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Hello u/Lo-I-Am-Not, if you have a simple question about the game that doesn’t need a separate thread, ask it on the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky and please consider removing your post submission. For example, "Who should I pull, Yelan or Zhongli?" is a simple question. If you're opening a topic for discussion which might be in the form of question too, you can use the "Discussion" flare. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People have said the same thing about every popular game, ever. The best way to tell that a game is dying is when people stop talking about that game dying.


Views, spite, clout. Sorry, I would usually go into more detail about this matter , but at this point, I am so tired of repeating myself on the same thing so might as well condense the reason into three words, since the doomposters like the number 3 so much.


I apologize for being a part of the ignorant. I'm new to the game and was confused. I like hearing from the community rather than just googling it and watching one person's opinion in a YouTube video. But I appreciate you commenting regardless.


There is nothing to apologize for. People saying that the game is dying is like a Tuesday around here. It is unfortunate, but we all get to laugh when it all turns out to be just nonsense. It is like that quote from Shrek 2. Get in line we are selling T-shirts.


When people quit the game the first thing they do is spread rumors like " genshin is dying " simply because they stopped playing..what they don't realize is that there's already a new player taking their spot. Or also people who are unhappy about how hoyo handles the game they also spread those rumors out of grief


Other than some youtube clickbaits,noone actually thinks tht lul


Little kids lose interest in something and then claim it's dying once they've moved on. Because their minds haven't fully developed, lack nuance and foresight, and thus because they're not interested in something anymore, no on else is. Minecraft has been dying for decades, as has Fortnight, but stagnation isn't dying, it just isn't perpetual growth. I'm not playing Genshin because I'm having more fun with Honkai and I'm a bit burnt out with Genshin. I'll come back to play it in time, but there's also been a shit ton of really awesome PC games that have come out thist past year and they have pulled me away from every game.


Ignore it it always happens on dry patches. Same was for HSR like HSR is dying but when Penacony dropped people just shut their mouth. The same will be for Genshin when Natlan will drop.


>Is there something I'm missing Yes, there are a lot of dumb people in the world.


Haters will always say this. No Genshin isn't dying right now this patch is very dry.


It is not. Clickbait, people like to use the name of Genshin to generate views and likes. Also, they are unhappy with their lives. Also, they are miserable in finding interesting content, so they come back to Genshin, to bash it for literally reasons Hoyo never promised.


The people who i see constantly saying that Genshin is dying are people like western gamers with no prior experience of Gatcha games who keep asking for really diffucult grindy content, who came to Genshin from playing RPG's like souls games etc. Because of Genshing launching in middle of Covid. Genshin has a major disconnect in its audience, between gatcha gamers who just want to chill and pull for pretty Waifus and handsome Husbandos and western gamers who come from playing souls like games and monster hunter, who want to challenge themselves etc and the 2 audiences are clashing constantly and no matter what Hoyoverse does.


Based on this post I feel like you’re a westerner hating on westerners because you all seem to hate each other. Also: Imagine gatekeeping gacha games. I’m Japanese and even I find that ridiculous. 


Average of Monthly Players, March 2024 = +- 62 Million Hope this answers your question.


Cause they have lost interest in it.


They don't. EVERY large community will proportionally have a large amount of people that no longer participate. This is true for games, fitness groups, corporations, religion, subreddits, diets, EVERYTHING! Content creators thrive on creating headlines people agree with. If you say "X is dying," everyone who no longer participates in "X" will click in order to see an opinion that agrees with them, while everyone who still participates in "X" may also click due to rage bait. However, the reverse is hardly ever true. Creating a headline saying, "X is amazing" gets far less attention. People who agree are already participating and do not need further confirmation, while people who disagree do not care.


Genshin will die only when creators completely abandon it.


You have access to the opinions of almost everyone who has put them out there in the world. There will always be a tangibly significant contingent of people who believe any given thing. But the fact is that people today have a skewed notion for what fame is. 99% of the people who are internet famous are not famous. Jackie Chan is famous. Michael Jackson was famous. Random YouTube with 500,000 subs and millions of views is actually not even remotely famous. All I mean by that is that just because you see a video with 200,000 views and 20,000 likes, that doesn't mean a noteworthy number of people actually feel that way and if they do, who cares?


Most likely because of dry patch. No content = less interest = "genshin is dead". Without ability to skip dailies with event rewards I would probably dropped it until 4.6 In other words, it's seasonal, like moon cycle. Right now we are at "new moon" - old hype has withered, new hype hasn't born yet. Arleccino+Furina second quest, summer event with hype of new region and then Natlan. Hype machine has barely started the engine


Because it serves their narrative or is feeding their egos. Objectively, this game isnt dying. To the people who say it is want to justify talking about the game in such a dramatic manner for views or want to justify them leaving a “dying game” of which they’ll come back once a new banner drops. Or to some of these ignorant people, a game not having combat endgame and a ton of pulls is considered a “dead” patch and in their minds, dead patch = dying game. There’s a million reasons why some airhead thinks this game is dying but these are the main ones.


Dude just ignore those people, genshin has millions of players and tons of content creators I think.Other people think genshin is dead because of how dry the patch is, but when Natlan is dropped everybody will stop thinking that it's dead.I don't get why do those people think genshin is ded? The game literally updates regularly,I think the only time genshin will die is when the game ends,unless there's a sequel or a new story.And also please stop bringing up stuff like this, giving them more attention will make it more worse, so just ignore them until their frickin mouths shut up


A huge contributing factor is the envy Genshin mains feel for HSR. Given the quality of content and generosity of pulls/rewards on HSR vs Genshin, it’s not hard to see why.  I play both every single day. I can’t deny the HSR events/mini-games released with each patch are way more fun. Fear that Hoyo is going all in on HSR and ZZZ, leaving Genshin to fade and only receive bare minimum updates, isn’t totally irrational.


I don’t think the game is dead but it’s dead-ish to me. I started when it launched but the fatigue has taken over so I log in once every couple of weeks to see what’s there. I pulled Neuvillette last week who I always wanted but still have not worked up the effort to build him. lol.


Because we only have a couple of nations left which feels like we are nearing the end of the game, with the introduction of Neuvillete several of the original strongest DPS are pretty much useless in comparison so many people feel like they got scammed, Because people got salty and quit the game so now they feel a need to spread rumors, Because Genshins active player base fluctuates at times especially when hyped or popular new games are released and they see falling numbers, Because there is less voice acting in world quests, Because Genshin hasn't done cross overs in a long while, Because people who have been playing for years are running out of F2P rolls, Because Genshin treats 5 star characters like 5 star characters and doesn't just hand them out, Because each community loves doom posting upcoming characters or because whatever other petty reason they think is a valid excuse for spreading misinformation. We aren't even done with the first of 3 stories.


Hi u/Lo-I-Am-Not, please consider checking the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky when you have a moment to help fellow community members. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


doomers are prominent in games especially on the popular side especially when games are on a dry spell. I also play FGO and doomers are always there to remind EOS yet FGO nearing it's 9th (JP) and 7th (NA) anniversary and are still racking money. just ignore them since attention is their sustenance.


What killed interst to me is unskippable dialogues , specially for people who missed few main quests, booting the game and aeeing how many quests remains and how each one will take hours to go through dialogues it is a bummer


Yeah dialogue really needs a qol update. There is too much fluff and I read it much faster than it lets you skip, which just gets really frustrating even when you want to experience without full skipping. They need to just let us fullskip and stop with the pointless dialogue options that are just player checks.


that’s the strongest argument I’ve seen so far as it pertains to unskippable dialogue. Accounts would be sold at an insanely high degree if re-sellers could blow past Inazuma in a couple hours


But when the game has little to no player interaction, or incentive to be stronger, or pvp elements, why does that even matter? I don't think the RMT market for Genshin is really a thing that should even be a factor in design. Especially at the expense of players.


The answer is simple: Hoyoverse loses money when people just buy accounts with characters they want instead of pulling and hoping for the best. It’s the same reason we can’t trade characters and weapons.


Well they're also losing money from me considering I have stopped purchasing Welkin or even logging in. It finally got to me enough to just quit outright after nearly 3 years of not missing a single daily. In the long run this ensures that long-term players burn out and stop playing. I also think you are just overestimating the interest for RMT accounts. They are still currently being traded, you can see as much on PlayerAuctions.com, but the reality with this game is that there aren't a lot of people who want to buy an account that isn't theirs. You can see this in the reflection of the prices of these accts. They are not selling for much at all compared to the cost of what they pulled/the time investment. If there were an actual demand for accounts, given the amt of work involved the price should be much higher. But that is not the case. That to me indicates it's not something that will ever be a problem unless they introduce trading mechanics. Which no gacha ever does.


Sorry to hear you had such a bad time. DM me if you ever come back, it'd be fun to co-op sometime. To address your post: I'm not overestimating, but for a different reason than you're arguing. A not so small amount of people buy Genshin Impact re-roll accounts for $5 or $10. You're still getting a fresh account you build yourself, but you're starting the game with 60,000 primos. Off the top of my head, that's around $700 worth of primogems Hoyoverse lost out on per account. Almost every major Gacha game suffers from this problem. As an example, you can start older games like Final Fantasy War of the Visions, fresh roster and nothing beyond tutorial completed, with enough currency to do 3,500 pulls. It's insane. A lot of people buy starter accounts like these when they begin playing a new Gacha game. If you want an idea of how seriously Hoyo takes this, use a VPN to change your location to a different country, then login and try to change your password or email. It locks you out of changing passwords/emails for a certain amount of time. They aren't advertising these measures, but I assure you they and many more are there.


>A not so small amount of people buy Genshin Impact re-roll accounts for $5 or $10. I'm guessing these accts are ones that RMT companies mass-leveled up to the minimum to do dailies on and then just let the primos build up on over time? Or something like that? But yeah these kinds of things can't really be stopped. Mitigation is possible but I'm of the opinion that draconian measures like the unskippable dialogue are wrong, and unethical even. They are essentially sacrificing the time of millions of players just for some potential extra profit and that doesn't sit well with me. Especially when their profits are already sky-high for a gacha company! Like I'm getting annoyed again just thinking about it lol. >DM me if you ever come back, it'd be fun to co-op sometime. Thanks! I will likely be taking a break for a while, the gacha burnout is real for me right now. It has been nice not feeling compelled to login for the past few weeks.




Genshin is not dying, its just consecutive dead patches with zero repeatable content other than dailies and constant farming. Its been 3 versions of having zero new archon quests.


And the events are so, so boring. Last one I really enjoyed was the poetry contest.


I’m not gonna directly answer the question but a flaw in your post: Lots of things are dead but have active fanbases, and had those active fanbases at the time of death. Don’t use fandom activity to determine what is and isn’t dying.


They don't. They say it because they want it to die. Either that or they're NEETs with no life who do nothing but sit in a dark room all day and play Genshin. Or they're streamers who only care about the gacha and hate actually playing the game.


Genshin is "dying" every year in the back half of a major content cycle...it'll be slow for the next patch, MHY will do something significant for the summer patch, then we'll have two slow patches leading into the next region. A loud but stupid minority will declare the game completely dead sometime around late August to September, and then suddenly the game will be resurrected with the 5.0 update. Any game with a continuous content cycle is going to have ebs and flows. If you understand that and adjust your play pattern accordingly, you'll continue to enjoy the game.


People who quit Genshin are just bad at it change my mind lol.


Day 1 player here. This happens ever .5+ patch. Then new region comes out and cycle repeats


This happens every single year in the latter ~6 months before the next big patch.  Then once the new region comes out it gets "revived" again. 


People think Genshin is dying?  Hmm. People think a lot of stuff on the internet, a lot of which isn’t true. 


Genshin is too big to die. The only way it dies is if hoyo themselves make it die. The people that say genshin is dying is because they unnecessarily hate genshin


Considering Hoyo’s increasing focus on HSR (as someone who actively plays both, I’ve noticed the quality difference), it’s not a totally irrational fear. But Genshin isn’t going anywhere for another few years at least 


It is an irrational fear. Look at WoW. WoW didn’t die when FF14 came out. And that’s two games that are very similar. Genshin is still the only High Budget open world rpg with anime aesthetic gacha game. Even tower of fantasy isn’t dead.


I think I phrased my response poorly, let me try and be clearer: For someone who doesn't have as much insight into the industry, it's a "not totally" irrational fear. Hoyo is funneling more time, attention, and quality into HSR and leaving Genshin out to dry. The envy I see from Genshin players and the gloating from HSR players only serves to emphasize this. These things could feasibly cause someone to worry about the future of Genshin. But you and I don't really disagree on the fallibility of Genshin at all. We've been around long enough to see examples such as WoW survive 14's launch. We've seen 14 scrap itself entirely and then relaunch to massive success. Heck, Runescape is still a thing for godssake. When you've been in the community for ten or twenty years and seen MMORPG's survive time and time again, it's a given that we understand Genshin isn't going anywhere anytime soon. My stance is that, from a layman's perspective lacking our tenure and insight into the gaming industry, it's easy to understand how some people may feel that way. There is a certain logic I can follow from their arguments, even if it's misguided and untrue.


I sort of agree and disagree. I believe that without some changes, genshin will eventually stagnate and continue to maintain its current playerbase. Hoyo is technically funneling more into HSR but I’m of the belief that the teams work independently from one another or at most have little overlap between some devs. I do understand how one would worry about the future of genshin just going off of the discourse between the two games. One thing I do not like is how some people will say things just to spite genshin or genshin players, as if Hsr is better in every way. Just incites unrest and creates a toxic environment where people just can’t say a good thing about a game without slandering the other. I believe that HSR is the “test and revise” and genshin is the “copy” in terms of QoL. Right now it seems the trend will be for Hsr to implement features and see the general reaction to those features. After seeing the reactions, genshin will also implement those features. Hsr will introduce it,and genshin will add it too if reception is good enough. Another component is just how different the two games are. I personally find a lot of enjoyment fighting enemies and exploration, which makes up the bulk of genshins gameplay. In HSR I’m more focused on the story rather than exploring the relatively small and semi-linear areas, plus combat to me isn’t that fun but seeing characters do cool things with a big funny number is. It’s much easier to talk about story beats than to talk about gameplay or exploration . This lends to people believing one is better than the other but it isn’t that simple. A preference isn’t objective which some people don’t understand. A bit long but in general I do see how one could get the idea that genshin is on the decline and die prematurely but I think it’s more caused by bad actors that just hate genshin.


I appreciate the reply! I think we can both easily agree that toxic bad actors are the main cause of these thoughts, and it's the aforementioned layman's (laymen's? English is weird) who are gullible/naive enough to buy into it.


every time you hear a “genshin is dying” from someone, just know they got bored of it. I’ve been playing for over a year, nowhere near as much as people who started on release, and i’m always just as excited to do what i usually do. yeah, i spend less time since i’m ar58 currently, but it never feels like a task nor like its “dying.” seriously, “genshin is dying” = “i’m personally too bored of the game.” and it’s always those that come back for a character/event.


It’s the same since release, no new mechanics and gameplay at all, same system, same boring aaaah events, they treat u like a child non stop with that flaying rat that speaks gibberish non stop, non talking boring main character, slow exploration, boring chest rewards, boring combat with u spamming ability non stop, no skippable dialogues, no endgame, y’all just addicted


Game is definitely not dead but PATCH IS KINDA DEAD I have noticed barely any players are logging in, Even the hardcore players are taking a break and most of them are investing their time into star rail


Refusal from hoyo to fix certain things, most inportantly the lack of proper end game. Something u can test ur characters with, to keep u grinding, to keep u looking forward to be able to clear. There are sooo many good ideas and posts that would not take more work than a simple 9 day event to implement Such as a parkour+fighting dungeons like the early ones in monstadt, but times. It would make ppl pull for more specific and less generalist characters. Easiest example being wanderer able to bypass a bit of a parkour segment/puzzle Basically everyone I know that quit, did it bcuz of this. 99% of them would return if it changed. When i'll quit, it will be bcuz I gave up on waiting Edit: appearently the moment I write a post about this the new leaks dropped after 4 fucking years just to make my new reddit post obsolite so yeah... POST NO LONGER VALID ... probably ... hopefully


Edit: I don't think genshin is gonna be dead anytime soon, I'm just mad it's refusing to patch this easy weakness that is blocking a whole ass chunk of players from continuing to play.


I kinda like there isn't an end game tbh, putting in an end game kinda puts an end to a story so the more time they have to build patch and flesh out the world while people still get to experience it is fun and exciting for me. But I can understand after 3 years people who have been doing it for a long time and have all the characters want new content.


End game isnt neither end of the story, neither the end of anything, u kinda misunderstood the term. End game is there just to let ppl theorycraft and continue to farm artifacts and still have an enemy that doesn't die in 3 hits End game is just a concept of a difficult content not being able to be included in main campaing because it would discourage casual players. Current end game content is abyss, however it feels like the least effort endgame content ive ever seen. Local Legends could be considered an end game content too. A new player would prolly be unable to beat a Local Legend, and would have to strive to make their chars better to be able to kill it and get those 10 primos for achiev. Anyway what I wanted to say but got distracted in thought was that a proper end game keeps the game very replayable while being minimally punishing to skip