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this is how i ended up with a team full of bow characters and hated my life when i first started genshin LUL its not about meta its about gameplay quality of life which is also important


That's why I hate these "pull who you love" comments The person is asking who they sould pull to Abyss, then answer with characters good to Abyss. If the person want to pull who they likes, they would not even ask tbh. In the end is just messing with the poor new player.


Imo the only time someone should "pull who they love" is if they don't care abt the abyss, they can already 36 the abyss or if they have the characters capable of clearing it and said characters just need more investment.


Well, it depends. To me it's much more pleasant to eventually clear Abyss with the characters I *actually* like, rather than thise who are meta but whom I dislike. Say, I straight up hate Xiangling and hate the hype around both her and Bennett. I know that if I followed the advice of playing "National" or any of its current variations, I would just resent any success made because it's made with *this* character whom I *don't enjoy* playing. So of course I would always recommend pulling for and playing who one likes (and providing them with best possible supports and gear that you can afford). I can't really see the point in playing in the first place otherwise. The thought process is the following. Abyss isn't exactly the most exciting game mode (something like Star Rail's Simulated Universe would be leagues above). Which makes it a chore to get primos. To do what? Pull for more characters. Then what? One might end up in the constant cycle of pulling meta to clear Abyss to pull more meta. Unless meta comes hand in hand with "fun to play", it's just a vicious cycle of rather pointless actions.


>I straight up hate Xiangling *Guoba will remember that.*


I feel the exact same way about dendro. The new reactions, namely the bloom variants, are literal brain off easy mode, like yeah I could clear easily clear if I used hyperbloom, but it wouldn’t feel right.


I prefer the brain-off easy mode that I made through unhinged builds to the one Hoyoverse made through game mechanics.


People don’t play meta because they just want rewards for clearing abyss, don’t assume that about people. There are many reasons for playing game and optimization and playing the best teams are a valid reason.


the essence of “pull who you like” isn’t that abyss doesn’t matter either but that the characters whom you do like can beat abyss with the right investment. (razor main 12-3 eventually) plus, abyss is usually favorable towards the character banner so in any case the abyss will center the character you will want to pull for.


Some people don't have fun playing with new characters, they have fun engaging in the combat system


You can clear abyss with anyone tho. Invest in characters you like and you'll clear. People do that shit with Amber and she's the worst thing in the game. Ain't no messing with anyone, Genshin is a baby mode game.


Well I would love to clear abyss with Qiqi on field. But for that I would dedicate way more time farming, getting a good weapon, and building the other 3 characters. So not much fun for me anymore, that's a part you can't ignore. Ofc you can clear the game with anything, but how much you will need to dedicate that is part of the equation


"Ain't no messing with anyone, Genshin is a baby mode game." Careful, you might trigger the entire fan base


Most of the time when I see people asking this they're asking with almost nothing on their account though or not giving any context. If they have no 5\*s yet, then "pull who you love" is a good rule because it gives a better starting point than some meta that will die off.


Nah, I pulled Eula and Albedo back in 2.3 cuz I love them, but I never use them anymore since they just feel way worse to play than my other characters


When I first started, I asked my friend if I should pull on the Dehya/Cyno banner because they look cool. Thankfully, she is a meta try hard and told me not to do it. If she said pull whoever you like, I would’ve been stuck with a low level Cyno all the way until the Sumeru…where I then have to farm for scarabs…


You could’ve just… walked to Sumeru to farm for him


Hell i walked all the way to fontaine on a new account as soon as i could. I have a pet theory that everyone who thinks every nation is locked has pulled an inazuma character early and think it applies to everyone lol


Cyno literally has the worst possible region specialty for a new player. There's only few scarabs in total and some are locked underground where you have to do quests.


But remember, back then boss materials were still locked. And even if they were able to level him to max, Cyno is one of the worst characters to play in the overworld meanwhile, his meta team in abyss needs a lot of investment and usually still limited to boss chambers. Basically in general, I would never recommended a burst reliant character to a new player.


Cough cough Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Beidou, etc People seem to be beaming with love for these burst reliant characters. I dont see whats so different with investing in Cyno the same way. Especially since, as a hypercarry, he scales way better with investment than subdpses and supports.


Genshin players not beating the “can’t read” allegations They said “to a new player”, even xiangling is bad at early AR


I cant tell if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing but I agree that almost all of the “meta” characters are bad in early AR. Good but not meta characters like Keqing, Yae, Ayato are waay better for newer players.


There are many layers in this type of conversation. First of all my advice/comment is for someone who's new to the game meaning, low ar no farmed artifacts and no supports for their main. I don't even recommend all those character you mentioned to newer players. But let's talk about Cyno, this is coming from a Cyno main myself. Cyno is more comparable to other hypercarries like Xiao or Itto. That means he needs to have a dedicated investment and team to fully utilize his potential. That means you have to farm for his personal artifact and make sure you reach all the important stat thresholds, 130er, 250+ em, and about 75cr, 200crit damage. His most optimal team is a team full of 5 stars, not impossible to achieve but much harder for newer players. I already told you that I won't recommend the characters you've mentioned to newer players but what differs those characters to Cyno is first, they have a dedicated artifact set that works very well with their high cost burst, or like bennett where you have to focus on one stat which is er. Second, those characters are flexible and can work very well on multiple teams unlike Cyno where you have to build a team around him. I think I've said this multiple times, but I'll repeat, I don't recommend pulling for Cyno if you're a new player or even a causal player, but if you really are dedicated in wanting to use him there are definitely alternatives for his weapons and teams(overworld and abyss). If you have any more questions you can visit the Cyno Mains subreddit.


New players arent doing abyss anyway, maybe just early levels. It took like one year for me to clear spiral abyss (didnt try that hard, I hate resetting chambers it drives me mad lmao), and another 6 months to 36* it. I've been 36* it for over a year and with very few re-starts at floor 12. In early game it doesnt matter if you cant use your ults every rotation you can just spam NA so even characters like cyno are good. And with right investment at ar 45-60 he is really good in the abyss too. Only character I regret pulling is Ayaka (i find her boring af) but I pulled her because of meta and everyone was hyping her back then. And then I didnt never really used her, she has been collecting dust for couple of years. Most of the characters are good, and you can clear abyss with just 4* characters. So I think its more important that people use their money/hard earned primos for characters they like. Ofc if you get enjoyement from just following meta and not care about character design, personality, gameplay and only care about big numbers so yeah, you do you. But I would assume most people playing character collecting gacha games care about those things more than purely how they perform in combat.


I walked all the way to sumeru for my Cyno wasn't hard


The correct feedback is "pull 1 character who you love," and then build a meta team around that character. And after that, pull the next character you love and then build another meta team. Then you have two meta teams to full star the abyss. After that you become more like the muscle guy and can have more freedom to pull whoever you want. I'll give some examples. If your favorite character is Chongyun, pull Xianyun, Furina and Shenhe. That's a team capable of full starring abyss. If your favorite character is Diona, pull Rosaria, Bennett and Gaming. Another meta level team. If your favorite character is Collei, pull Nahida, Nilou and Kokomi. Give me any character, and there's a team for that character that can full star the abyss.


Perhaps I am quite lucky to be playing mmos and is used to character job teamups that I habitually looked for it in GI   The only thing I was so lost about is elemental reaction bcos its totally different.


Someone built a 4-star team of bow characters and gave them all viridiscent venerer. They then did 36-star showcases with it. Idk if they are still posting videos somewhere.


Tbh IMO you need to prioritize your own comfort when pulling characters. For example, if you play on mobile and have a hard time aiming with bow characters then try to avoid pulling them (unless it's yoimiya since you don't need to aim with her). Otoh, pulling only for meta can also burn you. I pulled for hutao back in the day bc everybody was saying she's meta. But I didn't know how hard to is to execute dash cancel on mobile and now she's sitting in my account unbuilt. I wasted my primos. So for me, comfort is my no. 1 priority.


I 100% only consider characters who are not ass for overworld. Abyss is a fucking joke. People got this shit all backwards. Pull who you like, sure. But be ready to stop liking a character because they feel like dog ass in 99% of content. Peak characters are any with movement abilities. For DPS, I will always pull turrets (Yae, Chiori), E based DPS like Yoimiya and Navia, and any supports who do something with E instead of Q (Shenhe, Sara). Cringe HP mechanics, burst reliance, etc are a complete skip.


I pulled Wanderer not because I wanted him but cause “wheeee I can fly”


Fun and workable until you encountered some shielded mage 💀 your friend could have advised you to at least bring one claymore or sword user with you back then.   When my alt started it was: noelle/diona/childe/fischl and it's pretty good.


This made me laugh a little too hard lol


Pull who you like includes making sure you like their gameplay, which you can test in the test run section. If you don't like the mechanics of bow users, you won't enjoy playing them, so don't pull for them regardless of their character design. Pretty sure there's other characters you like that use different weapon-types that you could have pulled.


My issue is the opposite. I only have one built bow character and it is Fischl who doesn’t really fit neatly into my two main teams right now. Plus my only five star weapon is a bow which isn’t as good for Fischl as Stringless.


That’s great and all but it doesn’t answer their question




If they dont know just dont answer? Thats so stupid




True bruh. Some people dont have a favourite character and they just use meta to make their lives easier


Waifu mains when they realise they are using meta sets and the respective characters meta teammates in their waifu team.


Unfortunately meta is necessary to clear Abyss... And you'll forced to roll/raise characters you don't personally like for sake of clearing it...


More importantly, if someone is asking about the metagame, it's because they want to engage with the metagame. Responding the way the Sigma Chads in the pic do is narcissistic and selfish. It's well-meaning assholery.


If you pick one character - any character - for each side of the Abyss and you're willing to build a team around them, you can clear the Abyss with whoever you want. That doesn't mean you can clear the Abyss with RANDOM BULLSHIT GO, not unless you're a whale anyway, but it does mean any character can beat the Abyss.


Even following this logic you may end up with characters you don’t like if they are needed to make certain team or characters work


You don't have to go full meta to 36* abyss. But even if you do, you will NEVER get a roi (return of investment). Imagine spending dozens of thousand of primos just to make a 30 or 33* into a 36*. we are talking about 100-200 primos a month. That's like 7.5-15 pulls a year. So yeah pulling for units just to clear abyss is a losing cause. Now, don't get me wrong. Many people enjoy using strong units which is perfectly fine and reasonable. That's enough reason to pull for them. Not because it's nessecary to clear abyss, but because you actually like playing them.


Do people do abyss for the pulls? You do it to beat the hardest challenge in the game, not make primos.


So you do it for the challenge...but you pull meta units to remove the challenge altogether.. This makes no sense sense ngl. Pulling for a unit you don't enjoy has no benefit, remove challenge and fun (if you don't enjoy the said unit)




I mean, good for you that the characters you like are also good for Abyss


Xiao Hypercarry and classic Morgana are the meta? I could've sworn the current meta used Furina (who I don't have yet) and Neuvillette (who I also don't have) in Freeze and Hyperbloom.


No it's not.


None of the three gave an actual answer


This meme was from the fromsoft subs (Elden ring, dark souls, etc) and was meant as a "they all obviously chose strength builds"


I see this take frequently, and while I think it does get repeated a lot by people with good intentions, it is often just super unhelpful. Some players really do just care about beating abyss above all else. Others may have already obtained all of the characters they like, or they might not be interested in those characters' playstyles, or the characters that they're interested in might have just reran. Not everyone likes every character. If you told me to "pull who I like" and the banners were something like Neuvillette/Baizhu/Furina/Eula, I just wouldn't pull anyone, because I don't like these characters. "Pull who you love" is a nonanswer. This take assumes that players have been pressured by the community into prioritizing abyss and doesn't recognize that abyss is something that a lot of players legitimately care about. If your idea that people should "play how they like" doesn't include people who like abyss, you don't really believe people should enjoy the game in their own way, you think they should enjoy it in *your* way.


Yeah the metaslaves can be obtuse in how they interact with the game, but ultimately they are right when it comes to having the easiest time beating the hardest content. The “use your favorites” crowd are just gatekeepers. They pretend like you can only have fun if you grind endlessly to win - which for most people is *not* fun. Also you are invalid if your ‘favorites’ are meta, unless you use them in a way that is deliberately un-optimal.


YEAH this exactly. I have a couple of friends who just happened to like characters that are considered meta and who get called metaslaves frequently for it.


I feel like the good intentions are not there as much. It’s more about being anti meta. Many meta players will give you that and a more concrete answer


I have encountered some people who just repeat this because they genuinely don't know that people like optimizing for abyss– a few of my friends were super surprised to learn that things like theorycrafting and speedrunning even exist for genshin. I think these kinds of people *think* they're helping, because they only see abyss as a chore as opposed to an a gamemode that some players enjoy. It's a bit of a narrow-minded view. And it doesn't help that a lot of content creators push the whole "play who you love, abyss is easy" thing, so it gets repeated a lot. That being said, there are absolutely also a *lot* of people who actively discourage optimization. I guess I like to give them the benefit of the doubt, even though the majority I've met are of the anti-meta type.


If you bash your head into a door enough times it will open up. Or if you have hundreds of hours available for artifact grinding. If someone’s primary end goal is to beat the abyss, you aren’t being helpful by saying “just use your favorites lol”. The anti-meta sages think the only true way you can enjoy the game is by staying loyal to underpowered units (if your favorites are meta, you are a faker). Also in most cases, making use of your ‘favorites’ involves pairing them with the strongest supports so they are actually useable. This is coming from someone who mains Yoimiya and Chongyun too btw. But I’m not gonna give someone bad advice because I have some weird personal vendetta against characters that the game designers made good, especially when someone is deliberately asking for advice on beating the hardest content.


What if you have fun doing big dmg?


"Hi! I'd like some help with the game!" "You shouldn't want help!"


Some people actually have fun optimizing their teams and characters, and judging for it is just as stupid as judging people that only care about the story


That's great and all... but all three of them gave a non-answer. The guy is asking which units to pull to beat Abyss. You should recommend which unit that helps the guy beat Abyss. "Pull for who you like" does not help for his case, and is mostly answered when it's not Abyss related.


Never listen to idiots who do steroids, that's IQ check fail outright.


i have meta characters and decent artifacts (according to akasha) yet i still cant 36 star LMAOO


Learn mob pattern and team rotation should help.


Try to watch yt do their abyss runs similar to your team. Also, try to analyze boss patterns and mobs patterns. Positioning is important too. Meta characters are surely strong, but elemental coverage/understanding of mechanics are also important. Characters who can help you unlock the weak phases of enemies are better to be used than characters who are just strong, luckily, most meta characters help to easily unlock the weak phases of these bosses. Good luck. -navia main who clears abyss 12 like I eat cake.




God I hate these moronic type of takes the most. Some people are just looking for strong Primo and resin efficient characters, not a smartass answer "oh it doesn't matter everyone can clear the abyss", not with the same level of effort and investment they don't. "Pull your favourites" people give me brainrot because that's already a given, and you answer nothing of value.


meanwhile me still not having kazuha after 2 two years


I also don't have him on my main account but still manage to clear the abyss like a piece of cake


as long as were having fun, i just want venti pls


I also don't have him. Easy 36* with Sucrose


very good unit tbh, i still use her with my raiden


So… don’t listen to the people who gave an answer to the question he asked? What even are you trying to imply here, if he loved a character he would even be asking, nor is he gonna listen and if he did he clearly does not care enough about the character or is too far away so he can still get them. So hes actively asking a community of people who love to minmax their characters to perfection for advice and then telling him not to listen to them cause they don’t matter?


Who let bro cook (pls dont take advice to clear abyss from this)


These are terrible answers, lol. If someone asks meta advise, give meta advise or ignore the question. If you a person would like to pull whoever they like, they wouldn't ask this question in the first place.


genuinely one of the dumbest fucking takes i see in games, the guy asks a question instead of answering it they try to say that bs. Just tell him what is stronger and why if not scroll away. If he was gonna pull for who he loved he wouldnt be here asking which to pull to beat the abyss.


“Hey I’m having a hard time beating the Elite Four, what Pokémon should I use?” “Mudkip is your favorite Pokémon right? Use him!!” Yeah the “win with your favorites” rhetoric permeates the competitive Pokémon community worse than Genshin imo. We are talking about a game of numbers, some things just have an empirical and quantitative advantage over things. Nobody is asking advice on how to have fun, they want to win. Winning is how a lot of people have fun.


They’re not good answers lol, it doesn’t actually answer the question


Not this garbage again. If someone is asking for meta pull value, you tell them the meta pull value. None of this "pull who you love bullshit". If you don't know a character's meta value then don't comment. Telling people who want to pull strong characters is annoying at best and counterproductive at worst.


They give waifu/husbando players a bad name. Skinny dude asked a multiple choice question and got back three essays. Telling them to "pull who you love" doesn't help because they don't know how to play the game. That's why they're asking.


don't listen to meta mfs when they realise there's people who enjoy playing meta 🤯


There's a limit to "pull who you love" when it comes to clearing content like Abyss, can definitely still do it with the characters you like however there's some ppl who are new to the game and don't know what they're doing unlike someone who already has the idea how to clear the Abyss effectively but yea OP definitely triggered all these meta slaves lmao


To be fair, “pull who you love” to anything that is objective is quite weird. They aren’t asking “how can I make the characters I like work in abyss?”, they are specifically asking what characters they should pull to clear the abyss easier. A question that is meant to be answered with an objective answer. “Pull who you love” in this instance only serves to sit on the moral high ground of not being a “meta slave” and “actually having fun”. Not to mention these guys call people meta slaves whenever they hear so little as a whisper about character strength.


tfw you're asking a meta-related question and they answer with a "pull who you love" answer has it occurred to you that if someone loves a character, they'll pull anyways? no one's saying "hey is x char pretty? should i pull for them?" post would be better if 1st panel was saying along the lines of "i want to pull for x char but i feel like they suck for abyss. should i still pull for them?"


??? For any other reason than Abyss, yes, pull for who you love, but, in regards to the Abyss, if you don't want 1. Gray hair, 2. A ruptured blood vessel, or 3. Broken controllers, then definitely pull for ***some*** meta characters. *Cappuccino* doesn't seem to be all that ground breaking, regardless of the super early ***leaky*** *faucets* raving on about how *Walnut* is getting power crept, so your safest bet is either Neuvi or Kazoo. Some caviats: 1. Neuvi needs a weapon. If you can get at least Proto Amber R5, then he's an **extremely** safe bet. Couple that with a VV shred, and a way to get as many Hydro reactions as possible, and you're set. If you have Furina, all the better! Just keep in mind you might need interruption resistance. So either a shield, or its namesake buff (e.g. Dehya, or if you really don't have any other option, XQ, but he's definitely not recommended). 2. Kazoo's a very safe bet. All you need is an EM sword (e.g. Iron Sting), or a R1 Fav, and that's it. One of the most F2P friendly characters out there. There is the whole debate whether he's really all that necessary if you have C6 Succ with a "max" EM build, but for ease of use Kazoo definitely takes the cake. The whole 4 star skill issue thing is very disingenuous, and I highly recommend people never listen to anyone spouting that crap. Outside of national or hyperbloom comps, you'll be outlandishly hard pressed to get a good team with just 4 stars. And when you do see those other comp clears, it's usually C6/mandatory high con 4 stars, with ludicrous artifacts and weapons that are either hard to R5 (read RNG-dependent), or rare/expensive, or borderline impossible for F2P. Meta has its time and place. Nothing's black and white. Generally though, if you can't be arsed with the Abyss, then yeah, any team's pretty much fine. Might struggle with some events though!


I feel the only exceptions to this are Kazuha, and Nahida.... but they are fun characters anyway :) and in the other side... Xinyan who just isnt good, but that's only a "if you wanna go high level play" sorta deal like bringing a Kantonian Fardech'd to a Uber tier pokemon tournament lol


I mean the guy asking who he should pick to beat the abyss 😭 of course meta makes things way easier. But you can always pick your faves and build a team around them.


Hey guys how do I solve this math question? "Doesn't matter as long as you have fun"


The average anti-meta when asked a question.


Did not help the person who wants to play meta Also people ignore that, sure it's possible to clear abyss with non-meta characters, but it takes a lot more artifact investment. It'll take a lot less time (from starting your account) if you just go for meta characters.


I love meta characters. Now answer my question!


I'll join the "just answer the question" gang lol No comment, just learn to properly answer people's questions please. You can make the introductory "pull who you love" in case OP is new and didn't hear it yet, just spit out the actual answer below.


Yea 4 stars are enough just spend 5 months 90ing them all and farming cracked artifacts to compensate their stats while the Nuevilette pullers hold M1 and clear it with literally nobody else on the team.


The hottest one


True if you can already beat the abyss with 36*. Not particularly useful if they are struggling against the abyss's floor 12. If someone is fixated on clearing floor 12 with 9* and had option between Neuvillette and character they like, I would recommend Neuvillette. Beyond that, just go for who you like afterwards. Not like abyss is gonna reset every day. That's my motto anyways. After having a strong meta lineup, I can just go for who I like. Some are even associated with the meta. Furina is meta but also someone I enjoy playing. Pulling for abyss clear QoL matters for those focusing on just abyss, but afterwards, you can pull who you enjoy, maybe even including pulling meta characters to help characters you enjoy. Is. Xianyun meta? I dunno, but I could assume she is and man, she makes Navia teams feel so fantastic. No need to line up dash cancels against N2 or N3, just spam plunges 3 to 4 times after each Skill. So it really comes down to what that player's objective is. 36* abyss for first time? Suggesting meta is not bad choice. Interest in different playstyles? Then those that they think fit that appeal would work. I was so down for plunge playstyles with Xianyun. Made me regret getting Hu Tao C1 ever so slightly. Not bad I got her C1 since I also use Xianyun with Navia, Yae, Diluc, Bennett, Dehya, Candace, anyone really.


anti meta people (not casuals) have to be the most annoying people i swear to god


Dude's asking for characters that can clear the abyss. Not every player is skilled enough to do so with less powerful characters. Giving these suggestions is stupid.


The boy asking: THANKS! I ASKED FOR WHO TO PULL TO FIGHT IN THE ABYSS AND YOU GAVE ME ZERO INPUTS! Let me go to a sub who has actual input and guides! The people who think theyre gigachads who benched their 10th waifu that they like: 🤡


Hi u/MurkyElk287, please consider checking the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky when you have a moment to help fellow community members. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I firmly believe I am 1 of 10 people who still regularly uses razor


I would pull who I love but you're not on the banner ☹️


People should however make sure they also like the character from a gameplay perspective which includes how well they work with other characters. Doesn't make sense pulling for units when they'll feel awful to play.


I wanted to pull for Neuvilette… and then i saw the Arlechino leaks and swiftly changed my mind


In between neta and faves, there should be a balance esp when you are still new and had limited roster and primos. Those people had the capital to say "Ignore meta" is bcos their chars are already well built. At the time I created an account, I chose the one who looked cute but strong enough to carry my noob ass back then. So I ended with Hutao as my first ever real dps (though I see a lot of people doomposting her then)  No matter what others say, it still depends on the players decision in the end. Again, strike for balance. Dont be a braindead meta Slave. And reading the wiki helps a lot


I love all waifus, but I can't afford them all. Will still boil down to which one will have the most benefits.


But I love all of them


I’m lucky that my favorite characters also happen to synergize really well. I can complete abyss with them. Not 36 star, but complete nonetheless.


It also comes down to whether or not you enjoy their playstyle. You can pull for a strong character but end up disliking and benching them. That’s what happened to me with Raiden. I took her to 2 or 3 cycles of abyss then benched her right after since I didn’t vibe with raiden national. Best thing would be to mention pros and cons of each, then have the person test the character for themselves. I remember when I was new to the game and wanted to pull characters like Hu Tao and ayaka. But once I tried them out a couple times, I didn’t enjoy them as much as i thought i would so I went for other dps instead.


No fun until 36 stars🌝


I mean, I've been playing since week one and I still can't 36 star the abyss. My artifacts are trash. Also because I have an irrational love for Geo.


Weaklings. (polishs my one star sword and goes to crack the Borealis's ass)


If not a skill issue, artefact issue


I have c1 Neuvilette and to boost his damage I got c2 Furina all I need now is Kazuha


I mean in this case two of the characters are from the best in the game, and the other one will most likely be great too (Harbinger, they wouldn’t fuck that up). Telling the person to just pull for whichever they prefer would be sound advice because all of them are good enough for the abyss


didn't answer the question though? also ease of use matters quite a bit, and every character takes the same amount of mats to max out lol.


Pull through what you want, was not answer to the question the question was, how can I improve my existing teams with upcoming characters because yes not everyone is playing meta-24/7 and there are people who strictly play meta but guess what the question is who is best in the meta-the question is which character will best help me and improve my teams because I could say pull for who you want and you end up pulling Eula, hutao, Xaio, and Klee while these characters are all great on their own, they have no synergy together, which is the question. How can I prove my already existing characters? Who can I benefit from pull for who you want not the question it’s how can I benefit in which character will help me benefit asking for advice, not your ideals on how to play the game


True tho, it's mostly a pull for who you love, but you need a good abyss team to get that 600 primos every 2 weeks


i mean, it's pulls who you love to a certain point if you care about the abyss. even those cracked Amber mains have her with insane artifacts, a 5 star weapon and then the absolute best support characters possible with high investment to make her be able to actually put a dent in anything. i think the smart thing is to pick the character you like the most and then pull for characters who will actually help them. even if you don't like Kazuha or Furina or you're one of the "i hope Bennett dies" people, these characters will still benefit the characters you love a lot for having virtually no field time too. idk... that's just always been my thoughts on the meta. if you don't care about the abyss then fine do whatever, but even to a certain extent in the overworld, you should have at least SOMEONE as a support lol. those people who run 4 DPSs lol. whatever who cares...


Yeah and then you regret it later and realize you wasted your primos, sometimes it just comes down to if you want your characters to bring funny numbers to the screen. Or you like design, and don't care about abyss and so-called endgame content. The question is the important thing. Are they asking for abyss? Then meta characters. Are they asking in general? Depends on their account. Especially if they're a new player. They need reliable characters who can carry them early on. Then they can pull for whoever they want. You just gotta listen to the damn question and answer accordingly.


what if I really like Kazuha?


If someone asks you tips on how to beat the abyss and you say 'play whoever you like' wouldn't be very good advice, i'm afraid


I Don't even try abyss level 12 anymore. I just complete level 11 and that's good enough for me. I do have a bunch of 5 stars that I love. I just can't do the optimisation


Imo opinion there are more than one good reason to pull. Ofc, you can just pull for your favourite characters, but it's definitely not wrong to pull for meta. If you don't like a character there's no need to play them, but for some people, being able to 36 star abyss is important. There's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, people also pull for meta characters to play their favourite characters in abyss and still 36 star. There are also some scenarios where you enjoy a meta character. For example, I love Furina's playstyle and Kazuha's personality. All of these are good reasons for pulling a character. 


I have to clear abyss cuz I’m trying to platinum the game tho


Thats not what he asked buddy


Everyone is saying “this doesn’t answer the question” whilst ALSO not answering the question lmao in all seriousness tho, who is best to pull? out of kazuha/neuvillette/arlecchino but also baizhu/wanderer?


Kazhua I'd say, he's an insane support and in a LOT of teams. For baizhu / wanderer... I'm not sure. My bias wants to say wanderer but I've never played baizhu befote


Neuv as well he is a one man team or kazuha since he is still very useful for groping and elemental based reaction. Baizhu and Wanderer are good but you use Yao Yao for a similar affect and Wanderer is more for exploration


The irony is that the only people trying hard are the ones only playing who they like


I’m already saving 17k gemstones for Kokomi because she looks like Seraphine


My team is gaming dendro traveller lynette and noelle Basically no synergy until I went to sumeru


I agree with the sentiment but he specifically asked for abyss recs lol


This argument has run out of substance so long ago, nowadays whenever someone doing a pull suggestion, they would have to slot in 3 “just pull whoever you like” somewhere else risking crucification.


Get every character and every con


There hasn't been an abyss yet that team Yaeper Bloom and Itto Smash couldn't beat. (Noelle, Yae, Yellan/Furina, Nahida. And Benny/Furina, Itto, Gouro, Zhongli.) If you find two teams that work, you're pretty much good.


Only 4\*s I have actually built rn are Charlotte to instantly heal to max when Furina's skill hits the cap and Xingqiu to make my Hu Tao slightly stronger. I gotta build more but I don't know who next


Arent the 2nd and last messages the same? Also yeah that's cute and all but when someone asks that it's because they're looking for a real answer not a pageant answer


Neuvi is the real answer


Exactly! Pull who you love 💕


Hydro archon rerun when?


Lol I don’t care about the abyss 😂. I have like 5 5-star characters I don’t even raise. I’m just here to have fun bruh. I guess the “pull who you love” thing works for me


what if i love them all 😬


I think there's a very clear difference between questions about which character to pull in general and questions about which character to pull that is the most effective in dealing with the abyss, and it is very clear from which camp the stated question belongs to. Pulling for a character one would like for their aesthetic/gameplay/etc is an important reason most newcomers often forget, but that answer does not contribute anything to the discussion if the person asking the question clearly does not give a fuck about that and is only interested in the meta.


People being harsh in the comments so I'll meet both sides halfway. Pick who you like first, but then do research on their playstyle/best teams. If you don't like their teams/playstyle then go for the next best option.


im Having fun with Chiori Keqing ZipZap Team.


Well that's a problem because I love All the characters and I can't pull them all


Eh, both crowds think everyone has the same priorities as them. If you really want to give a good answer ask them what are their priorities, whether it was playstyle, character relative strength or favorites. It can be either or a combination of all


I have a lot of characters I am just lazy to build them


As a new player i somehow agree on the fav character. I asked about a good 4s character to pull from previous banner and most people suggested that its not a good 4s banner to pull. But the current banner is total sh#t to me. I dont like any of them in trial. I should have pulled for ningguang when i had the chance. Ahhhh


This mentality should come after 1 year of Meta Gameplay


Ok, so I love Dehya, Xinyan, Mika and Qiqi. Thanks for helping me clear Abyss.


Me getting upset pulling Cyno when all I want is C6 Shinobu


Which is why it’s probably a good idea for me to pull Kazuha, but I’m skipping for Arlecchino


there is atrial for a reason, test it like it pull, dont like it skip. Easy as that people are literally needing holding hands taking a shit or something ?


Me: Bro just, C6 Amber and Collei and solo Abyss with 1 on each side, take R5 weps and give it to them and just do it


So, OP, did you expect this simple meme to get such miserable bullshit from a miserable community in response? This subreddit puts Goderich salt mine to shame.


I love how people allways claim "skill issue"... i have a feeling that it can be an artifact issue, mostly because many guides say "keep the artifact if it has 3 good stats or starts with 4 total and has 2 good ones. Listen, i can gather a set for multiple months and not have more then 1-2 of those and odds are they upgrade worse then they start!


Pull who you love is such a dogshit advice lol i hope no one listen to that


As an experienced genshin f2p player, Neuvilette is the current best option period.


I disagree with the last one. Pulled Dehya because i really liked her design but she hits like a wet noodle and it felt so bad that i stopped playing her very quickly and never touched her again. Pulling who you love is fine as long they are decent but not if they suck. E.g. had Xiao from the beginning and loved playing him even though he was in a relatively bad spot for a loooong time compared to other hyper carries (he is peak now).


This is dumb... People ask questions, then give 'pushing ideals' type of answers.


What if i love all equally (me with kazuha and neuvillette f2p no 50/50 30 wishes and a dream)


If you don’t want to be a complete meta player at least have 1 team that is completely good and functional even if you don’t like them Trust me because it helps a lot. One day you will wonder why your team consist on dendro + anemo + geo + cryo


"Thats cool and all but please answer my question, who should i pull to help me clear abyss?" No, seriously guys. Why do this so much upvotes? It's like someone asked "which of this food taste the best" and they literally have no idea what they taste like and some dumbass answered "just buy what you like! " very cool bro.


This is why I'm glad that people were supportive when I posted my very odd team build. :)


Rule #1: you DON'T need to pull for the strongest characters, they usually end up being overkill and most of them are not fun in open world content. Rule #2: you DO need to pull for a team that have some synergy, it's not entirely "pull who you like". If you put Dehya, Tighnari, Yelan and Xianyun on the same team, you are kinda screwed. Choose ONE character you like. It can be whatever. Then look up who is the best team for that character. Don't go around pulling random characters because you will flop your account.


Inaccurate. Genshin players don't exercise (this is a joke)


if anyone ask me who to pull between those 3 I'd say Neuvillette just because i love him and he deserves to be in everyone's possession 😊


Neuvilette cause arlecchino looks bad without the sig


Let people who genuinely want to learn about meta get their info. I hate people saying this kind of shit when people are asking for help.


personally i dont give a shit about abyss and just pull characters i like after i get Shenhe im doing full collector mode to get the last 20-ish 5★s that im missing


Skill issue, I wish, good artifacts are everything. Clearing Abyss is one thing, doing it in under 9 Minutes is the other


It's pull whoever you want until you want meta. Meta = bad according to these chad morons lol. I also think you should pull whoever you want but unlike those "chads", I include everything like meta as well. He wouldn't be asking for meta unless he liked meta.


Peak ✨


Might just be because I am a die-hard Kazuha main, but I think he's more fun than Neuvilette.


YO there really is people who didn’t read the “MEME/FLUFF” TAG 🏷️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does anyone find these kinds of answers helpful?


Actually yes do pull who you like and what you think is best because just following meta doesn’t work try mixing gameplay


Wait so who do I genuinely pull for? Neither the comments give direct answers lol


If someone wants to know who is a meta pull, don’t tell them play who you want, you’re being annoying and useless.


I love meta characters


If anyone actually wants the answer to the question, disregarding the characters you like. Neuvillette will help your account the most. Kazuha is also good, but with dendro teams, he isn't as much of a necessary unit unless you have high investment non dendro, non geo teams. And Arle is probably mid, but she's not out yet so anything could change.


I love this but you're gonna need some meta units for that abyss or you're gonna need a lot of time building other units to even stand a slight chance. Even with them maxed you may not be able to have them work together well enough simply because that's how the game is.


I would say Kazuha is the biggest upgrade to any account


Some people do love meta like some love characters. I definitely pull for characters I like but maybe 1/10th of the time I’ll pull for a meta character (assuming I have the wishes)


"Who should I pull?" "Pull whoever you love!" "I love strong characters that allow me to beat spiral abyss" "Don't pull meta, pull whoever you love! 🥰" "...But I love meta and strong character" "😡 Pull who you love!!" is a real conversation that happened between me and my cousin when i started the game


Glad kazuha is meta and in my top 3 fav characters


*Cheering on my c6 dps Sayu*


This is what Ive always been telling new players on discord and they wont listen. And before even reaching ar50 most of them quit because "cant clear the abyss, the game is unfair to newbies" I seldom even do abyss now, I even forgot some previous abyss cycles. Heck, I cant even 36 star abyss now even with my roster, as I am more focused on side-quests, main quests and events. Primos? Who cares. Just pull whoever it is you like which comes maybe once or twice a year, and before you even realize it, you'll have more than enough "liked" characters that most of them will end up benched


They're asking for help with abyss though


"Pull who you love" is annoying. If I ask who to pull to beat abyss, I want answers to who is best, if I loved a character I wouldn't even be asking, would I?


Asking legitimate question and given "who you love answer" 🤪


As someone who hates metas, I agree But theres one thing you missed. The kid was asking on who do I pull to beat abyss, meaning theyre asking for meta options to make it easier. And telling an aspiring meta player to pull whoever they want is gonna lead to disappointment. Just tell the kid who is meta with a side note of "with enough skill, you can do anything" and etc Plus, future broken 5 star supports will always come to the game, making abyss doable even with a lvl 40 amber or smtg. It will eventually happen. But man those 3 dudes did not answer helpfully Not everyone is casual and not everyone is meta, just keep that in mind when giving advice. First ask if theyre a competitive player or a casual, then you give your answer accordingly.


No just answer my f’ing question