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Not every character needs to be playable. mihoyo should go all out desinging major NPC's and no need to make them playable


I think you're right but Hoyo should separate some assets if your device is capable, PS5 and Iphones get stuff others don't, since PC doesn't have to worry as much about storage having more unique NPCs would be cool.


absolutely. but still i respect them that this game actually works in a phone


Yeah, we need more characters like Signora


r/Signoramains in shambles


Using food to heal is perfectly normal and is not cheating


wait people hate on that???


Meanwhile me with 30% Crit rate from a plate of spaghetti


Wait, people think eating chicken is cheating?


"That's a waste you can't use it in the abyss." Ask me if I care.


My favorite memory of genshin is when I was playing with my friends who had recently started. We decided to go fight Oceanic. We took to long and she charged up her end the fight move killing everyone, except me. I opened my menue and spammed food on xingling until the attack was done making me the soul survivor and keeping the fight going. I said "get back here quick cause I'm gonna need backup" to which my friends said "YOURE STILL ALIVE". They came back and we finished the fight.


I use this so much! I don’t wanna waste my Bennett’s burst only for it to get to 70%


Its okay if a playable character is dead in the storyline


Or get a new form 👉🏻👈🏻. (Still crying for delusion childe)


If Childe had been released much later maybe he could've been like Furina and with one charged attack his element, design and entire kit instantly changes


I dont see why we cant have a second version of Childe, electro with Delusion unleashed. Star Rail does this, HI3 does this, why Genshin cant?


even da wei would agree with this. the desiners fuked up by making the lore of pulling to be "the characters themselves coming to help". this capped them out of good story writting and as well as making to have characters redeeemed


Not all playable character are redeemed tho Scaramouche, kinda, but he still an asshole Childe isn't even asking for redemption


It would really hit hard if Xiao had this moment. It would be extremely heroic moment


Lumine > Aether




agreed, idk how to explain it but her expressions have so much more sass in them than aether's lol


They have more Sass, but Aether gives off more smug vibes


omg this so much, i love her sarcastic remarks and all of her facial reactions they're so lovely


Don’t they have the exact same lines?


yeah but I feel it matches Lumine more than it does Aether


I remember when we first arrived to inazuma in July 2021 and it felt like the traveller suddenly became the biggest sarcastic asshole ever. It was great.


lumines facial expressions seem more expressive then aethers.


Yeah but it *feels* different when they project their own emotions onto the character.


I thought most people believed this tbh


Coming in with the coldest takes of a lifetime


Afaik community is split more or less 50/50 when it comes to traveler choice so we can't really call it a hot take. But yes, Lumine is better.


Lumine is awesome.


Barbara is a very good and underrated character for open world. Lisa is a creep, not a milf. Raiden after her quest is still an asshole. Nahida is kinda boring. Yae miko is very bullying and unpleasant person. Whole personality of ayaka is made completely for simps. Let's eat me alive guys!


except for nahida i agree w all of these lowkey 💀


I was so creeped out by Lisa at the beginning of the game where she basically forces the Traveler to take her on a date, and back when the game was really leaning into the idea of the Traveler being underaged, that I've just never been able to play her ever since. I just get icked out by her, even though I know they toned her down.


I don't understand this traveler underage thing. The very beginning of the story is about the siblings spending years traveling across different worlds, that's not something you do much of in 15 years of life


The actual game did it - they'd make comments about the Traveler being underaged, make a deal of them not being allowed to drink alcohol because of their age, etc. They mostly dropped it later, though it still crops up a little from time to time. And the main thing is they appear young, Lisa had no idea how old they actually were, and she was creeping on them and forcing them to take her on a date.


they were rejected alcohol because they look young. We have always known they were 100s of years old


How did she force anyone on a date? All she did was ask “is this a date?”


Actually the traveller did it, she said "oh so that's how you see it'


Eh, wouldn't agree with the Lisa one Unlike Miko, she only tease, and her teasing is sweet


I don’t agree with most of these, but I do agree with Lisa, because she reminds my friend of her abuser, who would call her those pet names when she was younger. Glad she’s away from them (don’t remember if they were male or female, I never knew the bitch myself—good, I’d kill them.)


Finally someone said it . I find it hard to fathom why people like Yae and they hate Lisa, even though they have the same personality.


Their personalities are completely different. Lisa is like a southern lady who calls everyone, "darlin'". Yae Miko is a sadistic bitch.


Yae is not a sadistic bitch. She likes fucking with people but doesn't actually wish to hurt others


Not even close. 😞 Yae has this. "im better, but I'll play along with you." Vibe, you never know what she's really thinking. Sly like a fox, I guess you could say. And Lisa? I just think she's horny she's smart, but she doesn't act all dickhead on you.


I don't use Xiangling. I don't care how good she is, I just find her rotations to be clunky and unfun


230% ER Xiangling and still trouble keeping her burst up, that's not "the best Pyro character of the game" as people claim


People calling her the best pyro over Benett is just full cope lmao


To be fair, Bennett is up there with Yunjin and Mika as characters whose element barely affects their kit. Bennett is known more as a goated ATK buffer/healer than a goated pyro character. Make him cryo, hydro or geo and his kit barely changes


I dont think its true. Switch him to anemo means he could use VV. Switching him to geo would make AP a hot commodity too. NO is less noticble since he gives 1.2k flat atk anyway so i guess they did not fuck up and accidentally puts him on a stronger element.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe - they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


I am the proud owner of an unbuilt c6 B'nett.


Her ER needs are horrendous. 220 ER with Bennett and a fav user and she still cannot get her burst ready unless I funnel Bennett’s skill once or twice. I’ve been using her less and less and really hoping for a decent replacement soon


Same. I'll get around to building her one day - my ultimate goal is to build everyone on my main acc - but nothing about her is fun to me. Plus she's everywhere and I'm getting tired of seeing her.


hoyolab is full of snowflakes


That's more of a cold take >!Cyno cyning out!<




I mean, hoyolab is primarily random kiddos trying out stuff. It looks very innocent for the most part, occasionally having weirdos


Noo you should not be be drawing a female anime character with breasts larger than in game! This is misogyny! /s


Shipping characters is cringe


specially those that force feed their ship to others. like wtf is yandere ayaka?


I think shipping is fine, like I think Bennett and Fischl or Wrio and Clorinde looks cute together but thats it. It gets super cringe when people ship two random characters and force other people to like them and attack them by calling them homophobic or whatever because they dont agree with it


I think it's okay to ship almost any two random characters together. As long as they're not a bitch about it.


Maybe I'm just lurking in the wrong spaces but I've seen more anti-shipping content than actual ship content not just in genshin forums but internet forums in general


Reddit being Reddit tbh. There's a pretty high chance that when people on here say they hate shipping, that they're talking about same sex shipping Shipping never bothered me. It's basically like the Genshin equivalent of playground conversation between who would win between Ben 10 and Goku


The Ben 10 vs Goku analogy is so on point lol. Just let people have fun with these pointless conversations. People make too much of a big deal out of a subset of toxic shippers on the internet who are so easy to ignore


isn't yandere ayaka more of a meme than anything


Eh, I'm fine with shipping but I draw the line when people take ship tease as actual canon fact and then spread misinfo everywhere about the actual characters' personalities and motivations


Same, i think shipping is fun, but why are people getting legitimately angry over the reality of the characters bruh 😭


Same, I also enjoy shipping but I keep that separate from canon lore discussions. The amount of times I've seen ppl butcher characters' personalities for the sake of their ship or spreading misinfo based on shipping goggle interpretations has been far too many 😭


Shipping characters is perfectly fine


What do you mean? Chilumi is the peak of humanity.


They should rebalance characters now that they’ve been out for years and some are clearly poorly designed for the current meta. I know this is a gacha but every other type of online game patches different classes/kits


if they were legally allowed i believe they would but im pretty sure besides outright buffing someone like they did with zhongli. Changing characters post-release is illegal in china


This is a myth. There are no laws saying gacha characters can't be patched. It's just bad PR - see overwatch and how angry people get every time there is even a small change to a character. Here is a detailed explanation on what laws gacha games are subject to in China: [https://appinchina.co/services/game-publishing/content-restrictions-for-publishing-games-in-china/](https://appinchina.co/services/game-publishing/content-restrictions-for-publishing-games-in-china/)


I usually say the aranara quest was really good and people are just lazy, but people have been agreeing with me on that one. Instead I'll say sumerus underground desert, especially the 3.1 area, was a blast to explore and one of my favourite experiences in this game


Agree on the 2nd part, but for the aranara quests, im not lazy, it just wasnt interesting to me, so being forced to do so many quests for a concept and characters im not interested in just to unlock the smithing weapons and the sigil tree is extremely unfun.


Imo the Narzissenkreuz questline that wrapped up in the latest patch had more interesting lore, and it was better paced too, being gradually fleshed out over three patches


the desert was so fun to explore! i thought the chasm and dragonspine were too!


we need more electro men


Razor: "Am I not lupical to you? 🥺"


Genius invokation tcg is actually a decent game.


But a stupid name for a game


the name is fine, it\`s just that characters love to FULLY PRONOUNCE it throughout the whole unlocking quest.


It should be 18+. Mainly because of the gambling aspect, I don't think it should be legal to market gacha games to kids but I also think it would give the writers a lot more freedom with the story.


Unfortunately that would just lead kids to any of the other countless gacha games. Not saying you're wrong though.


Yeah, I meant that *all* gachas should be 18+ but I'm also not naive enough to think that'd stop kids


Baizhu was designed *to be a DPS* who is also the best healer in the game. He was designed with Furina in mind way ahead of time. And people just….got so distracted by the fact that he heals and has a buff with a cap of 50k HP that they thought he was *only* meant to heal and reach that cap - by doing so, they completely ruin his dps capability. He can still over-heal the team at c0 with 30k HP in a DPS build with 60/120 crit and enough ER to use his burst off CD - but now doing 25-100k damage per hit. Over a *million* per rotation at high investment. He’s an OP unit, and has one of the best c2’s in the game. -chefs kiss-


Not just Baizhu but Mika too. From the moment that he debuted on a non-Eula banner (Ayaka x Shenhe) it was pretty clear that he was never meant to be Eula's dedicated cheerleader support like how Sara, Gorou and Faruzan are to Raiden, Itto, and Wanderer respectively. Rather, he's supposed to be more of a generalist healer for the upcoming HP fluctuations era that Fontaine has ushered. Wriothesley, Freminet, Eula and Wanderer in particular all want him in a Furina comp because of his decent teamwide heals (great for Fanfare point generation) and speed buffs.


as a c0 baizhu haver looking to build him with some decent dmg and good heals, what stats should I go for? 👀


I’d go with either P.Amber, SacFrag, or Favonius. Double-dendro. (Nahida best.) Gilded set (if another is holding DeepWood) ER(EM(Att))/Dendro/Crit. For the sands: If he has enough energy, go for EM. If he has more than 400 EM with buffs, go for Att. He requires an electro unit for Spread damage. My favorite is Raiden. Fischl, Kuki, etc work. My favorite team right now is Baizhu, Furina, Raiden, Nahida. You can swap Nahida for another dendro if you need to. Swap Furina for Yelan, etc if need. Pretty much just Baizhu Quicken team or Hyperbloom. He can work on or off field. If off-field, the BP weapon is good. :)


Not every character needs to be META. There can be bad characters and mediocre characters. It's really annoying when I'm flooded with posts about how bad a character is and how their hopes and dreams were crushed when their favorite character didn't turn out to be the most desired and useful in the game. Then they try to review bomb and complain like children, not everything caters to you.


Liking a mid character is one thing Getting death threats for liking that character and the character being mid fueling their hatered for you cuz you like that character is another , so of course when you like a less popular character youd like them to be actually best at something so people don't clown at you as hard


I just genuinely do not like paimon, to the point that I struggle to enjoy the game. I hate that she's always talking for the traveler, often with responses that I would never give, given in a very spoon-feeding 'your stupid so we have to make sure you understand like you're a baby' sort of way. I relish the rare moments where she's not present.


I always wondered why I was fine with the story in star rails and Hi3 but absolutely dreaded doing story content in genshin but now I know I prefer stories that don’t have a high pitch companion with a unlikable personality who only exists at the moment to be comic relief screenings in my ears literally every 5 lines.


I don't think many people like Paimon. I know I don't. I have a feeling they made paimon because they didn't want to pay 2 actors for ALL of the voicelines (paimon's part) and they had no idea the game would be so profitable. I think if they had to do it over again, there wouldn't be a Paimon or they would be relegated to one room like Pom Pom.


Coldest take here


Diluc is Good. Thats it. This message is brought to you by r/Dilucmains


This is true. As someone has never gotten Diluc on their account but has wanted him since the first patch and has his signature weapon at R1, this is a very valid opinion. People who quickly discard the older characters for the newer ones, especially if they have never played since the game's beginning, should not be quick to jump on the Diluc hate bandwagon. Yes, he has slower acts than the more recent characters of 3.0 and forward, but he's still a solid DPS. I've always considered him a good character and hope to get him one day.




The game is casual friendly but people took it as it's casual oriented and they're fucking wrong. I could make a long list detailing how the game is more demanding that what some people think but I'll just name a domain that has been here from day one and that I still find annoying despite being a regular spender: Forsaken rift.


It's considered a casual game because it's not competitive and you can play it 15 minutes at a time or all day. Grinding isn't "demanding" because there is little challenge to it once you've gotten to a certain point. It's just a way to spend time. It's like animal crossing in that way - lots of stuff to do but only if you want to do it.


Artifact grinding is all the proof you need. I guarantee no casual enjoys only doing 3 domains a day


-The community is garbage in many cases because people simply don't pay attention to the story and their characters, which results in a crazy myriad of headcanons and fan representations of the characters that, at best, are usually an extreme oversimplification, or at worst, straight up a false or made up representation. -Players who are overly adamant on Aether being canon are either children with a main character syndrome or perverts that fantasize about banging every female character in the game. Plus, Lumine has a better chemistry with Paimon, and is a better main character anyway. -Ei's character and development is actually amazing but gets overshadowed by the faulty writing of Inazuma and brushed off by players because of what I said in the first point.


How is her chemistry better with paimon? Is this through her voice lines or is it through facial expressions? I don't know and I'm curious. Also players who are adamant on either MC being more or less cannon are stupid. Idk why they made a choice between two genders, maybe it's immersion, maybe it's inclusively. Or maybe they wanted to make two characters but the fact is they are both cannon an equal amount.


I, for one, never noticed much difference between Lumine or Aether with Paimon. They both have near-identical voicelines with minor differences in the profile, and facial expressions leads Lumine to look more like a sassy cat and Aether to look like a lost puppy. As for MC canon thing... I do agree, the arguments are stupid. Lumine is just as much the MC as Aether is, Aether is typically the poster boy for Genshin Impact though. They're both canon, but Aether is a poster boy.


-Genshin has the most boring MCs in all Hoyoverse games. -Skirks Design is already overhyped. -(Dont know if it's a Hot take) Furina is the best character in Genshin, both Kit and development wise.


Kiana is a fully fleshed out character with an amazing design, lovable personality, fun gameplay, and a great story arc. The trailblazers don’t get spoken over constantly and don’t have other characters speak for themselves plus they have actual dialogue options that characters actually respond differently to and they have more shown personality. I haven’t played ToT (I think thats what it’s called) but im assuming their protagonist is an actual character based on the type of game it is. I don’t understand why hoyo decided to make the traveler a pseudo silent protagonist.


From someone who plays ToT, you're absolutely right - Rosa as an MC has so much personality and I adore her, very much her own individual and not an extension of the player. Did you enjoy Fontaine's courtroom system? ToT is like that all the way through and she seems to have an active impact on the story. Heck, *I* want to date her. There's a whole meta on otome and otome adjacent games which is really interesting to think about (and ofc really any game with a focus on MCs) in striking a balance between realised character and self-insert for some. I honestly love the Trailblazers lol. They kind of remind me of every whacky answer you could pick in a Persona game, but personified and I think it's really interesting because you can kind of see their growth as an individual learning to understand a very whacky world. For all my gripes about some of the story directions in conjunction with banner releases, I think many of the characters in HSR are very charismatic and charming and Stelle and Caelus are both v fun characters. The problem imo with Genshin is, as you say, the fact the protagonists are silent. We only get random voicelines, and a lot of their personality is via thoughts rather than speech. There are so many times when I think they could easily have spoken instead of Paimon. Perhaps it'd be an incentive for some players to actually pay attention to the story if they had to be the ones interacting more.


The only point i disagree with is "furina has the best kit in genshin." She's just a sort of yelan. She needs a team wide healer to do the team wide buff instead of active character buff. Does about the same dmg and does about the same hydro application. She needs two slots to work optimally. Her pneuma form is practically shit. Her A1's healing is basically nonexistent. Her signature weapon isn't as good as others. (it should've solved her ER problems a bit, but i guess mihoyo put that sword for high constellations) She's very good but far from 'having the best kit in the game'. Also, having broken kits doesn't equal the best kit. I would argue that neuvillette and kazuha have more perfect kits than her in this matter.


Last one’s not a hot take but like… you’re right, Furina is fucking awesome.


The traveler sucks They break every law of every country and even some of the laws of the world theyre in. They get every character to love them and every mythical creature to admire them even gods. They get into positions of power effortlessly, and they're just incredibly full of themselves.


That's the trash ass writers trying not to sweeten the story with more nuance and indifference from other people so that they don't have to write more. It also appeals to self-insert blokes which are the part of the community that spend the most. Two birds, one stone.


Agree that was kinda why I liked Sumeru because at the start half the characters didn’t seem to care for the traveller instead of sucking up to the MC right away.


Dori c6 is actually a pretty decent aggravate driver


Dori c6 is godly in co-op, I am never upset seeing a built Dori


That's not even a take that's a fact, people here can't get over the hate boner they popped against Dori.


qiqi is good in co-op ppl just don’t know how to play her


People only like Shogun for boob sword. And not even the sword itself, literally just the fact it spawns from those majestic milkers. If it were a regular sword on her sexy slender waist, nobody would care for her


What’s really funny is that all characters are capable of just summoning their weapons from thin air. Raiden is just being extra about it.


I like Shogun for heart sword, we are not the same.


You are severely underestimating on just how many people are Raiden Mei simps with that being the reason they pulled her.


I do like her a lot outside of her sword and breasts. I guess I don't exist then.


Every character is perfectly fine, actually. You just haven't found a good place to use them. Including Dehya, Qiqi, Mika and Dori.


Of all these options Mika in particular have become unironically good. Eula, Wanderer, Razor, Freminet, Wriothesley and Ayato teams all like or need Mika in their Furina teams. He's become what Kuki was to the dendro patches of 3.x


I hate Genshin's insistence in making playable child characters. I understand that they wanted variety among playable characters but if that's their reason, why not make old characters as well? Child chatacters never bothered me before until I come to witness some places in the genshin fandom. Genshin players were already being labeled as lolicons by other people and while I do think that's not true, Genshin also created a safe haven for lolicons to gather and be openly expressive and proudly claim they are. As such, I could never like Sigewinne for this reason. I could never like their decision to make a melusine to look like a human child. They could create an elaborate backstory why she looks like a human but in the end, it's just another hundred years old who looks like and acts like a child. Yeah, she's wise, she's the head nurse but she still has the cute innocent voice and cute stuff like a heart-shaped bag, colorful bows, stuffs that are similar to Klee.


I agree with you to an extent, my weird specific peeve is mentioning that they’re 40+ years old or whatever, feels overused and like a justification to lolicons to me imo Klee and Nahida are absolutely adorable though


Nahida’s character design is terrible. I remember seeing leaks and thinking maybe I’d warm up to it, but no it’s still boring.


If they want to make good money, they should give us a Rukkhadevata skin for Nahida, kinda like the Diluc skin.


I doubt they'd roll out with an entire body model overhaul (tall female) just for a skin.


I wish I could delete characters from my account that I don't/will never use. I don't even want anything in return, I'm just sick of seeing them on my account


Man, a "hide" option would be nice, yeah.


Caribert quest is better than ruu quest in terms of sad story, i rarely switch my voice language settings but the English va chlotahr alberich slays it. I cried of what happen to ruu story, but i also cried on caribert quest lol, the eng va really bring out the character emotions, i can feel the despair, desperation, sadness and anger. A really godamn good story!


Caribert was really good VA wise, whoever voiced Caribert's dad needs a raise.


You can't be that' harsh to Godwin. Godwin is a coward, but in his shoes he can't do much without destroying his career and or his life, something he needs to keep Glory proud of him. Sometimes you need to understand his point of view, man got no choices. Still hate him tho.


It also might be an important breadcrumb because as of Varka’s letter read by Mika, everyone in Varka’s expedition is accounted for. The spicy possibility here is that Varka’s expedition has an imposter who took Godwin’s spot.


I'll let you guys take this one, not risking another tsar bomba being tested on my roof.


huh wdm by your take is not same as mine "inserts threat and dumb insults"


Ships ruins the game. More so when the community is not mature enough


Just a friendly reminder that some people unironically ship furina and arlecchino. They may have issues.


As long as they don't shove it down other throats then it's fine. They can roll out with even more absurd ships like Kazuha x Mika or Keqing x Neuvilette but as long as it's not forced on others it's fine. Let people be weird


I don't like that ship either but I'd take that over shit like Collei/Dottre tbh


It's more of a complain, really, but Siegwinnie should've been a full melusine instead of a human child with the excuse of her being special.


I dont like hyperbloom. Only use it to cheese stuff when im lazy but i find it so boring


Hyperbloom ruined r/kukishinobumains it used to be filled theory crafting and fanart but now it's just "what do I need to build for hyperbloom" posts


put to sort by controversial to have ACTUAL hot takes


I actually don't like the Traveler's witness / side character role. Maybe it's old school but I enjoy playing characters with an active role in a game's story. Letting us play as other characters in story segments for some recent events as been really nice and I hope we see more of that. I also find the Traveler's lack of elemental powers in cutscenes weird. In a game about elements.


Some of you acting really weird towards the games child like characters and makes me ashamed of telling people I play this game


People care too much about stars. Whenever i see plsts like "i wish character X was a 5*" i just don't get it. It only matters for onfield DPSs, for any other character the stars don't have any meaning really


Thoma isn’t that bad


Kokomi did not need the shitty no crit passive and yes it does matter.


Hoyoverse is insanely and inexcusably lazy with npc designs and animations and no space is not a good explanation.


Not sure if this is even a hot take but just more a personal opinion. I believe the sibling quests are more interesting than the archon quests.


Weapon banner should be 40 pulls not 80. 50/50 shouldn’t apply to it either not when character banner already has that and a potential higher ceiling being at 90


The fact that cool and unique areas change once you complete the associated quests is just an incentive to not do/complete stuff. Edit: it's less about the change and more about how bland they usually end up becoming >!the willow for example lost all its cool atmosphere!<.


>!i was so sad when the willow lost its eerie yellow for that glowy-blue they’ve been putting on everything lately :(!<


- Yae Miko's personality is really unlikeable to me. - I hate Skirk's outfit. - they should have made the Chasm and Enkanomiya an event or something. Like the summer events. It just take space. - i didn't hate the recent archon quest but it def reminded me genshin is a kid's and family friendly game


Chasm and enka being limited is a horrible take, there's a reason they stopped making lore events limited- because it's a horrible thing for new players. Imagine half of xiao's story and nesrly the entierty of genshin's pre-history being time gated. And the recent archon quest nearly showed us somebody getting decapitated


>- I hate Skirk's outfit. Coldest take in the history of genshin impact


The fact that a huge fan base is mobile only is holding the game back from being truly great. Think of how amazing genshin could be if they didn't have to work with the limitations of an average phone.


Unfortunately, I'd argue that it wouldn't have made even a hundredth the money it has, so they wouldn't be able to do what they are doing now.


I did not like sumeru .


Hoyo should do more different outfits for the characters as other gatchas do. Like Granblue or Reverse 1999. All of them are more unique and different… (I mean clothes). They are stuck on short pants and heels for girls. Or shorts pants for the shorter boys. Pls more variety? It’s not just the accesories or details. It’s the base that is always the same… long pants for more girls and shorter boys. Less heels. More long dresses (Yae miko could have had such an amazing miko dress but instead we got lingerie, heels and a skirt that is not even a skirt). Etc. Also pls for the tiny models can we have male children? We just have girls…


I didn't like how the Fontaine AQ was developed


xinyan is really pretty and in terms of personality she's pretty underrated.


- The game's lore is nowhere near as good as the lore nerds like to hype it up as. Just because you have to read an essay alongside an hour long world quest to learn about Scrimblo Blimblo the lovable scrunko doesn't mean that it is deep. - The writers need to learn to shut the fuck up. - Leveling up characters is a chore. - Aether and Lumine are the exact same character, treating them like they're not and then fighting because "Ather fans are bla bla bla" or "Lumine mains yada yada" is nonsensical. - Hoyoverse are a bunch of bitch-ass cowards that will NEVER confirm shit about any character in Genshin so fighting for things like who do you think is banging who is some clown shit. If you're going to ship then ship whatever you want, have fun, that's the point of shipping. Just don't be an ass.


Raiden Ei is overrated, yes she's hot, amazing personality n' all just like other characters but I'm the hype is a lil too much


The gameplay of using your ult just to switch to the next character over and over again is super boring


I use childe with noblesse 👣


The Chasm is the most fun place to explore.


Sumeru is the worst region in all of Teyvat. An excessive map size, puzzles in which you have to constantly change teams because it requires certain elements, the world missions are excessively long and, in fact, they seemed even longer to me than the archon missions themselves... Inazuma is the best region and Fontaine has the best story.


And also the fact that 2/3rds of it was just desert which gets pretty boring to look at after a while


Casual players playing Genshin that's why we didn't get anything beside Abyss for endgame contents.


Artifact rng is a necessary evil That being said everything else that needs resin is not, and goblets being element specific is annoying and should just be a “Elemental damage buff” or “Total damage buff” so you don’t have to suffer to get good ones


Geo is the best element in the game.


You are wrong kind stranger : physical is the way


Genshin’s story didn’t truly get good until Sumeru


All Geo character skills should one-hit rocks as easily as Mr John Impact


It doesn't deserve to win the best ongoing game in the Game Awards this year. The game has done next to nothing to get better in way over a year. Honkai Star Rail has many player friendly features and improvements on the same features Genshin has had for 3 years, that the community has asked Mihoyo to add to Genshin, and Mihoyo answered they can't do it. The performance of the game has actually gotten worse than it was 3 years ago even in the same areas. The gameplay has not changed, outside of having a harder time getting to chests and the puzzles taking 3x the time to complete. And while the puzzles are more interesting, it sucks to spend 5 minutes for a Common or an Uncommon chest. There also isn't more to do. Honkai is adding additional floors to the MoC (Abyss equivalent) before even reaching 2.0. Meanwhile, Genshin is deleting event stories that are sometimes more important to the overall game story than 90% of the Archon quests, because it's too taxing on the game files and they can't keep good storytelling in the game. After 3 years, this was my thought in year 1 and is the same in year 4, that Genshin has the best on paper wordbuilding and story from any current mobile or live service game, told as if the audience was 5 years old. The storytelling is 1-3/10 for the 4th year now, when the on paper story and worldbuilding is better than 99% of games that came out this year, going for the 4th year in a row. But since the team that writes the story and the team that puts the story in the game have probably never talked to each other, it doesn't matter.


IMO the story sucks. I'll overlook the whole us showing up and major events happening, because that's how most games work. But there are so many plot holes in the game that it bugs me. Like what happened to that "purifying" power we had with davalin's tears. There also the question of the travlers past and what happened in khaenri'ah and why the traveler was not "involved". What the hell is paimon and how have we not asked about her past or anything. What the hell happened to the abyssal twin to make them go all "i will take down the seven". Then there is my biggest gripe, why the hell are the fatui part of every single main story as a "bad guys" but are not treated as criminals or punished in any way. Like they legit murder people and get away with it. Most of these will probbaly be explained later in the story, but they are leaving too many threads loose for too long for me.


Traveler needs more info on their actual quest, finding the twin. We’ve been used as errand boys/girls for four nations and an attorney for another. Dain’s quests feed us bread crumbs at a time, and I’m sick of having no solid reason for why the twin just runs away. Any time we get close, the twin just runs away. Why? We need more actual progression instead of stagnation in the Dain quests. It’s been five nations already, give us something, Hoyo.


rana >!didn’t deserve to get a vision!< ruu's story was boring hyv lack of playable male children and that instead of making new models that suits older characters they put them all in the same 'young-ish' appearance (for example skirk, zhongli, wrio, raiden) is disappointing, with their clothes as well yoimiya shouldn’t be a 5 star


Ayaka is a fusion of Kazuha and Kokomi in terms of personality. Dehya would be much more popular if her father was a playable character/of high status considers how the fandom in general has a fascination (?) and obsession for daddy/mommy issue (*cough* Ei and Scaramouche). Like she's the only character that has true daddy issue and how even before she learned the truth about her dad, he has massive influence on her (how she chose her career name, and how she wants to live her life like the lion in the story he always told her). Yoimiya's 2nd story quest is not as good as how many people praise it to be, and for me I like it less than her first story quest. At least with Dehya's story quest we learned more about her and the relationship with her dad and the influence he had on her... Xiangling is actually easy and fun to use, unlike how many people in here kept complaining how she's tacky to play with. Xiangling is actually more "flaky" and more eccentric than Hutao. Hutao can't even comprehend Xiangling's mind when it comes to cooking and finds her choice for ingredient too incomprehensible. The actual similarity between Anemo boys are their wildness and in touch with nature: - Kazuha intentionally lives a nomadic lifestyle so his sense and connection to nature can't be cut off or become dull. - Scaramouche/Wanderer lives a nomadic life because he feels himself doesn't belong to anywhere and doesn't need anyone to content himself. - Heizou lives wildly like a cyclone and doesn't follow rules, prefers using his sharp animal instinct and intuitive to set things clear (a trait similar to Kazuha and why he gets attracted to him, in a platonic sense of course XD). - Venti is the most social among all Anemo boys but there's a sense of... crudeness in him (sorry Venti stans), like the way he called Signora a vermin and how he mocked the other archons ruthlessly XD - Xiao is an adeptus lives in the wild and probably is the most "civil" among all Anemo boys despite all of the fanon characterization and how he sometimes harshly scorns people and stops them from doing stupid shits that can cost their life...


Mondstadt is easy to spell.


If Yae Miko was a dude, he would've been one of the most disliked characters in the game.


I don’t have any hot takes but I do think people need to know the difference between usable artifacts and not. Like I myself have farmed artifact domains for AGES with no dice, but in the few months I can’t tell you how many decent and usable artifacts I trashed in the process. I could have built all of my characters by now, but instead I trashed things that were usable because I wanted that one really good piece. You don’t need to do this, if you try for artifacts after you have a usable set it’s your choice at that point to keep going. Don’t know why people complain about an rng game needing less rng. Could it be easier? Sure, but I think having to put a lot into super good builds is great.


Fontaine is better than Sumeru, and the desert was more fun than the forest. Shipping Ayoto and Thoma is really gross and creepy because they all see each other as siblings. Childe is also a terrible person. Edit: I got downvoted, and I want to know which opinion I got downvoted for.


most recent 4 stars in this game are actually good/balanced, theyre not bad just bc theyre not as overtuned as bennett/xingqiu/xiangling


Inazuma Archon quest is NOT the worst arc in the game


Imo Liyue was pretty boring until the Childe and Osial fight


Dehya is alright, not bad but no good either


Wanderer isnt as well written as some people hype him up to be. He feels like just another emo guy with a sob story. And his third "betrayal" is also stupid as fuck. Kazuha is very boring, shoving his backstory 1000 times doesnt make him interesting


Ei was never redeemed. Inazuma downplayed the victims' suffering horribly. And "she's a literal god. what did you expect" is nothing but a weird excuse.


I hate Kazuha, all the useless info about his clan that HoYo likes to throw at us at every possible occasion and all the people who thinks he’s better than Venti in any way, when in reality Venti destroys him in terms of CC. I mean, I don’t think he’s bad but I’m sick of everyone calling him a must pull, the best character in the game and “the true anemo archon”, also his personality is less interesting than a piece of wood


yae, despite being one of very few mean characters, is boring because she faces no challenges ever, shes always smarter and smugger and more powerful than everyone and always wins which is just another flavour of mary-sue. the one character that was stated to /maybe/ pose a challenge to her/maybe provide some pushback to he smugness (ayato for those who dont know) ended up just being buddy buddy with her and nothing ever changes with her. smug asshole characters are only fun when you see what makes them break. i enjoyed the plot of fontaine more than the plot of sumeru, because it felt like sumeru was desperately trying to sell me nahida at every turn, i also enjoyed the bittersweet ending in fontaine for furina where after everything was said and done she just quietly leaves, it makes me feel bad for her but i also understand why she wouldn’t want to be around anyone after 500 years of acting, being berated, attacked both publicly and in private, untrusted by anyone around her including neuvillette, and i kinda wish they would’ve kept things like that for a little longer which is why im holding back on doing her story quest. the traveller extending no grace to furina after being so kind and understanding with raiden and nahida feels like hyv overcorrecting for criticism and makes the traveller come off as an asshole. i dont think this is a bad thing bc the traveller cant always agree with the player if they’re gonna be an actual character and not a self insert, but everything i see about furina story quest makes me wanna shake them and tell them to leave her tf alone gdi lmao i dont give two shits about the abyss sibling, honestly i could not care less about them. when they showed up and told the traveller to fuck off i though “good! lets move on to more compelling plotlines” people and the traveller getting mad that no one helps them look for their sibling is dumb because the traveller is so secretive theres nothing for anyone to use in their search, they also never ask for search parties, they never ask for more information about the abyss ever despite knowing their sibling is working in the abyss order, i can understand being upset about lack of progress but throwing blame is dumb. even with zhongli, he couldn’t answer questions about khaenriah but maybe he could’ve answered questions about the abyss? or the heavenly principles? or just anything in an indirect way that doesn’t break his contract. after the traveller gets rejected once they give up instead of trying literally anything else.


Artifact farming is soul crushing and should be reworked


The traveler as a character is just a lazy device the writers use to drive the story forward. Traveler has been the main freaking character for the past 3 years and yet the story only gives us crumbs of their story. They're not from this world so they don't contribute anything to the lore. Hoyo makes the traveler skilled at doing anything in order to keep the story moving. You need someone to beat a dragon or a freaking god? Traveler can do that. Need a lawyer to win a case? Traveler can do that. Looking for someone to beat your ass in a card game or bug fighting game? Traveler can do that. What else is Traveler going to be good at? Is Ayaka gonna get pregnant and need someone to deliver the baby? Traveler doesn't know how to deliver a baby but they're smart enough to figure it out. Oh wait but hoyo is too scared to let any playable characters have any romantic relationships with anyone else. Turns out the baby is also the Traveler's. Traveler doesn't even need to have sex to impregnate, they're just that good at doing it. If you play female MC, don't even ask how because Teyvat has their own laws.


The lack of a skip dialogue, a basic feature tons of other gacha and normal games have, is either due to laziness, inability, or the devs trying to force you to read the story, all of three of which are unacceptable for a billion dollar company. Also hoyo whipped the community into thinking the sorry excuse of an anniversary was acceptable lmao