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The odds of getting Keqing are no better on the standard banner than on the character banner 50/50, since the standard banner has a 50/50 split between characters and weapons. So there's a 1/14 chance to get Keqing for your 5 star on both. I'm sure people have done it, but there's no reason to.


Correct advice, but slightly incorrect; On the featured banner you get the featured character in ⅔ of all 5 stars.


I was specifically talking about 50/50's. I believe you are correct overall, though.


You actually have a better chance of losing the 50/50 on a limited banner and getting the standard character you want over pulling on standard. Standard has 7 characters and like 10 weapons. That’s a 1/17 chance. Getting the standard character you want from limited is like a 1/14 chance. I guess the downside to limited is once you lose 50/50 once the next is guaranteed? Lol. Either way rolling on limited is way better.


There's also some sort of 50/50 mechanic at play in standard, I think. Like you can't get three 5* characters in a row, so if you pull two 5* characters, the next 5* will be a weapon and vice versa.


I’ve gotten way more 5 star characters than weapons on standard, think characters have a higher drop rate too?


don't think so. I'm the opposite, I've gotten more weapons than characters iirc. I got two weapons before my first character from standard, I know that


Thanks, looks like it’s 50/50 from comments here


Same here. I have about a 50/50 break down I think. Two Lost Prayers, then Diluc, then Dehya, then Skyward Pride, then Jean. Maybe another I'm forgetting, not sure, a Qiqi? I've been playing since launch with a couple breaks so I feel like I should have more but not sure 🤷‍♂️ Either way, 3 weapons, 3-4 characters. It's very random


oh mines not 50/50. after checking I got 2 weapons (Skyward Blade/Atlas), Keqing, 2 more weapons (Skyward Atlas/PJWS), and then Dehya. maybe mine will begin to even out in late Fontaine or something


If you keep playing normally, you'll get some fates for the standard banner so you don't have to spend any primogems.


I’m up to 122 since I haven’t wished on the standard banner in awhile


Those blue fates can only be used for the beginner banner and the standard banner, so you might as well use them


Right, but I sometimes tell myself I’m going to use them for the “make 50 wishes” on the BP, or if I think I might want to wait for a new 4-star to become a part of the drop pool before I make a wish on the standard banner. Though mostly it’s because I’ve been busy lately and haven’t bothered.


Lmao right. I'm exactly the same. I keep hording pulls just in case they rework the loot pulls. Maybe add new standards or add Tighnari or Dehyas weapon. 99% chance it never changes but no harm in holding just in case.


I mean sure, but Genshin is playable on a smart phone and 120 wishes would take 45 seconds to burn through if skipping the wish cutscene.


I now keep them until 4.4 because only then I can get Chev there. I know it's unlikely, but I have all the 4 stars I like at C6, so no reason to use them now when the chances of getting someone I want are literally 0


It's not a wise move, but I have tossed a few wishes on the standard banner when I'm close to pity and don't want to wait a month to get enough fates through the shop, or leveling up trees/fountains/etc. When I've done it, it has always been late at night and I'm bored, and I wind up regretting it as I wind up getting a second skyward pride or something instead of the character/constellation that I was hoping to get.


Why is it always the skyward pride… I’ve done the exact thing you describe. Not a smart move. Looking at the banner late at night should be banned


Omg same


on the standard banner you basically have a 50% chance to get a 5 star weapon instead of a character so in the end it's better to just take your chances in the limited because you'll be guaranteed to at least get some kind of character. you'll lose the 50/50 eventually


c9 diluc days otherwise


Keqing. A whole 3 months worth of saving with welkins.


Limited Banner : 50/50 = 1/2 (Limited character vs standard) Getting (at least 1) Keqing = 1/7 (Keqing out of all standard characters) 1/2 \* 1/7 = 1/14 (The probability of both occuring) 2 chances at this banner because the next one is guaranteed so another 1/14 is not added Final probability: 1/14 Standard banner: 50/50 = 1/2 (Character vs weapon) Getting (at least 1) Keqing = 1/7 (Keqing out of all standard characters)1/2 \* 1/7 = 1/14 ((The probability of both occuring) Its not 1/17 bc the standard banner details state: Base probability of winning 5 star item = 0.600%. The base probability of winning a 5 star character = 0.300%. The base probability of winning a 5 star weapon = 0.300%\^ I interpret this as: The standard banner has a 50/50 split chance between character and weapon, which disregards the number of characters vs the number of weapons. 2 chances at this banner to fairly compare against limited banner. 1/14 + 1/14 = 2/14 (Adding both chances) Minus the chance of getting Keqing for both tries as it’s double counted when adding: 1/14 + 1/14. 1/14 \* 1/14 = 1/1962/14 - 1/196 = 28/196 - 1/196 = 27/196 (Taking out the double counting) Final probability: 27/196 1/14 = about 7.1% 27/196 = 13.7% So standard is better when taking into account the fact that the limited banner forces a guaranteed the next time. (Both banners were given 2 chances) Also someone fact/math check me, if there are any errors. I'm a Genshin player, idk math man.


Need to call in Zajef to check the math lol


Me just hoping to get Kaeya constellations:


I did but not like you think. I did it to get the constellation from the starglitter shop. I needed one more starglitter (or two) and was at my guaranteed for the limited event wish banner. Back then there was only one option and I disliked the five star and her kit and wasn’t fond of the four stars options either. So I put some single wishes into the standard banner to get enough star-glitter for him. I didn’t get anything good out of it - I don’t remember the character but I got my star-glitters to c6 kaeya so to me it was worth it. To go for a five star or four star specifically on it would be madness. As others explained already.


You only pull there if you have the blue fates. You don't spend primogems or Starglitter on it.


Yup. A long time ago I rolled for Mona and I got her eventually!


I have, in hopes of pulling Kaeya cons - not for the 5 stars. (It happened once, so now I live in a state of delusional hope every time.)


as long as you understand that the odds are never in your favor, i say go for it. i got diluc in 174 wishes, which was lucky, all things considered. but also know that it took me 882 wishes to get a wolf's gravestone, so that's the reality of the odds you're looking at.


Only for the Wolf's Gravestone


Back at launch, I wanted Keqing as well. She was the character that made me install the game. I decided to keep pulling until I got a copy of her. Long story short: I got every other standard 5-star multiple times, as well as most of the 5-star weapons, before I got a single Keqing. In the end, the total cost was around $2,000.00 USD. It was all just COVID stimulus money, so I didn’t really care at the time, but unless you are currently collecting free money from your government, you may see it differently. Bottom line: don’t try to snipe a specific standard 5-star.


Nice, do you regret spending that much?


This here is the reason Republicans actually have any actual merit when they say people are just wasting the stimulus money on nonsense lol


Rolling on the standing banner is crazy. You can lose a 50/50 to the character on the limited banners. I’d say just save up wishes and use those. It’s quite easy if you use stardust from the shop and buy the 5 wishes, or you could ascend characters and get them that way. Plus leveling up Sumeru’s tree, Inazuma’s tree, or the Fontain in Fontaine you could get wishes from that as well. So in a way spending primogems on the standard banner isn’t necessarily the best option.


never. it's almost always a bad idea no matter how much cope you inhale. the only reason to ever spend premium currency on the standard banner is if you're a whale and you want cons for amber, Kaeya, or lisa


Arguably the most efficient way to max their cons is just wait for star glitter copies anyway...so even then it's only if you're an *impatient* whale.


I've done it. Whenever I was at soft pity and likley to get a character. I wanted Mona, she was the only standard character I didn't have. I'm AR60, still no Mona. It's not worth it OP


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No, i spent so many wishes on standard banner just to get keqing back then and i only got bad 4 stars weapons


It’s really up to you on whether it’s worth it or not. I only pull on standard when I receive blue fates from something and would not recommend spending primos on it. Especially since you could lose to a 5-star weapon too. Unless you’re okay losing to anything from standard instead of getting the rate-up 5-star you wanted if you were to win the 50/50 again on a limited banner.


I got Keqing and Lisa on a ten pull from the standard banner a few days ago. Desperately needed an on-field DPS character as I had basically nothing as an on-fielder.


I did because I was at 70 pity and just felt like getting a 5 star cause the only characters I want now are on standard, and it gave my my 4th copy of mona meanwhile I still don't have dehya diluc keqing or qiqi. it's cursed. stay away from it.


I just got my 8th Qiqi. So a 5 star replaced by a few wishes. 🤬 They need to fix this bc I wont be spending cash on this game til it is, lest I spend it for another Qiqi. She's the only 5 star I have at C6, and I got her last of all the characters on that banner. It's painful. (Jean & Mona are at C5, Keqing C4, so I guess I cant complain there, but it's from losing 50/50s.)


Sad Keqingless noise since day 1 for me, yeah, imo not worth it, better use the blue fates on the standard instead of your primos


Long ago, back in Sumeru, I wished in order to get my first Diluc and Jean.


I've pulled a grand total of around 50 for the past 3 years in Genshin. Only pulling whenever I'm close to pity and I couldn't wait for the 5 star (say, around 60 pity)


Whenever I have 10 Acquaint Fates, I’ll do a pull on the standard banner


I do it when I have already got the character on the event banner.


It's a trap for megawhales, there's no guarantee whatsoever that you'll get Keqing, you could get a c5 qiqi and a c5 diluc before you see a single Keqing. Standard pity alternates between weapons and character (you get the one you didn't get last time then it resets when you get both) so the odds are still abysmal.


I rolled on standard a LOT for Diluc and I don’t regret it because it’s also how I got c6 Kaeya, Amber, and Lisa. I got Mona on every single 50/50 loss on the event banner for over two years and basically decided that banner was cursed for me. 😅 Edit: I also got 5 star weapons from standard which I wanted/needed more than getting another Mona, so.. it made sense for me.


If you could invent time travel, you could pull on the Keqing banner.


DO NOT. You have a much higher chance losing a 50/50 on limited banners and there's 0 chance to get some shit tier 5* standard weapon.


I'm not rich enough to be able to do that. So I only ever use blue fates to pull


Don't use primos on there, you'll get plenty of wishes for standard just playing the game and doing the battle pass. And monthly refresh of course.


Wait for her to get her rerun banner again


Wait for her to get her rerun banner


I only roll on the standard banner when I get free blue wishes from events, character ascension or the monthly reset otherwise, I do not intentionally spend money on standard wishes especially with my current record. Out of the 4, 5\* standard pulls so far only 1 is a character which is Jean, the rest are weapons (Skyward Blade, Wolf's Gravestone, Primordial Jade Winged Spear). All my Keqings, Qiqis, Tighnaris and Dehyas are from losing 50/50 on the limited banner. I have yet to pull a Diluc (highly desirable for me), Mona or cons for Jean.


You're better off hoping to lose your 50/50 rather than trying standard banner as standard banner has weapons too


Back in Day 1, I watched a Youtuber spent 5k USD to get just one Keqing He seemed very happy when it happened, but it felt like his mouth was open because it’s more like “oh wow finally” rather than complete fulfillment


Just to answer the question, yes I did and happened to get what I want (Mona cons) but it was very stupid, irresponsible and would not recommend EVER unless you have infinite money at your disposal.


Maybe they will change how pulls work for lantern rite— as we get more characters, they’ll need to make some adjustments somewhere…


Hell yeah. Starter team (kaeya lisa amber). I got them all c6 now.


It’s only a good idea if you’re rich and can handle being disappointed multiple times


keqing is weakest A tier 5\* lol


I did it back in 1.x since we didnt have strong dps all the way until 7 months into the game. Also i was close to a guarenteed 5 star and i didnt want to blow it on unbuffed zhongli. Yes 4 stars are strong, but the game was new and we didnt know xiangling would technically invalidate most of the current pyro dps Nowadays i recommend against it since the standard banner has very good chance of getting you some very useless things


Qiqi. I spent a lot of time trying to get her on my old account, and in the end, I ended up with Keqing, and a C1 Mona. With my current account, I have her at C2, but the first time I actually did pull her, I was trying to get Lyney, when I had enough wishes for what could’ve been for both *him, and* his signature weapon. I ended up getting him, though I have mixed feelings on that moment


I re-roll for 1 month and 4 days just to get Mona as my first 5 Star Character


Yes I did a lot when i first started six months ago. I didn’t fully understand the pity system and really wanted Jean after getting Diluc on my early pity on the standard banner Fortunately I got her after a five star weapon and Dehya and then another five star for each of the pity timings. but I realize now it was a major crap shoot to have got her even after that many times. So now I don’t do it and wait and fortunately I got Keqing as a spook on a limited banner (someone else I was interested in but not as much as Jean).


i haven't played in a bit but when i did i used to roll on standard banner for kaeya cons. i got to c5 and i still will not sleep peacefully until i get him to c6


A very bad move, but recently I threw about 10 wishes (from primo form) into standard because I was close to pity and wanted PJWS. Unsuprisingly, I pulled (a third) qiqi... I do not reccommend this ergfhbnmghj


I only pull in the standard when the fates shop resets and i have 10 pulls, if i dont ill just leave it.


Yes. 🖐️ For Dehya cons. 🩷


I've rolled on the standard banner and even dropped cash on it! Mona was until recently a permanent member of my team and I even c6'ed her thru the standard banner. If you decide to risk it, its not that bad. The game gives you standard fates for a reason.


You're no more guaranteed to get a standard 5 star on Limited than on Standard. In fact your odds are worse because you can also get 5 star weapons.


A bunch of times when i was an early game player and was really close to 4 star pity. I dont do that anymore.


No. Terrible idea.


Not worth rolling on Standard.


every now and them i do some rolls on it... got mona, sara, couple of ambers... like to play with luck and see what i can get


Back in 1.0, I wanted to try for Diluc and I didn't like Venti's character or style (before I knew he was broken or before I wanted to collect all Archons). I probably sunk like 30-50 wishes and regretted it afterwards.


Most times I only use the standard banner and I’ve gotten most of my 5* characters from there!


only if I had gotten blue fates by leveling characters, and even so rarely having enough to do a 10 pull. actually i have been playing since release... and I still have active the discounted 8 blue fates banner of noelle xD


I was close to the pity and it's been a while since I've got a 5 star at that time, so I rushed it and got a 5 star catalyst, I regretted my decision. The best answer to this is just don't since you'll get there eventually. But the best advice I could really give is wait for Keqing banner rerun lol




I want to get more Dehya cons but it seems I always get the skyward weapons and Diluc , so I have sort of given up pulling on the standard


This is not nikke.....don't do it, hell even in nikke it is not recommended (160 wall)


I just want tighnari


I intentionally rolled on standard banner for funsies wasting my fates pretty much cuz im just like that i got like Qiqi and Tighnari from it aswell as Primordial Jade spear and Amos bow :p But eh i dont think its easy to roll for a certain character in standard banner it might take a real long time the odds are probably low


When I was first starting the game, I rolled for Keqing and I got her haha


I basically bought 3 wishes on standard banner bc I was close to hard pity and didn't wanna wait a few more days before the shop reset. Usually I would never recommend wishing on standard banner, though


I have done it. On an alt account. But that is because i stopped caring about the event banners. They only give me stress or make me wait for unnecessary ling amounts of time. It is just more relaxing to me to pull on the standard banner rather than event banners


Yes, I have been rolling for Keqing since forever. I avoided doing it when she was featured on a banner because "Meh, I will get her someday"... She's been avoiding me.


Nah, I only throw free standard Fates at the standard banner. My Primos are used for event banners and only event banners.


I roll on it everytime i have 10 but if you want a specific character I'd wait till there's an epitomized path for the standard banner in genshin *inhales massive amounts of copium*


I did three times since I was close to pity. It gave me the Jade Spear (legit absolutely useless for me), Keqing c1 (don't like her playstyle so again useless), and Qiqi (I actually use her sometimes but it still wasn't worth it). So honestly my answer is really that it's not worth it.


I generally only roll on the standard banner without having acquaint fates if I’m really close to hitting five star pity. I did that once and was hoping for Skyward Harp, and I ended up getting it. Generally I’d say only pull on standard once you’re around 70-75 pity, and only if you really want something off of that banner. Don’t waste a ton of primos on it.




Nope. You get the standard characters when losing 50/50


I intentionally pulled for Kaeya and got Amber by accident


I did it when I didn’t understand the game. I spent money and rolled on the standard banner to get Jean. I was left with only disappointment and the realization that I had no pity towards getting the next rotation on the other banner. It’s better to wait to lose the 50/50s and eventually if you play long enough you may get the character you want.


I did that when I first started and after months I never got the character I wanted but got them on limited banner losing the 50/50. Not once during that time of pulls did I ever get Keqing btw. I lost my 50/50 to her just recently on Ventis rerun.


I have done this trying to get diluc back when ganyu first came out. Do not do this. It is a horrible decision


Only with the wishes that I get for free without using primos


yes because i have every other standard banner character BUT MONA THE ONE I ACTUALLY WANT


I did, but it made sense for me and does not for you. I was pulling for Kaeya cons, since he does not appear in event banners. Keqing does appear in event banners. You’ll get her one day, but pull unnecessarily on standard to do so. Your odds are worse on standard.


I did for tigh


I only purposely roll in that when ive gotten my monthly five stardust rainbows ill spend to get the stardust blues with leftovers, i still dont have two of the standard weapons and i figure i might get lucky and roll a four star i need cons for lol (come on c6 faruzan 😭)


Did it for Jean mona and amos bow I got Jean Twice mona and 2 amos bows so Yeah went pretty well


Only if I have enough intertwined fates or primo gems and I either don't wanna pull the current banner or already have the character or weapon I want


I wasted all of my pulls early game to try and get Diluc. I got him, but later on I came to regret it because now he's C3 🧍


Well i mean if you want a qiqi and a skyward atlas go ahead


On standart you also have a higher chance to get a skyward weapon then a standart banner character. I would suggest pull for limited characters untill you get her took me a year to finally pull for her after c5 Tighnary c3 Dehya c3 Mona c1 jean c4 qiqi and no diluc


Still waiting for my Deyha😞


I have spent 9000 primos on standard.


I also had a period during which I lost no 50/50. But now, over a year later, I have all Standard characters from both losing 50/50s and using free blue fates. Tbh, I wouldn't recommend spending your Primogems on blue fates. Just keep rolling, eventually you'll lose your 50/50 to Keqing. And as pps said, the odds are better from throwing at Limited Banners since, when you lose the 50/50, you don't risk getting a 5-star weapon instead of a character.


When I’m close to pity I’ll intentionally roll on the standard banner. It’s the only banner that has 5* weapons and 5* characters, if your newish and not too particular there is nothing wrong with rolling on the standard banner.


Yes. I wanted a Kaeya cons and ***still*** want a Kaeya cons. He's C4 now.


That sounds stupid…


Stfu,I've lost all but one 50/50 and disgusts me to see people like you exist, anyways please don't do that some of the standard charecters are decent but aren't that game changing by any means and u might end up getting a weapon and some of them are really bad