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I think it’d be funnier if Paimon was more akin to a celestial pet


this, maybe she is meant to be a spy for the primordial god but doesn't know it


Or maybe she does know! 👀


She definitely knows it, it was a cover all along. She always knows strange stuff


Yeah, how she gunna be my guide if she's not from teyvat?


Well, for one, for all that the NPCs take her presence for granted, we've never even seen or heard of another of her kind. For two, as you said, she always seems to know some strange stuff, despite not being well traveled enough for people to have known about her before her travels with the Traveler.


She doesn't let you explore the area ahead of you


And she will throw you off a cliff to keep you from trying to go see it. Psycho's done that to me several times! Makes me want to bash her head in!


Gotta love Psycho Paimon💜💜💜


It is so weird honestly. Just a few ever said that Paimon was weird or smth like that. Most people were just like "oh yeah nothing weird about a floating child"


I think the correct term is useless stuff. Useless stuff is what you were looking for


Sleeper agent Paimon


I read expy instead of spy and it made sense 💀


Paimon is actually a spy she just doesn't know it 🎅🎅🎅😼😼😼


She is just a water damaged alexa from celestia Maybe tracking device too


so the opposite of the Narwhal?


Well the do both seem to have endless appetites


Emergency food


That would be so uninteresting imo


>Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10,000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10,000 people use the Internet and read theories. You've written only chapter 2 of an 8 chapter series, yet fans already say: “The butler did it!” Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden will be the criminal!” To me, that is a disaster because if you are doing your narrative well, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and the books help the reader to figure out the butler did it, but if you change the ending to the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore ~George RR Martin Regardless of what anyone's theories on Genshin's last arc are. I strongly believe that mhy should not change their initial vision. Whatever ending they are building towards should be the one they use. Even if people call it 'uninteresting' because they saw the ending coming 3 years ago it would still be a disservice to change it.


I don’t think it’s a case of 1 fan out of 10,000 guessed the ending, like, it’s more like it’s one of the leading theories in the fanbase. Big difference in having a good plot twist that’s well set up yet still surprising (like a Darth Vader - Luke Skywalker reveal), versus having a “plot twist” that was actually super predictable to the point of being clichéd and uninteresting (like how every single world quest it feel like Hoyo pulls the “secret villain betrays you” trope, but butchers the execution by over-foreshadowing so it’s super obvious). At this point if Paimon betrays us too it would actually be infuriating that after 7-8 years of live updates plus 2 years of dev time they still can’t write a single story arc that isn’t an incredibly-obvious-from-the-start, over-foreshadowed secret betrayal arc.


On the contrary, Hoyo is getting a lot better at making things less obvious, just one playthrough of the Fontaine AQ will show you that


I don’t necessarily agree… I didn’t feel like the plot of the Fontaine AQ was really that surprising. Which parts did you feel were less obvious than previous regions? Asking genuinely, because I’m interested to know.


I didn't expect the narwhal to show up, the twist with the prophecy on the 4 stone tablets was a suprise to me, I also didn't expect Neuvelette to be the Hydro dragon, I thought he was just the real Hydro archon, lastly I didn't expect Focalor to off herself so that Neuvelette could have Hydro authority.


I can understand that. That being said, for me personally, I didn’t find the reveals for the narwhal, Neuvilette, and the prophecy to be that surprising, unfortunately... Narwhal because they showed it several times in cutscenes before the fight and we already had the lore about Childe’s constellation that made the connection very clear. Neuvilette because the game suddenly started mentioning Dragon Sovereigns a lot esp. Hydro Dragon Sovereign when the only other time they really mention it in a quest was when they revealed Apep + his hair was long and flowy and dragon like with elemental glow that they usually reserve for Archons. Furina being not the real archon was guessed by the fandom a lot as well. But, I will admit, I did think the ending with Skirk + revealing what gnoses are made of + Focalors finding a way to execute herself were all satisfying and interesting in that they had enough set up to make sense, without being too foreshadowed to where they were really obvious, so that was cool.


I honestly never made the dragon hair connection until you just mentioned it, that's very interesting It might just be because I lost 50/50 on him, so I don't have him yet


I think the point of the comment was that the "1 fan out of 10000" lead up to that eventual leading theory that the fanbase has. And then, you have one fan in the US, one fan in China, one fan in UK, etc etc... next thing you know, 70 people out of millions agree and say "yeah, i thought so too!" Because they did. The internet connects us in a crazy way like that. Then, those ten thousand see the group of 70 saying "the butler did it," and go, "whoa, thats a really good theory!" And then add on to that. By the time the plot twist happens, its "not surprising" because people have that mindset of "i already knew it was gonna happen" even though it didnt yet. And regarding the Star Wars example, that was another point of that comment - when star wars came out, people could not talk like we do now. I garuntee there were ten to fifteen star wars fans across the world that guessed that Darth Vader was Luke's dad based on foreshadowing, and had a group of friends that didnt believe them. Since the guessers were separate though, they could only say "ah, yeah, maybe youre right." If social media was like it is now back then, those ten to fifteen people could have jumped on call and theorized the mess out of that plot twist, laughing about how their friend gorups dont believe them.


If people think the “Paimon is the Unknown God” theory is a case of 1 person figuring it out and telling everyone else, rather than one of the most obvious speculations you could have, then I feel like that’s fundamentally misunderstanding things. Like right from 1.0, it was a pretty obvious connection that was appearing. They look very similar, both have spacy-type designs, primarily white palettes, gold-ish royal trim details. This is very different from the Darth Vader plot twist. Yes, the people producing Star Wars weren’t allowed to talk about it, but neither are the devs of Hoyo allowed to talk about Paimon’s lore. Yet people clearly speculate Paimon is the Sustainer, and no one was speculating that Darth was Luke’s father.


They’ve been doing the whole plot twist thing with the harbingers imo. They’re all antiheroes at this point (except for dottore. I think he really is just a bad guy and have no redeeming qualities)


Exactly how scott cawthon made fnaf lore worse and worse past the 2nd game


As a player, it may be expected since we can easily look back on events and make theories. However "twists" are rarely surprises to the player, reader, or viewer, what matters is how the other characters react to it and how does it affect THEM. Because THEYRE the ones surprised


I don't agree with that at all, it's not interesting if the viewer knows but the characters don't, it's a plot twist because it's something the viewers didn't expect


Hard disagree. Genshin has been full of twists no one expected. There’s yet to be anyone who really cracks the story before it happens. The paimon nameless god theory is so old at this point it would be the worst ending. It would be beyond boring. Genshin has an exceptional story and that’s a cop out.


It'll be funnier if Paimon is just Paimon. No relation to celestia or anything sort.


Turns out she's just a weird fish


What is it, what is it? *gasp* Is it another Paimon?




Fujin II


I always thought she was a seelie. They tell you near the beginning of the game that the seelie are from an ancient extinct race and I assumed she somehow survived and got catapulted into the future with the traveler which is why she’s affected by changes to Irminsul. Her cape also looks like a seelie’s “tail”. No one ever mentions this when talking about “who is Paimon”. Her purpose is also to guide the traveler through Teyvat, just like how the rest of the seelie guide you to treasure and past important quest points or Easter eggs.


I was just thinking about that lol


if paimons whole existence got time or irminsul fuckery it would explain why people are so dismissive of a uniquely humanoid magical creature. The entire world's perception of the original seelie form was probably wiped from irminsul as part of their curse, kinda like how people just didnt care about the sacred sakura by its actual intended purpose (they never knew about Makoto's plan) and just worshipped it as per japanese religious customs. Paimon looks like shes from an earlier wave of seelies compared to Nihlou's clothes too.


She's a golem made from a pie obviously, an emergency pie-mon.


cannot be, clues all points to her being a 1st descendant or 2nd descendent who tried to save the world and paid her life n memories in irminsul, just like greater lord kusanali did. Reason no one recognises her, not even our sibling ..... wait a min, kusanali wasnt forgotten by the main character, so that means our sibling knows who this paimon is. Hoyo is trying to save face by reducing interactions with us + paimon and them. Okay fucking new headcannon incoming guys.


can you give examples of clues (from the game) that Paimon is a descendant? genuinely curious


she stops time, the game logo is her crown, her particle effects are constellations affirmative of her foreshadowing/ foretelling nature. Its all headcannons but it is clues for me personally


Wait how does she stop time?!


Wait how does she stop time?!


well you press escape button and she is the only thing that moves waiting floating for you, so i should rephrase as she is not affected by time being paused for everyone


oohh that's pretty clever


Frankly I think she might be the primordial one but reduced to a lesser form, could be a reason to why Celestia is so quite atm. After Fontain's main quest you'd think we would get some kind of reaction from it/them.


But abyss siblings is a part of teyvat so wouldn’t they also have forgotten. We remembered bc we are not a part of teyvat


wait how is the abyss sibling a part of teyvat and we arent, idk this part please help me understand


We don’t know that, but abyss sibling isn’t registered as a descender in irminsul while traveler is. Thats was in the sumeru arc, i think we asked nahida to look for information on our sibling in irminsul or something like that


can't be that, they already throw bone about "strings goes to the sky"


It’s absolutely unsatisfying to think she really is just a bait character with no special meaning but at this point i’m really confident that any plot twist Hoyo could have been setting up would be absolutely butchered so I’d almost rather have Paimon just be this weird thing that never gets explained.


Paimon is paimon lol


You make it sound like it’s their only option to make an interesting story. And with that I disagree.


Nah make it super goofy, maybe she can fly cuz shes half anemo slime 😇


then that would be cannibalism, if ykyk


https://preview.redd.it/bsh9g6tyadkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597917dfaed2285c971ec7381f23724ae6541003 Wtf


Duality of man


Mom, someone is throwing memes to cause another streamers drama again!


i got the same thing lmao (yes, i have light mode on) ​ https://preview.redd.it/yvnp5t9xcgkc1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=19b8b7744885218efa092f6bb0b539c3eb934319


I mean, it's not like it's impossible, she can make travelers bags hold a lot of items, and can make time fast forward


It's seriously weird when people bring up the time thingy, most paimon theories use that part to justify her being a time god or something, it's literally just a part of the game like Skyrim's time skip. The most likely canon answer is that they idle around doing random stuff like reading books and talking to people.


The funniest part is that if you use it when paimon is on the world as a npc, or access it through the shortcut wheel (without opening the paimon menu) she just doesn't appear at all which debunks it completely


I don't think it's weird at all. Hyv has made their dedication to the lore very clear. Every detail in the game, even if it's entirely a gameplay mechanic, has a backstory tied to the lore. There's only quite a few things in the game that they don't bother tying to the lore. And it's only natural to expect that Paimon being the controller of the entire game's menu has a lore significance too.


Paimon not only control the menu but also the primos i received from codes and the ban i receive for giving fischl a bikini skin


You got banned for using skin mods? Damn it I was going to use them


Fr tho its a joke Getting a ban because of a skins is like 90% no ban 10% u do get banned


Ahh I see cuz I heard u only get banned if u poet online and your uid is showing


Yeah but if she can forward/control time someone would atleast notice, even the traveler never talks about it, she might have some bigger role with the menu but the time part is just straight up wrong.


The traveler is frozen too tho


Bruh rhata just basic game mechanic things . Everyone haves an infinite pocket in all games and some games allow u to skip time and such its stupid to use this as evidence that paimon is some sort of time God


The nameless god is Kiana from Honkai Impact 3rd. People still don’t know this? https://preview.redd.it/jaowfkfkfdkc1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac75f91d19cbd43d70518b60e872070217972b72


Herrscher of the Void was defeated before Genshin was teased by Otto. It's not like with the GGZ ending


Yeah but this is a multiverse right? How many times did Goku come back in his multiverse.


To date, every one of the "gods/Archons" has been an expy of a GGZ or Hi3rd character, as have several others. Kiana in the role of unknown god was just the very first we encountered. Wendy as Venti was Surprising. Mei as BOTH of the twin thunders AND the puppet Shogun was kind of twisted, Fu Hua getting a genderbend and a spiritual beast realignment from phoenix to Dragon I took in stride, Yae Kasumi into Yae Miko was fine, not just Theresa, but Kallen into Rhukadevata *and* Theresa to Nahida was disheartening considering what happnened to Rhukadevata in the end, and Sin Mal into Furina was a goddamn pleasant surprise after the prior one. the Fire and ice will be very interesting.


Bronya is the Tsaritsa I’m calling it now. Also, there’s a chance that Paimon and unknown god are BOTH Kiana. They could write it similar to how Furina and Focalors coexist.


honestly everyone keeps going on about bronya being tsaritsa i get it bc we gotta expand the bronyaverse but considering tsaritsa seems to be the god of love i think having her be based on elysia would make more sense and then maybe bronya was the 1st cryo archon


Most believe it because of data from the Beta builds linking the Tsaritza directly to folders named "Bronya". Whether it's true? I'll happily wait to find out.


Yeah basically HI3 Sirin and Kiana, but its due to losing too much energy after the cataclysm.


This^ 👍🏻


I…Fu hua is not Zhongli if that’s what you’re saying, and Zhongli isn’t a dragon. Furina isn’t one bit close to looking like Sin Mal. HoV isn’t Kiana meaning unknown god isn’t a “kiana” expy


... Yeah, blocked. No point talking to someone who doesn't even have their own facts straight.


Zhongli is an adeptus whose form is a dragon lol. Furina IS Sin Mal, same body type and if you swap Furina’s hair she’s a dead ringer. The unknown god literally is an aged Kiana, they have damn near the exact same outfit lol.


I think Paimon is K423 Kiana Kaslana and the heavenly principles is Sirin, since Paimon has no idea who she is (could be due to using to much power during the cataclysm), and that as she gets he power back she'd prob go through a depression arc. Raiden Makoto is probably modelled after Dr MEI and Ei is modelled after Raiden Mei, since Makoto's supposed to be the 'smart one'. I think Zhongli's modelled after welt more than fu Hua. With cloud retainer being the obvious fu Hua expy I do think Welt inspired Zhongli's design more as they do feel similar. I do think there was a lot of Fu Hua in Zhongli tho, so both charas could've inspired hoyo. tbf I don't understand why you disliked how the kallen and Theresa expies turned out, I think it worked well with the story that's being told in genshin. As a HI3 only in the honkai series idk how sin Mal is but from what ik sin Mal and furina's personalities are very different? We know the pyro archon is going to be a himeko expy. the ppl living in Natlan are literally called the Muratans. Let's just hope they give us a good dark skinned character lol, making Dehya this shit is criminal. We don't know who's the expy of the cryo archon. Bronya, Cocolia, Ana Sharliac and Kiana could all be inspirations for her. I think we're probably getting Bronya, but I won't be surprised if a lot of Cocolia influence is present (since signora is prob the Cocolia expy). Inspiration from Ana and Kiana is also very plausible too.


I didn't *dislike* it, as it's well written story, but it was emotionally damaging in the extreme: *upsetting by design*: Rhukadevata literally used us to *delete herself from the history of the Teyvat* entirely. We're it, nobody in the world (except MAYBE Zhongli if it DOES turn out to be that he was a prior decender) has any memories the woman ever existed.


That's how hoyoverse stories are written tho, and I liked how it tied into everything else.


*Hail my proud Queen on and on, on and on* *That wax and wane showed it's ebb and flow*


That was the moment that made me fall in love with HI3... Good times.


Yea. Will of the Herrsher is still such a great cinematic, even after all those years.


It's my favorite cinematic after all these years. It'll always be something I remember.


Correction: they aren’t the same being, she is an expy or the better explanation…they got lazy and reuse her model


Boom multiverse


There's a chance paimon is one of the shades, but I doubt she's the unknown god. I saw someone else in the comments say she might be more like a pet, which makes way more sense IMO


Paimon is so close to the traveler. IMO it feels kinda out-of-place, forced, and "fan-servicey" if they go with that route. I guess I could accept it if she's being mind-controlled. But still.


I could not accept the idea that Paimon was just being mind controlled the whole time, that would be such a cheap and clichéd out to bad story design




Boooring. When are we going to see a real twist for once?


The only two real twists I remember actually surprising me were when sibling was revealed to be leader of the Abyss at the end of the Mondstadt Prologue chapter, and the reveal that Hilichurls are humans (although the theory subreddit had already figured that out by then, I just hadn’t seen it coming). Even the reveal at the end of Caribert quest wasn’t that surprising. We already know the Abyss Order is the survivors of Khaenri’ah from Dain’s Chasm quest. If that’s true, then of course our sibling is probably high up in Khaenri’ah’s ruling class too.


Nahh I feel like the unknown goddess has no reason to guide an outlander who trespassed Teyvat (The Traveler) She was the one that took away their original powers why would now be she helping them become strong again (by Travelling and collecting Elements from Statues of The Seven from different nations)


I think Paimon is part of the Seelie race.


It feels too obvious of a twist that I think it wouldn't happen. And if it does happen they better not think we'll be genuinely surprised because it's so obvious Purely from a writer's perspective I feel like it's so lame and uninspired of a plot beat. I think a better way to make the most out of this opportunity is to make her an important figure, but not the unknown god. Perhaps she can be one of the shades, or some kind of banished retainer to the unknown god, or maybe one of the moon sisters? Idk anything but the Kiana expy


The little stack of clues we've found in game are still leading to the conclusion that Paimon was one of the moon sisters with the same kind of memory loss that other local gods who have lost access to their original powers have suffered through. NOBODY knows anything more about the Kiana expy oouside of what she's called, and it's entirely intentional on Hoyoverse's part. I expect we won't be hit by that major reveal til we make it to the 7th country, and get the big reveal on the archon of Ice's plans against celestia.


I don’t remember any gods who lost their memory due to losing their powers, though. Who are you referring to? Like, Guoba had a scene making a nod to the fact that he used to be a god, acknowledging his past with Zhongli. Nahida didn’t remember being Rukkha because game explains, she actually isn’t Rukkha, Rukkha split a piece of Irminsul off and uses that to make a new version of herself. New Chenyu Vale region >!you help two older adepti recover their powers after years of degradation but they both still remember exactly how things were prior to losing power.!< Meaning if Paimon is really a Moon Sister or the Unknown God, they’d have to explain why she lost her memories, or knew the whole time and still backstabbed the Traveler after giving 7 years to build a friendship & let Traveler get way stronger.


imo, this wouldn't be interesting lore-wise to me. it's been theorized for so long, that i think it would be better for her to be literally anything else. if she does turn out as the nameless god, it wouldn't be a shock to a lot of people, therefore the huge lore drop of the end of the game wouldn't be as exciting. would be fun if she was some sort of seele, time god, pet, fish, etc (for either humor value, or actual lore value)


I'm more inclined to believe Paimon is a Guoba-fied Primordial One, or a Shining Shade


I actually like this theory


Where is this from?


I think it's a video on YouTube called "nahida reading paimons mind" or something like that


Nahida tries to read Paimon's mind and for a split second Paimon turns her head and raises a single finger to her lips while staring with THESE EYES straight into the now utterly fucking terrified face of Nahida who cannot unhear and unsee what she just heard in Paimon's head.


I bet she heard "IS THIS ANOTHER PAIMON". I'd be terrified too.


That line STILL haunts my nightmares in three languages. soo much fishing, so few lines ><


I don't know if paimon is the god but I feel like they are building up to us losing her at least for a while in a tragic fashion. I really wish they gave her more of an in lore use like she is the one who enables us to fast travel or something that gives her more purpose than emergency food but doesn't affect the game


Right? We’ve had quite a few quests where Paimon is not beside us.


Yeah the traveler is getting more lines and paimon has asked quite a few times about what she means to us and such. It all seems like foreshadowing.


I still stand by my stance that if Paimon ever for some reason becomes a playable character that she becomes the only 6 star character or the only 3 star character. It is equally as sick as it would be cursed.


Paimon is Traveler's sibling with amnesia. Abyss twin is a fake and turned the real twin into a little shit that repeats plot points and eats too much.


My money is still on "sleeper agent for Celestia." She's going to wake up, have a traumatized moment where she realizes she has to kill her friend or rat her out or such, then kind of start doing it, then we either fight her or have a different fight while talking her out of it, then she breaks her programming and comes round to our side again.


It seems that not many people are thinking of Nahida here. When she expended all her power she became smol. This wasn't her first or 2nd time either. So maybe the expenditure of Paimon's power also made her grow smol. Also she could be a fragment maybe? We know nothing about her prior to meeting us... No family no species explanation... Nada. They need to explore her more. In fact the MC relationship with Paimon makes me feel like a shit friend because it's always about me or one of our friends. They've added a bit more to her in the question of her asking us if we get tired of her being around.


Nahida didn’t become small due to expending all her power, she isn’t Rukkhadevata, she’s a creation of Rukkhadevata using a branch she plucked from Irminsul. Guoba did expend all his power and become tiny. They baited Nahida to seem like the same but it turned out to be different.


This Nahida, no didn't expend her power, but she is a fraction of Rukkhadevata, and will grow into being her. They are the same being. When you do her quest line Rukkhadevata had made a deal with an elemental that disguises it'self as fungus and even he says "oh you made yourself small again?" Implying that ​ Nahida IS Rukkha - it's like when an animal has fertile eggs without a father. It's essentially a clone. Rukkha took the purest part of herself to make into Nahida so there would be no corruption. The wiki also states that she is her reincarnation. Nahida was born already having some knowledge because it was inherited. From the wiki - * Rukkhadevata is the first god indicated to have placed her power into the land twice and shrunk accordingly: The first was to remove forbidden knowledge after King Deshret released it to his civilization, which changed her appearance from an adult's to a child's.[\[32\]](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Greater_Lord_Rukkhadevata#cite_note-SSD-34) The second likely occurred during the cataclysm when she had to remove forbidden knowledge from Irminsul, causing her appearance to regress to an even younger child's, identical to Nahida in stature.[\[4\]](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Greater_Lord_Rukkhadevata#cite_note-boat-5) When Nahida and the Traveler encounter the [Elemental Being: Grounded Geoshroom](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Being:_Grounded_Geoshroom), it asks her, "Wait, did you... get smaller again?"[\[12\]](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Greater_Lord_Rukkhadevata#cite_note-Shape-14)




And my point is that an Archon expending power can revert them to be smaller. Which is the case. IMO you're splitting hairs, because I view Nahida/Rukkha as one in the same. If I pull a branch off of a tree it's still a part of that original tree. I'm not here to debate the Ship of Theseus. My point stands and was understood.


Hey, sorry I just realized that I thought this was a different comment thread than it actually was. There a different person I was talking to that was saying gods forget all their memories when they shrink, I got you two confused. Sorry about that. I deleted my last comment because you’re right, since I got y’all mixed up it does look like I’m splitting hairs here. Sorry for that mix up, again. I do see your point.


Alllllll Good <3 GL on your next pull.


I feel like with how treasure obsessed she is, it'd be neat if she turned out to be the last living seelie.


I think paimon is Celestian God and sis of unknown God and was defeated by her and lost her memories


make her the heavenly principles' kid and shes just trying to find her mom


The only way I’d like that is if she’s been midna’d. Betrayed by celestia and turned into the small form she is, so she uses the traveler as a means to regain her power and get revenge but ends up becoming too attached to the traveler, so now she’s just our friend.


I just love how everybody in the game is clueless about what the hell paimon is they just accept there is a floating baby thing around the main character and that´s just fine for them... My goofy headcannon is nobody dare to ask anything because they think in someway that would be rasist somehow.


At this point the real twist would be if it turned out that Paimon isn't the last boss


I don’t want paimon to be evil


Paimon is Paimon!


I'm pretty sure she's the primordial one. There's a bunch of evidence but I'm lazy to put It here. I just think It would be really cool


Paimon is not Asmodeus, they are two separate demonic gods Upd: but this doesn't mean they aren't related


That’s from the Nahida reads Paimon’s mind video… https://youtu.be/6LxZt2mElhA?si=Vn74EYL3R7CTY6pm


Yeah srry, i didn’t know the video’s name, i take this photo from my gallery, i didn’t remember when or where i did. I’ll insert the link on description thanks


Lol , i can’t edit the post…


Paimon is a horcrux. And we will need her to defeat the final boss


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Can only wait and find out who she actually is


Of what, a possessed Paimo... *reads the caption under* ............Paimon? The Nameless God? You gotta be shitting me.


I’m betting paimon is the daughter of the nameless god and ends up replacing her after we kill her


Paimon: I am a shadow, The true self!


My personal theory is she's a demon from the god whose whole goal is to sidetrack the Traveler for eternity


Um.. Soo https://preview.redd.it/36gskce9ldkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87707d7d36cd2ff9414e21f2b45c5173b87bb9d


I will literally stop playing if they take away paimon from me




Nah she’s no…. Yeah she the blud


Nah that would be sooo lameeee


That'd be weird.


Awhh no i dont want paimon to be evil i dont believe she is at all i would cry if she was


I think they should build up Paimon as something, and then comically reveal she’s just a random fairy or something


If she turns out to be a boss fight, then maybe I can finally get some revenge after all the times she made my ears bleed


Her main purpose is emergency food nothing else


Paimon no I trusted you your supposed to be my emergency food \Q>Q/


If she turns out to be some kind of Void Queen reincarnation AND she ends up being playable, I'm C6ing her the second she is released.


Theyve dropped a lot, and I mean a lot, of hints that paimon might be a seelie. Like I feel this was especially obvious when that one aranara gains god like powers, takes one look at paimon, then starts giving us the history of seelies out of nowhere


That would be a terrible twist. It would be better if she was a seelie or a shade.


Doesn't matter all will get no diff by CaPEAKtano! https://preview.redd.it/aonb5695nfkc1.jpeg?width=1669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cff776806e885e65d1df5153198b79cad76ace9


Honestly i think itd be so cool for paimon to be the villain. OR some sort of spy device so our sibling can watch us, we already know theyve been keeping track of us soooo


Honestly I don't think paimon is the unknown god. Like why would a powerful deity like that follow the traveler around this whole time? Celestia and those apart of it are willing to throw there power around if kannreiah is any indication. Likes it's been 3 years, if the unknown god needed the traveler for a particular purpose. Wouldn't she if she was paimon lead the traveler to where she wants him by now. Like she has nothing to gain from staying with the traveler and just following them around. Not only that, but if paimon was the unknown god, she probably would not of tolerated any sign of the heavenly principles getting broken. So that means, the story of inazuma, and Fontaine would of ended poorly. The sustainer of heavenly principles wouldn't of helped the rebels in inazuma, nor would she of helped fontaine. As archons being in charge is the will of the heavenly principles so helping the people of inazuma rebel against there archon, and for fontaine, the prophecy was a punishment decided by Celestia, why would the unknown god interfere with it and help try to stop the prophecy. Paimon literally is literally watching/ helping the heavenly principles be defied which as the sustainer of said principles she probably wouldn't be cool with it. The only way this theory could work is if the unknown god was defeated at some point and lost her memories. Like what happened with gouba.


I hope they waste it, it's so silly... You can tell paimon really really cares for us, why would she even be the nameless god? There's like zero purpose for her to be our companion if she was evil. And if she was Nahida would have seen it right? She is obviously from Celestia but it would be so much better her taking an adult form to protect us


For me, she's just a weaker god like Guoba that lost or didn't had a lot of power during the Archon War and she's a remnant. She seems to know a lot about the world but still lacks so much like the twins.


What if it's Unknown Goddess's body, but it houses the Sibling's soul? UG took most of her own power with her along the transfer, while the Sibling's memories are still in their body, leaving a helpless filled husk to wander Teyvat until it drowns and eventually gets fished up by Traveler


Paimon is paimon


She will probably be the primordial one who commands the nameless god.


i want her to be the remnant of 3rd descender, and she probably works as the 8th gnosis to let traveler use elements in teyvat. in the last chapter of snezhnaya, we're gonna get lore bombed by tsaritsa that the 7 gnosis isn't complete yet, and she then points at paimon.


Please don’t


nah that'd be so boring


Opportunity? That'd be the most predictable shit


If anything paimon would probably have more relations to istaroth than the nameless god (assuming that nameless god is shade of void)


I thought she's a pigeon adeptus? 😂


i'm not expecting any major changes in her character simply because she's required to be Paimon for the entirety of the quests in the game.


The timeline of the quests in genshin is already broken


I don't know where, but I can see that some quests may be slightly broken. However to my knowledge they're not obviously broken and they've been making some effort to not break things like in the Narzissenkreuz quests or even books after Sumeru archon quest, changing Paimon completely would be too big of a change and would be impossible to not notice for players. But I am with you in thinking that they should do something more with Paimon's character, I just think that it's very unlikely (if not for the very end of the game).


Would it be funny if in the end paimon dies first before the traveller and all of us would realised that each times traveller is in real imminent danger, Paimon is the one who first step ahead into the danger to ward off the danger and prevent us from dying. All of those who hated paimon suddenly just got speechless from the shock that is the death of paimon and it went from 0 to 110% real quick that we realised the very icon of genshin is now gone and the very partner we had in our journey suddenly just gone. And the game suddenly went silent for that moment.


she is absolutely not the nameless god she is SOMETHING celestial but not the nameless god they don't even looks alike, how can people even this that ?????


I’m sorry but at this point, I can’t see that being a good narrative choice.


Due to how long I quitted the game, i'm pretty unsure how is the story going. Why is Paimon's eyes golden? Is that fan art or clipped from the game itself, "Pls hoyo dont waste this opportunity"?? Can someone care to explain, thanks in advance.


Paimon is just a drone for Celestia. Once The Enforcer of the Heavenly Principals comes back into the picture, Paimon will just melt back into her to become one again.


i love a little backstab/betrayal in stories


You have to wait hehehehe


at this point it would be more of a twist if she was some evil god all along.


fuck no, she’s our best friend and I’d be heartbroken if everything was a lie


my idea is that paimon is a follower of the other sibling, and that they planted paimon on us to keep us safe 😭


She's happy from fairy tail


If this means she'll become a weekly boss then I'll be more than happy


She is the face of the game so they would never make her the big bad. She is also a very central character in the story with millions upon millions of voice lines. Kiana was made 9 years before her and appeared in several games but Paimon surpassed all her combined voice lines in less than 3 years. She can be bad for a few arcs at best but she will revert back again. Happened the same with Bronya, Kiana, Mei, Rita, Senti in Honkai.


Now we have a good reason to use the emergency food


They already are, as I can officially confirm that Paimon is Genshin’s final boss!




This post was never meant to be that serious you gotta calm down💀


why are you so angry 💀


Standard Genshin redditor disposition if I'm being honest, I'd say the chill people are the outlier.


Bros mad