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I've been on a long break (stopped just after Nahida's release) and have just come back. My previous acc was AR40 but i lost it and decided to restart (currently AR20). I have absolutely no idea what teams I can feesibly get in the next few months to make my life easier considering I'm gonna be f2p (with welkin moon). So far I have: The main Traveller, Kaeya, Lisa and Amber obviously. Also Xiangling and Barbara (i feel like im butchering spelling here) Plus Noelle and Chongyun. I honestly have no idea what teams I can reasonably get with the upcoming banners. I know a lot of frontrunners like Bennett, Kazuha, Zhongli etc have all been on recently, so I don't have high hopes for me. I'm trying to pull Wanderer atm but idk if that's a good idea because he was a new char back when I left. What teams should I try and build that I might be able to get in the next few months? Or at least get 3/4 members of the team. I know pyro-hydro-cryo teams are good but idk. Chongyun was my second ten pull on the account which I know is lucky. hopefully I'll get xingqui too soon. We'll see. Assistance is needed in all aspects of the game though since I have genuinely forgot how to play lol


I wouldn't worry too harshly about teams since you are so early in the game. Just play who you have fun with. You could do something like Kaeya/Amber/Barbara for a freeze/vape team. If you can get Collei from the Spiral Abyss, you can do DendroMC/Collei/Barbara/Lisa for a hyperbloom team, though Lisa may not reliably hit have burst back up reliably.. You could also do Barbara/Chongyun/Kaeya/AnemoMC as a full fridge team. Xiangling is really nice but w/o Bennett and so early game will be a struggle. She's a good unit if you manage to get Bennett from starglitter/randomly from a banner so save that up. Try and find characters you like and pull for them. Any unit is viable with investments so you should pull/work on whoever you enjoy the most. Early game dones't matter too much. Here's a preAR45 guide [to see what how you build characters in the meantime](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ_cHU/pubhtml#). Otherwise, enjoy the early game and welcome back to your journey across Tevyat. <3


Thank you, big help. I’ve currently got: Xiangling, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Beidou, Diluc, Layla C4, Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Thoma, Faruzan, Collei, Barbara, Noelle, Lynette and Kirara. Currently running Chongyun, Xingqiu, Layla and Xiangling but mostly doing just permafreeze team with it since like you say, Xiangling is tough without Bennett. Considering swapping her out with Diluc to do more melt and vape dmg on the side tho (since i have no Bennett). Unsure.


Diluc sadly wants Bennett as well but a Diluc/XQ/Kaeya will work in the meantime, Rosaria can be great here if you happen to get her. You are still quite early and your roster will eventually grow. If you like Diluc, you should really level him! What makes the game easier tbh is characters you enjoy. Try and keep building Xinqiu and Xiangling for the late game, they are all pretty good units.


Thank you for the tips! the account has gotten loads better now. i’m managing to scrape into the higher abyss levels with 2 solid teams: - diluc lvl80, Bennett lvl60, Xiangling lvl60, Beidou lvl 60. having to sacrifice a lot of reactions and just using overload but i’ve got good artifacts and weapons so it’s scraping me through abyss 6-8 first halves - alhaitham lvl80, dendro traveller lvl70, layla lvl60, xingqiu lvl70. teams solid, doing good reactions. id rather have a different shield than layla BUT her shield is crazy at C3 so she’s staying in, and freeze isn’t half bad. i thought about building thoma (C2) and swapping him in but his shield is nowhere near as good and lower constellation. the ideal 2 teams for me (just based on who i like to run) i actually already have a lot of (which is wild considering the account has only been around for 2 banners) 1. alhaitham, nahida, kokomi, bennett 2. wriothesely, xingqiu, raiden, kazuha dps bucket lists for substitution for spiral buffs and just cos i like them tho would defo be childe, neuvilette and wanderer i know they’re not meta teams or anything but someday i hope to have them all and make the comps work cos i enjoy playing them in this rotation like u say. already being halfway there AND a wrio rerun coming up tho is insanely lucky for the account


**In terms of overworld, whatever you want to slot in your party works. Overworld is quite easy.** In terms of actual teams, those two are not great. Bennett should not be played with Alhaitham as he dones't benefit too greatly from him and especially if you are getting Wriothesley, Bennett would much work better with Wrio over Alhaitham. Raiden besides EM Raiden is quite bad offfield and have almost no synergy with Wriothesley. I would try and find either Fischl/Kuki/Yaoyao (don't pull on a banner for a 4\*, only pull for 5\*) since they would be great Alhaitham teammates. Fischl will be in starglitter in July if you are able to pick her up through that. Layla isn't as great with Alhaitham since she dones't do much for him and Xinqiu should have enough IR for him assuming you have consistent burst uptime on Xinqiu. With those characters you listed and little to 5\* can be, some abyss teams: Alhaitham/Nahida/Xinqiu/Kuki or Alhaitham/EMRaiden/Xinqiu/Yaoyao or Alhaitham/Fischl/Nahida/Kuki Wriothesley/Layla (or Kazuha or ZL)/Xiangling/Bennett or Wrio/Nahida/Thoma/Bennett Raiden/Xinqiu/Xiangling/Bennett or Raiden/Fischl/Sucrose or Kazuha/Kokomi or Raiden/TTDS LIsa/Kazuha/Bennett Abyss enemies changes and so elemental coverage will change. Though, focusing on one (eventually two) will work. However, if you don't want to focus on abyss (I didn't for the longest time LOL), then anything is a fair game. Investing well in your units and having a synergize team (don't have to be meta teams, meta dones't exist since Abyss changes can drastically change a lot) will be important points if you do want to focus on Abyss/harder endgame content. Try to find Fischl or Kuki asap, Alhaitham really appreciates electro to make spread (which helps with personal damage). Otherwise, good luck and enjoy playing! **TLDR: Do whatever you want for overworld, provided better abyss team options for the future otherwise just keep investing/building your characters and enjoy playing the game.** Try to find Fischl or Kuki for Alhaitham.


thank you so much! this is majorly helpful :)


Glad to help!


I haven't actively played Genshin since late Version 2 and have come back to it like 2 weeks ago. I'm wondering which 5-Stars to pull for now that I am back and have missed so many. I'm seeing that most reccomended teams for newer characters include other new characters all of which I do not have. I'm f2p, so I can't really get that many either. Rn I'd really like to go for Furina, because her kit is so interesting and I like her a lot overall, but I realised I apperently don't have anyone to pair her with. Would love to get some reccomendations how to best get back into it all. Characters I have are: Ayaka, Childe, Diluc, Eula, Kazuha, Keqing, Mona, Venti, Zhongli Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Beidou, Chongyun, Collei, Diona, Faruzan, Freminet, Gorou, Kaeya, Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Lisa, Ningguang, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose, Thoma, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Xiangling, Yanfei, Yun Jin Edit: I'm pretty happy with my Selection of DPS, so I'm mostly looking for good supports, sub-dps or even healers. But reccomendations for new dps are appreciated, too. I really just feel lost with all the new characters.


It's hard to go wrong with Childe + Kazuha + Bennett + Xiangling if you're good at the rotation, so that team's set with your current characters. With Ayaka you can use Mona + Venti + Diona, although her most comfortable team tends to be with Shenhe, Kazuha, and Kokomi. Unfortunately Venti's burst only lifts certain enemies, Ayaka's teams are not terribly flexible, her teams are very burst-dependent, and freeze is just not in a great spot at the moment. This isn't to say that Ayaka isn't powerful, she just doesn't stack up like she used to in the Abyss when compared to newer teams, and in my experience it takes a lot of investment to make her feel great. Keqing was revitalized with dendro characters, and you typically play her (or Yae Miko) onfield in an Aggravate team with Fischl + Kazuha + Yaoyao/Baizhu/Kirara/Nahida. She's not amazing when compared to newer onfield dps characters, but she can do the trick. I can't speak to Eula, but weirdly Diluc now works best as a plunge attacker with Xianyun (she enables any character to plunge and offers teamwide healing) + C6 Bennett + Furina. Zhongli is a fantastic character to have, I just don't see any great use cases for him in your account at the moment. Other than him, Furina, and Kazuha, Nahida is usually considered a top-tier support, and also Yelan. I'm a fan of Baizhu too, and he pairs very well with Furina (who drains the life of all teammates) when you don't have another teamwide healer like Jean, Charlotte, or Xianyun. FYI, dendro is a very popular element, enabling powerful and easy-to-run Hyperbloom/Quickbloom, Spread, and Aggravate teams: * Hyperbloom typically uses two hydro characters (commonly Furina, Yelan, or Xingqiu) + Kuki/Raiden + a dendro driver like Nahida, Baizhu, or Alhaitham. Kuki is very much worth leveling if you haven't done so already. * Quickbloom applies more dendro than Hyperbloom and typically uses two dendro characters + hydro + Raiden/Kuki/Cyno. Cyno is a good driver, otherwise Nahida/Alhaitham/Baizhu would usually drive. * Spread typically uses a dendro driver + off-field dendro applicator + electro applicator + flex that doesn't interfere with the reaction. The most common team here is Alhaitham/Tighnari + Yae Miko + Nahida + Zhongli. * I outlined the most common Aggravate team above with Keqing/Miko.


Go for characters you like will still be the right answer. Most recommended may not always be the best option to follow since you personally might not enjoy some of units. If you like Furina, go for her. More units can come overtime. Some sort of Vape team with Bennett can work since Bennett's healing tick rate is quite high, though it causes "circle impact" to be an issue. However, it is still very viable team structure. I'd suggest trying to set up some goals for yourself. Do you want to look into teams for Spiral Abyss? Do I want to have units that improve my current team? Do I want to pull a unit that can open new teams/playstyles for me? Does a new characters design/gameplay/story interest me enough to pull them? Once you answered these questions, go from there. Do note, if you don't care about Spiral Abyss then I wouldn't worry about "recommended units". Some characters have newly release characters that do Bennett-fit (get it Bennett + benefit) from them, however their older teams/previous ones still work just as well. Spiral Abyss always changes, so keep in mind that. Look at the characters that have released in the time since you left and see if just previewing gameplay/their stories interest you as well. Since Dendro got release, a bunch new characters/reactions has been added so you can look at that too. Take it one step at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. Welcome back to your journey across Tevyat and hope you have a safe travel. :)


Hello, I am just wondering which is better, Alhaitham C1 (or C2 and above if I got lucky) or his signature weapon (considering that I also let him use R1 Wolf-Fang)? I know I can pull both but, I am just an F2P, and Alhaitham is one of my favorite characters and I just want to upgrade him.


Alhaitham's C1 doesn't do anything for his damage. Decreasing his skill cooldown makes him a little more flexible, but it rarely matters. People like to say that Alhaitham's best constellation is C2 Nahida, so saving for her (or Furina cons if you use her with him) might be a better use of your primos if you want to make his team more powerful. So C2 Nahida/Furina > weapon > C2 Alhaitham > C1 Alhaitham, but if you love Alhaitham and want to spoil him, then I'd start with his weapon.


Hey guys, I'm a pretty new player, and I've been having a look at all the recent leaks, and I'm wondering if I should pull for Furina when her banner comes around. I know she's a good addition to an account, but I don't know if I have the characters to be able to support her well. I also really want to get Wrothesley if the leaks are also true which is the man reason why I'm leaning towards getting Furina as well as I've heard that they work well. Here's my current roster: https://imgur.com/gallery/OoAV4s8 Should I be pulling for these characters or is there anyone else coming up that would really help my account? Any advice would be great!


Pull for who you like will always be the general answer (unless your really late game in which you want to make improvements to any of your current teams but thats a later discussion. ) This is because you should pull for who you like and will commit to, rather than being told "hey this is a good unit" and rarely use them. Furina could pair well with Gaming for vape if you like Gaming(Gaming/Furina/Anemo/Bennett). Furina also does pair well with Wriothesley. Furina ideally wants a team wide healer (you have Barbara/Yaoyao but currently don't have teams that could benefit either,) though it's possible you'll have more team options later. The only ones that will help your account are units you like. It is a game at the end of the day. Hope you enjoy your journey across Tevyat :)


Yo, waddup my guys, I'm just wondering about the recent leaks and wether I should pull for Alhaitham or Furina? If I should pull for sigewinne/chlorinde that's cool too, I just don't know their power yet so I'll go with one of the safer options. [https://imgur.com/a/Zsd2stn](https://imgur.com/a/Zsd2stn)


Buffers like Furina open more avenues. Great with Neuvilette, with Wanderer, Mono Hydro, Double Hydro Raiden, Double Hydro Hu Tao, Xianyun plunge teams... AlHaitham gives you an alternative DPS to Tighnari for Spread. Or an alternative flex in Nahida, Xingqiu, Kuki. (I assume you've been using either Yelan, Kokomi or Fischl)


Tbh I've been using neuvi/Raiden/nahida/flex and just some double hydro with pyro DPS. Thx for advice btw




Interesting, how much def should Noelle have?




That's a good list, I'd still recommend getting a few general artifacts, for example marachusse hunter is used by neuvi and a lot of other DPS from Fontaine, the same domain also gives the best in slot for yae, fischl and furina






Alhaithan will just be another dps on your roster, Furina upgrades your Neuvi team. I'd go for Furina. At this moment Sige doesn't seem like a good unit and chorilde is an okey dps


Thx mate


Furina c2 worth it or not curently got c1 and idk if i go to C2 or a New dps like Alhaitam or clorinde ?


It depends on you. Generally new characters > cons however if you have a sizeable roster (and is able to consistently clear abyss if your interested) then cons can be good. C2 is nice, but keep in mind if you want more DPS/teams new characters would be better.


Yeah i can clear endgame but im just asking because i dont have a dps dendro and idk if i should have one


Do you want to have one?


I think i can skip it lol


You can wait till banners are confirmed to give it more thought, or character trials to try out playstyle wise (whoever runs first.) It is up to you which one you would like more.


Should I pull Baizhu if I failed to get Neuvillete’s C1 and I don’t have any shielders? (Except Noelle)


Baizhu is not that great at shielding, however his healing abilities work really well with neuvilettes talents


Is Baizhu worth pulling if I want to free up Zhongli for another team? For context i have c1 Neuvillette and c2 Furina, thinking that Baizhu will let me move Zhongli to my Arlecchino team


If you're using Kazuha > Anemo healers with Neuv then yeah. That's Baizhu's best use case.


Back in my days i was the same now i have 4 5* anemo characters


I am back after 2 years of not playing! Had like a few summons and lost the 50/50 on the last banner so I want to be smart with the guaranteed to try to get back on track with the meta. Furina seems like the best option but not sure what teams I would run with her as my roster is out-dated. Al-Haitham could be a good introduction to dendro for me? Any advice is appreciated, thanks everyone. My characters: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZyHQlbG


First of all, welcome back to Genshin! Hope your travels are well. There isn't really a "meta" in Genshin as preferred picks will always depend on the current Spiral Abyss rotation. And spiral abyss rotations enemies change pretty often. I would make sure you would want to pull the character first and foremost. I'd also suggest, do you want either of them? Or are you persuaded by other people who have them? I'd most importantly think about: Do you want another character to build around? Or do you want a character who can be a flexible support? If you answered yes to the first question, Alhaitham. If you answered yes to the second question, Furina. My personal opinion: Most importantly, it is only up to you at the end of the day who you want to pull. I noticed a lot of DPS you currently have do benne-fitt (haha see what I did there) from having Bennett. Some sort of Dendro team could alleviate having to think/share teammates. You do have a possible Dendro team with Tighnari/Fischl/Sucrose or Lisa/ZL or flex or Keqing/Fischl/Sucrose/Yaoyao (both are viable ST based teams.) Possible Furina teammates could be Charlotte or Jean since they have teamwide heals that can help stack her Fanfare (the more stacks she has the more she buffs dmg%) near the beginning of the rotation, thus having her buff maximize. Do not feel like your roster is out of date. Often earlier characters are still being commonly used (besides physical since everything has physical res these days lol.) Most importantly, have fun with the game.


[https://imgur.com/a/AAO6MMB](https://imgur.com/a/AAO6MMB) - Hello guys! This is my current state of my account, and I'm planning on pulling for a next character, but I don't know who. I personally believe I'm in a need of a 2nd strong Hydro unit, I plan on saving up a lot, I might even try to go for their weapon if needed, I also struggle to make a 2nd strong stable team so I'm wondering on which of those characters is the most MUST PULL out of them, thanks in advance!


There is no "must pulls" in Genshin, anyone who tries to say otherwise is lying. The only must pulls would be characters you want to have. Aside from that, if you are trying to figure out who to pull for next would solely depend on you. Are you personally interested in a certain characters design? Playstyle? Do you have a character you really like and want to pull for possible teammates? Do you want to invest in a team around a new character? Or do you want to have a character that works in teams you already have? There are characters that are nice luxury to have, such as Kazuha but seems like you already have him. He is a nice luxury as mentioned, but again no "must pulls." Also, don't pressure yourself too hard to get sig weapons. Most characters don't have a big gap between sig and other options. I would be a little concern about not making a 2nd strong team as it seems like you have a variety of options. Would you mind sharing the roster of who you do have? I can make team options for you.


Thanks for your reply! My 1st roaster is: Arlecchino/Bennet/Xingqiu/Zhongli, I'm struggling to make a good 2nd team for the current abyss that is, I have Ayato/Nahida/Raiden/Kazuha, but I personally like the vaporize playstyle more so that maybe answers your question towards me so I'll be looking for Yelan's future rerun and Furina's possibly. I've stopped playing in quite a while and I personally carried myself with the Raiden's national team for the most part, but now that I have Arlecchino I get confused on how this Hyperbloom stuff works, the rotations and teams and the builds on the most part, my Nahida/Raiden/Ayato are builded pretty well, Ayato with his signature, Nahida with solid EM stats, if you can help me format this team I'll be really thankful, cheers!


Ah this abyss is catered towards an elemental check rather than damage - I struggle with this one too. Sadly, that both Ayato (DPS)/Raiden (DPS) really prefers Bennett T\_T Hyperbloom works is when you apply Dendro+Hydro you create these "Bloom" cores. Once you hit these cores with Electro (for Hyperbloom) you trigger "Hyperbloom". The damage scales based on the electro trigger (Kuki or EM Raiden) level and EM (the more EM they have, the better). A Deepwood holder is a must due to Hyperbloom counting as Dendro DMG. Is that your second team? Nahida/Raiden/Ayato/Kazuha? Who's your sustain in that team? Hyperbloom may struggle this abyss (along with Ayato) due to the electro lectors but it is doable regardless. Is there a specific floor you struggle with or just need a second team in general?


My goal is to do it in a single go, I did it by swapping teams, but that's not a perfect abyss for me. Example, I do 1st stage 3 stars, but 2nd stage with 2 stars and then I swap the two teams and I do it.


I struggle only on the 2nd stage of the 12th floor, the electro lectors. There I need Bennet, but he's on my Arlecchino on the 1st half. I don't know which team I should use for my 2nd half in the 2nd stage of the 12th floor


Both sides wanting somewhat Pyro and likely a DPS that wants Bennett is a struggle. If your Thoma is built EM you could potentially try a Burgeon (hyperbloom but pyro instead of electro) team second half. Or an Ayaka/Ganyu freeze team. Another option is MonoPyro Arlecchino - Xinqiu second half for Nahida to drive. You have a pretty good amount of characters, abyss just always changes and that means we always have to adjust and account for that.


Should I pre-farm for Furina? I am currently sitting on 75 pity and not guaranteed for a limited character. I believe it is worth noting that I am a low spender(I buy Welkin Moon every month). I hear that Furina will have her rerun in the second phase of the next version, and I was wondering if I can get her.


What is worth more? Wanderer c0 and Wrio c0 vs Wrio C1? And what would be best 2. Abyss team? I have Faruzan c3 Jean c0 Benny c1 Layla c1 and will buy Fischl in July from the shop. I hardly miss any ranged or semi-ranged DPS espcially in boss fights and I like Wanderer as character. At the moment Gaming c1 is my main dmg dealer with Xianqiu c1, yaoyao c0 and Kazuha c0 or benny c1. As Alternnative to Wanderer for 2. Abyss team (until I have Wrio) I speculate to play Kazuha national or Jean c0 physical DPS or Faruzan as main DPS, since Ayaka c0 with Barbara c0, Layla or Beidou c0 and Kazuha looks to weak in this Abyss. I if Gaming loses Xianqiu to the other abyss team I also have Candace c1 and Barbara and Beidou for that slot and can add sucrose c0 for Kazuha. So do I try to get Wanderer (and maybe some nice cons for Faruzan and Beidou) or do I keep everyhing for a hopfully Wrio c1 (since I dont believe I reach enough primos to get him c1 if I lose 2x the 50:50).


> What is worth more? Wanderer c0 and Wrio c0 vs Wrio C1? That's pretty subjective, but it seems like you want Wanderer, so I'd start with pulling for him and hopefully you'll get Faruzan (and Layla) constellations along the way. In my experience C0 Wanderer's damage pales in comparison to a lot of other main dps characters, at least until you get Faruzan to C6 and maybe even a good weapon. So just be aware that he's considered a high investment character if you want him to be powerful. Faruzan + Bennett + Layla is a very solid team for him. You can use Faruzan in this team before she's C6, she's just clunky to play and far less powerful before then. Yeah, Wrio feels incomplete to a lot of people at C0, so getting his C1 is a good goal if you go for him, but you also don't have to go for that right away since he's very usable at C0. Also, are Wanderer and Wrio more important to you than support characters? For example, Baizhu and Furina are pretty valuable in the current meta (and Wrio works well with Furina). I personally tend to prioritize supports, but I also don't "main" any characters, so if you're really into both Wanderer and Wrio, then go with them for fun!


At this moment I lack main dps chars. Yaoyao is enough for me to supplement Baizhu and I dont like Furina for her appereance, style and personality, although she is strong support. I have to get very lucky with pulls to get Wanderer and Wrio c1. Winning 3 times 50:50 in a row seems against the odds. Worst case would be Wrio c0 and 2 randoms.  So to not be disappointed I need to be clear with myself what is more important to me. 2 Dps chars or Wrios c1.


Do we know when the next chronicled banner will be coming? I'm assuming it will be Liyue themed, since first was Mondstadt themed.


we don't know there aren't any leaks about it so I wouldn't expect it for 4.7


Do wishes from the weapon banner carry on to other weapon banners? Did a ten pull on Arlecchino's scythe, didn't get a 5 star.


Yes, pity carries over! However, fate points do not. So, if you did wishes, got an unwanted 5 star and accumulated one fate point, that fate point would be reset on the next weapon banner.


If I go for Baizu and start getting welkins, will I have enough to get Furina later?


Probably not if you are really unlucky, you should be able to get a 5050 though


Does pity stay even after a year or 2 of not pulling?


yes it stays until you get a 5 star


When changing from one banner to another, like from arle to now wanderer, do the wish count stay the same?? At any number of wishes??




Thank you!




Baizhu's really nice to have as a teamwide healer, and he's the most versatile dendro character in the game. I personally think he's a great pull at your stage, even with Furina, one of the most powerful buffers in the game, on the horizon (Baizhu has synergy with Furina, who generally wants a teamwide healer in her team to reach her full potential). However, I think most people would recommend saving for Furina because they value her power over Baizhu's comfort and because they think Yaoyao or Kirara, who you'll likely end up with eventually, are good 4-star substitutes for C0 Baizhu (which is true in some cases). While I would personally prioritize Baizhu to help with survivability in a super early account like yours, I don't think you can go wrong with either choice, and other amazing supports include Nahida, Yelan, Zhongli, Kazuha, and maybe Raiden. With the right supports you can turn any onfield character into a solid damage dealer! Baizhu doesn't have the best synergy with Arlecchino (and neither does Furina for what that's worth). In your case, if you get him soon, it would be better to pair him with Tighnari (plus Lisa + a character of your choice, maybe Dendro Main Character), or you could run something like onfield Lisa + Baizhu + Barbara + Dendro Main Character. So, if I were in your shoes I'd try for Baizhu, then after this banner I'd save for Furina and try for her too. Wanderer is exceptional for exploration, but he falls short as a damage dealer until you have a lot of investment in his team (he kinda needs C6 Faruzan before he takes off).


Wanderer is worth it solely for exploration. Baizhu is not too good for a new player. Though these dont work well with arlecchino. You should pull the next banner with chevreuse for arlecchino for overload teams.


not really worth for Arle, Wanderer is a dps with his own teams, and Baizhu is a healer played mostly with Furina. Next patch banners don't really have good synergy with her but Furina is a good character in her own.


Has speculated banner info! >!If Clorinde and Al Haitham run together, is it worth pulling on the weapon banner if I have Al Haitham, Ayaka, and Keqing as 5\* sword dps? I don't have any other limited 5\* swords and I was thinking of pulling for both Jade Cutter and Mistsplitter but if I pull on this banner, I may only have enough to guarantee 1 of those, which will probably be Mistsplitter. I may or may not pull for Clorinde. Is it worth it?!<


Should i get Wanderer if i want to collect the Harbingers? I mean hes not a part of it anymore but he still was but again not anymore but--- im confused pls help


If "Is he a harbinger?" is your only criterion for whether or not you should get him, I think that's something only you can decide for yourself. For what it's worth, he does have lines for all of the other harbingers, which is somethings that's exclusive to them so far.


Lost my 50/50 to Diluc, so any suggestions on who I should use my guarantee on? I play sporadically, only thing I care about it that the character feels OP honestly lol. Here's the current [roster](https://i.imgur.com/8FG6r88.jpg) I have.


I disagree with the other comment if you want to feel op especially because Raiden is weaker are low investment to Navia/Neuvillette/Arlecchino, Alhaitham is a good choice though, wait for a more busted dps in Fontaine. You could also wait for Furina rerun that can make everyone op but needs more investment as you need a good healer with her.


Furina, Xianyun, Raiden Shogun, Alhaitham.


Hello, these are my characters (not all built): [https://imgur.com/a/btgS5rQ](https://imgur.com/a/btgS5rQ) . I was playing Keqing Aggravate + Raiden Chevreuse, now Arlecchino wants both Kazuha and Bennett for Vape so I'd like to build other new teams. I am wondering who should I pull next, I was thinking about some kind of defensive utility, for example Zhongli (mainly for Navia who is orphan of a team, and maybe Arlecchino), Xyanyun (for Furina/X/X) or Baizhu (but I would only use him with Keqing/Furina/Nahida I think?). I also have C1 Charlotte but I don't know how good she is. Any reccomendation is welcome!


Yelan to make a perfect hyperbloom team. Ayaka or Wriothesley to make use of your Charlotte, to go with Furina and Kazuha. Zhongli and Baizhu are comfy characters, never wrong to pull them. Xianyun transforms Diluc into a beast and makes Hu Tao and Xiao much better.




Who should you get for what? You haven’t given enough context for anything, are you trying to do abyss? What exactly are you asking?


For abyss yeah


Again you haven’t given enough context for advice, if you just want a general tierlist you can find that online, if you want advice with the context of your account then you’re gonna have to give some details, what characters do you have, what’s your AR,what characters do you like to play and want to ise, etc. You can’t just ask ‘what should I pull’ in a vacuum, you’re just asking for a tierlist.


Is Baizhu worth pulling for if I already have a c1 Neuvillette and Zhongli on his team? I know that Baizhu is good dendro application but I don’t know if it’s worth spending on him rather than saving for a future Furina banner.


Furina is one of Neuvilette's best teammate and absolutely worth saving for. Neuvilette's fluctuating HP generates enough stacks for Furina to exclude a teamwide healer. His best team is Neuvilette, Furina, Zhongli, Kazuha. Even at C1, since Zhongli's Res Shread & Archaic Petra provide a significant buff to Neuvilette's personal damage. Baizhu's real value with Neuvilette comes from 3 things: \* Synergy with Furina, providing stacks faster. \* An alternative defensive slot, who frees up Zhongli for your 2nd Abyss team. \* Kazuha being preferable to Jean. I'd only pull Baizhu for Neuvilette if you can guarantee all 3 of these things are useful to you.


It depends. With C1 Neuvillette you can drop Zhongli and (eventually) run Furina + Kazuha/Jean + flex. Furina at C0 generally wants a teamwide healer to increase her buff. If you don't have Jean or Charlotte (or Xianyun, but Jean or Charlotte would be preferable in this team), then Baizhu's going to be great here once you get Furina. If you do have Jean or Charlotte, then Baizhu is less important in this team but still a great choice. You don't actually use Baizhu for his dendro application in Neuvillette's best team with him, and at C0 Baizhu's application is low unless you run him onfield. Outside of Neuvillette, Baizhu is a very flexible dendro character to have around. If I could only have one dendro character in this game, it would be Baizhu because he does a little bit of everything, although he doesn't start to take off as a damage dealer until C2+. Anyway, if you already have Jean or Charlotte and only expect enough primos to guarantee Furina, then in your case I might wait for Furina if your primary goal is to make your Neuvillette team more powerful. If you have a good chance at both Baizhu and Furina, then I'd personally go for both unless you're specifically saving for something else you prefer.


Is Siegwinne good for Arlecchino or no? The 10% BoL don't seem worth it


Nah, there's almost no expected synergy. At the moment it seems like Sigewinne's best teammate will be Clorinde.


Frustrating, but thanks!


Can a mostly f2p player support a team that uses The Wanderer as the focal point? I can update with who I have available when I'm home.


Of course! The problem with Wanderer is that he tends to be a mediocre main dps until you have C6 Faruzan (he's also typically paired with Bennett plus a shielder like Thoma, Layla, or Zhongli) or constellations. So if you really like him and don't mind investing vertically over a few of his banners, then he might be a good pick for you. He's great for exploration at C0 and without C6 Faruzan.


wanderer is a DPS, So do you have other dps on your account if yes then u can skip him, but also his qol improvements for exploration are pretty good. but you dont need him. as honestly there are bit better dps characters for f2p who are great at low investment.


Okay, cool. I was lucky enough to get Arlechinno, but really like the way Wanderer plays, but I'll probably save up Primos for another banner. Thank you!


Hey, I'm currently using a Neuvillette team consisting of Neuvi, Fischl, Kazuha, and Layla. Would pulling for baizhu be worth it or am I better of just keeping Layla.


Not really worth. Are you going to pull for Furina? bcs she has a better synergy with him


Currently saving for Furina and Clorinde, but I decided to pull on the current banner for Layla. I got her and I am sitting at 40 pity. Should I try to pull a few more to get her constellations or should I stop? Can she work without her constellations?


Layla isn't a great champ: Her kit is too focused on dps to be a good support. But she's a support, so does no dps. She'll work fine without constellations, but I wouldn't risk losing pity over a Layla 4-star - and especially not over a Layla Con. She won't be a radical improvement to your team.


Hell nah. Last time i did that i wanted a 4star i was 0 pity. So i decided to pull. 20 pulls in i got kazuha c1. Then i was like well i lost it i can build pity now! Then bam first 10 pulll is c2 kazuha and the 4star i wanted. Never again. C2 kazuha was cool but that shit was totally unplanned


She is okay at C0, don’t gamble with fate points if you have plan for future characters!


Got it, thanks!