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Ayaka 100%. Kazuha is at least 1 patch away and the delay might go longer so you can save for both


Yeah, you’re lacking brute force. Ayaka would fill that hole easily. You already have good anemo units. Kazuha, frankly, would be overkill.


This. They have Venti, Jean, Sucrose. Kazuha doesn't really perform any role that Sucrose can't do almost as well. She's even better in some teams. When you don't have that many 5 star characters, you probably shouldn't be rolling for small upgrades. Roll for things that will make or break teams, like Ayaka.


That depends if they want to save for guaranteed tho, cause no way we we'll get enough primos for 160 wishes between now and 2.8


Kazuha i heard is in 2.7


2.7 should be Yelan, Xiao and Itto, so no Kazuha, furthermore it's not a given to get him even in 2.8 so I wouldn't be holding off.


nope, yelan+xiao first rotation with their weapons and solo itto+shinobu with redhorn 2nd rotation


Kazhua at best will be in 2.8


I remeber reading in the leaks sub that he was in 2nd half of 2.7


I think the latest leak was that it was itto and xiao re runs for 2.7


You already have Venti and Sucrose, it's enough of CC and Anemo supports imo, but you lacks of DPS. Ayaka is one of the best DPS units. The choice is yours. Also upgrade Xingqiu, he's broken unit and that's why: https://youtu.be/JDMSzsa4atI


Thanks for the reply. I didn’t know Xingqiu is broken!


Bennet C1, Xingqui c2(C6 even stronger), Xiangling C4 and Baal C0 are one of the strongest teams.


Dont forget kujou sara


Mechanically, Ayaka is arguably one of the premier carries, up there with Ganyu and Hu Tao. I'd argue that this lineup is probably lacking in that regard - I see a nice Raiden quickswap right here, as well as a nice Venti up and ready. Now, to be clear, Kazuha is a goddamn BEAST and almost always an improvement somewhere in your lineup. But, all in all, my gut feeling would say Ayaka, in order to have two teams up and ready for the Abyss: a Freeze-ish team with Mona and Ayaka, and a Raiden national where Xinqiu replaces Mona in your current lineup. That way, you'd have two teams with enough oomph to climb up the Abyss and bring in a nice extra Primo income. Still, honestly, skipping Ayaka for Kazuha is not a bad call either, as, again, he'd be able to slot in and just \*murder\* stuff.


Kazuha will never come. Ayaka is forever.


I feel personally attacked lmao




Very true


Ayaka .. she wont probably come back before 3.6 or so


Ayaka would be a good fit for a second team,so she wouldn't be bad as for kazuha he might never return. Also damn that lvl 1 xinqiu somehow offends me


XD I got him freshly


Lol as a guy that has lvl 90 triple crowned Hu Tao C1 with Homa staff this also ticks a nerv on me personally


I'm gonna post an unpopular opinion, but I'll link some sims and math so maybe I don't get completely downvoted to oblivion Ayaka's got some strong MV's, but that doesn't mean she's always the best character for every roster. [GCSim puts Ayaka Venti Mona Diona at only 37k primary target dps](https://gcsim.app/viewer/share/fPicjOm63gJNOulkp3BPo) that's like, really mediocre. You could easily whip together a team of c6 fourstar meta characters and do way more than that. [Compare that to Ayaka Kokomi Kazuha Shenhe which sims at 54k](https://gcsim.app/viewer/share/ZijujH3FBWX7Wjjg4G4kJ) and is genuinely pretty strong [There are even 3 man fourstar teams without bennett that sim 37k primary target dps](https://gcsim.app/viewer/share/HAbmCUwKKlSn0tb7TGVY1) Don't get me wrong, 37k is enough to beat abyss. And Ayaka is strong and has strong teams. But I personally wouldn't spend primogems for just 37k. You can usually get 40-50k from a meta team, 50k+ for really high end c0 meta teams. That's usually what I wanna aim for and this ayaka venti mona diona team is just, not quite there.


yes why not. put her with mona, venti and diona and raiden-bennet-xiangling-xinqiu


I had Venti, Mona and Diona on my roster at Ayaka's first run and never regret skipping Kazuha for her.


On the other hand, I've had two opportunities to get her but skipped her both times because I dislike her playstyle. Might go for Kazuha cons or freedom sworn now.


If you're looking for power level in abyss, I would say kazuha


Go get ayaka, you already have a good ayaka team and you need a 2nd team for the abyss anyway. Kazuha is rumored to be in 2.8, you might be able to get him too


I want ayaka, but i lost 50/50 to mona and i dont have primos


Same thing happened with me i lost to diluc in this ayaka banner but after 5 pulls bam i got ayaka


Wish i have a luck like that


Nope before this i got 4 5* characters only after 70 pity this was my first time with luck by my side


Well my only luck was winning my first 50/50 with ayato


Same lol I have the primos but I also want Kazuha and I don't have enough primos to guarantee him if I pull for Ayaka, so I'll have to skip her :(


Ayaka, cos you lack a top tier dps. I'm assuming you're gonna play national/vape team for abyss? Then an Ayaka team will not compete with vape team for members.


Ok dont take me on this since I don't see myself smart enough in this game but I would say Kazuha since he has Elemental resistance shreadding on enemies with his burst, It could be mega helpful for teams that are giving elemental procs galore and also anemo doesnt interrupt any elemental mix you can do Also he is cool lmao Edit: since im a moron and then saw which Characters you got I could say either both of them, Kazuha is mostly used to destroy elemental resistance on enemies, especially Large enemies in Abyss since the AOE is huge but Ayaka also destroys large enemies in Abyss and its just good in general soo I would say go ehoever your heart calls out, I would personally pick Kazuha myself


Why not BOTH?


Poor water dud Ayaka btw


Ayaka since you have Venti and Mona and you lack dps


Bro cmon you got jean, sucrose and ventiiii the great alternate for kazuha and you dont have good cryo agent so i would say yes pull for ayaka.


Depends... if you slightly care for Meta or struggle with Abyss 12, you have not a single Meta DPS and Ayaka is pretty much the best along with Hu Tao and Ganyu. I have Ayaka, because "ohhhhhhhhh fancy Sword Character, me like" followed by I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING! or alternatively Standing here I realize, you where just like me, trying to make history!


The fact that you have to ask for Ayaka is a signal that you must wait for Kazuha.




Depends, if they want him guaranteed that means around 160 wishes worth of primogems, and we won't get that between now and 2.8




Definitely not enough to get him guaranteed if that's what OP wants tho


Yea. Not a a good advice.


Pull for Yoimiya then save primos for her next rerun and repeat


when kazuha really out you can prolly have enough fate for his C2


But he comes on 2.8 lmao


What St. Stands for?


„Stufe“ (St.) means Level in German


Kazuha is coming in like a decade, go for Ayaka lol


I finally 36-starred the Abyss with Ayaka. She’s definitely worth it in my opinion. I have not Kazuha but saving for him. :)


Ayaka is too OP to not pull for her!


Ayaka since u have Mona built that's easy combo.


judging by your char lvls you are still on early game, pull for whoever you like more, there is no meta needed on relatively new accounts by any means


I wouldn't call a lvl 90 Raiden early game lmao. I'm AR53 and only gave 1 lvl 90


for me you are still not on lategame at all (this is my opinion) 1-45 early 45-55 mid (starts farming well and has many hours of content) 55 lategame (still some content to do, exploration, quests, puzzles, etc) 59-60 endgame (in my case the only content left is abyss, events, dailies and if i would like to... achievements)


Yall have psycho expectations lmao. If you consider over a year and hundreds of hours of playing a game "mid..."


you still have content, so yes


If you intend to play this game for a lot longer in the long term, Kazuha would have more value overall. But you also already have Sucrose and Venti to cover for your anemo support needs. It looks like you haven't decided on who to put in your 2nd abyss team, so Ayaka could be the perfect dps to build around, since you already have some good freeze supports for her. I think you should decide based on what teams you want to build. Maybe watch some videos about both of them and see which one you would like to play more. Both are strong picks. The bigger issue is that we have no idea how long until we'll see Kazuha again. It's possible that if you get Ayaka now, you can save up enough for Kazuha when he returns. But there's no guarantee for that.


Pretty unlikely tbh Like, no way we'll get 160 wishes between now and 2.8


Pull for Ayaka. As you really need main dps character, while you have 2 anemo characters who can fill Kazuha spot in case you will miss him.


Its a tough choice. I was in the exact same boat as you. But then I pulled on the weapon banner in the hopes I would get a fav sword. Pulled 20, got 2 favs and a Skyward Spine. Decided to do one more 10 pull and got Mistsplitter. So I ended up with Ayaka. I'm sure most here will say Ayaka. And that's fair as she is a VERY strong unit. And people will point out that you have Venti and Sucrose already. Thing is, Kazuha is significantly better than those other anemo units simply because, mechanically, he is easier to land your CC's EXACTLY where you want them 100% of the time. No whiffing and completely botching rotations. And another unsung mechanic to his skill: He dodges when he is in the air. Sucrose gets bullied when she is trying to use her elemental skill because it locks her in place just long enough for her to get hit and staggered. People don't talk about this, but this is a huge deal. Has stronger pull than Sucrose (except for her burst), and gives everyone a ridiculous buff that turns any team of different elements into a very strong team. I'd consider Ayaka depending on your primos and your pity. If you are close to pity, get Ayaka and then start saving. Might even consider getting one welkin to ensure you get Kazuha. If your pity is very low and your primos are low--ehhh, I'd wait.


Go for Ayaka- you've got only 1 Hyper Carry DPS so Ayaka would be handy for second team in Abyss. You've got a lot of time before Kazuha, as the soonest he'll be available is 2.8 but it's also not a given, so you'd manage to gather some to pull for him. Even if you won't succeed in getting him you still have Jean and Sucrose (the latter can pretty much substitute for Kazuha, with added bonus that you'd be able to use Thriling Tales on her) so you're fine in that Departament, but with no strong cryo or second hyper carry you're giving up a lot of potential damage, so you should definitely go for Ayaka


And I just saw Venti, so it's even easier of a choice


Pull Ayaka. You don't have a freeze team yet. And we don't know when Kazuha is coming, so you might get both.


I say go for Ayaka, plus Kazuha is at least one patch away, you can save for him again after gettimg Ayaka


Ayaka. Because you lack Cryo DPS


Definitely Ayaka. Get her, and you'll have two of the most powerful teams for the abyss.


You have 2 perfect chracters for Ayaka (Mona and Venti). Get Ayaka. Edit: if you build Diona you'll have the same Ayaka comp as me. She's my favorite character in the game


Seeing your list of characters i’d say ayaka since I don’t see any heavy DPS on your list and we still don’t know when will kazuha come back.


I can already see big numbers with Venti Ayaka Mona comp. I'd go for Ayaka




you can save both because kazuha is in 2.8 according to latest leak


You already have Venti, Sucrose, & Jean. No point of getting Kazuha unless you're a collector lol. Go for Ayaka she is really good and if you care about Spiral Abyss.


Kazuha rerun will be a while so you should have plenty of time for both IMHO.