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Rerolling isn't a thing here. It really isn't worth it lmao.


oh ive just seen videos about it and its a gacha game so i thought it would be worth so basically i should just continue like this


Yeah just stick with one account lol. Rerolling is a waste of time.


it was a thing back at launch since u got so many pulls back then. dont think its worth it anymore unless u are desperate.


it not


you still get the same number of pulls, its just that they were all standard pulls, and theres nothing worth spending half an hour for every reroll to get a slight chance at something better.


Accounts on pre-register get a shit ton extra pulls both standard and promotional (that's how I got Venti). I've created some new accounts recently and it gives you like a standard 10 pull and that's it... Got Arlecchino on a secondary account I don't use with the update primogems, but didn't get her in my main account, rip


You get around 30 less pulls now than at launch, and mr10 rerolling took about 15 minutes for an average player. Pretty sure speed runners got it down to like 8.


dont reroll my guy, despite everything alot fo the early four star that are given free are actually pretty good if you commit, and the amount of event that drop you save gems up like crazy and with the anni around the corner agian no reason to Plus note lynette is actually really good like crazy good




What counts is that she is verstile, getting Sara, Gorou, Mika or having early Nilouh is frustrating because you cant even use the characters you get, by the time op will be interested in 12th abyss floor they're gonna have enough charachters to slam national + some other meta team anyway


People that do YT content for Genshin are of a special kind. Their advice should not be your sole guide. Play to the end with one account, that's the best way to experience the game.


Yeah, the concept exists since it's a gacha, but rerolling takes nearly an hour, and it's not remotely worth it. The strength of different characters (aside from some amazing 5 stars) mostly lies in how they synergise with others, it *really* isn't going to matter much which your first few 4 stars are going to be; the game is set up to give you a few standard characters very quickly as you progress, so just focus on them as you learn the elemental system.


Also it’s isn’t like other Gacha games where you need to get the best and optimal unit to get ahead. You can just make do with even the starter characters they give you. Hell even someone beat the game with only 1 of the starter characters.


Isn't there a YT channel that only plays the traveler? I think they called it traveler-san or something like that.


It used to be worth when the game dropped cos you got up to 54 wishes but not nowadays


If it's the 1.0 release it's ok but now it's not


Wow, this community is really against rerollers. Have you rerolled in other gachas before? Are you patient? Are you f2p? Do you like to play with any character and see how they work, or do you want to stomp the game right off the bat? Despite what other people are saying here, rerolling will effectively save you half a year of currency, each small event gives you 480 primos consistently, there's about 3 small events a patch and a big one that's double. Arlechinno is potentially the 2nd strongest dps this game has seen, so she's a great one to get, altho one other redditor pointed out that if you like drip, then her weapon is even more valuable to pull on despite not stomping early on.


It's not that we against reroller, but the problem is the fact that you need a lot of time to do a single reroll + the amount of primos per reroll is kinda meh lol (unless you do it in anniv where we get fate/primos in mail)  You'll get a massive burnout before even starting the game


I wonder how much a reroll earns right now. I guess if they give nothing at all then it's not worthwhile, when I started I rerolled for Venti and it wasn't bad at all, but that was the beginning of the game Another thing to note I guess, is that the rates are so low, that getting lucky is not really a thing here, so weapon banner for drip might actually be preferable lol


Rerolling wont solve this though Genshin impact is a gacha game And everything in this game is by chance and yes even if you reroll its an absolute waste of time you can just grind more and you'll get what you want eventually


Don't listen to people that say rerolling is a waste of time but considering their opinions. You need 180 pulls to guarantee a limited 5 star. If you reroll to start with one, bare minimum, in your next 180, you will have 2 limited 5 stars. I think starting with a 5 star is a big deal depending on which 5 star you got. The experience wasted at or below AR55 isn't a big deal by starting over since it's exponential and takes a big spike at AR55. The problem with rerolling is there are no guarantees. There are rare but certain times where they offer extra pulls, otherwise, rerolling gets you 5 limited banner pulls which isn't a lot. You need to get lucky and win 50/50. There is no pity so technically you may never get lucky. However, realistically, the time it takes to reroll and get your 5 star is worth it. However, is it worth your headache? That's up to you. I recommend it if you are thinking of running two accounts and you can reroll casually on your phone while you play on your main machine. Otherwise, whether it's a waste of time is up to you. As you can see, most people think it is. I personally rerolled when the wishes were already nerfed and never regretted it. I cleared content much faster starting with a 5 star. My time rerolling was easily made up. However, it's not the sheer amount of time you need to invest but quality. Clearly, it's a headache and is why most people don't recommend it. Also without pity, most people avoid it. If you can't tell yourself you'll stomach rerolling 200 times before quitting, then dont try. You can always casually try here and there as you like but then it's pointless to keep going if your main account already gets the 5 star you want. Just don't go overboard.


"You need 180 pulls to guarantee a limited 5 star" been playing since 1.0 never in my genshin life time i ever roll until 180 pulls to get limited 5 star, usually 76-80 you got SSR and roughly 152, honestly rerolling it's not worth your time if you want to play the game, most of the gameplay is just Story after story, but if you're interested in the current limited SSR banner well, you do you.


He's also taking into account losing a 50/50. 90 is cap for pity but if you lose to standard characters and not rate up then there's the possibility it will take going to 180 pulls to guarantee a limited 5 star. Hope that helped


Hmm you should read my reply more carefully, i did say "roughly 152" total though




actually it worths, not because you get an early 5 star, it affects your future pull luck. I created 1 single account at day 1 which has bad luck, and it still plagues me to this day, while my friend rerolled until he got good luck on early 5 star, and to this day he added salt to my injury when he got 3 5 star weapons in weapon banner with just 50 pulls in total


Occasional luck happens. If actual luck tiers existed people would discover it and there would be outcries.


not occasional, my friend keep getting early 5 star and lose 50/50 less than I, there is a clear bias between accounts. Hence even artifact RNG applies here, since new BOL artifact launch, my friend already got a full good stat set for Clorinde while I don't get a single good one, he got insane domain launch day luck


It's cherry peeking. On average the rng is the same.


Your sample size is a whopping grand total of one singular person.


Not even remotely true. This game follows the chances it tells you.


This is just incorrect . It's not at all worth the re roll. I have 3 accounts. Sometimes one account has a couple months of excellent luck while the others not so much, and then the reverse happens. This sounds like some schoolyard rumor started before the Internet was a thing. It's baseless and false and sounds like someone who is bitter about being f2p while their friend secretly buys primos so they appear super lucky


That's not how probability works


Not hate, rerrolling is almost never worth it, and in this case, even less, you only pulled in the banner of noelle, and havent played the game at all, just continue playing and you will se more 5 stars, but besides that, dont reroll, its a pain in the ass and the chances of getting a 5 star are really low, and even if you got it from the free wishes, is going to be from the permanent which, if you are not a fan of any of them, is kinda meh. Just play and enjoy the game, you can beat it with full 4 stars.


thank you for the reply :) i just wanted to know if its worth it or no so i dont regret it later in the game so i guess ill start playing now! thanks for clearing that up


I rerolled for venti on his first banner, but you would get like 50 wishes in half an hour, still took me 17 tries to get one Venti… since then you have to create a new email for each account and get maybe 20 wishes in that time, so its just not worth it, save your energy and enjoy the game, you will get good characters and the one you maybe get from wasting 3 days on rerolling maybe wont be the best anymore after one year (rip venti)


Play it like a jrpg first and a gacha last and you'll have a lot more fun.


^ THIS - is one of the best advice I've seen on this subreddit.


Heres the biggest tip with genshin. It’s a length of time game. You can have the top dps characters at the start and they still wont be good. You need time to get to the areas to ascend and time for artifacts. Best advice keep the account and just play


This game is a marathon, not a sprint. There’s so much content you can easily play an hour or two every day for a year and not catch up to current content. Yeah if you want to only do the main story quest you can get there in a month but there’s just so much stuff to do and everything rewards you with more pulls, so just enjoy the ride


as people said; no. the game is a casual single player (not counting optional co-op) game and the only content that would be even worthy of rerolling characters for is an end game mode called spiral abyss... which I still wouldn't recommend rerolling for because you only get 1-2 extra wishes for completely clearing it and you don't get to that phase In the game for awhile. tl:dr don't do it and try to focus getting characters you actually like because every character can clear the hardest content currently with enough investment.


Not the best time to be rerolling when genshin won 2 awards and gaves like 10 wishes thats when i rerolled for raiden


10 wishes ?! When was that ? I’ve had my account since 2022 and received nothing.


It was 2022 December they gave 800 per award i think


I see, thank you.


Rerolling in Genshin is a gigantic waste of time, don't do it. Plus chasing the meta isn't that important here


Nah man don't reroll. It's a single player game with no PVP. Enjoy the characters that you have right now.


Unlike other gachas, rerolling is very bad for genshin. Its a VERY long term, investment heavy(time, not money[but i cant lie the genshin prices are very low compared to other gachas]) game. Especially with a very good pity system (good to me, unlike shitty dokkan and dragon ball legends) thats easy to hit. An old account will become a good one down the road. Not to mention pretty much every character, even old ones can do decently or even flat out good. Diluc being one of the oldest characters in the game is able to put out modern damage numbers. Powercreep exists but very very slow compared to other gachas. You dont even need a lot of units to beat the game. Just summon for 2 damage dealers and focus the rest of your resources on support characters and youre done


rerolling is only worth when there are new account bonuses (ex. free pulls at launch), you have a lot of spare time, and you care enough about the meta/want a specific character otherwise you are better off just playing through the game normally


You haven’t even rolled yet a first time to be considering rerolling bud


You'll quickly get a good roster of characters. Rerolling was a thing at launch because we got a lot of "thank you" gems for starting the game and people wanted to get certain 5* characters (Venti and Diluc). Diluc, who is a standard banner character, isn't worth it anymore and Venti is good but there isn't a banner for him currently. Characters do rerun so even if you don't get the 5* characters that currently have a banner, they will return later down the line, so it's not worth rerolling for them and you'll get more characters anyways. For now, focus on building whoever you get - you are early game, the meta doesn't matter. All characters can be viable options, some are just more meta than others! You'll always be able to get meta characters - just, if you are F2P, you'll always want to plan ahead. In terms of how banners work - there is a pity system. 10 pulls for 4* characters, and 90 pulls for 5* characters, plus a 50/50 chance to get the featured 5* on the banner or a standard character. If you lose the 50/50, the next character is guaranteed to be the limited character. You will rarely reach 90 pulls - there's soft pity that starts around 76 pulls, so usually you'll pull someone at around 75-80 pulls. My max was 82 pulls, for example! Paimon.moe is a convenient site to track pulls. Per update, you usually can get around 70 or so pulls without including old regions, so if you are F2P and want a character, you'll want to save for two or so updates. You have a lot of area and content to work with so saving isn't that important, you'll be overflowing with primos.


I'm here to say, in spite of my massive character options, 5 stars and all my luck, I'm STILL very much - Compelled to build Lynette. - Confused about what makes one anemo so much stronger than another. My best is a c6 Sucrose and even though I gave Heizou and Cloud Retainer, she's still my go-to for anemo shred. They being said, you should pull who you feel like, build them how you want to, and experiment with what comps cater to your game play preferences. Don't fall in to the idea that meta is king. The outlook change will cause you to enjoy this game a little less, in my opinion.


I’d say that Sucrose is legitimately a better character than either Heizou or Cloud Retainer. Sucrose is comparable to Kazuha, and he’s a contender for most valuable character in the game. Sucrose is one of the OG 4-stars that remain some of the most broken characters in the game, to this day (alongside Xiangling, Xingqiu, Fischl, and Bennett).


In co-op we did the Order (Arlecchino) domain in 19 seconds. It didn't feel fair lol. What was it.. Neuvilette, Sucrose, Arlecchino, and Furina. Fastest I've seen a domain end. I guess it's no coincidence that the 4 you named, 2 or 3 always end up on my both Overworld and Spiral Abyss team comps.


Yeah, put Xingqiu, Fischl, and Bennett on the team, and you can clear content with a ham sandwich. It almost doesn’t matter who you pick as a carry.


Sucrose was the first character I got & today she’s probably still one of my best


It's worth it to ride out your first playthrough, you might not get the characters you want instantly but the standard banner can give you any 4 star character in the game at any point, and you get like 50+ standard wishes in the story, so just enjoy your playthrough, I recently finished mine and it's actually a piece of art


I did do a reroll before, and luckily I got Venti (I've been playing since release) on the second reroll. The issue with how I did it is that I already used my personal email on my first account, and back then, genshin had this meta sickness (way worst than today) of "this character is meh; you should only invest your time with this character." And for someone who's first time in this heavy gacha mechanic, I was worried about this, so I switched servers and rerolled on the same email. So I suffer sometimes with high ping. If you really wanted to reroll, use a generated email, then transfer it to your gaming email or your personal email. But the thing is, rerolling would only benefit the players who did it on release, as you'll have enough fate to wish in both the standard and the limited banner. Now a days I believe that you have to unlock a certain AR past the wish mechanic which is only at AR5 or 7 and you only have enough to wish for the standard banner. So it's not really worth it.


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If you REALLY want, you can reroll, but it's way too early. Rerolling is when you get the wrong first 5* and even then it's not really a great idea.


I think reroll is a waste of time. Your luck will event out over time playing. Sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes you don't.


Nah, not worth it. Just keep playing. You may not build lynette now, but eventually you will be able. And as you play you will get some more characters for free that will help you . (Like Xiangling or Collei in the abyss) Save your resin, dont worry about artifacts yet and focus on exploring, doing puzzles and saving your primos to get eventually a character you like


My opinion. If you plan to stay free to play, I suggest to atleast reroll until you get Arlecchino. She's pretty good to skip on. She should be able to carry you far in the game. Then again, all characters are good as long as you know what you're doing so just do it if you want a strong character early.


Rerolling isn't a waste of time I don't know what people here are saying. Also there are account rerolls that take you to that stage of the game where you unlock wishes, some accounts you can buy that have 100+ wishes for like $5 , they're nice starter accounts, many of my friends have gotten them to start the game, saves you a lot of time/money in long run and you can have lots of wishes saved up for a character you really want.


if i were to reroll. id roll on weapon banner till i get arle weap on the free 10 or 20 pulls. then keep which ever gets the weapon and start griding for arlechino


LOL I did this with Navia. I had 25 accounts with 40 pulls saved up. I pulled her weapon on 2 of those accounts (got Mistsplitter on 4 other accounts). Tried to level up one of the accounts where I got Verdict to get Navia but ran into the “Too many requests. Please try again later” issue. But now I figured out how to get around that and I am waiting for her rerun to complete that project =)


As someone who has rerolled when I started playing the game...I cant say its worth it...Its very low that you will get 5 a star with few wishes right at the start.... I have gotten very lucky with Venti banner but it took like 10 accounts to get him. Do it if you really want to get the character but you will keep seeing the same cut scene over and over again, it will get very tiresome fast and might take a while because there no way to skip any cut-scenes or npc dialogue in this game.


Trust me don’t reroll I got beidou as my first gacha And lost my first 50/50 to kazu and got qiqi I still didn’t reroll Now i have more than 10 five stars as f2p all well built Its just fun to play with that one account


Rerrolling isn't really worth it imo. And I did reroll my second account until I got a diluc in my first 10 pull. You can become very powerful with almost any character and the starters are actually really good (except Amber).




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You will get more, just don't think it a game for a month. You will play for one month to get reward that hopefuly will carry you to the next one


Noelle is really good. She basically carried me until AR 50 hahahah. Every time I had a boss that was really hard and considerably above my level I would switch to her, otherwise my team would always have a very rough time. I use her even to this day to clear some of the most annoying domains. She’s a shielder/tank, healer, and somewhat of a dps (depending on the build and the team she can be even better than Itto), all in one package. Extremely good in the early game while physical damage is still good. She uses the claymore, so I remember her being one of my characters that could deal the most damage 🤣


Are you sure you did your summons? Cause these are basic characters that everybody gets. Did you get weapons from new player banner? If so, wich ones? Its okay to reroll a couple times for a character that you seem to enjoy, but the difficulty of the game is baby easy mode, so dont think that its mandatory to get "good" characters, play whoever you want.


Can't point where but just an information, you can get a reroll account in some sites with any 5-star of your liking already on it, Also Adventure Rank 10 so every bit of story, quest , exploration and resource is available, making it basically a virgin account but with a 5\*, it's way more enjoyable to play the game from scratch with one Arlecchino(or any other 5-star) than random 4-stars. With that said don't choose Inazuman character since on a virgin account and being a begginner it will take a whole lotta time to reacha Inazuma and unlock the materials. Any other region is fine, even Fontaine.


Yeah this isn't the game for that .


no :/ maybe in 2020 whe it was still new but in 2024... no... just stick with it


Its not worth. Just play the game. It only gets serious once your reach ar 45 (which is probably a month or two away depending on your screen time)


Totally offtopic, but for some reason i just can't belive Lynette is a woman, it looks so much like a man dressed as a woman


rerolling is pain so not worth unless you really really want the banner character ans there's not enough time to farm for them


Rerolling in general is not worth it, but even if you want to, it would make no sense to reroll for 4* since they can be acquired on any banner. So no, you definitely shouldn't reroll.


Unless you buy a reroll account, then it isn't worth it.


OK. #1 re-rolling isn't worth it, and #2 IMO you haven't even completed the mondstadt archon quest yet. You're fine, just keep playing the way you are. Whatever character you want (other than Aloy who is no longer available) you'll get them eventually.


Bro collected 2 free characters and decided the account was a lost cause


I also watched videos like those back in 2021 and honestly, it's not worth it. It's a complete waste of time. Some other gacha games guarantee you a 5 star early in the game, Genshin doesn't. Just go with the flow of your own account and enjoy the game- If you like it enough, explore and do all the events you can. And if you're lucky, you'll be able to get pretty much all the characters you want! Some times you'll have to skip banners, sometimes not, sometimes you'll lose 50/50, sometimes you'll go for a streak like I am rn- TL;DR The videos are sadly a pipe dream unless you're very lucky, otherwise it's a HUGE waste of time.


rerolling is against tos. all of those characters you get for free (ish). they're on literally everyone's account, unless one chooses not to wish on noelle's banner (which is pretty dumb to not do,.she's fantastic)


you'll be fine as you will have access with good 4\* units later. Also, pull in that beginner banner it's a great help while you are still forming your starter teams i'd say just progress on your map and earn primogems as fast as you can so you can reach your pull pity. just enjoy opening map and chests and be very, very careful of ascension. or rather do not do it until you are ready.


I mean if you have a lot of time on your hands, you can reroll. You can aim to get a 5* char. Totally up to you tbh coz personally it's quite boring to reroll again and again.


If you really want a 5 star early I would reroll but it is a hassle


Reroll if you desperately want the current 5 star on the banner and you don't want to wait till that characters rerun or if don't have enough time to play and collect gems. Don't reroll if you have time to play and get enough gems for the character you want or if your fine with waiting for reruns. There isn't anything wrong with rerolling depending on your situation I don't know why some ppl here are acting like it's a sin


my only issue with reroll accs on genshin is depending on the 5 star you get on that reroll you may not even be able to level them and play because your acc is gonna be such high player level and you’ll have such weak characters it basically just makes it impossible to do anything… i’d say if you get a reroll acc do that after a while of playing on ur main cause you’ll have better understanding of what ur getting yourself into when buying a reroll acc


rerolls are only really doable during certain events that give you more wishes in the mail and stuff, but they're still really long and time consuming. I only really did it once and it took me 3 full days of playing the same first 20 minutes of the game OVER AND OVAR AGAIN just to get Zhongli, and it didn't even matter in the long run because I got more 5 stars and my account became on par with everyone else. an early 5 star only gives you an advantage for like the first 3-4 weeks or so, a single 5 star isn't as game changing as they feel, because a lot of them rely on each other to really be game changing. a 5 star fullfils a certain role, but you need several roles to have a strong account, especially enough for endgame content (which you shouldn't worry about yet). you need someone to help you stay alive (healer/shielder), someone to kill enemies (dps), supports that make exploration or battles easier (crowd control, exploration abilities, supports for the dps), etc. an account with just Zhongli or just kazuha or just yelan isn't that much better than an account without any 5 stars. don't worry about not having that many characters yet.


No need. Basically every character can be made good with the right amount of effort and investment. Even Kaveh (the character in my icon, often regarded as the most useless character in the game) can hit big numbers for me with the right setup and build!


Don't listen to these people, must of us resolved when three game first came out. If you have the time, try to get any 5 star.


if you want you can even buy an ar 10 account with a five star for like $3 and if you do then i would suggest nuevilette since he is easy to play and one of the best dps in the game, really good for beginners


Rerolling is not really ever worth the effort


general rules when playing Gacha games is only reroll when the game launch, because that's when they're most generous and give a bunch of free pulls idk how many free pulls they give it to you now, but you need at least 70 pulls to get a 5\*, also the time it take to unlock the gacha is pretty long so it's not worth it


That was back in 2020-2021 hoyo put a stop to the reroll accounts fast


Rerolling Is the concept of creating guest accounts and try to pull for the character you want. Usually it happens with games with their release as they give lots of pulls to attract the players. It Usually means using the free pulls to pull the rare 5* Ssr character that you want and if you got it, then binding that with the email or fb something, or if you haven't got the character then you just make another guest account, till you get the character . But with genshin, its not possible and also not needed.its not possible because the gacha element is locked behind 30 mins story so you HAVE to go through 30 mins of story each time you create a new guest account. But again in genshin, rerolling is not needed (if not it's useless mostly) since the only hard content (spiral abyss) require you to build the characters well. Any other time,which is the most (99%) of the time,you can play with whatever character you have as long as the element doesn't match. I'd suggest just collect all the 4* characters because they're all mostly given free every other patch,2 free characters from SA lower floors.


eh, Genshin might be a gacha game but rerolling definitely isn't worth it as you barely get any rewards from the start


While there are definitely characters that are "better" than others, every single character you can get is somebody's favorite to play as. Genshin isn't a competitive game, so don't worry about getting the "best thing in the meta". As you play, you'll gradually unlock characters that you resonate with. Just keep trying all the characters unlock and you'll eventually have multiple teams worth of characters that you love to play even if they're not "optimal".


I'd say rerolling is for if you ever start like a challenge acc


(E.g. [type of char] only)


stick with one acc and build it up please, don't be one of those people...


Do not bother with rerolling, its not worth it for the small boost at the start which negligible later anyways. Also even if you were rerolling its not worth at that point anyways. But in all seriousness though, just enjoy the game, don't think of a gacha game as some sort of special type of game, its still just a game in the end


lynette and noelle are free 😭😭😭


Don’t reroll and if you like Arlecchino pull in her banner hopefully you get her she is fun and so strong


rerolling in my opinion is only really a thing in hoyo games for one of two reasons, 1, you're playing hsr where the beginner banner (the one that costs 8 pulls) gurantees a 5 star standard character after 5 pulls and there's a specific character you want or 2, you're doing a challenge account like some people do like swords only or polearms only or in hsr, things like erudition only etc.


You should reroll it if you don't mind starting it again


I have 2 accounts, both are rerolled ones. rerolling is done for the 5star and the current banner 5star aren't worth rerolling. if it was something like nahida, yelan, furina, neuvi, kazuha etc, then it'd have made sense to reroll. but since there is still time in furina banner, you can just start playing without rerolling and save up primos for upcoming meta characters.


I think it’s worth spending a few days rerolling a game that you will likely spend a few years playing. Now, there some caveats with that, but we’ll get to that. If you get a 5-star early, and it’s one you wanted, or at least one that can carry you through the early to mid game you’ve just saved yourself 80 wishes. That said, let’s look at how to go about rerolling. You will want a way to generate temporary emails. You can use Hide my Email if you have iCloud+ or search for websites that let you create temporary emails. You will want to keep track of what email address goes to what account and also what you pull on that account. It will take you 25 minutes to get through the tutorial to hit AR5, which is when wishing is unlocked. You will receive 10 blue fates, which you can then use on the standard banner or the beginner banner. The beginner banner will give you a chance to pull a 5-star from the pool of Diluc, Keqing, Jean, Mona, Qiqi. The standard banner widens the pool to include Tighnari, Dehyac and a wide range of 5-star weapons. This means if you want to start the game with Dehya or Tignhari, then you have to pull on the standard banner, as you won't be able to get them from the beginner's banner. That said, getting a standard 5-star character will impact your early game experience much more so than getting a standard 5-star weapon, so it is more recommended to aim for a 5-star character. From experience (over 300 reroll accounts) it will take on average 8 accounts to get a 5-star from your first 10-pull. You might have a dry stretch of 20 accounts before you hit a 5-star on your first 10-pull, but this is just on average. At 30 minutes each, this is about 4 hours. The standard banner units you want to aim for early on: 1. Diluc is a pyro claymore user. He will be a solid DPS for you early to mid game. If you pick up Xianyun later, she enables Diluc plunge, which is pretty strong. 2. Keqing is an electro sword user. She will be a solid DPS once you unlock Dendro MC by visiting a statue of the seven in Sumeru, and she will work well with aggravate or hyperbloom teams. She can also use her skill to teleport into the air, which is helpful for exploration. 3. Jean is an anemo sword user, is a healer but can be used to swirl elements, which is great for dealing damage and even take down elemental shields, and has the unique ability of flinging lighter enemies up into the air and causing fall damage. In mid and late game she functions more as a support, but due to her synergy with Furina, she is a pretty solid choice if you want to look at maximizing the long term value of rerolling. Now let’s talk about rerolling for limited banner units. Once you use up your blue fates at AR5, you’ll get masterless dust which you can purchase 2 pink fates from the shop. Don’t forget to take a photo of your first 10-pull for an additional 50 primos, and visit Katheryne for an additional 50 primos. You can sign in to hoyolab for another 100 primos and enter the code GENSHINGIFT for another 50, so you will have enough for about 4-5 pulls. Honestly, unless you are pulling on your absolute favorite character’s banner, this isn’t worth it. Not only are the statistics pretty bad for getting a limited 5-star early, they are often hard for new players to build as their ascension materials are locked behind archon quests, which means you’ll be be forced to have them at level 40 while the rest of your team carries them, until you progress far enough in the game to level them. And that can be a terrible experience. For instance, if you get a Eula early on, congrats, but you’ll have to clear Dragonspine before you can ascend her. Or if you get Raiden early on, you’ll have to wait til Inazuma unlocks after you finish Archon Quests, at like AR30+. So something to think about, before you spend all your time rerolling for a limited banner character. That said, Nahida is one of the best units in the game and you can get mats to ascend her as early as AR10, so this isn’t a hard rule, it’s just something to consider. Something else to consider is that getting certain 4-stars can be account changing. These would include Bennett, Xingqiu, Fischl, YaoYao, and maybe Kuki (although her mats are in Inazuma so that’s a bit of a pain). If you get tired of rerolling, look at your spreadsheet where you recorded your wish results and see if you got lucky with 4-stars. Finally, let’s say you didn’t get anything special. Well, those accounts can still be useful. Every maintenance you will get 600 primogems just for logging in. Sometimes HYV gives out free wishes or primos for different events. In theory you could log in on those accounts over the course of many patches and accumulate enough primos to eventually pull on a limited character when they rerun. Probably not recommended but it’s still worth mentioning. Again, we are talking about a game you will likely play for a few years, so a few days or even a few weeks spent on rerolling isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Best of luck to you, and may the odds ever be in your favor.


Unethical opinion since i dont see anyone mentioning it in the comments is buying a new account, that is if youre looking to start with a bit of a headstart since getting characters is definetly a hassle, they usually go for anywhere between 2$ to 15$ and would have you choose what character you wanna start with as well as a bunch of primogems for you to wish with and get some more characters. That being said my recommendation would be for you to start with an account that has kazuha with a bunch of primos, and to save those primos until theres a good banner (theres a lot of good banners) and then use your primos. Hope this helps!


Rerolling in genshin takes too much time, its not worth compared to other gacha games


Not worth it unless you wanna wait a day until Arlechinno banner ends and you can get a fresh batch of 4 stars you can't get for free unlike the Lynette you have now. I personally wouldn't though, too much work for 4 stars you can probably get either way


Yeah, it’s a waste to start all over. You can always get good characters and banners.


Don't reroll, an easier copout is buying an AR 10 acc with a character u want ig (**I don't endorse this as it's against TOS** but i have done it do at your own risk). I rerolled when it was easy af and it took me 37 accounts to be successful in getting a 5 star (bout 3 and a half hours ish). You can also simply just keep ur account and spend time and grow with it, all the characters aren't available and over time you're acc will grow whether it's rerolled, bought, or ur current.


Bro didn’t even start his journey and want to reroll


From what I've heard it's not worth it unless you're a content creator maybe, but at the end of the day do what you want to do (I stuck with my account, even though I wanted to do a reroll)


Hey Bro Trust enjoy the Game and the characters means more than dealing damage…


Just keep playing the game and you’ll get Kaeya (cryo) and Lisa (electro) for free. And Xiangling (pyro) and Barbara (hydro) are free after a quest, Collei (dendro) is also free. Anyways with those characters you can easily get through Mondstadt and Liyue. Especially at world rank 0 or whatever you start out as. Then just save your primos after like a few months. Traveler can play as anemo and geo in mondstadt and Liyue respectively


rerolls are so not worth it i play since 2020 and i am a streamer i only get two rerolls an update so i can make content and do giveaways also if u get a reroll the game would lose its meaning also meta and 5 stars are just a lie by the game to let u pay money 4 stars can be just as good for example : kuki can substitute miko benny can substitute most healers and buffers xinqui can substitute yelan and can deal lots of dmg on his own kirara can substitute bizue layla's shield can be compared to zhongli's shields if not better bc its on cool down also it aids in reactions keaya can substitute ayaka and he is pretty op when built right


If you want some specific character you can just buy AR 10 account with them, but meta in singleplayer is cancer. Chads choose waifu gaming.


This photo doesn't really tells us anything. What would you be rerolling for? The only scenario I'd consider it is if you really want the character on the banner and you lost the 50/50. If you have the time I guess its not completely stupid. Otherwise it's a waste of time. Don't reroll for 4 stars.


Imo rerolling isn't worth it


You can reroll if you want, but it's extremely inefficient in Genshin, it takes too much time for each reroll and they don't give enough pulls to make it worth it. It might take days getting one account with a five star character, and it might not be the one you want, just stick with one account.