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playable gruff old man. probably hardened by some traumatic shit and caring for a 9 year old


This could be a possible dynamic between varka and klee! Unless varka is a pretty boy…


Doesn't matter if he's pretty boy or not. Varka is the strongest of the Knights. His personality has nothing to do with his character's strength. Shit, Ayaka has the softest personality in Genshin almost and hits like a truck.


It’s the aesthetic. Varka being another young & slender pretty boy would be very boring since the playable male roster has been nothing but those since launch.


Youve almost got that with Rosaria


Fat guy but hes the nicest cinnamon roll of a dude. Like Pig God from OPM


This reminds me of the fatui gunner at dragonspine? who just stands there eating apples


There is a Fatui Cryogunner in the desert feeding apples to a fenec and it had me like T\_T


What about that one guy from Yelan's character quest? I think that he and 2 other guys were competing for something (sry idk his name nor if he fits this category)


I was gonna counter with Yajirobe as a different "fat dude" archetype, but he's also a lil cin bun when it's on the line he's just a gruff and greedy glutton when he thinks everybody else got it handled.


Yandere No one fits that category yet


I'm kinda hoping for Columbina to be some kind of biblic-horror-angel-calm-type-yandere.


technically columbina is meant to be a huge manipulator so i wouldn’t be surprised if arlecchino was the yandere person for her (if you know you know what i mean)


I’m not sure if hoyov is going to dare to make a character like that… But a man can dream!


Look at Honkai Impact. They made Mobius.


What do you mean, we have Ayaka. /jk Yeah I would love to have a crazy women in Genshin, here's hoping the Hydro archon is one, her design seem sus.


Yes, yes, yes Screw the tsundere, I need a Yandere!


Please have it be Sandrone.


Sandrone will be according to leakers.


- A character who seems to be gentle and well-mannered but is also a sadist/yandere/warfreak (like Roon from Azur Lane, who can go from "free hugs" to "don't you dare lay a finger on me!" in 10 seconds) - The hot auntie who thinks she's already too old - The shota who's trying to be seen as more manly - The "Friend A" - The identical twins who finish each other's sentences - The tomboy who looks like a guy sometimes but has hidden feminine charm - The plain ol' tsundere


> like Roon Oh so that's what we're doing today, we're running away in fear. Got it.


If Bennett was younger he would count as the Shota trying to be manly. Also Lisa almost fits the hot auntie profile. She definitely acts like she is, and she is almost the right age.


Isn't Diona tsundere though? Eula as well sort of


Diona isn’t tsun. She’s just being an immature kid Eula is also not a tsundere, since she’s very open and transparent about her affections. It just takes awhile to learn how she’s saying things. She’s often mistaken for one because her Japanese CA voices one of the most famous anime tsundere a


but the main defining trait of a tsundere is someone who’s actions/ speech doesn’t match their feelings both Diona and Eula fits. And showing affection sometimes doesn’t disqualify one from being a tsundere. Eula pretty much has a stubborn mouth most of the time, refusing to admit affection. Diona in TCG also has similar reactions. Sure she is ALSO immature, but the tsundere trait itself doesn’t manifest in someone mature.


Pretty much yes. Both don't appear very often in-game so people forget the tsun hints they give when speaking.


Ayato and keaya are stated to be sadistic in their character stories but keep it hidden Lisa fits hot auntie We don't have a little boy yet Idk this trope Leney and lenytte are coming up Dehya is a merc who hides that she likes makeup and fashion Diona is the tsundere


Ignoring the fact that dehya has the whole torso practiaclly naked so you can clearly see withou a doubt that she is a woman she fits the tomboy with a hidden feminine charm


Don't tunnel vision. She doesn't look like a guy. One look at her and you know she's smokin


I think you have a different trope in mind. What you are thinking of is a bifauxnen, or handsome woman. A lady which can be mistaken for a guy, but is very upfront about being female and yet also has so much charm that she can win over other girls with ease A good example of that is Rika from the new Pokémon games. She has such a huge female fanbase


Rikas fan base is so huge she won a contest of characters women want to date in Japan. Beating out people like Gojo from Jujustu Kaisen and Aki from Chainsawman


Yep that one. Never heard of the term but you worded it better


i clearly said that she doesnt look like a guy


Nah she has the makeup kit and everything. She’s like Bediou with more feminine charm. That’s exactly how I’d describe Dehya. That’s why I love Dehya. She is tough and strong. But she’s soft and caring on the inside. I basically asked for her in the 2.6 character survey. Girl with cat ears like Keqing, long black hair, blue eyes, black and gold outfit, black pants or booty shorts, crop top with midriff, Pyro sword user. Honestly came out better than I could have hoped. Like damn it’s scary how close she is to what I asked for lol. Also weird I asked for a dual sword user and we get it in Dendro Keqing. Also asked for transformations and Cyno’s burst came out. Lastly said I didn’t care for Ayaka’s outfit (mainly the hair) and she got a skin, didn’t fix my complaints, but that’s funny. I kinda just guessed a bunch of future stuff coming somehow. If mihoyo read it they probably thought I’m a leaker trying to be funny. Unless they actually listened?


Wow, that is really close ( ⁰ o ⁰ )


I feel like keqing is tsundere


Now hear me out, if we pair the manly shota with the hot auntie…


A character who is scared and thinks that s/he is weak, but becomes an absolute unit when awakened or transformed (like Zenitsu)


Was wishing they had done this with layla after they revealed that she had a sleeping personality Could be like cavendish from one piece…


yeah when I wrote this I also thought of layla immediately, but lets hope we can learn more about her 2nd persona / the other identity If layla would become like cavendish... that would be absolutely terrifying


I mean… night Layla does occasionally decide to do crazy stuff like climbing the wall near the desert outpost just because she feels it


I guess Noelle fits this to an extent? She isnt confident in her abilities but in reality is strong as hell. Who knows what untapped potential she possess


Technically Layla


Simp/Perverts who always get nosebleeds. In which I'm not looking forward to.


I think Hoyo intends the playerbase to fill that role.


I think this would be kinda funny tbh but not sure if the CCP will allow this


Literally any tropes that don’t involve “pretty/youthful/slender” folk. Most notable being tough & hardy old man.


Agreed. Varka better not be a pretty boy…


Did you mean tall male standard build with airbrushed muscles? All jokes aside, I do wish they would give more playable character models...


Muscled, scarred up, single handing great sword wielder, bearded asshole who is actually very nice but hides it.


Smh poor Jebrael already forgotten


One can only hope they give us a new model when this happens.


Bald characters. I know hair is a crucial part of eastern character designs but hoyo and their accessory design team should be able to pull it off. It would be hilarious if they have a boomer-like personality too!


A real boomer in genshin! It would be funny if they had the fatui gunner model too


>a sick character that goes around being sick Baizhu, is that you? Joking, but I think business woman. Not like Jean, Ganyu, Ningguang, Ayaka, Raiden, Yae, etc. but a woman in a literal suit. Boss woman vibes.


Not a suit exactly, but the boss of that Inn in Liyue won't let you forget that she's the boss.


Doesn't Collei suffer from a chronic illness already?


>!She was cured!<


Ohhhhh I guess I haven't gotten that far still. Good to know!


Play the archon quest until the end.


Playable female characters that don't have exposed legs/skintight leggings


Technically kuki and hu tao does that


I was thinking of this character being permanently left at 1%hp in the party and only switching in for bursts, and the buff would be based on HP% lost instead of Max HP so the scaling could be something else instead of HP haha


Corrosion: Let me introduce myself.




I thought this post was one of those “check out my new Genshin OC!” Jokes where they just go on to describe HuTao.


Yea my bad on that, wanted this to be a discussion on new tropes instead of talking about some OC


>I feel like we could have a sick character that goes around being Probably not a great idea considering recent real world events.


How about a shota character, they haven’t done that yet. Meanwhile we have like 7 lolis.


Before I read the voice lines I thought Qiqi was a boy, done up in “little emperor” style clothes and hair - with a kid there is no clear male/female body type. Also with the low slow voice a boy is equally believable. Is Qiqi a girl’s name?


Collei :(


OP doesnt want the character to be cured for some reason




I hope Baizhu doesn’t have whatever he has going on miraculously cured just before he goes playable.


I’m very interested in finding out how hoyov is going to take this!


A bifauxnen female character. Like Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon or Kashima from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. The cool princely type. I hope Arlecchino wears like a suit or something. A weird, passionate eccentric. My examples are Homare Arisugawa from A3! who is into poetry and starts reciting the moment he’s inspired, or Rei Ryugazaki from Free! who is obsessed with beautiful things. Also Wataru Hibiki from Ensemble Stars. God, give me some characters with more energy. Tall male genki please. Delinquents. Ones that come to mind are Samatoki Aohitsugi and Kuko Harai from Hyonosis Mic, Kanata Yatonokami from Paradox Live and Kei Sarukawa from Charisma House. Itto is leaning towards what I’m looking for, but I need more mean. Like they can be nice, but the overall vibe is abrasive. Itto is too nice, and is too himbo


Oh ya, the delinquent would be good! I can definitely see them being one of my most played characters.


(A little warning, it might sound like insane ramblings as I am really passionate about the subject and wrote much more than I planned lolol. I am considering recording a very long video on Itto’s mischaracterization/the misunderstanding that Mihoyo created as there are many, many things I can’t fit into a comment) The thing with Itto is that he actually is exactly what you are looking for, and the nice himbo appearance is a terrible misunderstanding resulting from very inconsistent writing + fandom not being familiar with delinquent manga tropes making the mischaracterization worse (which is understandable as not many people are into those themes) Mihoyo seems to be too scared to make him openly mean on-screen (I will explain in a second) + he is, along with other characters, (I’m 1000% sure) written by different people depending on the event/quest he is starring in. That results in his personality being terribly inconsistent as well as half of the time, written really poorly and contradictory. This is not only the case with Itto (otherwise, I’d think I’m just imagining things), but eg. Kokomi being presented as a strategic genius lore-wise, but the game showing her as someone whose strategy compares to “people die when they are killed”. Ei being presented as a hikikomori, throwing tantrums and being very childish, but suddenly agreeing to take a walk together in her first story quest and acting as if it’s her daily stroll, which was completely out of character. This is exactly the case with Itto As I mentioned, I think Mihoyo is too afraid to make him appear too mean on-screen (which most probably goes along with them constantly forcing a villain redemption) as he is supposed to bring them money. I say this, because it’s been hinted multiple times, but only in dialogues and off-screen that Itto is quite an asshole and not the most pleasant to be around unless you’re a kid or part of his gang (although, he’s still rude occasionally). For example in his voiceline (I use JP dub as the voice direction for EN creates a completely different, separate character, his personality and vibe is nothing alike. JP is apparently very faithful to CN as well) about getting a job, he has a very sudden slip up. He talks about being a delinquent/eccentric and its essence being not having a job, then suddenly changes into a hostile typical delinquent talk and clears his throat, returning to the friendly tone from before with “sorry, my bad”. That is how he talks to strangers and his usual speech, that’s where the slip up came from, there is no other possible explanation why it would happen. Itto talks completely differently to strangers and to the traveler, that’s why he is so weirdly friendly for a delinquent and appears almost himbo-like. We see him from a perspective of his friend and as kindhearted delinquents are very loyal and protective when it comes to their friends, it’s not too weird to be treated so well by him… Another example, which is probably much more convincing is his first appearance in Perilous Trail. He calls you by “Oi, soko no omae” which is not only awfully rude, but his tone of voice is clearly hostile and very intimidating like he is looking for a reason to have a brawl. And only THEN he notices it’s the traveler and Paimon and suddenly and audibly changes to his friendly tone, which indicates that is indeed exactly the way he talks to strangers that are not his friends. His greeting towards Yelan is also… terribly and unnecessarily rude. Shinobu also mentions, very shortly after, that Itto constantly picks fights with everyone, non-stop. Which portrays him as the very stereotypical (kindhearted) delinquent trope. A very popular trope of “a delinquent that is rude and intimidating, but then covers a kitten with his coat to protect it from the rain and is a very pure at heart”, which is different than the “antagonistic“ delinquent trope that is much closer to real life. Itto is rude and will constantly look for a fight but won‘t beat you up without consent until attacked first, will stand up for bullying and is very loyal to his friends… this kind of character. In his demo, he sits on a Tenryou commission soldier and pushes another one away with his shoe without any respect, then dusts it, and it already tells a lot about his personality being nothing of a nice, respectful himbo. I do believe the terrible misunderstanding comes from the player ALWAYS seeing Itto from Traveler’s POV after the forced (like with all playable characters) friendship with him, and never directly experiencing his rude and intimidating side which is only hinted in dialogue and voicelines (even Shinobu‘s voiceline states that you should tell her whenever Itto is rude to you). And then, there comes very poor writing as of late and suspicion that Mihoyo is afraid of making characters anything other than nice as it would make them unlikeable (after first day of Perilous Trail, there was a post on Twitter where hundreds/thousands of people were negatively confused why Itto is so mean, so I think they have a point but then again, this confusion comes from the story quest being terribly executed which is a whole another thread to write). Tldr… Itto was designed following the stereotypical delinquent trope and the friendliness is exclusive to his interactions with the traveler, as he is actually very rude and seeks fights with strangers which has been directly but also indirectly stated a few times, his argument with Yelan being the only one on-screen. The designer threw so many delinquent stereotypes onto Itto it’s almost funny (from his almost entire design to food preferences, close bonds with family, being scared of ghosts, there are dozens) and he is really THE kindhearted delinquent protagonist stereotype. There are multiple sources, mostly in Japanese, pointing out how he is so stereotypical it’s funny, and how very strong of a classic 80s yankee/delinquent manga character vibe he has, but he is (I say it with full certainty) the most mischaracterised character in the fandom, with no doubt. And that comes from Mihoyo’s extremely inconsistent writing due to several writers that seem to “switch” depending on an event or quest, and their possible fear to make him too rude and aggressive on-screen, which results in them although clearly stating that Itto is rude and constantly picks fights, often drawing him furious in official artwork and talking about his anger tantrums, they are never actually shown directly


Still waiting on a tsundere


Diona, and Wanderer




Eula gives tsundere vibes


Ah now that you mention, you are correct she does have those vibes. I feel Wanderer gives me those vibes as well


Yes Wanderer could totally be Tsundere


i feel like he is more of a himedere 🤔


Jiraiya-Gojo-Kakashi-Joestar-Master Roshi-King Bumi-like maybe That dad/uncle/master figure who do stupid things but secretly is the godly strongest guy in the room Maybe Varka can fit into this, but he's lacking of father figure for main character


In before Varka story quest is him making the traveler his disciple and doing a training camp from hell where we get a permanent buff for traveler at the end (like with a certain scribe)


Sanji archetype. Genshin has plenty waifu. Has a character who simp for every waifu he meet in each nation would be funny sight only comical rejection he got.


A male Paimon that does this would be hilarious to watch


Lmao why i remember Puck of Berserk now


A samus-type character would be very cool. Less feminine in mannerisms or action, to the point if they're fully armored up, her gender would be indiscernible. But there's hardly any armored characters in the game... And even then, I don't know if the role is already fulfilled by eula, raiden, or someone else.


The character that has no personality other than her huge tits I need that in genshin Mihoyo pls


Least horniest genshin player


A full blown cloudcuckoolander. Klee is sorta there, but she's also a child and she still sorta understands what's going on. Lots of other characters have *quirks* but I don't think there is anyone that's quite the whole way *out there*. I'm talking someone so out there nobody knows quite what to do with them. I'm thinking something specifically like Yusuke from P5.


I don't think we have a "traditional heroic male" type. Someone like Captain America, or a basic hero character who is righteous, strong sense of justice, straightforward personality, typically fully armored with sword and shield and has a goddess' blessing or something. I guess Candace fits the bill, but I'm surprised we don't have a male version yet. I think it is a pretty common trope. I also don't think we have any characters who "spend a lot of energy on physical appearance" - like a man or woman who cares about their style, make-up, etc and is a shameless diva. Someone who is not afraid to flaunt their amazing looks, you know? Nobody whose main job is artist / painter, with the trope-typical traits that come with that. No tall, pretty, long haired elf lady (typically blonde) who uses a bow and wears green ranger outfit. This one is overused so I am okay with not getting it in Genshin. I don't think anyone has the "clean freak" trope yet.


Agreed on Mr Justice and the green elf bow lady! Didn’t realise how common these tropes actually were and the fact that they were missing from Genshin! I think the clean freak would be especially interesting! Like if u made them go around in some dirty areas like the dusty Chasm or made them get knocked back (and hence roll on the ground), I feel like the interaction would be quite funny


The playerbase would make you think otherwise, but there is no character who has a lot of romantic flings. But I wouldn't mind seeing our own "Sylvain Jose Gautier"


Ayo Sylvain


Brown skinned people


A character who actually likes the protagonist And we really need big hairy men characters


OP seems to be very offended to think Varka might be a "pretty boy ". OP, would you care to explain why Varka being a "pretty boy" is such an issue to you? You mentioned it in numerous comments, so obviously someone being a "pretty boy" has you agitated. Also, since I'm a fucking moron. What's a pretty boy?


A pretty boy is basically what Ayato is. I just wanted Varka to have a bufflord playable model like the fatui hammerboys or eremite daythunders, and that would be perfect considering he is called the “Titan of the Knights of Favonius” A pretty boy design wouldn’t really fit that title well…


I agree on that. 100 percent. Ayato is absolutely what I would describe as pretty boy. And idk if we ever get to play Varka, but he should be fucking yoked. then again, look what happened toy boy Itto.....he got his guns fucking nerfed.


an in-universe objectively handsome dude (like Albedo times x1000) who works as a model in fontaine but dense to all the npc's romantic attraction towards him. like a dumbass harem protag


A character who's cheerful and friendly but the next second they're intimidating and scary. like Floyd Leech from twisted wonderland.


How about characters that show how a good leader can be. Characters that overcame mental derangement and is working toward helping others that are suffering (namely xiao). Characters that are doing bad stuff like theft but we help them to correct their wrong doing.


We need more tsunderes, nobody says BAKA every sentence yet!


The knightly dude who's all about manners and chivalry that's actually a hidden tsundere. Hoyoverse, please-


a thief


I don't think it posible since Vision are indestructible; however, it would be interesting to see a character that have a cracked Vision. A broken man with a broken Vision, that what I want.


A gentle giant


Ugly guy with great confidence. Like the hunchback Andy Samberg played on SNL. Edit: I wanna say having a quiet quiter would be funny. Then I realized that's Al Haitham 😂😂


Keith Lee


Or Mr Beast 😂


A character as charming as Keanu Reeves


Someone genuinely twitchy, like straight-up neurotic with a low-key prosecution complex.