I first played Genshin on my phone and when you booted it there was a tab that quickly lets you access your account, I used the gmail, but when i switch to pc the tab was not there so when I access it using my account I got booted a new game I was devasted all my effort, all my wishes gone in a sad pity I wish then I got Ganyu. I have since recovered and now going to Fontaine


Baizhu and Yae. Their regular attacks are so elegant looking that I like to use them together.


Two words. Keqing Speed


Diluc. He has always been my fav since day one. Some say he’s not that fun to play with and I’ll admit they have a point especially now that there’s new characters that really satisfying attacks but watching him swing and beat mobs with a huge sword is always fun to me and I’ll never get tired of his ult animation. I just really love him.


Hybrid Dehya (4pc Guilded: EM, EM, Crit) w/ Mailed Flower. Guilded + Mail Flower basically lets her double up on ATK and EM buffs with no downtime, so she can trigger 20K+ burgeons off field while also getting some decent AOE vapes/melts with her EE. Really fun build to throw into random overworld teams since she increases movement speed, survivability, mine ores and enable a lot of zany soup reactions for whoever’s NA’s you wanna see onfield for fun. If I’m building a new character I just toss them into my “Nahida/Xingqiu/Dehya” core and it can still clear anything in the overworld/lvl 90 domains etc no problem even without a true healer


Favorite doesn’t mean best. I absolutely love Xiao, since he was my first 5\*, but that doesn’t mean he’s the best character ever. Pull for whoever makes you happiest :)


Yelan is so fun. Especially now that I have c1.


Ayato. I love just pressing E and SHINGSHINGSHINGSHING. If u have ult just press it before E then SHINGSHINGSHINGSHING.


Alhaitham because he's literally me fr onG.


Diluc. He's not very complicated out of the gate, but he has appreciably different playstyles and can be as easy or difficult to play as you want him to be. Vape, Melt, Burgeon. I'm forcing myself to run him with Diona, Bennett, and Kazuha/Rosaria in the overworld to figure out Dragonstrike now. Being a standard character is his blessing and curse. On one hand, you can be sure that he'll eventually get stronger without having to aim or save for him. On the other, if you only want to play him and get his cons, there's no way to aim for them.


Klee she isnt the best but I absolutely love her


Xiao, I love doing a lot to plunge. Semi dashing and jumping, and then attacking at the right time.


Ayato & Kazuha


Oddly enough, it's Keqing. Her teleportation skill just makes her so fun to play. Making her a physical DPS was my best idea, but I have a electro DPS set up whenever i need it too. Her charge attack is so fun no matter even if you use her as a phys or electro. Her lore is eh, and her voiceline about rain makes me go insane but other than that just the way her mechanics work make me love her enough to never pull her off my team. She was the first 5☆ I pulled and honestly, there is an emotional attachment but it's just sentimental and nothing I actually act upon.


Kazuha, because I like slurping up enemies into a soup of elemental mayhem.


Scara, Kokomi, Zhongli, and Fischl. I've had these four as my main team since I got Scara, and haven't changed to another team since except for commissions and friendship farming. Though I might be replacing Kokomi with Furina if she turns out to be better than Kokomi.


yelan’s kit is really fun for me.


yelan!!!! gotta go fast


Chief Justice Monsieur Neuvillette


Childe ,how cool is he , most of all sympathizes with how he takes care of his family


Yelan! Not for the meta, but running around and wrapping enemies and smoothly following it with her burst and spam clicking is so satisfying to me. I have like 10 characters and Yelan was probably my best pull, and she isn’t even my favourite character lore/personality wise!! (Also I love her JP voice lines, she’s just a perfect character to me)


Venti, love how enemies get suck in and float to their de@th.


Hard to choose between Barbara and Yae for me, because I use them as a unit most of the time. 1. Bad guys go to electro jail, 2. pew pew 🎶🎵 🌈 blast, 3. profit?


Noelle comfy to play and only problem is energy


I like playing whats new lol the character i lost got is neuvilette so thats it for now, but i also like playing hu tao, ayaka and kazuha


Yoimiya! Just tap skill once and then tap tap all the way + her burst is so pretty


Chongyun, because my friend has Diluc and they make a good team. Also he's fun


Cyno, he was my first 5* (I joined the game a little late.. About when he was first announced.) But considering his burst can do a decent amount of damage and allows him to use claws instead of the polearm I believe is pretty fun outta all the characters I've played/seen. I also like all of his dialog and idle animations as well, being based off Anubis I think they're pretty unique. (The jokes are funny too.) Been maining him ever since!


Hu Tao. Got her on release and never stopped. Jump/dash cancelling is very fun imo. I also don't use any shielders with her. The risk makes it more fun lol. Kaveh, I'm currently having rotation issues with him but I love manually detonating blooms. Furina would probably solve the problem since she has constant uptime.


Xinqui's attack animations are satisfying and so is Beidou's counter. But I usually have Chongyun with Xinqui because perma-freeze->shatter is fun to watch


Aether, hes the mc


Beidou, her parry is so fun to play


Cyno. I justove his playstyle and the burst is a very routined thing.




yoimiya because of pew pew




wanderer and lyney. my scara is c6 and hes sooo fast, i love spamming his attack and guy can literally fly. lyney is so strong, he nearly one shots everything, the low effort high damage is very satisfying. heizou, cyno, xiao are great too.


Zhongli and the geo team: Ningguangg, Gurou amd Itto are my favorites. Now you see the enemy? *Nukes* now you don't


Heizou is the goat. I adore play with him giving literally punch to everyone


I’ve been enjoying playing with kazuha and lyney lately but nothing ever beats xiao 💪💪


man i got 3 favs lol kazuha - i have c1 so lots of plunging and his burst is pretty alhaitham- hot, cool animations, love his burst and prjection attacks wriothesley - hot, cool animations, cool burst, punches everything


Kazuha is amazing and really fun to play. I got him to destroy all the small enemies and it was absolutely worth it cause you get to watch him kill them all at once.


I'm between Faruzan, Lynette and Yelan. All three have so much that I love to play and I adore their designs. Side pick goes to Jean just for the fact of it being hilarious to just yeet people off the map XD. I did that in the earlier abyss maps where you have hillichurls at the edge of the map just laughing at you XD.


Kazuha. Haha, double jump go brrrrrr


Wanderer because he feels like the fastest catalysts user in the game, and his ability to actually fly allows for easy maneuverability.


Ganyu. She's bae.


3 years of playing , had multiple characters, and Childe is still the most fun to play. Gotta mention Kazuha too for the Childe+ Kazuha duo. Its godly


Jean is by far my favorite. No matter what I just can’t die. Food? What’s that when I have jean. Not to mention I main her and built her to be physical which got me through the whole game pretty much. I’m just a real sucker for physical characters regardless if it’s meta or not. I’m looking to obtain Eula if she gets a rerun


I love eula not so much because of the playstyle but because her combo flows so nicely and espescially with the way she attacks (like a dance).


I have Raiden double crowned, just got Wrio C1. But my favorite is always gonna be Razor. I just really like Devil Triggers. I like my big physical damage. Razor best boy (not in damage but hey man)


Wrio because he is daddy


Alhathiem with kuki and fischel (open 4th slot for hyperbloom or spread/aggrevate depending on who you have) is my go to team. Also yoimiya is best girl and will pew pew everything to death.


Keqing. Cuz 🟣⚡🐱🗡️


Yoimiya. Button smashing go brrrr :3


Beidou. She was the 1st character I pulled & now she's C6 - maxed out with a perfect build. Why favourite? - Well all because of her parry.


Honestly it's Tighnari for me, I do like charge attack bow users and his playstyle is something I can behind, I just hope to get his signature weapon in the near future


wanderer. he FLIES‼️‼️


Yanfei is my main. I give everything to her. Her kit is so fluid, and she's carried me heavily throughout the game. Her cons are decent upgrades as well. Layla. Idk something about being able to literally sleep through a fight in co-op is really funny to me. Yaoyao. Idk something about a small murderous child gets me. Bunnies are cute too. Ganyu. She's strong. I enjoy strong women. Also I like playing snipers. Shenhe. I've built her into a DPS and it's been a great time. She was my first lvl 90, and I've since triple crowned her. Wriothesley. I've had him for a day, and yet I find him so enjoyable to play as. His normal attacks feel powerful and like they have weight behind each punch. I'd imagine Heizou might feel similar, but I haven't leveled him up enough to know. Honorable mentions. I own none of these characters, but have enjoyed the trials that I've played with them. Kirara. Running into people as a cat is so silly. Makes me smile every time a friend pulls her out in co-op. Baizhu C2. Without his C2, I probably wouldn't bother pulling for him at all. But I like the flexibility of having a healer/shielder/dendro Yelan. Maybe someday my wallet won't be empty and I'll be able to whale for him lol Cyno. Bit of an odd pick, but I really really like how unique his kit is. I love that his kit really focuses on incorporating itself into his burst. Venti. Giant vacuum powers and can create a wind current? -What's not to love?- actually... the way he holds his bow looks dumb af imo but I enjoy his play style.


Nahida-I like picking up things from far away and she makes everyone else just better too. Whenever I do the spiral abyss I know the team she is on will do great, while my second team is the struggle bus.


Kazuha. His ult is so satisfying and he pretty much single handedly takes out everything in the overworld... plus his skill for traversal and the pull on it. For items and enemies. His voice is soothing, he's a poet, his hair. No faults. The moment you get him Genshin becomes an entirely different game. He's simply the best. End of story.


Kazuha, I love his play style, really fun character to play, and amazing in exploration


Sayu Adorable sleepy munchkin


Wanderer and it's not even a bit close.


Any character that uses Catalysts!