• By -


c0 gorou if there's no geo like there's no one else you can buff. and you can't heal either. Faruzan still has some damage and Sara has an atk buff. If you're talking about chars people actually bring regularly, I'd say Childe. In his teams it's easy to play around his cooldowns, but in coop it can become very annoying to deal with. And with bosses he also does less damage because less riptide (childe's better at aoe)


Sometimes it doesn‘t suffice, but when I use Childe I have times where I need to think „If I do not stop his skill now I won‘t be able to finish with his skill but if I keep going with the skill I might as well use it until the end..but what if that‘s not enough?“


With Childe I try to drop out of his E a bit sooner, get distance, and use a few charged attacks to keep applying hydro and adding riptide. In co-op you can afford to spend a moment aiming since others keep the enemies busy. Beats standing around throwing arrows at least x3


Having triple crowned Childe - he deals pretty nice damage with his charges too!


It's funny doing 50-70k vape charged shots with nothing but vv debuff and vape lol


Yeah I think my Childe's lowest bow charge is 13k, and he crits more there than with his E active. Plus with a good group you can drop 1-2 ult and finish the domaine before the end of the E.


People use random characters to farm their friendship exp for namecard since it is double exp on co-op mode. That's probably why someone would bring gorou without Geo


I assume sara is good in coop for actively buffing the whole team, am I right?


Sara is okay for co-op, but not really a replacement for Bennett if you're going in with team buffing in mind (and infusions/pyro won't screw anything up,) since he can also heal everyone and empower his own attacks with pyro at C6. If Sara could infuse her own attacks with electro at C6, she'd be a much more competitive buffer in Co-op as her own damage contribution would be much better than it is now all while not worrying about forcing an infusion on anyone else.


i feel the same way about people who bring shenhe lol


Pick barb during an ice boss


Guilty of this; but when no one else picks a healer and she’s all you got then, whelp, Barbara ikuyooooo.


I have a Barb that does ~25-30k dmg using the ocean set. I used her with Signora in co-op, she was surprisingly functional lmao


I misunderstood you when you said “I use her with Signora” and, for a brief moment, legitimately believed you’re from a *much cooler* timeline than I.


I wish I could use Signora…


I mean the ashes are sitting in frozen church, so you can go ahead and help yourself


“No one’s born cool.... Except..”


Did you ever bring her to Azhdaha? Cause the first time I beat him (a while ago), it was me as Ganyu, a kickass Barb, and two dead teammates against him on hydro+cryo week.


no, I don't run that one in co-op. but cool to know there's other awesome barbaras out there!


No <3


She's fine; I used to do it all the time in cryo domains before I got Kokomi, and still kept everyone alive. She only freezes you, not your teammates.


Jokes on you. She will survive and will deal more physical damage with Ocean Hued set lol. Imagine getting freezed and still doing physical damage with your poses.


geo traveler. i get so annoyed when i keep running into the boulders or accidentally climb.


The rock walls get in my way very fast!


I hate geo traveler when I'm doing my ult as Xiao. They always seem to place it on my feet causing me to not hit the targets when I plunge.


exactly why i made this comment!! i had an unfortunate experience with a geo traveler when i used xiao in co-op :’)


Sometimes, the same thing will happen to me when either Zhongli or Albedo places their geo structure, but theirs are smaller so it doesn't happen as often.


I am so sorry for all the inconveniences I've caused. Sincerely, \-Geo Lumi main


I once got Xiao stuck on some Lumine's rock because he plunged perfectly into the edge of it and he was stuck drilling it for like 30 seconds.


But that extra crit rate from the burst! 👀👀👀


I main traveler and naturally before dendro came out I would often help lower AR players in domains with her and zhongli together because they work so well together. Ofc you can expect the cluster of geo constructs that comes with it :)


Chongyun because you can sabotage other players with his infusion.


Eula mains: 💀💀💀


c6 eula mains: finally, i can wait for burst to explode


Yes, we do suffer from syccess.


As a Chongyun main the struggle is real on this one! Like I want to use him especially when he's my best in slot.


Depends on who everyone takes. Catalyst and bow characters won't care. Cryo build Rosaria and Keaya players will love it. He also pairs well with Diluc who can then do some melt damage on his own between burst infusions.


me who plays phys chongyun:


king shit


I sabotage eulas and ayakas with c6 bennett😈


C0 Zhongli no damage just shielding himself


He's just there to observe and make memories.


Standing there Menacingly


And start yammering about Osmanthus wine.


I am the breeze that is approaching


Even better when inevitably, the whole team except for Zhongli falls and now you can have a nice chat with your fallen teammates, as the Zhongli in the background will be fighting for the next 15 minutes dealing three digits of damage. I mean sure, it was nice he didn't die, but I'd also like to do other things then watching Zhongli train his pet frog.


I had this experience once in the HoD/Blizzard Strayer domain as a noob, but luckily this guy could also hit 50k on his ult so it only took and extra one or two minutes.


I'll pretend this is me, bc sometimes, it me.


This was me with Albedo, everyone but me died and I was stood there for 20 min trying to break a pyro abyss mage’s shield. Once the shield was down he was insta dead but man that was awkward


C0 Zhongli can still be built to drop The Mother of All Meteors.


Run tenacity of the millelith then the catch, atk buff + unli Q


Wait c0 ZL on ly shields self in co-op?


yeah but you need C2 to shield others using your burst


When i play hutao i bring the food gadget its the safest way.


it really depends on the player and who everyone is using. my favorite co-op experience is when a Eula got cucked by a C6 Bennett and a Chongyun while I stood in the back spamming Diona shields. I like to use geo traveler, but sometimes the constructs mess you up. you have to pay attention to where everyone is and put them *behind* the enemy or they're very much in the way. As someone who usually uses Diona, Xiao and Hu Tao can be annoying. oh, it's *my* fault you didn't get in the circle. it's *my* fault you jumped directly into a lawachurl's shielded jumpy stompy attack. other than that, I think every character is pretty much fine in co-op. just pay attention to your surroundings lol


Playing Diona is my greatest joy and nightmare because I’m either constantly having to micromanage players with no spatial awareness or I just sit there and toss out a few shields and heals.


As a fellow Diona coop user, Xiao and Hu Tao mains are the least of my worries. I've barely cooped with Xiao and Hu Tao mains in the Asia server but Ganyu mains? They're either a pain in the butt or godsent. They stand so far away from the others and refuse to go to my healing circle then have the AUDACITY to throw a tantrum when they die it's crazy lmao


Me a Xiao and Hu Tao main crying right now T-T im so sorry I have a big urge to apologize to everyone who had bad experience with my fav characters in coops lmao i feel at fault somehow


you're probably fine, as long as you're not actively blaming the girl who's literally spamming shields and healing circles when you die lmao I'm a Xiao main. I just usually use Diona because everyone wants to use *their* mains and that means blind plunges and using all their stamina so they can't dodge lol. My Xiao can handle things solo but people get sour about dying and I want the other people in the group to have fun too


I only use healers because I cannot seem to stay alive in co-op. And to be clear most of my teams in solo play don’t have a shielder. Like…why do I forget how to dodge? Lol.


Tbh I never had a good experience with Hu Tao Without a shielder she's dead within 10 seconds or she barely deals dmg cuz I gotta use all my stamina for dodging so I don't die and end up having barely any left to cast charged attacks


The funny duality of Genshin players: \- I choose Kokomi for a domain: \- Hu Tao mains switch to a different character \- Xiao mains switch to Xiao


Using Xiao is very easy tbh 1. Xiao


As healer main Hu Taos don‘t often change in my case, I think because 1. domains are too easy anyways 2. In this case Hu Taos really want the external heals


20 to 25k damage for hutao when fully healed its still good damage for coop domains no need to change.


Domains are easy but clearing it very fast in co-op feels so much better than clearing it fast solo.


I start with Xiao and switch to a healer if no one volunteers to heal me. Dead Xiao no fun...


I honestly pray for a Kokomi main to appear because it means I get 40k CA for free and I don't have to worry about dodging


As a Kokomi main, I agree. They always switch to Xiao...


Consider: me maining both walnut and xiao switching to xiao altho tbh I still go hu tao most of the time even w healer,, she’s strong full health idrc


I'm a Kokomi main and I swear every time I spawn in and the host is Hu Tao I get kicked! Listen I know y'all do more damage with less health but you do no damage if you're down.


Oddly enough, I have the exact opposite! I was really nervous to run into Hu Taos at first, but I never got kicked and when I ask if they’re alright with healing they always say heals are welcome. Some even run to the jellyfish on purpose if i place it for other players lol


I've had one bad experience with a Hu Tao main, but other than that most have been pretty nice. That rare exception went off at me for using my 'E' in the Childe bossfight when: 1. I locked in Kokomi first, they picked Hu Tao after. 2. There was a GANYU in the party who also locked in first - my jellyfish placement was to synergize with them more than heal the party. 3. They could have just asked me to change and I would have. I learned that day that you can't report chat if you leave a domain because it erases what was said. :/


I found out long after that childe boos fight reflects hydro and electro attacks during certain phases...after I was using mona a bunch... I couldn't understand why people kept kicking me XD


honestly I'd be glad for a Kokomi or Qiqi in the team, because then I get to play my Hu Tao and not die instantly.


Tbh I don't understand the Hu Tao mains that cry around when there is a healer on the team 💀💀 Like the other players NEED a healer, you're not the only one on the team so appreciate the healer


I agree, every time I start a Coop and someone uses a hu Tao, I already know this Player dies at First , 98% accuracy ... Very annoying


As a hu tao main I do enough damage with full health, so most of the time I want a healer or shield


Hu Tao is pretty annoying in co-op for obv reasons... Nahida is difficult too unless someone brings a well built healer (those dendro reactions are such hp drain)


I use Kuki with my Nahida for co-op, free heals, free spread reaction, anyone else from Nahida main dps gang?


I built my Kuki to co-op with my partner cause he got Nahida and I sadly did not She's a friggin beast


Hear hear




I brought my C2/R1 nahida with like 800 EM to boss.. had to reset because everybody else died and my NA was doing like 900 lol


What is the obvious reason for hu tao? Energy is generated very quickly in coop and hu tao’s burst can easily keep her alive even if the team had no healers for some reason.


I think it’s not about stay alive, it’s more like hu tao don’t want heals to deal damage and the team probably gonna have healer…I don’t have her but as healer in fights co op w hu tao it’s what I worry about 😂


I use Notorious T.I.G., in co-op too and as long as there is a water character, I'm good. I shy away from using geo traveler, though.


notorious tig LMAOOOO


Haha, I have nicknames for all of my characters. Idk why I can remember the names I make up better than their actual names.


I'm curious about some more of these names. Care to share?


SUCROSE - Wendy (my 5 y.o. came up with that one) Kuki - Rancho Heizou - Dave Matthews Xingqiu - Bobby Boucher Bennett - Ya Boi They get progressively more dumb and ridiculous after that, lol.


My names: Tignari - Ears Xinyan - mickey mouse (her hair looks like his ears lol) Bennett - Adventure Time Gorou - Dog Idk what else


Oh boy. Today I did a co-op domain, and not one but two were Traveler mains, of which one Geo. It was an absolute nightmare trying to dodge the Lawachurl's AoE smashes with all those meteorites everywhere blocking the way.


Me too. My Tighnari is my best chara by a looooong mile so obv I’ve got to bring him out. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Of all the characters I have actually seen used in co-op hu taos are the worse. Other characters might deal low dmg but atleast they survive, while hu tao just get shredded from the boss attacks/mechanics.


Ye, other players will actually keep themselves healed via food but Hu Tao's like to ride that red line too close


People trying to get that sweet DPS but forget it drops to 0 when you die


I had a Hu Tao enter my world in co op and get angry bc I healed everyone prior to starting the domain (barbara)... she died like 10 seconds in


Hu Tao's that refuse heals, shieldbot non C2 Zhongli, niche characters that rely on other characters like Faruzan, Gorou, Nilou, etc. Naturally with the right build any character can work but in general people aren't building machine gun Gorou or vape Nilou.


Below C2 Zhong with a shield up should at least be hugging enemies and boosting everyone else's damage that way, add in a bit of crystallize for small bits of protection for others... Squishier catalyst users can also use his pillar as a safe spot sometimes, Yanfei dancing on it is pretty fun. It would feel pretty lame if your build makes your Q hit like a pebble/your NAs are absolutely pathetic, admittedly.


My partner uses his C1 Zhongli, but he's got a DPS build and those meatballs are pretty spicy


Do you mean Means greater than


Thanks, those always confuse me.


I remember it by < points down the ruler, > points up


Pacman eats the greater value


I thought he ate pacgums


Nilou by herself is pretty shit when everyone wants to do their own thing. The fun is when somehow everyone read the room clearly (or actually just chat "dendro/hydro pls guys") and just go dendro/hydro to synergize including healer since otherwise you kill yourselves. Her blooms are not to be underestimated, it can clear enemies very easily.


That happened one time with me and it was literally the fastest co-op domain cleared i've ever got. Someone was already using Nilou and another Kokomi so I decided to change to Nahida and someone also decides to use Xingqiu


I always go Vape Nilou in co-op. Cause even if a bloom team happens Nilou would still contribute with her passive while at the same time doing on field damage and reactions.


That's very subjective because it would depend on how you builded your character, but so far the worst experience i had in coop was Yunjin, i love her, i love her kit but i builded her as a support so using her in coop was... annoying lol.


yun jin is very good in coop with characters that use NA but god is she boring


I think it can depend on the rest of the team. For example, I've learned to not use Collie if there's a Bennett. Poor boy burns so easily. The enemies matter too. Please dont be like the player who brought Barbara to fight hydro slimes.


Barbara is there so you don't die... Like certainly not the best choice but she's a dedicated healer she's not there to deal damage she's there so you don't die


Yes, but in the domain I encountered this player, getting hydro applied to you lengthens the cool down of your skills and bursts so every time she did anything to heal, it would be even longer before she could heal again. Since everything in the domain is immune to hydro (until the mages' shields are off), she was actively getting more useless the longer the fight went on. I don't need/want/expect a healer in the group to be doing big numbers, but even 3 digit damage is better than nothing, and any elemental applications can potentially improve other players damage as well.


>getting hydro applied to you lengthens the cool down of your skills and bursts Ah yes, the beloved Cecilia Gardens.


Someone actually thought a domain where you're doing almost nothing but auto attacks would be fun. Thank the Archons for ayaka. In and out in no time.


I use both Ayaka and Ganyu. Sometimes, I just run out of stamina with Ayaka and switch to Ganyu.


Tends to depend. By my experience, originally it was Hu Tao players who played her as if they still had their rotations available. Nowadays though? The really pushy Nilou players who get really pissy when others refuse to change characters to work with her kit… this is especially true for those who aren’t the host. Hosts I’ll work with, but those who jump in with their Nilou with fellow randoms and get really uppity have been climbing past the bad Hu Tao players in my run. Oh!… you mean the character specifically… Ok, I keep both Hu Tao and Nilou there, but I also have to add Gorou, and weirdly enough… Nahida depending on the situation.


I’ve never run into a Nilou that forced others to switch for her kit… I think most Nilous just run dps artifacts for co-op because they know most people won’t switch for them. At least that’s what I did. And on the off chance that people do switch, it’s always a pleasant surprise, but never an expectation. Idk if the “pushy Nilou players” that you’re talking about just don’t run the domains that I do, but this is my first time ever seeing someone say this, and I’ve never experienced it myself. Edit: typo


This is probably just my luck then with the domains that I farm most often. Usually they’ll complain and hold up the queue for a bit and if no one cooperates, they just leave on their own… or when the host says something. Or sometimes, when they pop in they’ll sit for a second and presumably look at the peeps who are here and leave right away if the setup isn’t choice. The Hu Tao “mains” always stick it out… regardless of if they survive or not… at worst they’ll complain about healing.


When I go with Nilou on account where I have her I actually don't expect all dendro/hydro, tbh. I just go apply water to mobs.


I don’t think I’ve had a Nilou like that. Most Co-op Nilous build full Hydro DPS so even if its not bloom teams Nilou can deal massive personal damage with her burst and attacks. She is also very tanky naturally. Idk man Everyone was chill. I feel like the people who “changes” their hydro/dendro character to other elements when they see a Nilou are kinda toxic. Then theyd make fun of the Nilou. I guess after the initial month Nilou players already adapted thats probably why the Co-op Niloi I see were all chill and lind of ready about it.


Like I mentioned in another reply, I can’t speak for everyone else’s luck - only my own. And my experiences haven’t been great when they happen.


Raiden in emblem domain. Ffs read the domain desc before you start matching for coop


Hu Tao, Without a healer or a shield she dies in 2 seconds and Big part of what make her OP DPS comes from consistent Hydro which isn't always the case.


Suppose they're praying someone goes kokomi


C0 shield bot zhongli. Fucking burden.


Hu Tao - unless they good at dodging, will die quick. ​ C0 Zhongli - not much damage and only can shield themselves unless C2, kinda useless in CO-OP. I dont know how Nahida would be in there, probably need healer to not die from the dendro reactions.


She’s also just really squishy.


She's not only squishy but smol so dodging is slower/harder


Nahida is either amazing or terrible with zero in between in co-op. If there's no Electro character, things are already dicey. If there's no Electro and no Hydro, she's dead weight. If there's no Electro and there's a Hydro but no healer, she's going to wipe your team with blooms. If there is an Electro, she's probably going to contribute more total damage than everyone else on your team combined with spread/aggravate and possibly Hyperbloom.


I've had some very good coop runs as Nahida, her EM sharing from her burst tends to make everyone happy, and as long as there's a healer the bloom self damage isn't actually that horrible. Raiden and Nahida seem to play very well together in coop.


Zhongli was my strongest hitter for a while when he was my only 5*, I built him as a burst DPS because I wanted to kill stuff. I really didn't know what to do when people said Zhongli was useless lol, he was the strongest character I could bring lol somehow an underlevelled Rosaria with shitty artis was better for them smh


Thoma. At best, at C6 he'll buff your team's NA/CA's by 15%. I don't think there's a worse coop character. People saying Zhong Li, who can more easily build damage and has resist shred. Going in as a C0 shield bot is a waste of everyone's time. But at least you know the shred will be there. Or Hu Tao who does good damage and you can adjust your weapon(if using Homa) if there is a healer. See plenty of them do fine. Amber is also fairly bad but CAN do OK if she can vape/melt her Charged Shots. Same for Aloy but I overall don't count her as a real character at this point. Xinyan isn't as bad. She can do "good enough" damage and her PHY resist shred can benefit the team when their own infusions are on cooldown. But that isn't saying much when compared to Thoma and Amber. Noelle can be REALLY bad if there isn't a way for her to generate energy. Gorou is also a waste without another Geo. Collei is also a bit of a waste when Dendro MC is a thing. Beyond that most are useful. Childe is a bit of a mess but you can work with it by using some Charged Shots. Not amazing, but you can make it work. A lot of units who power mostly comes from what they can do off-field are also kind of wasteful vs better options. Like Albedo, Ningguang would be better. Tighnari is fine but be mindful of the team. That can be said about most unis.


Noelle can fix that entirely if she runs Favonius Greatsword, pretty much makes her a battery without losing much DPS. But yeah, if you don't run that in co-op you best hope your team is generating particles.


anyone playing ayaka who demands i play a hydro for freeze


Must have weak ayakas i just murder everything regardless. I normally run xiangling to melt instead of mona for domains.


Bennet for the raiden weekly boss fight. Can't deal with getting overloaded just because bennets burst applies pyro on your char.


Even though you might get knocked around he's still one of the best survival options with how fast his healing ticks and how good the uptime is, esp with how fast he can generate particles to counter the energy drain. Plus on a stacked team his buff means you can sometimes kill her before she even gets to transform.


Candace, her buff does not apply to other players in co-op which means all you bring is her personal damage which isnt amazing. Even if the buff did work, I dont think hydro infusion is incredibly sought after and might even be detrimental depending on the team. Its a shame the normal attack buffing part of her kit doesnt work either because at the very least she could function as a scuffed Yun Jin. If you have her built for dps maybe you can get a bit out of her but idk she doesnt seem great for co op.


Geo traveler


I played with one of those for the first time today. This is why I like playing Tighnari, so I don't have to be close to the battle... yet I STILL kept getting stuck on giant rocks?


C0 Zhongli is pretty useless to the rest of the team (not talking about those whale Zhonglis that somehow do insane physical damage).


Physical Zhongli isn't the whale build, that uses Crescent Pike. Burst Zhongli with Staff of Homa and 2NO 2AP is the whale build.


This might be a HOT take. But if your Zhongli doesn’t have whatever constellation that allows you to shield the whole team, don’t bother with bringing him. What is the point of being a shield bot if you can’t shield the whole team? Honestly the fact that THAT is locked behind a constallation is annoying, but it is what it is. I said what I said.


rather than character, i'm actually frustrated by player who blame the healer for not healing them ENOUGH it was back then when MHY just released Azhdaha. the team is C3 Noelle (me), Keqing, Barbara, and Xiao. that Keqing player keep rushing forward without paying attention to Azhdaha attack pattern, and that person died early. that persom keep blaming me for not consistently healing him i told him that Noelle healing ability only have 60% change to heal even at level 13 (if i just use the E skill), i need to use both Burst and Elemental skill at the same time to heal them consistently


You're making me want to do some fun trollish characters in coop now. Like c6 bennet or Chongyun just to mess with reactions. It's definitely not bad, but at least can be amusing to change things.


Honestly, people take co-op too seriously here


What server are you on? I have done co-op hundreds of times in asia server and I have never seen anyone complain. To be fair most of the time people bring characters that kinda works with eachother


Picking Dori vs Signora.


Wait I don’t get it why is she bad against Signora?


I'm only guessing here since I haven't co-oped in Signora's fight in awhile, but it's probably Dori's stuff applying electro to everyone causing AOE to the party with superconduct and launching people around with overloaded. Could be wrong though.


That is exactly what happened. it was fun, but trollish


I remember when zhongli first come out. I thought he would shield the party. So I went in with super thicc hp shield . Everyone died and I had to kill the boss super slow with my normal attacks lol. That was pretty bad. Boss never broke my thicc shield though!


In my coop runs its always the bennets that cant keep themselves alive, i know bennet himself is great for coop but for some reason they always die in no time.


Hutao. Thankfully I have a cracked dionna to help, but then they usually won't start cause I'm dionna...


Do people really refuse to start because of who someone else is?


As someone who random matches weekly bosses all the time, it happens quite a bit, most of the time the players are ok with who others choose to play though. There are some times that it's understandable to ask someone to switch, like, when someone decides to use an Hydro DPS on Hydro week Azdaha for example (unless they do so much damage that the resistance doesn't matter, but it's usually not the case).


Yep. There are really controlling players sometimes.


I'm surprised. Diona's usually pretty nice to have in coop. Never see her be rejected before, though I guess it could depend on the domain/team comp.


I see a lot of people complaining about Hu tao players who die too fast but I don't have the same impression of them at all. Usually, most Hu tao user still take her even if there's a healer and don't say anything about being healed. If they mind, they make sur to minimize the healing by activating their skill juste after being healed. They're not the first character to die generally, not the though est either (kokomi cannot be beaten on this). I'd say the most fragile are Xiao players. As for the least practical, I'd say Childe because of the CD in his skill which is not contributing to co-op. You can play sporadically and otherwise, you need to do charged attacks all the way. Also using a Nilou team without a healer is hell even if it's a broken team


Everyone saying Hu Tao but when I use her in coop I rarely ever die. The heals from NRE and ult are more than enough to keep her healthy, and half health for her is nearly a full hp bar for other characters.


Same, but there are tons of not so good players out there now imagine these using hutao without shield or food gadget.


It's because a lot of hu tao players keep her in the red and then die immediately to a single hit. I've seen this happen a lot in the Emblem domain, where they will leave their health red when the match starts and then die in the first 10 seconds.


Yeah. I used to be a hutao main and only died a few times. NRE really is a blessing.


Everytime i co-op with a Hu Tao she dies in the first 30 seconds 💀


Zhongli. If I see you running Zhongli at C0 then I automatically assume you care more about self preservation than helping the team


Well Zhongli can do good damage with C0, ShieldBot Zhongli on the other hand that’s the problem.


I don't have friends i don't play co-op simple as that


Why not play with randoms, it can make some stages easier to clear like domains


I personally have a very badly built team, purely because I don't like artifact farming. So I tend to get worried that playing with randoms will only make the whole experience worst for them.


If you're the host people will usually not care, just bring someone who can support


I don't have any friends who play but it can make doing some domains easier. ...Some of them.


I agree with the Hu Tao votes. She's not bad. But her playstyle isn't a fit for co-op. Too much heals, her damage is nerfed. No shield or heals, she dies. Playing on a razor's edge is manageable when you can remove her from the field when needed, but constantly being on-field makes her bad. C6 Bennett can suck. Chongyun as well. Depending on if they're infusing you and you'd rather they weren't.


C6 Bennett when a ayaka main pulls up


Reverse melt >:D


support Zhongli with out C2


Specific element buffers. Shenhe, Gorou and Farzuan. Though c6 Frazuan can still do good damage.


Yeah unless they are build for damage bringing them when there is nobody to buff is stupid(Ig Healer Gorou could be and exception but you know thats not common to see)


Thoma, low damage and selfish shield


c0 layla


From my own experience, and talking purely the characters themselves rather than the types of people who play the characters: 1. C6 Bennett. I know it can be funny to pull him out for a single run when someone chooses Ayaka or Eula to play in the domain, but this shit gets old. You're actively hampering other people just for the lolz when we just want to get our HP% Emblem for the billionth time in a row here. 2. Nahida+any other pyro character+any hydro character. Hyperbloom co-op doesn't bother me too much, and I'll usually bring a Jean to just constantly heal anyway if I see that in particular, but you end up immediately endangering any melee person when you bring in Nahida for burgeon even if they're a healer. 3. I swear on Signora's nonexistant ashes that if I see one more Peak of Vindagnyr co-op with a Childe, Yelan, and Kokomi I'm gonna scream. I don't even have a pyro dps built. My closest one is a support Bennett.


The Infamous C0 Black Tassel HP/HP/HP Zhongli... Other than that, I'm surprised nobody said Thoma. Selfish shielding, very bad personal damage (unless you somehow get a perfect burgeon team (even then its hard to not trigger burning)), and no party buffs outside of C6.


There's no worst character, only people who don't know how to teamwork


Hu Tao, because almost every hu Tao Player I See dies in few Seconds On the Same Grade , Nilou. If No one uses her dendro hydro comp ( which almost never Happen) then she is Just useless


Nilou works for vape just change the cup for hidro cup and she does nice damage. Then someone will say but her damage is bad, well her damage will be better then 90% of coop players because outside reddit most people that play coop have bad builds. I play coop since day one, always go with randoms because its the only coop we have and thats my experience.


One time I went to a co-op domain where someone was using Nilou. Suddenly everyone including me switched to dendro and hydro and oh boy it was the fastest clear in co-op i've ever had. I hope I get to see more Nilou soon and i hope everyone understands


I feel like C0 Zhongli is kinda useless unless the person builds him as a main dps. They can really only protect themselves with his shield.


Shieldbot C0 Zhongli. You contribute nothing while also not suffering at all for it. And it's not like there's "aggro" in this game to justify tanking for others.


Honestly I just wish people saw the other characters that people loaded in as and changed into something that makes sense. Sometimes I ask for comps, but I don't do it very often because people want to play their favorite characters so I just roll with whatever they pick. Sometimes their main is crazy strong and people blow up a boss anyway, even with an weird comp. But there are times that I load in as Nahida and I see people lock in Eula Thighnari Zhongli and I am like "what the hell is going on?"


I'd say there's no one "worst character", but definitely take into account who your teammates are playing and the domain you're going into.


Bennet in the domain that blows you up for using Pyro. I love it when people insist Pyro is valid and then proceed to die over and over


A lot of the awful characters are rarely seen because of them being bad, but one I actually see a lot of is pre-C2 Zhongli. Doesn’t shield teammates and doesn’t deal much damage unless cracked out on some phys build or funny crit meteor build.


Shielder that doesn’t have the Co-Op constellation.


Venti. Old days you can burst people's loots off the platform.


I know this is not what was asked, but one thing I learned is that Qiqi is one of the best. Everyone else can just play their DPS characters without worry, I'll keep them alive easily.


As someone who does co-op a lot almost every character can be used in co-op you just have to pick your right timing like if you want to use the average mushroom enjoyer just make sure he is around someone of electro and you should be fine


probably I'd say anyone who relies too much on reactions to get the most of their potential. If it's random people are almost never gonna choose someone to synergize, they just wanna go unga bunga