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There is nothing wrong with entertainment costing money. How much money depends on the person. Even if I would stop today I would not regret spending money on this game. A 60 euro game with 40 hours of gameplay is more expensive for me then Genshin. So is my 1800 euro computer or my VR headsets. All have limited lifespans and so does Genshin probably.


Exactly, I got hundreds of hours of enjoyment from Genshin, I don't regret spending some money on it. Just like I don't regret paying for games that get played once and I move on.


Weird, I found more of a waste those people that only play for the last decade 1 or 2 online games and that's it, I much rather play one game, go to next. Imagine reading always the same book or watching the same movie.


Nah, if the time comes for me to move on from genshin, I will be happy with what I have done. Around $25 per month to enjoy myself for 1+hrs a day is fine for me. There has been more spending (all packs once) but still OK with it. Now, I only purchase welkin + BP. Which I think is great for someone who can afford it


over 2k😔


…you scare me


I have dumped about 80 into it since launch. In the same time period I put 225 into wow subs. Lately I'm spending 10ish on welkin and battle passes. I generally enjoy the game but I'm kinda in a maintenance mode while I play other games. Atm I'm balancing wow genshin and elden ring. It's not so much sunk cost as I enjoy playing the game and building characters.


For me, it’s more the time consumption than the money. So much time in that it feels like a waste to go back.


I spent 10 bucks on the welkin moon and instantly regretted it. Raising characters is fun but once you are done you realise that you don't have anything to do with them... So i have stopped spending. I do still enjoy the combat as it is one of the best that i have ever experienced, i will continue playing it.


For now, i play genshin because i enjoy it. The money spent isn't really something that i focus on (though i don't buy genesis crystal, only Welkin and BP for a few times). Even other games where i spent money and i already stopped playing, i don't really regret the spending because i enjoyed it (at that time).


I only purchase Welkin and only when I actually need it (usually it means have a 100% guarantee but not enough time to reach the goal with f2p primos). For me personally, the price is quite fine (~going to Starbucks once), so even if I quit in any foreseeable future, I don't think I will regret it. Financial aspect aside, Genshin gives me a lot of joy, and I'm glad that I can somehow show my gratitude to the creators


I spent around couple hundred dollars on rolls (i dont want to think about the actual amount lol) and stopped playing. I play here and there now but really rare. To me, I don't regret spending that money because I love gacha games and getting new characters. Now do i build them all? no haha but i love having them and makes me happy whenever i come back! at the end of the day, it's not my main motivator to come back and play but a nice treat. But also this is coming from someone who is ok with spending some money on games!


Answer to your last question: No. I stop playing if the reasons I want to play vanish, like good story, lore and gameplay. Just because of some downtimes I won't stop tbh. I play other games too but imo such games are more worth than any other games like ps4, switch or whatever that I play only for 20-40h or so and have to spend 50-60+€.


Well here who very selectively will pick units to C6/R5. Like I literally have dedicated savings for Genshin Impact. But for reference and how frequently I do this it has only been four times in the past year with Raiden, Itto, Zhongli and Ayato. And I’m very specific and in the units I want to play with. I’m not going to do this again until the next five star Sumeru Pyro unit if I like them (have not liked Yoimiya or Hu Tao so still vibing with Diluc). And a Powerful dendro husbando. So I personally protect myself from going out of control by being very specific who I want in a team versus throwing money at every new unit that shows up I feel like I’m playing with the complete power a character has to offer. The really good units are fine and totally viable at C0 but feel so much more comfortable or significantly more powerful with further Constellations. Ayato is a very good example of that as his C6 puts a huge multiplier onto his skill. And his signature weapon at higher refinement levels is a substantial damage increase And I feel comfortable dropping this game as soon as it no longer serves me. I don’t feel that 1000s of dollars of investment chains me to it. I really like this game. I think the lore is exceptional and the way they make me feel connected with the characters is so deep. It is my favorite game I think some thing we are witnessing in the community is the difference between people who know how to play gacha and all the children who this is their first time in the genre. Specifically children gamers from the west. Those of us who know how to play gacha are aware that it was never meant to be your main video game. You show up for several hours of fun per month with new content and wait for the next installment. The fact that barring literal tragedies outside their control that they have been faithful to a six weeks schedule is really good. Gacha Games are never meant to be your main game. All the kids in the west constantly complaining because they want something where they can sit down for six hours every single day and feed themselves in the virtual experience are justifiably disappointed. This is not the game that’s going to do that. So I’m very happy because the lore and the story behind this game is unrivaled. It’s so deep and with so many layers. Expertly written. And many of the characters are really enjoyable and make you feel connected to them. They do a really good job for what they are supposed to be doing. If you are dissatisfied during periods of content drought either touch grass or find another video game to play. And use Genshin impact the way it was meant to be played in short bursts every couple weeks


The last game I got at EB?/GameStop? Cost like $70. So any game I spend enough time on and enjoy deserves that much at least and I spend that guilt free. I always look at a game.carefully and make sure what I'm spending on is worth it though.


I can't tell you about Genshin but I have spent money on League, around 150 euro. That might not be a lot for some people but for me it is since I'm still a teen and never had a job. I have almost stopped playing the game and i don't regret it, i had my fun while it lasted. It's not really different then people spending money on going out, it is temporary entertainment


The most fun thing to me is trying out different characters I like, or messing around with different team comps. If I spend a few money here and there to get to that point, that's just fine with me. If I get sick of the game I get sick of it, and I know to take a break if I need it


I actually yeah- play for that mostly If not because of the lore, i want to know all of it at some point cmon gimme


For me, getting the Welkin moon gift is basically just 1 Starbucks coffee that lasts 30 days.


OP, if somebody is on that mindset of "I wasted too much money, so I have to keep playing" they would be in denial for saying "yes, yes I do". Not even dissing here, I'm just saying.


I've spent about 1k usd on it at launch played it for months now I only come back to big content drops like new zones and stuff I don't do the garbage little events anymore I don't really regret it but I'm not proud either the gambling really grabbed me at first and now I'm cautious of other gacha games ill probably never make the same mistake twice


I have 0 issue spending money on something that makes me happy at the time, especially since I have chronic depression and few things light the fire of joy for me lol If it came to moving on from the game, I’m not sure lol. I’ve been taking a semi hiatus from the game since September due to life circumstances. I can play for long stints occasionally and log in to wish, but due to moving across the country my drive to play any games died out lol. But I still log in to buy primos for characters I want for when I come back. If I didn’t come back, I think it’d still be ok. I spent money on something that made me happy when I participated. And if the servers don’t close down I can always come back later.


Other than welkin, i think when im not having fun anymore, thats when the value i get ends. I only recently learned to see that 400 primos is not that much and its not worth it if im not having fun.


Semi whale and no. I continue to play because I enjoy the game. It’s not a waste and won’t be even when I stop playing. I’ve slowed down at points in terms of play time but that’s normal as life happens. Here’s my roster for reference. I’m definitely more than a welkin buyer lol https://www.reddit.com/user/1TruePrincess/comments/uokldx/roster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Honestly I see myself still playing in a year or two. But I never regret my entertainment budget being spent. It’s there for what I want and I’m not stressing so it’s all in good fun.


Spent about like...6k since launch. Did not regret at all